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Unto the land of Peng, a Queen is come

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Originally posted by Aces_and_8's:

Can someone please explain to this humble supplicant what in Gawd's name does the acronym Peng stand for?


An Officer of Marines should have more sense than to come in here and ask a dumb question like that. Are you part of a communist plot to destroy the Marine Corps?

Nay...As a matter of fact, I was out until the wee hours of the morning celebrating the 228th B'day of my beloved Corps (a little ahead of time but, eh, have 3 more to attend between now and 15 Nov). I understand the concept behind Peng, calling into question the relative level of intelligence, morals, the size of certain parts of human anatomy, etc. of fellow posters in the hopes of either scoring a telling hit, or PBEM, but am still scratching my head about where did the four simple letters P-E-N-G originate.
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Originally posted by Noba:

Anyway. Can't hang around - my favourite Daughter is about to give birth.

TO THE HOSPITAL I GO...........!!

....And a bouncing Human baby BOY is the happy result. Mother and baby are fine.

Grandad(2) Noba.

Well damn! Congradulations grandpa. Best wishes to your daughter and her wee lad.
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Originally posted by Aces_and_8's:

but am still scratching my head about where did the four simple letters P-E-N-G originate.

Oh dear, another Marine. I'll keep it simple.

"P" - is for "Persiflage - (means whatever the heck I decide it means - usually something that pisses Seanachai off, which is a great side benefit)"

"E" - is for "Entombment - 'interaction with Peng on any level will ensure the further entombment of one's capacity for intelligent discourse'"

"N" - is for "Neanderthal - 'Peng reminds me of something that Neanderthals used to make fun of'"

"G" - is for "Gargoyle - 'reading Peng's posts drives one to the same dizzying heights of intellectual rigor as does listening through one's bathroom door to the groans of a large, hungover Gargoyle suffering through a painful and embarrassing post-whiskey and -burritos diarrhetic incident."

As far as you know, none of what I just typed is a vicious falsehood.

[ November 02, 2003, 02:46 PM: Message edited by: dalem ]

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Guest PondScum
Originally posted by Seanachai:

<font size=-1>When all Three Olde Ones smile, and rejoice at the rending of the slain, do you think that any of you might stand against our will?</font>

Berli can smile?
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Originally posted by Aces_and_8's:

Can someone please explain to this humble supplicant what in Gawd's name does the acronym Peng stand for?

Gawd yur dumb! Proof positive that ALL Marines should go through Parris Iland or San Diago. You are a second lieutenant, aren't you? Ensigns and boot lieuies, the dumbest creatures on Gods green earth. Ok, just for old times sake...




[ November 02, 2003, 02:52 PM: Message edited by: Berlichtingen ]

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Originally posted by Aces_and_8's:

Nay...As a matter of fact, I was out until the wee hours of the morning celebrating the 228th B'day of my beloved Corps (a little ahead of time but, eh, have 3 more to attend between now and 15 Nov). I understand the concept behind Peng, calling into question the relative level of intelligence, morals, the size of certain parts of human anatomy, etc. of fellow posters in the hopes of either scoring a telling hit, or PBEM, but am still scratching my head about where did the four simple letters P-E-N-G originate.
I believe the Evil One has explained it...



There is nothing dumber than a boot Second Looie, now run along and polish your shoes, if you are still suckin air on the 10th, I'll wish you a Happy Birthday.

Semper Fi!

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Imagine my relief when discovering the Queen of the Cesspool was Faire Emma and not some Odstralian in drag...not that there's anything wrong with that...as long as you're on the other side of the planet, that is. Anyway, all hail the Queen!


My e-mails are bouncing back as well. Might be that Anti-House of Croda™ firewall you installed on the server.

I keep getting a message with your e-mail address, and underneath it:

" Permanent Failure: 513_Relaying_denied."

I love those moments when truth, beauty, and technology converge.


[ November 02, 2003, 04:28 PM: Message edited by: Lurkur ]

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Gawd, as if all the blooming Aussies weren't bad enough, now we've got more Gyrenes showing up.

Son, since my brother is a former Marine Officer and my son is a former Enlisted Marine I'll cut you some slack and advise you ... to take the advice of the poker hand you're holding AND DIE!

Look, it's not MY fault that Berli is ALSO a former Marine and Seanachai is a former AND CURRENT idiot of the first water and neither, therefore, can remember to post the freaking rules properly.

You MUST be THIS high to post here ... opps sorry, that ones still under consideration, you MUST have a general location (Frederick MD will do) AND an email address in your profile or we'll just ignore you. Actually we may ignore you anyway but at least with an email address you have a slim shot at someone at least telling you to Sod Off. And that, coming from a Pooler to an SSN, is just about the best you can hope for.

So ... let's see an email address (this IS the Peng CHALLENGE Thread after all, how you can challenge without an email eh?) in your profile or ... SOD OFF!

Thanking you for your careful attention to this important matter, I remain ...


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Great, we have two marines here now (everyone needs to remember to talk s-l-o-w-l-y and l-o-u-d-l-y so the jarheads can try to keep up with the conversations).

In further bad news, it appears the Aussies are multiplying. Swell.

Congrats, Noba.


