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Mr Gopher ticked off Carl who Botched the Job in Typical Cheery Waffle Fashion

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Originally posted by Dave H:

Tech help needed. My CRT monitor at home is looking like a multicolored zebra. For example, when I'm typing an e-mail, with black type on a white background, there's a gray line all the way across the screen. Whatever color of type is on my screen, it's like the monitor is smearing that color all the way across my display. Any ideas on what has happened? This just started over the weekend. :confused: :confused:

Have you tried fiddling with the Hz refresh rate? Try under Control panel > monitor > settings > advanced > monitor tab
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Originally posted by Axe2121:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Dave H:

Tech help needed. My CRT monitor at home is looking like a multicolored zebra. For example, when I'm typing an e-mail, with black type on a white background, there's a gray line all the way across the screen. Whatever color of type is on my screen, it's like the monitor is smearing that color all the way across my display. Any ideas on what has happened? This just started over the weekend. :confused: :confused:

Have you tried fiddling with the Hz refresh rate? Try under Control panel > monitor > settings > advanced > monitor tab </font>
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Originally posted by Dave H:

Congratulations to Axe for managing a draw

Dave in these more sensitive times, winning and losing is not so important. What really counts is did you two have fun?

Additionally, you mistakely called it a 'draw', that is actually a 'Canadian Win'. Thanks for you help in this manner.

We wouldn't want lil Axe growing up realizing what a waste of DNA he really is. Better for it to hit him @ middle age, when he can then divorce his wife, buy a sports car and start hanging out in gay bars like he truly desires now.

BTW, going to Portugal December 6th for six days, and then Spain for 4-5 days. The Portugal portion is all planned out by the company paying for the trip, not mine. :D MUHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAA

Any tips for the Spain portion where I get to run free? Was thinking Rioja or maybe go all the way over to the Med and check out Priorat. Any advance from the Euro maggots present?

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Originally posted by mike_the_wino:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Dave H:

Congratulations to Axe for managing a draw

Dave in these more sensitive times, winning and losing is not so important. What really counts is did you two have fun?

Additionally, you mistakenly called it a 'draw', that is actually a 'Canadian Win'. Thanks for your help in this manner. (snip)</font>

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Originally posted by Axe2121:


:mad: :mad: :mad:

Welcome back, you suave maggot you.

Thanks, Scoop smile.gif

Dave, the Venerable Technically-Challenged Maggot (who obviously took too many illegal substances in the groovy 60s), is playing hide and seek in our BDLRM Revenge match, but other than that TNT-chuckin' ain't what it used to be.

One PBEM chum has crossed the Channel to improve Anglo-French relations (washing down mouldy cheese with cheap plonk, while impressing hairy-armpitted women with his stiff upper lip) and the other has disappeared Down Under for a month to experience, in his own words, "the bowel-loosening pleasure of sharks".

:mad: :mad: :mad:

Still, in all the downtime I finally finished From Here To Eternity. Which is nice. I think.


Edited: Because it's been too long.

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Originally posted by Dave H:

Actually, I consider it a 54%-46% Allied VICTORY, not a draw.

True, but you consider yourself a decent human being so your personal barometer needs a bit of adjusting.

Seems like we had some discussion about this so-called "draw" business before.
Nice to that the 'Oldtimers' has completely taken away your mental facilities, diminished as they were to begin with.

Some of you maggots seemed to think that a score of 54 to 46 is actually a tie.
I know this is difficult to follow but let's see if you can follow this:

Fritz: Wow, that was a terrific battle, Hans.

Hans: Ja but we lost 70% of our men, we are low on ammo, and the Amies know where we are.

Fritz: True, true. Back to regimental to re-fit, eat, get some schnapps, and sleep.

End result: Both sides suffered, neither was able to make any significant tactical gains so the net gain over the entire theater is neglible.

Got it now, maggot? :mad: :mad:

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Sounds like that thar monitor is ferbed up. Monitors come with a 3-year warranty as standard. Give the manufacturer a quick tinkle and they'll ship the replacement to your house.

If you have a monitor over 3 years old, this advice is less than useful and you will have to fork out $45 for a new 17" CRT monitor.

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Turns are out!! At long last I figured that all I had to do was type in the various DNS settings and not try to reinstall every bit of hardware from scratch!!

I blame you all!! But at least the game rocks along now and takes a lot less time to load and calculate!! :D

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Originally posted by mike_the_wino:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Dave H:

Actually, I consider it a 54%-46% Allied VICTORY, not a draw.

