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The Patch Still did not fix this.......................


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Unit bases that dissappear on roads and upper flrs of light buildings.

In CMBB it was just roads, CMAK , roads and upper flrs of light bldgs

In CMBO these things did not occur at all.Bases did and do not dissapear.

Now I have purchased all your games and bought all your books.I would appreciate if someone of authority would address this issue.Every time I have brought this to the table it is ignored.

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Yes, it has been mentioned in the official "patch" thread. I too was disappointed though. I personally would much prefer to have this fixed rather than such and such having the right camo scheme, but then again I'm not "grog" about those things. But, in defense of BFC, fixing that was probably a major code rewrite or perhaps an elusive bug that was proving to take too much time to correct with the pressure of every day messages going up asking when the patch was going to be released.

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I agree that it would have been great to have this bug eliminated. I also agree that BFC tried, but it was difficult to find or repair. Having a bunch of things made more historically accurate is all well-and-good, and I'm not into grogism either, but after seeing what the patch entailed, I would have preferred to wait longer to have this bug fixed.

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It's over. They ain't gonna fix nuffink else!

So roll up, roll up, futile complainers, and have your futile spray!

I for one want Charles's brain tank fluid drained then refilled with aardvark snot, simply because he didn't fix the Allied artillery problem.

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It was brought up in the patch Beta and was wrestled with, but the game's way of layering terrain (road texture over grass texture, etc.) made finding a solution that didn't cause other problems impossible. I recall way back during the CMBB Beta with each patch test the bases would be raised-then-lowered-then-raised in a frustrating attempt to fix one problem while avoiding another.

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Since you're going to have to issue a V 1.03 patch anyway, to fix the PBEM glitch, could BFC also please fix the a) Allied artillery problem, B) provide CW troops with their historical antitank capabilities (rifle grenades, sticky bombs, etc.), and if not already fixed, give us back the Flammpanzer III (the subject of several detailed posts confirming its use in the CMAK theater of operations)?


John Kettler

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Originally posted by John Kettler:


Since you're going to have to issue a V 1.03 patch anyway, to fix the PBEM glitch, could BFC also please fix the a) Allied artillery problem, B) provide CW troops with their historical antitank capabilities (rifle grenades, sticky bombs, etc.), and if not already fixed, give us back the Flammpanzer III (the subject of several detailed posts confirming its use in the CMAK theater of operations)?


John Kettler

Flammpanzer is already back in John, check the readme. Complaining about stuff that is already fixed is a bit counterproductive. I ought to know, I edited my initial reaction to the patch 3 times as I realized that certain fixes had been made.

I second all the other suggestions you make, however.

I'd also like to register my horror that no one on the so-called "beta team" bothered to PBEM with the new patch. How the hell do you test something without even playing the game? We waited how many months, and they didn't even bother to try out a single PBEM? Just how did they test anything - do they assemble all the "beta team" in the same room? I tend to doubt it.

Seems like something has gone horribly wrong, somewhere.

If BFC needs new beta testers there are a few "regulars" here that have offered time and again to help. I'll repeat my own offer here without speaking for anyone else, but I am sure there are many who feel the same way.

I don't think there is any excuse for this.

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Originally posted by Michael Dorosh:

I'd also like to register my horror that no one on the so-called "beta team" bothered to PBEM with the new patch.

Maybe the bug slipped into the PBEM sequence at a relatively late stage? If there were meant to be no changes in PBEM code, then nobody thought of specifically testing the, say, 1.02.7625B when it did work in the patch 1.02.7490B.
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The 1.03 patch went thru several different builds, and like Sergie said the bug could have slipped in at the last minute.

Speaking only for myself, I did not test the pbem or TCP sequence, but instead concentrated on TO&E issues, as well as running tests to check out what others have reported here in the CMAK boards.

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As the Beta Test Lead, if you want to point the blame at someone, it is with me, and NOT my testers. Obviously, I was extremely upset that the PBEM bug got introduced, but to the testers defense, Charles has acknowledged that it occured very late in the test cycle and due to some other internal changes he was making to properly support all the various versions of CMAK that now exist.

As soon as I got word of a potential issue with 1.02 (less than 24 hours after its release) I strove to minimize the exposure of the patch and worked with Charles to identify and fix the reported bug. We have now done so and as soon as we run some more tests we will announce and release the new 1.03 patch.

I am sincerely sorry for anyone that downloaded the 1.02 patch and might have lost a in-progress PBEM game.

However, let me stress that I will not allow people to chastise my core of testers. They give of their time and resources freely and wish only to improve the games that they are assigned to. It isn't fun (I see to that!), its hard work and I am very proud of my team.

A cursory glance at the past will show clearly how dedicated we are to fix problems that crop up like this and we are going to do the same this time.

So, for now, sit back, let us get this all fixed and for the moment SHUT YOUR PIE HOLES!

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