[ November 02, 2003, 03:29 PM: Message edited by: MrSpkr ]

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It's 4:30 on a Sunday afternoon and there are no turns in my inbox.

Now, knowing that Sirreal forgot to tighten the belt on his hamster driven server sheds light on why I've recieved nothing from him (simply because I haven't been able to send anything to him, dontchaknow). But this excuse won't work for the rest of you sorry sots.

Seanachai, surprise me by sending more than one turn this week, what say you?

Nidan, since you're on medical leave for the gender modification, send me a move.

Noba, OK, dandle your grandchild for awhile. I'll understand.

Mike-The-Squire, if you can desist in pouring Boonesfarm into your winery's bottles for a few minutes, send a move.

Leeeeeeeeo, stop rehearsing for your part in the Oregonian Lumberjacks version of "Little Women" and send me a move.

(And may I say that looking at that photo you sent of yourself in costume, you are just poured into that hoop skirt.)

Hiram, OGSF, RLeete, Papa Kahn, clock's ticking missies!

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I feel all warm and fuzzy now.. what a lovely day to be Queen..

I wish someone had at least hinted what was coming so that I could have been better prepared..

As it is, I have no idea what to say....

And I am *choked*

Wipes a tear from her cheek *sniff*

Bloody Brilliant........... that's was I say..

Now all I need to do is sit back and enjoy..

Hmmmmmmmmm I might even give out a few titles here and there...

And yes... a whole new wardrobe is in order and lots of lovely new shoes, and jewels, and a crown, tiaras, diamonds and wine, bubble baths, perfumes, lingerie, fluffy mules,chocolates, and a whole new wardrobe did I already say that? ..

Of course being Queen will not change me one little bit... hmmmmmm wonder how much I am worth

To be continued................

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Originally posted by YK2:

I feel all warm and fuzzy now.. what a lovely day to be Queen..

I wish someone had at least hinted what was coming so that I could have been better prepared..

As it is, I have no idea what to say....

And I am *choked*

Wipes a tear from her cheek *sniff*

Bloody Brilliant........... that's was I say..

Now all I need to do is sit back and enjoy..

Hmmmmmmmmm I might even give out a few titles here and there...

And yes... a whole new wardrobe is in order and lots of lovely new shoes, and jewels, and a crown, tiaras, diamonds and wine, bubble baths, perfumes, lingerie, fluffy mules,chocolates, and a whole new wardrobe did I already say that? ..

Of course being Queen will not change me one little bit... hmmmmmm wonder how much I am worth

To be continued................

Ha HA! What say you NOW dalem eh? A Queen IS as a QUEEN DOES ... that's what I always say ... or would have said ... or will be saying ... you know what I mean and don't pretend you don't.

So ... where's that bent knee lad? Where's the fulsome apology, eh, eh, eh?


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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

So ... where's that bent knee lad? Where's the fulsome apology, eh, eh, eh?

Is he bending that knee and apologising to me?

You know Joe I once stroked dalems ego. So as far as I am concerned He's a free spirit and can do as he pleases...

Your Queen has spoken..............

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Ha HA! What say you NOW dalem eh? A Queen IS as a QUEEN DOES ... that's what I always say ... or would have said ... or will be saying ... you know what I mean and don't pretend you don't.

So ... where's that bent knee lad? Where's the fulsome apology, eh, eh, eh?


I am sorry you are so old, Joe.

But to the Queen I will bow and bend knee, and snatch the large feathered hat off of Boo's head and flourish it thusly.

How's that?

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Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by YK2:

You know Joe I once stroked dalems ego. So as far as I am concerned He's a free spirit and can do as he pleases...

Your Queen has spoken..............

Her Mutha Beautiful Majesty has spoken! Dalem IS a hippy </font>
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Originally posted by YK2:

And yes... a whole new wardrobe is in order and lots of lovely new shoes, and jewels, and a crown, tiaras, diamonds and wine, bubble baths, perfumes, lingerie, fluffy mules,chocolates, and a whole new wardrobe did I already say that? ..

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For the nOOb and because I know it will piss the rest of you off:

<font size=5>The Online History of Peng</font>

Peng's early taunts/sayings










References to the Cesspool



The Original Cesspool (pages 1 and 2 are a bit stuffed, best viewed from page 3 onward)


A Fake Cesspool is reborn


The True Cesspool is reborn


and BTS admits that is here to stay:


The first Aussie Peng thread:


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Sometimes, my fearsome reputation isn't enough to bend the machines to my will. Sometimes, due to some bizarre twist of fate, I also have to actually do something to ensure correct operation.

This, it seems, was one of those times. Which means that Lurkur, Boo and whatnot will no longer be able to hide behind snide remarks about my hamster training skills.

In related news, I took lenience on von Lurkur's tattered form when he crawled at my feet, snivelling and crying, begging for a cease-fire. I countermanded my previous orders of annihilate the jackbooted bastarrrds and told my staunch troops to take a break from breaking heads. The result was therefore not the expected total victory, but a measly tactical one.

Boo Radley, on the other hand, hasn't yet come to the same realization that Lurkur did, so I'm still in the process of dismantling his troops. Currently, he's managed to disable one of my tanks in exchange for, oh, some three or four of his tanks and a gaggle of halftracks. But who's counting.


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