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Your first completion of CM

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The first time I played CM was from a demo on a magazine cd and I remember thinking, this is awesome while at the same time being slightly overwhlemed with the learning curve, initially anyway.

I also remember vividly the highs and lows of both winning and losing, but the point I want to make is that of completing a scenario or QB and feeling slightly underwhelmed after all that hard work gaining your first victory.

I was expecting some type of reward - Promotion, extra ammo, a secret scenario of some kind etc., but this is not what CM is capable of. I would really like to see some type of reward in place for the next CM to give you an extra sense of achievement and fullfillment.

It's nice to see an AAR screen with your victory and not your opponents, but it leaves you underwhelmed and I'm sure there must be others who do are have felt the same.

I just feel this is where CM could benefit greatly in future versions and I can see a lot of potential here for BTS and its expanding fanbase - or perhaps you differ?

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I differ.

I've always been put off by those fake promotions (there were good soldiers who went months or even years between promotions). The question of extra ammo would have hinged on a variety of factors, including whether or not the supply convoy got through. As for the "secret scenario" thingie, I really don't have an opinion at this point and will leave to others aside from observing that I am turned off by gimmicks in general.

I suggest you buy a variety of party noisemakers and an album of patriotic music if you find you need to be jazzed up after winning a battle.

But don't mind me. Given the number and variety of people who posts to these boards, I suspect someone will come along who will agree with you.



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Not contesting your point really, I do feel CM operations can be designed in a manner allowing for a sense of progress and rewards. I mean you can get access to reinforcements, new ammo and all that.

Or you could try ladder gaming. The clubs keep track of victories and defeat, often with their own systems of rewards (like virtual medals and so on).

But principally I do agree that playing the AI can feel a trifle empty. It sort of leads nowhere.

Its really playing humans, in operations and scenarios well made, that makes the game.



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I have to agree with Michael here.

For me, over the years of playing CM it's always been the events of the battle themselves that gave me the rewards I was looking for.

Taking out the Tiger with a perfectly coordinated flanking manuever... the ambush that goes just as planned.... the perfectly positioned AT gun laying in wait that takes 2 or 3 opposing tanks before being spotted...the carefully coordinated infantry assault that goes just as planned...these are the things that make me stand up, pump my fists in the air, and cheer mightly ( as my wife and kids eye me strangely ).

I've never stood up and cheered louder playing any computer game than I have playing CM. And it's always been the little battles inside the battle that does it for me. The drama and the rewards have always been inside the battle, not after the battle.

Sure, at the end of a scenario or operation I like to come out the winner, but I've never really felt let down at the end of a game because I was expecting more fanfare.

But yes, this is definitely something that is solely a matter of opinion.

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I suggest you buy a variety of party noisemakers and an album of patriotic music if you find you need to be jazzed up after winning a battle.

I certainly don't need to be jazzed up I can tell you, but there is something missing from CM and I'm not talking about the satisfaction and enjoyment side here, but that extra something that gives you that feeling of completion that's also found in other games.

And I'm not trying to compare CM in any way shape or form to any other game, because there is no other game like CM obviously, but I simply feel that CM needs to offer some form of bonus to the player.

Imagine you've just completed a scenario and being told you have earned the right to play x scenario part 2 or being given some info on the making of said scenario, how long the designer took to make/how much testing required/inspiration behind the scenario etc., and I'm talking comprehensive information here and not short and sweet.

I can see loads of potential here and maybe BTS and others can also?

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Originally posted by PseudoSimonds:

I thought the same way when I started and was just playing against the AI. I thought maybe play the national anthem or something simple. But with PBEM, that AAR telling you of your victory is a sublime reward.... not that I have any firsthand experience. :mad: :mad:

And I plan to keep it that way. :mad: :mad: :mad:
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Originally posted by SKELLEN:

I was expecting some type of reward - Promotion, extra ammo, a secret scenario of some kind etc., but this is not what CM is capable of.

It wasn't meant to be that kind of game from the beginning. Your reward is outplaying your opponent in the time given. That is your victory.
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have you tried playing operations? they seem to do some of what you want.

to me, this is tied into the age old cry for a campaign layer. keep your force intact in the battle & next time you've got more to fight with etc. then at the end of the campaign you know you've freed europe/gained liebestraum.

but playing the AI IMHO will never be as good as some of the online campaignes run by some of the fine folks of this board.

try http://www.onionwars.net/ for a great CMBB one.

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I do remember a million years ago playing "Red Baron" and going through those little medal ceremonies at the end of each game. Gave you a feeling of accomplishment (thought I doubt German flyers in WWI really got a medal and a promotion every-other encounter!)

It might've been nice if BFC had included a small honor roll section at the end, something like

Most kills: Squad A, Platoon B, Company C = 32 casualties caused, one vehicle knocked out;

Most armor knockouts: Panther vehicle no.2, platoon B, Mechanized = 6 Shermans, 2 halftracks"

Its not anything you can't find out for yourself by simply checking the map after a game, but a small salute to your valiant troops would've been nice.

[ May 11, 2004, 05:14 PM: Message edited by: MikeyD ]

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I believe Sgt Kelly is on to something here.

A campaign layer would add alot of enjoyment to the singleplayer game IMHO.

Not only beating the AI but also having lots of troops left post battle (for following encounters) would maybe give you some sort of reward.

Just my 2 cents.


The swede who is always raving about a campaign

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The thrill of victory against a human in a head on head battle is enough to thrill me. I guess that's the old grog in me. So the PBEM and online is king in my book. If I want the rewards and such I will pop in my cd of Call of Duty or Battlefield:Vietnam.

But I can understand your point if this was just a singleplayer game. But, PBEM just gives you too many joys!!


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Other Means,

I wasn't referring to Campaigns at all, but my point was having some form of reward for the players hard work and not just some AAR screen.

Come on people just think of the things that could be done:

1) After completing a scenario you could be given some information on a particular Tank for instance and its first introduction or info on a particular unit for example .

2) Disclose information on the area the scenario was based and why the designer chose this region in particular or any other facts that could be of great interest.

3) How about an AAR being given from some previous game for all to ponder over or even the scenario in question?

4) Several movie files could be given from the designer's previous PBEM game and the others could become avilable to you if you could manage a certain victory percentage on a replay of the scenario.

This is the type of thing I have in mind with regard to giving a player full satisfaction and fullfillment in the next CM, and there has got to be some interest here from both fans and BTS, besides huge potential of course.

I just wanted to make my point clear and to say I can see the potential of taking CM forward in the new engine, but how many of you can and what are your thoughts?

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Originally posted by SKELLEN:

Other Means,

1) After completing a scenario you could be given some information on a particular Tank for instance and its first introduction or info on a particular unit for example .

This would be nice and if they can find the time to implement it, then i say do it. It would be great for people like me who have an interest in WOII but who don't have the time to read all the books available about the subject.

Little anecdotes would be nice.

Other than than SKELLEN try playing PBEM against humans, rubbing it in is a part of it :D .

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  • 4 months later...

I'm going to side with Skellen. I would like to see a campaign, where you need to keep your battalion (or whatever) in good shape, and your units get promoted (or even go from green to vet), or just some sense of continuity. I am a close combat vet, and the campaign there, although not very well done, gave me something interesting to do between HvsH fights. In close combat, you had to rest units periodically, could upgrade a units weapons, and keep the good crew, or men. it even tracked individual soldier, and i could see at the end of the war who had been with me from the start.

food for thought.

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