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The Peng Challenge Thread Goes to Australia and Gets Drunk!! Woohoo whats new?

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Originally posted by Michael Emrys:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Elijah Meeks:

Yeah, all I've noticed is a Denny's, so far.

Heh, the place I ate at was light years better than Denny's. I hope that it's still there and as good as I remember and that you find it. But after 29 years...

But it's a nice little town, right down the street from Yosemite and far enough from Lost Angles and San Francesca so that the land prices aren't through the roof (Yet).
I remember it as a friendly lilttle place for the 12 or so hours I was there. But I can't think of any place I'd want to live in the Central Valley. Too hot, too dusty, too flat for me. I could also say something about hick farmers, I suppose, but I'll refrain as that might smack of elitism.

And 29 years is a little early for UC Merced, they're just opening this year, I'll be a founding member (Wa ha, wa ha ha ha!!).
In the Navy they'd say you are a plank owner.

It also means I get to play fast and loose with the ol' PhD. Technically it's socio-linguistics, but it's more an interdisciplinary study of the similarities between the evolution of early writing and modern computer coding. Which I think is damned cool. Because it is. No, really. Stop laughing, you sons of bitches.
Glad to see you aren't just interested in getting a high paying job. The world could use more of that kind of idealism. Hope you don't starve.


Michael </font>

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Originally posted by Boo Radley:

What's with all the Australians all of a sudden? Shouldn't they all be hibernating of somefink?

I blame Joe.

You know you should really donate your mind to science ... I understand that scientists around the world are doing very valuable research on super dense materials and your brain would surely qualify.

The fault, dear Brutus, lies not in the Justicar but in the stupidity and incompetence of the Australians who started this thread without rules. Without rules we are subject to every Tom, Dick and Bloke who wanders by.


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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Boo Radley:

What's with all the Australians all of a sudden? Shouldn't they all be hibernating of somefink?

I blame Joe.

You know you should really donate your mind to science ... I understand that scientists around the world are doing very valuable research on super dense materials and your brain would surely qualify.

The fault, dear Brutus, lies not in the Justicar but in the stupidity and incompetence of the Australians who started this thread without rules. Without rules we are subject to every Tom, Dick and Bloke who wanders by.

Joe </font>

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I thought about getting into Joe Shawology once, back during the boom, but there were so few Joe Shaw heads around that the waiting list was eighteen miles long. Now look at me, I couldn't tell a late-imperial-epoch Joe Shaw from an early-metrosexual-epoch Joe Shaw. Please, Dalem, donate Joe Shaw's head, so that those kids get the chance I never had.

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Originally posted by Nidan1:

Picture a smallish town on the west coast......

a quiet place...where everything seems normal. I say seems, because lurking in the darkness, and threatening the inhabitants.... is the GROGNARD..

A what? A what?! Man, I don't know a long 75 from Nebelwerfer. If I were to appear in one of those barroom jokes with Dorosh, I assure you, the madcap hilarity that 'twould ensue would relate directly to my misunderstanding of his description of a Canadian trenching tool as some form of sexual offer.

So the Pope, a grog and a rabbi walk into a bar...

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Originally posted by dalem:

For a nickel I'd donate Joe Shaw's head to science right now.

Ah lad, it's the booze talking now ... well the booze and the rest of the right wing gun nut nut jobs you hang around with when you're not hanging around with Seanachai.

He'd have no part of it I'm sure ... other than the booze ups of course, hell he'd join the Mormon Tabernacle Choir if he thought booze ups were involved ... which they're not ... so I'm told.


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Originally posted by Stuka:

Dear Joe,

I wish to distance myself from the boofheaded ineptitude of my fellow colonialists.

You are distanced, your a QLder, I don't reconize you guys as Australian. Different country altogether as far as I am concerned. Pity they weren't annexed to Papua New Guinea.
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Once upon a time in the Kingdom of Heaven, God went missing for six days.

Eventually, Michael the archangel found him on the seventh day resting.

He enquired of God, "Where have you been?"

God pointed downwards through the clouds. "Look Michael, look what I've made," said God.

Archangel Michael looked puzzled and said, "What is it?"

"Its a planet," replied God, "and I've put LIFE on it. I'm going to call it Earth and it's going to be a great place of balance."

"Balance?" inquired Michael, still confused.

God explained, pointing down to different parts of the Earth, "For example, North America will be a place of great opportunity and wealth while South America is going to be poor; the Middle Eastover there will be a hot spot and Russia will be a cold spot.

Over there I've placed a continent of white people and over there is a continent of black people." God continued, pointing to the different countries. "This one will be extremely hot and arid while this one will be very cold and covered in ice."

The Archangel, impressed by God's work, then pointed to another area of land and asked, "What's that?"

"Ah", said God. "That's Queensland , the most glorious place on Earth.

There are beautiful people, impressive towns; it is the home of the worlds finest artists, musicians, writers, thinkers and explorers.

The people from Queensland are going to be modest, intelligent and humorous and they're going to be found travelling the world. They'll be extremely sociable, hard-working and high-achieving, and they will be known throughout the world as speakers of truth."

Michael gasped in wonder and admiration but then proclaimed, "What about balance God, you said there will be BALANCE!"

God replied very wisely, "Wait till you see the wankers I'm putting in NSW ."

Go The MAROONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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I found an original Mung Dynasty Joe Shaw head in a second hand store once when I was grocery shopping. They were using it for a doorstop! Can you imagine? It even had the propeller beanie! (That's how you can tell it's a Mung, don't ya know... it spins contrapuntally...)

I bought it for a song. "How do you solve a problem like Maria?", I believe it was.

It now sits above my mantle and on these hot summer days, when the breeze from the oscillating fan hits it, you can actually hear the wind whistling betweens its ears.


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Originally posted by Boo Radley:

I found an original Mung Dynasty Joe Shaw head in a second hand store once when I was grocery shopping. They were using it for a doorstop! Can you imagine? It even had the propeller beanie! (That's how you can tell it's a Mung, don't ya know... it spins contrapuntally...)

I bought it for a song. "How do you solve a problem like Maria?", I believe it was.

It now sits above my mantle and on these hot summer days, when the breeze from the oscillating fan hits it, you can actually hear the wind whistling betweens its ears.


I nearly bought a Boo Radley head once but then I noticed that it was really just a painted carving made from cow droppings ... it was ... wait for it now ...


Hahahahahahahha ... ha

It was an understandable mistake on my part though.


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