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In the Forum the Fools Come and Go, Talking of Challenges to Peng, You Know

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Originally posted by Noba:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Boo Radley:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Noba:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Boo Radley:

And to think, dalem, you were this close to receiving your very own Darwin Award.

I bet you feel sad now.

Boo, you should DEMAND your new sig. Or would you like to start a competition ? I'm sure there would be lots of entries. You could even offer a prize.

Noba </font>

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Ok. Back to report that I have finished my 1st game against SturmSebber.

He commanded the fascist invaders while I lead the heroic defenders of the rodina to victory.

The term utter annihilation comes to mind...

You may worship us. From afar.


[ May 09, 2004, 01:17 PM: Message edited by: ParaBellum ]

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I will sleep fine tonight. Dreaming of your soldiers, dying in agony in my deadly mortar barrages, cut down by my rampaging T-34s, with their last breath cursing the war, their belgian C.O. and Seanachai.

It was beautiful.

And in an IL2 coop I just shot down Rune

I can die now as a happy man.

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Dear dalem,

I'm glad you feel like a "Genius!".

Well, at this point I suppose it's more likely that you felt like a "Genius!". At least for the 2 hours and 7 minutes that elapsed between your post and Persephone's reply.

Take heart, dalem, for 127 mintues of feeling good about yourself is more than many lowly unfortunates get. (Not pointing any fingers here... but basically I mean Boo, Boggs, Joe, rleete, Lars, this new Paramecium guy, and pretty much the entire clan of inbred, mentally deficient miscreants who populate this thread... Ladies of the Pool excepted of course.)

For them, life is a seemingly endless toil of drudgery. Much of it spent milling about on street corners hoping, however much in vain, to be visited by the muses. Even if only for the fleeting moment that would grant them their 15 minutes of fame. It is a sad commentary indeed. But hey, you managed to score an extra 112 minutes for yourself!

Of course, now that's all over and you're just some guy standing there stinking of salad dressing.


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Oh hush, Boo. We both know that you suck. You could wander down to your often used Pharmacy and ask the register girl and she would say the same.

You can pretend to be high minded and intellectual but the sad, sorry truth remains: You suck!

Heaven and earth will pass away, but Boo will suck.

An example for you:

- In our current game, you are entirely too cowardly to show even one of your wimpy little pieces of armor after creating a juvenile little city armor scenario. Why are you so scared? Wait for it....

You suck!

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sniff...oh, Hiram you make me so sad when you're mean to me

Yeah, right. Tell you what, Braniac. Talk, much like yourself, is cheap. Why don't you send me a turn in this "juvenile" scenario I created (actually, the AI created it) or is that too much to ask for.

Why do you think I'm not moving my armor? Is it because you keep stupidly playing the last turn over and over again? Is your inner conversation going something like, "Huh! Boo not move."

"Boo not move AGAIN!"

Send a turn, you imbecile.

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Originally posted by Persephone:

I just started up the mower with the gas from last season and mowed the lawn. That way I didn't have to worry about how to dispose of the gas and end up with napalm and salad dressing all over my hands.

It was much easier.


See dalem? If you had a significant other like Berli and I, you wouldn't have figure out these little problems or cut the grass.

In other news, not many turns went out this weekend. Mother's Day, various odd jobs around the house, and last night, just when I had a chance to sit down and send turns, a truly nasty wall cloud came through. The tornado fortunately missed and headed for dalem's place, because he sucks even more than Boo.

Turns out this evening. I might even send dalem's first in recognition of his public service in steering whirling vortices.

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I'm off again today lads, to Denver and Seattle respectively ... though neither one really deserve much respect.

No time for chit chat with the locals, however, which provides a ready-made excuse for NOT getting together with OGSF again. Thankfully I was able to ditch my co-workers and meet with him elsewhere the last trip through ... where no one knew me. The old year end evaluation could have gone poorly else ... "Hmmmm, Joe you've done extraordinary work this year, saved the company millions and made millions by dint of the sweat off your brow ... on the other hand ... there WAS that OGSF fellow in Denver you introduced to us and, well ..."

However, there is CessPool business to attend to NOW.

Since I shall be gone I intend to TEST my theory of the need for a Junior Justicar (and yes, it DOES come with a Secret Decoder Ring ... turns the finger green but what can you do). In light of Seanachai's recommendation I hereby ... {Shudder} ... appoint Boo Radley as Junior Justicar Pro Tempore De Jure of the Peng Challenge Thread for the period of May 10th through May 15th ... AND NOT A MOMENT LONGER!

We'll see how he does, how he comports himself, how he attends to the Sacred Traditions of the CessPool in my absence.

I don't hold high hopes.


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Originally posted by Lars:

See dalem? If you had a significant other like Berli and I, you wouldn't have figure out these little problems or cut the grass.

Or use proper grammar...

"wouldn't have figure out"?

So is Shary going to have to start doing your speaking for you too, Lars? (We already know she's doing your thinking for you. And trust me on this one, WE ARE THANKFUL.)


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Originally posted by Lars:

and last night, just when I had a chance to sit down and send turns, a truly nasty wall cloud came through. The tornado fortunately missed and headed for dalem's place, because he sucks even more than Boo.

Yeah, it got pretty bad for a few minutes, but I was able to use my GENIUS power to make sure it passed over and headed over to Papa Khann's neck of the woods.


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Originally posted by Papa Khann:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Lars:

See dalem? If you had a significant other like Berli and I, you wouldn't have figure out these little problems or cut the grass.

Or use proper grammar...

"wouldn't have figure out"?

So is Shary going to have to start doing your speaking for you too, Lars? (We already know she's doing your thinking for you. And trust me on this one, WE ARE THANKFUL.)

Papa </font>

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

I hereby ... {Shudder} ... appoint Boo Radley as Junior Justicar Pro Tempore De Jure of the Peng Challenge Thread


Boys and girls, pull up the Barca loungers, throw a couple more SSNs on the fire, crack some long necks and put on some tunes because it's ... PARTY TIME!
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Originally posted by Boo Radley:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

I hereby ... {Shudder} ... appoint Boo Radley as Junior Justicar Pro Tempore De Jure of the Peng Challenge Thread


Boys and girls, pull up the Barca loungers, throw a couple more SSNs on the fire, crack some long necks and put on some tunes because it's ... PARTY TIME! </font>
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