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Armored Overrun


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I was playing a game against the AI recently, and getting thumped at long range by AT guns and infantry, when I received a contingent of Italian armor reinforcements.( Possible SPOILER here). They entered on the left flank. The Brits were dug in very well, so I aim my tanks stright down the line of foxholes and sandbags and put them on FAST. I watched as the tanks rolled over the first foxhole, an ATR crew broke and ran, the second foxhole, squad crawled to safety while being shot to pieces, the third, almost a full squad surrendered! I was able to run the entire foxhole line this way. :D Now I have to tip my hat to BFC.I was able to do a classic armored overrun. Even mildly suppressed infantry when they find themselves in the same hole as a tank tend to rethink their positions. But I don't remember being able to do this in CMBB or CMBO. Possibly new to CMAK. I realize it will be more difficult against mid to late war infantry, when squad based AT weapons are more available. But Damn it was fun. It's one more thing to like about CM. Now if we can get out of the desert and into something green, I'd be a happy camper. ;)

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Actually, you can KO an ATG using an AFV overrun, too. I've done this to things ranging from wee 2 pdrs up to FlaK 88s; works like a charm as long as you don't get dinged on the run in :D It's also a good argument for setting up ATGs in restrictive terrain (Woods) so they can't get squished.

Originally posted by tools4fools:

Yep, ATRifles, but wouldn't want to try the same if they have proper AT guns - even small ones...

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Yup. You are right. Just after my run down the foxholes, my armor cleared the ridge and came into the AT guns sights. All but three of my tanks were taken care of in short order. I managed to pull a "minor" victory out of it all. I'm just saying that the overrun is another tactic to use when the situation is right. I did'nt see it work so well in CMBO and CMBB. I'm going to replay some scenarios ( CMBO,CMBB )to see if I just missed it.

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Infantry without decent AT weapons can be overrun pretty badly, and that includes molotov cocktails.

Infantry with decent AT weapons (gammon bombs, Panzerfaust, Grenade bundles, Rifle grenades, EDIT: and demo charges, of course) cannot be overrun.

Very simple.

[ September 14, 2004, 03:22 PM: Message edited by: Redwolf ]

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I just recently drove right over what appeared to be a company of (AI) Russian Pioneers that had the misfortune of crossing a rather long bridge at night right into the head of my armored column :cool: . Immediately I thought "overrun their boshevic asses!" I have extreme FOW on so I don't know what morale state they were in, but they were likely pretty shook up by machine guns from from my tanks and not so distant supporting infantry as I rolled right over them. 2 squads surrendered, at least one other was wiped out, but one managed to survive and thump my Pz IIIH in the rear before he too was wiped out. A few actually seemed to escape past the head of my column to safety from whence they came. I was a little miffed that they all didn't just get wiped out or surrender. But since they were fresh Pioneers, from what redwolf says now it makes sense.

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