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Originally posted by Max Wünsche:

Know your history first! Both sides shot prisoners during the war,

Yes, but there is only one ... person in this thread glorifying it. BTW, there are folk here who are quite staggeringly well aquainted with the sub-set of history relating to these games. I feel lucky to be able to glean whatever I can off them from time to time.

to think that a war will be fought to a set guideline of rules and regulations is blatant ignorance and stupidity...
It may be naive, but a crime is still a crime, and a murder is still a murder. Regardless of the setting. Thinking that just because there's war on you can go around doing as you will is ... oh, what's the phrase ... "blatant ignorance and stupidity". Yeah, that seems to fit.

Shame you got off on such a bad foot. Lots of interesting and friendly folk here. But they tend not to suffer fools lightly.

Have fun


[ May 16, 2005, 04:32 PM: Message edited by: JonS ]

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I guess its just a matter of people being bored, picking out a specific thing they want to have a gripe about and then not being able to keep their mouths shut... :-P

E.g. Michael having a go at my Name & sig.

Me personally, if the name has sparked controversy then was it my duty to put a disclaimer stating that I in no way glorify the crimes the nazi's committed. But rather am interested in a specific arm of the german force.

If Herr Dorosh wasnt so pro Canadian then he may not be so attacking in his statements! If my name had stated I was for instance a company commander from 5th SS Wiking, then would you have complained (as they didnt murder Canadians)???

And what about all the German POW's that were shot or trying to surrender? Who was brought to trial over that, no-one - exactly but as is always the case. TO THE VICTOR, GO THE SPOILS... and basically they can write the history the way they want...

Its a case of painting everyone in the SS with the same brush! And that is ignorant!

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Originally posted by Max Wünsche:

I guess its just a matter of people being bored, picking out a specific thing they want to have a gripe about and then not being able to keep their mouths shut... :-P

E.g. Michael having a go at my Name & sig.

Me personally, if the name has sparked controversy then was it my duty to put a disclaimer stating that I in no way glorify the crimes the nazi's committed. But rather am interested in a specific arm of the german force.

If Herr Dorosh wasnt so pro Canadian then he may not be so attacking in his statements! If my name had stated I was for instance a company commander from 5th SS Wiking, then would you have complained (as they didnt murder Canadians)???

And what about all the German POW's that were shot or trying to surrender? Who was brought to trial over that, no-one - exactly but as is always the case. TO THE VICTOR, GO THE SPOILS... and basically they can write the history the way they want...

Its a case of painting everyone in the SS with the same brush! And that is ignorant!

You don't see me being infantile enough to call myself "Guy Simonds" either....so your comments don't draw a lot of water.
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Originally posted by Panzer76:

just wondering how he glorified it?

When it comes to Dorosh, he really should get a life beyond this BBS. [/QB]

I was wondering the same thing. I assume that just by having the name Max Wünsche I am supposedly glorifying everything Nazi, and all the crimes they committed... Geez! what an imagination!

Thanks for that Panzer... :-P

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Originally posted by Panzer76:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by JonS:

Yes, but there is only one ... person in this thread glorifying it.

Sorry, just wondering how he glorified it?

When it comes to Dorosh, he really should get a life beyond this BBS. </font>

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Originally posted by PseudoSimonds:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Michael Dorosh:

You don't see me being infantile enough to call myself "Guy Simonds" either....so your comments don't draw a lot of water.

Damn straight!! ...hey, wait a second... :D :mad: :mad: </font>
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You don't see me being infantile enough to call myself "Guy Simonds" either....so your comments don't draw a lot of water. [/QB]
Clap Clap Clap! clearly I touched a nerve with you... Are you an invalid or housebound or something, I mean having 17000+ post my god!!! :eek: Seriously kid, you really have to get a life and look at the bright side of life...
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Did Max W. ever get convicted? I know he lived to a ripe old age. Is this just silly Canadian website authoring gone amok again?

Some of the nabe dads would tell stories about surrounding Germans and giving them an ultimatum surrender. If they declined, they gave them little quarter.

Some NCOs would shoot a prisoner (sometimes just in the foot), for every KIA they had. Some would pummel a German for every WIA they had. They did not need any 'hate-training'.

Snipers were shot in the belly. Did not matter when or what or where. Especially after a sniper attack.

I am sure Canadian flamethrower tank crews were treated harshly. Christ, Canadian anythings should be treated unkindly at best. I would like a FPS game against all things Canadian.

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Originally posted by Wartgamer:

I would like a FPS game against all things Canadian.


Seriously though! Im far from Anti-Canadian, I just fail to see how a name is any reason to start such a petty and childish attack as Michael has done! Better get off the PC Michael, mummy will be home soon and you havent taken out the rubbish yet!!!

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For the record I wasnt justifying the shooting of prisoners nor that there should be no rules and guidelines (e.g. Geneva convention).

I was simply stating that if you think that in a war these thing wont happen on both sides (with emotions running so highly) then that is ignorance! And to name-bash an only focus on one side for their wrong-doings is also ignorant...

But all this to some is going to sound like im defending what the Waffen-SS did at their worst!

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Originally posted by Michael Dorosh:

You've seen my website at http://www.deutschesoldaten.com ?

There is a difference between professional interest in a subject, and infantile hero worship. Guess which side of the fence your screen name puts you on? ;)

Again I fail to see where I came out an called him my hero! But then again there are those out there (namely yourself) who have an aim in life, to be a TOOL!!!
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Just a little friendly advice. Every single forum member that ever joined this forum with a name picked from the particulary nasty ends of the German Military forces has been a Troll. Every single frikin one. Most were just people that liked to argue and were not very good at it, but one or two even went so far as to spout their misguided drivel (and link or post pictures depicting murdering nazi bastards doing what they do best).

So take my advice to heart and maybe just change your name to one that will draw less heat. I mean come on, you come to a forum devoted to all that is WW2 and pick a name of a well known Nazi SS Officer and you are suprised that you recieved a negitive reaction??

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CM depicts the Waffen-SS does it not? It also shows the swastika (hakenkreutz) does it not?... That in itself is offensive to some...

If there are those that dont like it, then stay away from my posts so you wont be subjected to looking at my name (oh how painful that must be, would you like a tissue?).

Im not changing it based on one or two persons having an issue with it based on them feeling hard done by coz they are canadian or whateva!

He was a soldier in the Waffen-SS and as no-one can prove different he wasnt responsible for any warcrimes nor was convicted of any... So end of story!

And it was meant to be a useless TOOL! the one you never seem to pull out of the shed.

[ May 16, 2005, 11:21 PM: Message edited by: Max Wünsche ]

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Originally posted by Max Wünsche:

And what about all the German POW's that were shot or trying to surrender?

You will no doubt be able to tell us about a multitude of cases in which German POW were collected after the firefight, marched for a distance (Le Paradis), and in the case of Abbaye des Ardennes interrogated, and then lined up against a building and shot by their allied captors.

We are all ears.

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Are self-loathing Germans allowed to participate here as honorary CW Mafia?

Edit: A FPS that gave extra points for hitting Michael J Fox as he goes into one of his fits would be nice. Each strike causing him to spastically recoil and throb rythmically as bullets and wasting disease combine for extra action packed adventures.

Extra Edit: He should cry out "Malorie!" each time..

[ May 16, 2005, 10:50 PM: Message edited by: Wartgamer ]

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I completely agree with Pzman

Hi Mum

Not sure how admins missed this thread. But you should all grow up. You are not contributing anything useful to the discussions on this board. Your behaviour is reminiscent of 12 year old school boys whom I have the misfortune to teach.



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