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Ailing without CMAK, MasterGoodale and Cheery Threats


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I'll send you yours when I get home from work and have hada couple of G&T's - just remember that every single one of your turns is hours late all teh time since you live in yesterday for 16 hours a day!! :mad: :mad: :mad:

so we'll have no bleating about how slow my turns are - 'cos they're eing done for you tomorrow already!!

bleedin' foreigners... :mad: :mad: :mad:

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Originally posted by Mike:

I'll send you yours when I get home from work and have hada couple of G&T's - just remember that every single one of your turns is hours late all teh time since you live in yesterday for 16 hours a day!! :mad: :mad: :mad:

so we'll have no bleating about how slow my turns are - 'cos they're eing done for you tomorrow already!!

bleedin' foreigners... :mad: :mad: :mad:

You have infrastructure?..Requiring a work force?...In New Zealand?.. Pfeh, quit yanking my chain and send me the turn! :mad:
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Originally posted by Aces_and_8's:

You have infrastructure?..Requiring a work force?...In New Zealand?..

Yeah - without it we wouldn't be able to rip aoff all those rich yank tourists who come down here!

Pfeh, quit yanking my chain and send me the turn! :mad:

I'f you're flushed then I suggest you put both hands on top of hte table where everyone can see them, and breath steadily for a few mminutes - you've got the turn - so where the feck is my reply you whinging wannabe??!! :mad: :mad: :mad:
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Originally posted by mike_the_wino:

Luverly, the everly gallant Soddball is making nasty comments to errant Ladies. Teddy aren't you chaps supposed to be a bit more gentlemanly? Come on, tell us the truth...Soddy is actually Canadian, isn't he?

If a British chap has an especially stiff upper lip, he can sometimes find it difficult to express his admiration and appreciation of the fairer sex.

When he means to tell a lovely lady: "Your hair looks really nice like that, I really enjoy spending time with you, you are fun to be with and you are an amazing cook, where did you learn all these recipes?" it can sometimes come out as: "Jinkies, keep talking, you bunny boiling wench, some day you'll say something intelligent. GRAHRHRHRGGHHGHG!!! :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: "

It's an extreme speech impediment. Tragic, really.


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You will be pleased to know that to reduce Axe's frustration, I sent him two new scenarios to distract him from CMAK. Of course, they are CMAK scenarios, but that really shouldn't bother him.


Hmm, maybe I can have him edit the briefings, he is bound to get one edited right SOMETIME. smile.gif

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So I arrive home last night and Paula says, "There's a parcel in the parcel mail slot dear. It must be your game."

Of course, I say to myself. Tuesday's parcel was a book order, Wednesday's was a parcel from my father-in-law, both of which I was expecting (but nonetheless didn't take the sting out of them not being CMAK).

I open the parcel slot and what do I pull out? Our old landlord forwarded a magazine to Paula that she forgot to change our address with!! :mad: :mad: The moron actually spent $4.25 in postage to forward a $3.95 magazine! (Well, it was quite nice of her actually).

I'm actually at the point where I'm looking around expecting to see the Greek Chorus laughing at me as the gods have their fun.

What tales will come from the mailbox tonight? Stay tuned.

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Soddball is doomed...DOOMED I tell you. He foolishly let me have the Krauts in an Italian scenario. Little does he know that I have purchased:

1 Tiger

1 Marder II

1 PSW 233

1 88mm PAK

1 50mm PAK

1 Sdkfz 7 to tow the 88mm PAK

1 Company of Fusiliers

1 Company of Jägers

1 Platoon of Pioneers with flamethrowers

1 Platoon of Recon infantry

3 x Psk

1 Tank hunter


3x 75mm Arty spotters

1 81mm arty spotter

He does not know that my plan is to advance across the hills closest to the town and set up a fire base at the top of Hill 153 (the name I have secretly given to the hill closest to the town) From there my Tiger and my 88mm PAK will dominate the countryside.

Under cover from those monsters, my infantry will advance to the village and secure it. I will deploy my infantry in the buildings, and my flamethrowers will hide in the nearby woods. Then I will wait for his clumsy attempt to take the town. Poor lad, he doesnt stand a chance.

Now...some of you might think it is foolish of me to post my forces and my tactical plans like this. However, Soddball is completely worthless when it comes to playing Combat Mission, and he will royally screw up this battle too, like he always does. Besides, Im pretty sure that he cant read anyway...judging from his senseless ramblings in these forums, its pretty obvious to anyone that he only sits infront of his computer hitting keys at random on his keyboard. The tosser...

In fact, I was toying with the idea of only buying unarmed trucks to at least give him SOME chance, but alas, the purchase limits prevented that.

Oh..and as a particularily nasty surprise for old Soddball, Im going to use my artillery and plaster the part of the map where I suspect he has placed his units in the setup.

Man...he is really worthless...already before turn 1 has he tanked the battle.

