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Peng Challenges the Killer Rabbit.


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Since it is about that time once again, and because I am going to see Spamalot tomorrow, it is time for a new thread.

Thous shallst countith to 3: This thread is about the challenge, use wit, use panache, use more wit. If you don't have any, then Sod Off 1977 Peng.

Duce: We are no longer the Knights who say Ni, We are the knights who say:

"Ekki Ekki Ekki Ekki Pnang Zoom Boing"

Three is the number that thou shall countest to: Challenge a SSN such as yourself first. You are below the Knights of the Peng Chaalnge, you must work your way up. Choose one and only one person to challenge, and speak out like you had a pair, but not about your pair, or face our Keeper of the Bridge of Death, Joebob Shaw

Forth: The Ladies of the Pool are sacred, keep them that way or Sod Off!

Five: Is right out.

Six: You MUST havith a email address in your profile. Failure to do so will result with a visit from the Killer Rabbit. After all, its got fangs and things...

Seven: If you are still here, then you may have what it takes. Maybe one of the Houses will notice you, maybe they will use the Holy handgrenade of Antioch, you just never know.

Sir Rune

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That's it? That's the title we have to live with until something better comes along?

Your rules are pretty lame too. Almost as lame as one of your scenarios, I might add. You didn't even bold Ladies.

It must have depressed you greatly when you realized that great untapped reservoir of creative talent everyone said you had really wasn't that impressive.

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Originally posted by rune:

Yet YOU had to thank me for helping you with my knowledge.

Resting on past laurels again, Rune? Need to keep a reminder of that day in your sig, due to your total lack of self confidence? Will it affect you at all to know I was suffering from the flu and had just drunk a half a bottle of Robitussen along with some peyote buttons when I thanked you?

Admit it, you were taken to Knighthood in a fit of drunkeness, by none other then... [Plays dramatic music]

A Drunken lawyer!



Wrong again, Rune. but thanks for playing anyway.

M'Lud Croda took me to Knighthood. JDMorse was not in attendance at the time and I did not even meet him until about a year later.

Care to try again?

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Drugged or not, you Thanked me. I also have proof you CLAIM to work. Don't make me copy and paste your message. We all know better.

And it doesn't matter, you still belong to a drunken lawyer's House. Why? bacause Joebob made that call, and as we all know, joebob thinks he is never wrong. Tehn promptly chamnges the rules again.

So, little Boo, go back to testing before I borrow matt's whip. Oh, and quit dodging me, you know I will shoot you down...and if I don't, I'll blame harv.


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... of course

[cycling hooves in the air as if riding a giant, invisible tandem]

... one is quite expected to transfer ones feelings onto the yer therapist as part of me analytic experience...

[swift, avaricious glance sideways]

... and I must say yer looking rather alluring tonight, rather charming and *sniff* I should say very fragrant in yer little pointy hat and yer rotund, rubber belly...

[cycles a little faster]

... but one cannot unleash me unsaid, deepest fantasies not even on yer...

[swift side glance and slight trembling of the nostrils]

... most cosseted confidences...

[ January 19, 2005, 08:53 PM: Message edited by: Yeknodathon ]

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Oh, good, Seanachai's here, maybe he can bless me with the spirit of the goddess. Christ and Buddha in a canoe, when did you people become such pale caricatures of yourselves? You makes me sick, and not in the good, kinda dizzy sorta way. At least dear Emma's here, even though she doesn't like me (SHE NEVER LIKED ME!!) but at least she's here, to take the edge off the impending showing of Mr. Wankers hisself, that damned bloated old Southern rock star who only shows up long enough to ooze onto the carpet and then flee, like the Hound of the Baskervilles, to some maiden's far-off latrine where he spends the next thread's worth of time lapping up an ignomanious cask full of regret and sorrow, only to look in the mirror and see the kind of unshaven, misbegotten wretch that thinks Hiram's worth a pat on the back, jogging loose some old memory (Likely of me loosening his sanity through liberal application of defeat after defeat) of an old life, nearly worth not swallowing a couple pounds of molten lead over, so that he can ride back, ooze in, and yell 'Wankers' just in time for the beginning of the next thread.

