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Looking for someone to help me learn


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I am somewhat new to CMAK. I have had the game for a couple of months but not had the opportunity to play it all that much. Well now that I know a friend of mine has the game as well. We have been playing TCP/IP games for the last couple of days. Well in most the games we play he manages to wax me pretty badly. I mean I get in some good shots but he is the victor for the most part.

So this leads me to the topic of this post. Is there anyone out there that knows of some good resources on tank and infantry tactics. Hell I need advice on how to effectively use almost every piece of gear. Don't get me wrong I know all the basic stuff. It's just knowing exactly where to put that ATG or how to effectively flank the enemy and put in those devistating shots. That is the stuff I am looking for.

Any help at all is greatly appreciated.



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Originally posted by Embark:

Any help at all is greatly appreciated.



Well, I can help you with this Forum. You know, people who are untrustworthy scum, raving lunatics, etc. The people who actually control the Whole Board. Topics that will cause people to burst into tears or get dead carp thrown at you. Threads to avoid, that sort of thing. I can even point out known Australians, explain why 65% of the inhabitants of Finland post on this Board, and which people not to poke with a stick.

But I'm not much help with the game. Hell, even Boo keeps beating me.

Oh, and you can go into the General Forum, these days. But don't go into the Political GF unless you take one of the older kids with you.

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Hi, Ben,

I'm a medium level experienced player, if you want we can play by an E-mail game, and I can transfer some information by playing, this one is a good method for learning..

my e-mail adress is thayret@yahoo.com..

If you want to play, send me a setup..

Setup Parameters

25 variable turns max, combined arms, I'm attacking and you're defending..1942,December, North Africa, I'm English, You're German, town, medium hillness, medium tree coverage, clear sky..1250 points..


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Originally posted by Seanachai:

But I'm not much help with the game. Hell, even Boo keeps beating me.

We've discussed this before and I thought that we had come to the agreement that it was because my karma is light and uplifting like sea spray floating in the air on the first perfect day of creation and yours is what you find between the toes of your stumpy splayed feet after running through a cow pasture, drunk at three o'clock in the morning.
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Originally posted by Boo Radley:

yours is what you find between the toes of your stumpy splayed feet after running through a cow pasture, drunk at three o'clock in the morning.

No one who has never run through a cow pasture, barefoot and drunk at 3 AM will ever know true happiness.

The stars a banner of beauty, flaming across heaven, the gasping, drunken whoops of yourself and your friends as you find yourself running across the grass, leaping tussocks, the sudden slipping, sliding on something that feels like slightly crusted oatmeal, knowing that once you hit the fence, you'll be comparing feet and mocking those whose are greenest. All these are life.

Take darkness, beauty, foolishness and ****e out of the equation, and you've taken living out of life.

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That was...simply beautiful, man.

You know, if you and I ever got together, I'd buy you a drink or two, give you a manly, one-armed hug (Only from the side. Never from the front.) and try to look sincere when I told you how much I admired you and anyone remotely like you.

I would try to be gentle as I rendered you unconcious prior to emptying your pockets and absconding with your wallet, car keys and shoes.

I would probably even leave you your cell phone to call for assistance when you finally woke up. But, sadly, not out of any higher, loftier emotion. I would leave it beause I'd be afraid of touching anything that had been that close to your face.

But, I'm funny like that.

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NO, you Laplander wannabe! (Uber Finn, indeed!) I'm referring, of course, to the jealousy shown by all outsiders towards the almost idyllic life found within the confines of the Mutha Beautiful Thread (And it will always be there).

Oh sure, we have our rough spots [cough]Joe Shaw[/cough.] We have our fly in the ointment [cough]rleete[/cough] and we even have our resident Oddstraylyuns [cough]Noba & Mace[/cough], but we never, ever let any of these small distractions ...er...distract us from the wonder and glory that is indeed the Peng Challenge Thread.

You want to join us, don't you? I can see it in your eye. No, not that one. The other one. The one that's pointing vaguely in this direction.

Come over. Come over to the Dark Side, Sergei.

You won't regret it...for long!

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Originally posted by Boo Radley:

NO, you Laplander wannabe! (Uber Finn, indeed!) I'm referring, of course, to the jealousy shown by all outsiders towards the almost idyllic life found within the confines of the Mutha Beautiful Thread (And it will always be there).

Oh sure, we have our rough spots [cough]Joe Shaw[/cough.] We have our fly in the ointment [cough]rleete[/cough] and we even have our resident Oddstraylyuns [cough]Noba & Mace[/cough], but we never, ever let any of these small distractions ...er...distract us from the wonder and glory that is indeed the Peng Challenge Thread.

You want to join us, don't you? I can see it in your eye. No, not that one. The other one. The one that's pointing vaguely in this direction.

Come over. Come over to the Dark Side, Sergei.

You won't regret it...for long!

Damnit Boo, it's not bad enough that I have to constantly be on the watch for Seanachai and his recruiting efforts. Now I have to see my own Junior Justicar Pro Tempore De Jure of the Peng Challenge Thread trolling ... and for FINNS no less ... well, technically there's probably not much less than Finns, except for Australians of course.

Watch yourself lad, granted there aren't that many large, thuggish types in the CessPool but there's always Jim Boggs ... sadly.



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Now Joe. Try to keep an open mind. Or any kind of mind. Never forget that every new person who comes into the MBT is just another lonely, misguided soul that we can abuse and mock.

And just think! No, I mean that.

It could be a whole new generation of gormless berks you could bore to tears...er...I mean enlighten with your endless pontificationing of the rules.

It could be fun.

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me thinks me thread got hijacked :-P

I have seen the types that post in the Peng thread. They seem to me to be in the same class as the Crusty Old Doomsayer whom can be found thoroughly sauced at our local dive bar pretty much any time after 6am. Sure he takes brakes to panhandle and hold out his signs proclaiming "THE APOCOLYPSE IS COMING" and "THE END IS NEAR". But other than that he is as predictable as guessing what the weather is going to be like in the Mojave Desert in the summertime.

[ September 22, 2004, 05:48 PM: Message edited by: Embark ]

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Originally posted by Embark:

I have seen the types that post in the Peng thread. They seem to me to be in the same class as the Crusty Old Doomsayer whom can be found thoroughly sauced at our local dive bar pretty much any time after 6am. Sure he takes brakes to panhandle and hold out his signs proclaiming "THE APOCOLYPSE IS COMING" and "THE END IS NEAR". But other than that he is as predictable as guessing what the weather is going to be like in the Mojave Desert in the summertime.

My God, it's like he grew up with us...
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