Snarker how about a game?

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<font size=5>Good Morning Vietnam!!</font size=5>

Oh wait, that's been done to death already. Hey Jim Boggs, you Italian tank sniper maggot, the boys at Valley Forge were asking when you would be getting back. I explained you were off visiting your childhood buddy Attila the Hun. Keke, you tree mold maggot, why don't you slither back into the forest and chase reindeer? :D:D

Some bad news - yesterday I heard from our patron saint, the man who put the GRRRR into GRARGHRAGRHRAGGHRAARGHRAR, the man who put "deranged molten TNT" into our vocabularies, the "Lip Encrusted Jewelless Grandmonster" of Cheery Waffle Land, our very own MasterGoodale. No, hearing from him isn't the bad news. It seems both he and his lovely, charming, and extremely non-judgemental MrsMasterGoodale have been suffering from extended bouts of pneumonia. If you get a chance, drop the uber-maggot an e-mail to tell him how pathetic he really is and that nobody cares what happens to him. ;):D

Originally posted by rune:

You will be pleased to know that to reduce Axe's frustration, I sent him two new scenarios to distract him from CMAK. Of course, they are CMAK scenarios, but that really shouldn't bother him.

Isn't that prohibited by the constitution? Sounds like "cruel and unusual punishment" to me. Oh wait, he's not protected - he's a CANADIAN!! Never mind. Carry on. :D
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Originally posted by Dave H:

It seems both he and his lovely, charming, and extremely non-judgemental MrsMasterGoodale have been suffering from extended bouts of pneumonia. If you get a chance, drop the uber-maggot an e-mail to tell him how pathetic he really is and that nobody cares what happens to him. ;):D

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Originally posted by Firefly:

Those of us who've graduated beyond 'brown paper wrapped thingy'. Who wants to be first to tell Axe that, due to the smaller manual, CMAK comes in an envelope?

Ooooh, wouldn't it be ironic if Axe has already received the envelope with CMAK, but since he's looking for a "parcel", he doesn't know it? :eek: :eek: :eek: redface.gif
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Originally posted by Dave H:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Firefly:

Those of us who've graduated beyond 'brown paper wrapped thingy'. Who wants to be first to tell Axe that, due to the smaller manual, CMAK comes in an envelope?

Ooooh, wouldn't it be ironic if Axe has already received the envelope with CMAK, but since he's looking for a "parcel", he doesn't know it? :eek: :eek: :eek: redface.gif </font>
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Originally posted by Dave H:

It seems both he and his lovely, charming, and extremely non-judgemental MrsMasterGoodale have been suffering from extended bouts of pneumonia. If you get a chance, drop the uber-maggot an e-mail to tell him how pathetic he really is and that nobody cares what happens to him.

Well my prayers to have that nong hit by a meteor seem to go unanswered but the pain he is suffering will have to suffice.

BTW, by NOT sending him an email aren't I REALLY telling him what an insignificant scrote he really is? :mad: :mad: :mad:

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Originally posted by Lawngnome:

The wife is witholding CMAK from me.

She doesn't happen to work for Canadian Customs, or the Canadian Postal service does she?

She says I need to spend more time with her or some crap like that. I don't get it.
Obviously not.

This is what I get for putting up with her for 19 years?
So what does she get for putting up with your boorish, oafish being? The mere fact that she wants to spend MORE time with is an obvious sign of eiter a serious mental defect or some self-loathing that borders on wanting to be French. Wait, I guess those two items are one and the same.

Hardly fair.
Oh, somebody didn't get the memo....LIFE ISN'T FAIR YOU MONKEY-HUMPING, GRABASSTIC, LUNKHEAD!!!

[ December 12, 2003, 01:06 PM: Message edited by: mike_the_wino ]

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Originally posted by Axe2121:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Dave H:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Firefly:

Those of us who've graduated beyond 'brown paper wrapped thingy'. Who wants to be first to tell Axe that, due to the smaller manual, CMAK comes in an envelope?

Ooooh, wouldn't it be ironic if Axe has already received the envelope with CMAK, but since he's looking for a "parcel", he doesn't know it? :eek: redface.gif </font>
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<font size=5>Danger, Will Robinson!! Grog Warning!!</font size=5>

Okay, you guys had to start talking about tanks, so I've got a question for you. How, and why, did the A-9, or whatever this British cruiser tank is called, have six crewmen?? Those guys must have been wedged in there like Keke, mike_the_wino, Soddball, Seanachai, MasterGoodale, and Jim Boggs in their little clown car. Were a couple of extra crewmen carried in case they had to get out and push? Maybe their bodies provided additional protection for the important crew members? Or were they just along for the ride to fire the machine guns? :confused: :confused:

Goodness knows that Cheery Waffleheads are anything but grogs, but you never know when a real live one may blunder in. :rolleyes::D:D

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