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Associated Press Story: 'The Peng Challenge Thread Welcomes Refugees, Decries Idiocy'

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Yes, yes, we all know that you are yearning to breathe free.

You've probably attempted to post in the General Forum and found that your timorous bleatings weren't simply mocked, they were degraded.

It's not going to be any different here. If anything, it's worse. But here, we're wiling to give you the chance to fight back. We're willing to listen to what you have to say.

Provided you can say it in an amusing, witty, and thoughtful way.

If the best you can do is another 'Yo, dudes, I've totally turned an enlarging mirror on me privates, and it appears to be massive..."

Well, we simply don't fecking care.

There are hierarchies here...they're so much piss. Don't let the authorities fool you. And you can trust me, because I'm one of the premier authorities.

Eventually, the Justicar will show up to interview you. Always be polite. It's always a good thing in a person that intends to be viciously humorous and vile, arrogant and caustic, that they be well spoken to the man that takes their ticket, smiles at them, and goes on at length about his grandchildren.

Here in the Peng Challenge Thread, we're all about arrogance.

But we're not about being arseholes. You're subject to the rulings of the Justicar (they're not that onerous, given that he's as daft as a brush), and the Olde Ones look down upon you all.

It was all about the Challenge, at some point. Now, it's all about what you have to say.

Say something amusing. Pointed. Quote until the gods come down and kick that ass Hortlund up one side, and down the other.

Amuse us. Is that so much to ask?

Oh, and although they have all fled, never fail in respecting the Ladies of the 'Pool.

Not like that fecking arse, rleete. When are you going to ask them to 'touch it, touch it, you know you want to!' you idjit? Jesus. I hope the wife gets over being pregnant soon...

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Jeez...a huge fecking dose of Seanachai first thing in the morning will wake you up about as fast as downing a bottle of Nyquil in lieu of coffee.

Could I have you record that opening post for me so I can put it on my alarm clock and use it for a snooze alarm?

And were't you saying something else to me? Something about:

Boo, should you continue to defame and degrade the name of beauty with your drooling attempts at ribaldry, I shall have to demand satisfaction from you.

So I must forego my reality to cater to your fantasies?

You're a sad, petulant, whiney, and once again, petulant man. But, you're OK in a "I sure am glad a couple of states separate us and he's got about as much of a sense of direction as a dandelion seed." kind of way and as your imperiously shrill little voice is getting on my nerves, I won't subject you to the heartache anymore.

So, one final picture I took of Jen while we were dating.


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A thread on absolutely stuff all, making stuff all sense with stuff all hope of becoming something other than stuff all.

Where all else fails, repitition will get through.

Where all else fails, repitition will get through.

Where all else fails, repitition will get through.

Now, back to posts which will challenge homo sapiens, not amoebas'.


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I just saw that.

I think that while you may have Forum-wide Copyright on the usage of Amoeba i'll grasp at the more obscure "Anti-Situational Non-Awareness Copyright" clause allowing me a one off use of that word free from any recriminations.

Or something to that affect.


From now on i would like to use the word "gene-filth" as my "word association" device.

Thanks for your ever present guiding hand.



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Originally posted by Alistair C:

...stuff that can be easily ignored...

Speaking of which (and I don't think I'm out of line with this in regards to my position in this the MBT (and it shall always be here)), but seeing as Halitosis C has no E-mail address listed in his profile, he is as an ameoba to us and beneath our notice.

Bad enough that he's yet another bloody Aussie, but we must put the boot down occasionally and if it happens to be on top of his pointy little head, so much the better.

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Originally posted by Alistair C:


A thread on absolutely stuff all, making stuff all sense with stuff all hope of becoming something other than stuff all.

Where all else fails, repitition will get through.

Where all else fails, repitition will get through.

Where all else fails, repitition will get through.

Now, back to posts which will challenge homo sapiens, not amoebas'.


It is simply amazing how you repeatedly mis-spelled "repetition", are you French or something?

At least if you were French we could abuse you on that general principle...... Grue get in here and club this illiterate sod senseless...use the bigger club!!!!!

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Originally posted by Boo Radley:

Jeez...a huge fecking dose of Seanachai first thing in the morning will wake you up about as fast as downing a bottle of Nyquil in lieu of coffee.

Could I have you record that opening post for me so I can put it on my alarm clock and use it for a snooze alarm?

And were't you saying something else to me? Something about:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Boo, should you continue to defame and degrade the name of beauty with your drooling attempts at ribaldry, I shall have to demand satisfaction from you.

So I must forego my reality to cater to your fantasies?

You're a sad, petulant, whiney, and once again, petulant man. But, you're OK in a "I sure am glad a couple of states separate us and he's got about as much of a sense of direction as a dandelion seed." kind of way and as your imperiously shrill little voice is getting on my nerves, I won't subject you to the heartache anymore.

So, one final picture I took of Jen while we were dating.

039_19286.jpg </font>

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Originally posted by bruceb:

you penguin people have way too much time on your hands...

Certainly not as much as a teacher..you must be off for the summer now...figured if you have handled the kiddies so well, you would try your hand in here. A bit of advice mate....sod off now while you still have a chance, enjoy the summer, put on your madras bermuda shorts, sandals with black socks, kick back and have a Rolling Rock... stay the feck outta here!!!!
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Originally posted by Nidan1:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by bruceb:

you penguin people have way too much time on your hands...

Certainly not as much as a teacher..you must be off for the summer now...figured if you have handled the kiddies so well, you would try your hand in here. A bit of advice mate....sod off now while you still have a chance, enjoy the summer, put on your madras bermuda shorts, sandals with black socks, kick back and have a Rolling Rock... stay the feck outta here!!!! </font>
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Certainly not as much as a teacher..you must be off for the summer now...figured if you have handled the kiddies so well, you would try your hand in here. A bit of advice mate....sod off now while you still have a chance, enjoy the summer, put on your madras bermuda shorts, sandals with black socks, kick back and have a Rolling Rock... stay the feck outta here!!!!
And remember Nidan, my former squire, the old Woody Allen quote:

"Those who can't do, teach and those who can't teach, teach gym."

In fact, I am off for the summer (but let's not go into that right now)

Just want you penguins to know that if bringing other people down helps build your self-esteem up, then I'm here for you (all summer long)

BTW, do any of you actually play CM or do you just come on here and rant about stupid stuff?

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