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1.1 Beta won't start on Mac G3

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I've already reported this to Matt via e-mail, but I thought I'd post to see if anyone had a similar situation (and more importantly, a solution).

CM (1.05 and all the previous versions) have been running beautifully on my machine since the beta demo days. I downloaded the 1.1 beta, installed it, and it won't even start up. I double click the executable, the screen blacks out, like the game is starting, but then just dumps back to the desktop and the app quits.

CM 1.05 is in the same folder, and still runs fine. I don't have any mods installed, so it shouldn't be that. I thought maybe it was an extension conflict, but I couldn't figure out what extensions CM required, because neither 1.05 or the beta work when I start with extensions off.

Could this be some kind of Quicktime problem? With the game trying to run the intro movie and failing? Anyone have any other ideas I might be able to try? I'd love to give TCP/IP a shot.... Thanks for any help!


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Sorry, no G3 here.

If you suspect a QuickTime problem, have you tried to load up CM with the Shift key pressed (to prevent the movie from playing) ? Are you using the latest OpenGL (1.2.1) ? If so, you may want to go back to the previous version you had installed to see if this performs any differently. Are you running 9.0.4 or OS X ? Do you have any additional networking software from your ISP or are you just using the extensions and control panels that came with 9.0.4 (assuming that you're using that OS) ?

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I'd forgot about the shift-key startup thing, I'll give that a shot. Actually, I only came up with the quicktime thing as I was typing my other post. Though, I can't fathom a reason why it would work fine with 1.05 but not with 1.1

I haven't installed any OpenGL versions (I have a Rev. A Beige G3 with a ATI RAGE II+ chip built-in, so OpenGL isn't really an option). I'm just using whichever video drivers came with OS 9.0.4.

I'm just using the standard TCP/IP PPP (or Remote Access or whatever they renamed it in OS 9 )connection for my dialup.

The error log always shows the same error, but I don't remember what it is off the top of my head, I'll check on that too.


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Guest Madmatt

Make sure that you also dragged the OpenPlay Modules folder along with the new files into your existing CM folder. That seems to be causing people problems.


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Hrm, no go on the shift-key startup. It does the same thing. I've got the openplay modules folder in the main CM folder, so I think that should be ok. Dunno, this one has me kind of stumped, especially since all of the versions 1.05 and earlier worked (and still work) so well on the exact same setup...


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Ben Galanti:

Hrm, no go on the shift-key startup. It does the same thing. I've got the openplay modules folder in the main CM folder, so I think that should be ok. Dunno, this one has me kind of stumped, especially since all of the versions 1.05 and earlier worked (and still work) so well on the exact same setup...


THose of dont go in the CMBO file man they go in the etenctions folder!

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Err, I'm pretty sure they go in the CM folder (actually, if memory serves me correctly, it doesn't matter. The application will first look in its own directory, and if it doesn't find them, only then will it look in the extensions folder) The CM 1.1 beta Read Me also states that it should go in the CM folder. I appreciate you trying to help, though!

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Ben, what are the specifics of your error log ? This may point out the part of CM that's crashing. I'd suggest "moving" the prefs file to another folder and see if CM generates another one.

You may want to disable just a few extensions instead of all of them. You'll need the following extensions as a minimum: your CDROM driver, QuickDraw/RAVE, ATI-related, OpenGL (which you may have - I guess ATI calls it depending on the drivers, even if it isn't an OpenGL app), networking-related extensions and GameSprockets. There may be others, but you'll probably want at least the above enabled.

Anyway... those are my next guesses.

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Well, ther last line in the error log.txt is "ERROR: GKernel.cpp line 740" which isn't terribly helpful wink.gif

That line comes just after the listing of available resolutions in the error log.

I tried a minimal extension set and the 'MacOS 9 Base' set, same results.

As I said, I have already passed this on to Matt, it very well may be a *gasp* bug in the beta. I was just hoping there might be something silly I was over looking. Especially with 1.05 running flawlessly.

Thanks for your help though! I'm still open to suggestions.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest Madmatt

Ben if you are on OS 9.0.4 and have a G3 and an ATI card then GRAB THOSE NEW DRIVERS! I know they are OpenGL but they fix a bug that is in the Apple drives for that card. We can't figure it out either as CM is a RAVE game but many people that have had similar issues had them completely fixed by grabbing the newer OpenGL drivers.

Follow this link to locate them:



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Well, I've had some success. I'm going to try those new drivers after I get a chance to download them, but I can't see how'd they would help since I'm running in software mode...

Now, the whole software mode thing got me thinking, according to Schrullenhaft in another thread, software mode only works in 640x480. Now, I argued with him since I had been playing in higher resolutions from the beta demos in software. So, today, I tried firing up the beta after setting my desktop to 640x480, and it worked! It looks ugly as hell on a 17" monitor, but it works wink.gif

I suspect the reason CM is spitting up though is due to my hardware setup. The beige G3 has t he old apple monitor ports, before they switched to standard VGA plugs. I have a standard VGA monitor, but it requires an adaptor to fit the Beige G3. This adaptor has DIP switches on it to set the resolution. So, while the monitor is capable of a bunch of resolutions, the Mac thinks it's a fixed rate monitor. So, if I set the DIP switches to 640x480, the Mac thinks it's a 640x480 monitor, switches to that resolution, and CM runs fine. When I have the DIP switches set to 1024x768 however, I think CM tries to switch to 640x480 to run software mode, thinks that the monitor can't handle it, then drops back to the desktop. The last line in the error log is a list of the available resolutions (which is just a single reosultion), which also supports this theory. Now, when I switch the DIP switches after the machine is booted, the Mac thinks it has both resolutions, so it will swithc back and forth until the next reboot.

So, my question is, why'd you remove the ability to play CM in software in resolutions over 640x480? I'd love to have this capability back (it works fine in 1.05).

Actually, I just tested it, and now 1.05 also only starts up in 640x480 (even after trashing the preferences). I suspect if I reboot such that 1024x768 is the only option 1.05 will start in 1024x768 and 1.1b won't start...

Any chance of getting this fixed? I know the easiest solution is for me just to get a real video card so I don't have to use the stupid adaptor, but what was the reaoning behind restricting software mode?


Ok, quick follow up. As I suspected, when I rebooted (and trashed the prefs) 1.05 started up fine at 1024x768, and 1.1b kicked me back out. So there's been some code change which forces software to 640x480, and CM will spit up if it can't get there.I'd love to get this changed back, CM runs fine at 1024x768 in software for me. Not silky smooth, but more then playable...

[This message has been edited by Ben Galanti (edited 12-16-2000).]

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I saw 1.1b16 belly-up without errors while playing August Bank Holiday, just about the time a lot of smoke started appearing on the battlefield. So i bumped up the Preferred memory allocation to 64MB, and now i can play the scenario all the way through. Now i know this isn't your problem exactly, although running in the larger resolution would obviously require more memory, so...

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I wouldn't expect 1.1b22 to be any more demanding, particularly in startup, than 1.05. If 1.05 ran pretty flawlessly (which it did, save for the obvious flaw that he kept kicking my ass, which is no doubt the fault of a bug in the mac code wink.gif ) theres no reason that the beta should bomb just at startup.

Or at least, I wouldn't think. He even tried starting up without the video loading - and the splash screen shouldn't have any additional demands at all.

[This message has been edited by A Arabian (edited 12-16-2000).]

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Guest Madmatt

Remember guys, these patches are beta. As I said a hundered times before, the beta code is NOT very tolerant of errors. You will crashes with the betas due to issues that the official versions wouldn't skip a beat with. That is the nature of Beta Code.


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