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Is this the end of MikeyD?

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A possible tragedy in the MikeyD household.

My poor old (6 year old) G3 mac decided to NOT start up day before last! And after a day of emergency triage the thing STILL won't start. The plan is for me to drag the mac to someone who knows what he's doing over the weekend, see if there's still hope.

We all knows what this means. No pre-OSX mac means no CM, which means no more mods. Which also means I'm going to have to pass my time housecleaning or exercising or something. A fate worse than death!

Keep your fingers crossed, we've ALL got a stake in the outcome :(

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I, too, have a G3 Mac, and I'm afraid some of the other responders don't realize that the old technology of a G3 won't support the latest versions of the Mac's OS X. The best you can hope for is running version 10.1. For anything later, you're out of luck.

If your Mac's down, you can't run anything, neither the v9 emulator or the new "Bootcamp" which only runs on the new Intel processors.

You must be running something, though, because you're still on the internet and posting away.

Good luck.

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Gets reference to death scene of Edward G. Robison in "Little Ceasar" and begins to cry. Then remembers Edward G. Robison had a long and distinguished film carreer afterward until he was eaten in "Soylent Green". Begins to hope for a similar comeback for Mikey D except for the being eaten part.

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MOS: I doubt if this is relevant to Mikey's problem, but you can run newer versions of OS 10 on his G3. I'm running Tiger on an old Beige G3 (with upgraded CPU). You just need some shareware called XPostFacto to install the new system software. It's just a way of getting around Apple's little trick to avoid having to support newer software on older machines.

I suppose it's possible that Mikey's G3 has blown it's power supply or something nasty like that. Probably not worth trying to repair if it's a hardware problem.

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"You must be running something, though, because you're still on the internet"

Yeh, I'm running my work mac :D

The game plan is to get the dead machine into the hands of clever people and pay them only moderately large sums of money to resurrect it (not til Monday though). If the thing's still dead I might ask them if they've got a used OS9 G4 hanging around for sale. After that its the big mac/PC upgrade decision I've been postponing for the past 8 months. Both choices means all new apps - Ouch!

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Do not underestimate people who are smarter than you.

I dragged my dead computer to the computer fix-it place, They waved a magic wand while chanting "Presto-Chango", and just like Jesus it returned to life. Woo Hoo! :D:D:D:D:D:D

About survivng a week with no computer - Oh my God! What do 'normal' people do with themselves Sunday mornings? With no mods to putter over I was forced to resort to housecleaning to break the boredom ...and exercising ...and watching reality TV!


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Actually, I had already been burned once before and had to retrieve a bunch of my own stuff from your cmmods.com. So all my art (and the games) are safely stashed on a peripheral HD. Only problem is a dead computer means I couldn't touch the peripheral either! :mad:

All I want is for my current system to soldier on until proper system requirements are posted for CMx2.

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He opened the case, pushed a button, closed the case, then kicked me out the door without charging me.

Oh, and he said next time the computer dies I should try pushing that button myself.

When I said I had to go to people cleverer than me to get my computer fixed I was implying that I wasn't very clever at all. :rolleyes:

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