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Minimum System requirements ?

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Hey , I'm a totally new in the Combat Mission , so new that the full game is not in my possession now ... In fact I ordered it only yesterday ...

Of course I purchased the game because I have been profoundly impressed by the Demo and it works OK on my machine , my only complaint is that the smoke effects and the explosions look a bit blocky (and may be the game is a bit slow ) .Battlefront says that the minimum configuration for Combat Mission is :

Pentium 166MHz w/3D card , 32MB of RAM and from some reviews PII 266 / 64 is recommended to run the game smoothly

My machine is a humble Pentium II , 350 MHz , 64MB RAM , 3 dfx Woodoo ( I mean Woodoo 1 ) and ATI Rage PRO XPERT 98 AGP 2X as a display card , ( Windows ME installed and all drivers updated , DirectX 7.....)

So it seems that my machine is may be not the strongest in town but is far enough to run CM , not only smoothly , but even very, very smoothly and since the Demo , even with these small problems ( I thought may be because it's a Demo version , before any patch and so on ) was enough to convinced me to buy the CD .Then , I entered this Combat Mission Forum and was surprised to read people talking about running the game with a P3 900 and a Geforce 2 , Woodoo 3 ,some with Woodoo 5 , some other talking about problems running the game with Windows ME..., some that there is no fog with ATI video card ..

Red Alert !!! Too late , my Combat Mission CD is on the way anyway ( since yesterday ). Now seriously : is my small machine really enough to fully enjoy CM or will I have to invest in upgrading ?

Thanks in advance

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Welcome to the club!

You should be okay. I have a P2-400 with a TNT card, and it runs fine. A little jerky/slow to respond on VERY large maps, but other than that, no complaints. You may want to get a better Voodoo card, as the Voodoo 1 may be your source of the fog problems. I have a voodoo 1 and had problems getting it to work properly with newer games as the drivers were pretty ancient (and I don't think 3Dfx has been updating them either).

Either way, blocky fog and/or explosions is no reason not to buy this game. You've only experienced a touch of what CM has to offer. You will not be disappointed!



"Liberty or Death?" Make it "Victory or Pretty Damned Badly Wounded", and I'm yours. - a prospective recruit during the American Revolution.

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You should be able to play CM with your current setup. Between your two video cards you won't be able to see fog unfortunately (the fog effects on the game will remain the same, you just won't be able to see a graphical representation of the fog).

Some large scenarios/maps may be a bit slow, but still very playable. More memory can help a bit with this slowdown, but not a whole lot. Some scenarios may be a bit slow to crunch if there is a lot of action going on (due to the number of floating point calculations).

I've heard that the demo is a bit faster than the full version (possibly because of the full version having more models and a higher sound sample rate than the demo). So if you can tolerate slightly slower play than what you've seen you should be alright.

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Rest assured, your system should be sufficient to enjoy CM. I have an even slower system: PII 300, ATI 3D Rage LT Pro, and 128 MB, and I have not noticed any problems with the game function. I am limited to rather low resolutions. But, somehow I do get fog with my ATI card. After seeing the problems that numerous people have experienced with just about all video card brands, I have been engaged in an internal debate on whether I should go to the expense and trouble of attempting a video card upgrade and possibly screw up my computer's acceptable handling of CM.

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