True, but you consider yourself a decent human being so your personal barometer needs a bit of adjusting. </font>
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Originally posted by Soddball:

Sounds like that thar monitor is ferbed up. Monitors come with a 3-year warranty as standard. Give the manufacturer a quick tinkle and they'll ship the replacement to your house.

If you have a monitor over 3 years old, this advice is less than useful and you will have to fork out $45 for a new 17" CRT monitor.

Hmmm, I blame Watson & Crick for this. Just last week he was asking about my computer, so I pulled out the quote I printed the day I ordered it from MicronPC. It was dated January 2, 2000! :eek: :eek:

Well, maybe it's time to replace my 19" CRT with one of those nice 23" flat displays I've seen at Sam's Club. Then I could watch every tiny bit of TNT I chuck at you maggots as it lands squarely on your pixeltargets. :D:D

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Originally posted by Dave H:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Soddball:

Sounds like that thar monitor is ferbed up. Monitors come with a 3-year warranty as standard. Give the manufacturer a quick tinkle and they'll ship the replacement to your house.

If you have a monitor over 3 years old, this advice is less than useful and you will have to fork out $45 for a new 17" CRT monitor.

Hmmm, I blame Watson & Crick for this. Just last week he was asking about my computer, so I pulled out the quote I printed the day I ordered it from MicronPC. It was dated January 2, 2000! :eek: :eek:

Well, maybe it's time to replace my 19" CRT with one of those nice 23" flat displays I've seen at Sam's Club. Then I could watch every tiny bit of TNT I chuck at you maggots as it lands squarely on your pixeltargets. :D:D </font>

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Originally posted by Axe2121:

And Edward -- I wasn't waving hello. I was raising my hand to accept your challenge, such as it was. :rolleyes: :mad: :mad: tongue.gif

What a splendid chap you are! Have you got something in mind or shall I dig out something small, yet perfectly formed, to send on?

:mad: :mad:

Cuddly Dave's monitor woes should ensure I have even more spare CMAK time on my hands

:eek: :eek:

Bottoms up!


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Originally posted by Edward Windsor:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Axe2121:

And Edward -- I wasn't waving hello. I was raising my hand to accept your challenge, such as it was. :rolleyes: :mad: :mad: tongue.gif

What a splendid chap you are! Have you got something in mind or shall I dig out something small, yet perfectly formed, to send on?</font>
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Originally posted by Snarker:

You must be watching the opponent's replay. :mad: :mad: :mad:

No, actually I was thinking of a North African airfield, where my British mortars chuck furiously deranged and molten TNT at far too many Germans cowering inside far too many buildings. Sound familiar? tongue.gif:rolleyes::D:D
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Holy-freakin'-crap, Batman, it's a CANUCKIAN WIN!!!

So Dave would you consider 52-48 a win as well? Too bad, the 'puter sez it's a draw.

Only thing that saved my bacon is the fact that Flotsum & Stick ran out of furious molten TNT to chuck at me. Prolly dinnit help that I keep punching holes in Panzers, even a couple lost to Stuarts. :eek: What a silly maggot.

I would recommend Bieville. But make sure you block out a good chuck of time, this thing is ginormous.

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All right chaps, before I head off to London, I thought I would give a compendium of the battles I am currently waging and have won.

Axe. This blighty buzzard is causing much exasperation. He has picked a Berli scenario involving hordes of Russian T34 against a ragged company of Kraut infantry supplemented with a few 50mm and 105 PAKs. Although, I have killed several T34s with demo charges and PAKs, he has more than enough resources that even a tactically challenged monkey like himself will win-unless I get armored reinforcements.

Dave. This fellow and I are having a go in a meeting engagement. He has taken the high ground with his Brits. He has lost a couple of armored cars. It remains to be seen if this Indiana boy can hold his ground against my Kraut juggernaut.

Wallybob. This Southern gentlemen and I are fighting it out in the desert. His attacking krauts have suffered mightily, onslaught after onslaught they die. Although he has captured the ridge, the forces holding it are very thin and brittle. They will crack under my stuart swarm.

Pseudosimons. This chap and I are stirring up the desert dunes. Only brief sightings of armor so far.

Mike the wino. I have prevailed in a "Axian" victory over this man. The score was 52 to 48. It was a bloodbath of biblical proportions. Hardly any forces survived and if they did they were more than likely out of ammo. I give the Bieville scenario a big thumbs up. All you chaps should give it a go.


:mad: :mad: I hate being civilized. Stay tuned to your telly maggots, and watch out for an international incident. :mad: :mad:

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