Makes me sick. Makes me want to post guards. Speaking of which, fresh back from Tsunami relief:


Soft. You've all grown soft, and thorny, especially you, Emma, who once gave poly-vinyl chloride a shimmering life of its own (Where's old Frenchie, by the by?). I still dislike that pixish thing, but I think I shall buy it from its owner once I return in full (Currently, like the Dark Lord of old, I still lack the power to assume form, I can only influence and corrupt). Then I may teach it some tricks, or maybe just kick it whenever I feel small (Which is never! NEVER!!! Alexander the Great, conquered the entire world, and he was only 4'11"!!!!!).

I see you've gone back to rules. Hmmm, makes me want to say it OGSF-style... Ach! Ah say ye've gun bach ta rrr-ules! I don't like them, not one bit, though I do like the occasional sea-bee who doesn't know who I am (I'm the Tooth Fairy, dearie, I'm the Easter Bunny and Jiminy Cricket and the cardinal-himself all rolled into one. I'm your friend, you see, your only and dearest and not at all crazy as any flora infested with rodentia, no ma'am), they amuse me. Not enough, though--tell them to dance.

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Originally posted by rune:

Drugged or not, you Thanked me. I also have proof you CLAIM to work. Don't make me copy and paste your message. We all know better.

Yes, indeed. I work. I take it this concept is alien to you? So, making license plates is your avocation?

And it doesn't matter, you still belong to a drunken lawyer's House. Why? bacause Joebob made that call, and as we all know, joebob thinks he is never wrong. Tehn promptly chamnges the rules again.

Nice spelling. When you type, do you actually use your fingers or do you just try to form words by pegging tangerines at the keyboard from across the room?

So, little Boo, go back to testing before I borrow matt's whip. Oh, and quit dodging me, you know I will shoot you down...and if I don't, I'll blame harv.


Don't confuse dodging with ignoring. Big difference.
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Originally posted by Elijah Meeks:

Courtesy of Sturmsebber

Oh god, not another one of those who keep talking and talking and talking and talking.

*sigh* Everyone here has learnt to shut up, even Seanachai can limit his posts to a 1000 words, why can't you?

Oh and turns out to everyone of you losers, except Nidan1, he's not a loser..more like a freak of nature or possessing super-human abilities. No-one can lose so many games in a row. Maybe I should call him super-?.

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Originally posted by Elijah Meeks: (Where's old Frenchie, by the by?).
Would you believe France?

I still dislike that pixish thing,

But what better reason to return than to have someone new to *kick*?

I'd appreciate it though if you could refrain from kicking the lower regions as it may well affect his dancing technique...


Do you still have the leopard print TIGHTS?

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Originally posted by stikkypixie:

Oh god, not another one of those who keep talking and talking and talking and talking.

*sigh* Everyone here has learnt to shut up, even Seanachai can limit his posts to a 1000 words, why can't you?

Now now Stikky is that the way to welcome back a Seniour Knight of the Pool, where's your manners?

Of course I blame Nidan for not keeping you up to date with the Who's Who of the Cesspool I suggest you go read the Justicars site....

Yes I know it sounds like the Justicar doesn't like Meeks either, but well, it's a long story and it's best left for the long winded and well, he seems to be AWOL at the moment ( Joe) that is...not Meeks and so you'll just have to trust me on this one, you can you know, trust me that is, I mean I didn't tell everyone that your hair wasn't naturally curly and that you used hot rollers to keep it that way did I?

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Originally posted by Elijah Meeks:

Oh, good, Seanachai's here, maybe he can bless me with the spirit of the goddess. Christ and Buddha in a canoe, when did you people become such pale caricatures of yourselves?

You miserable little bastard. You oughta be calling me 'Dad', and fetching me cooling drinks, don't you know.

Berli, Peng and I built all this for you lot. Conjured it out of nothingness, and gave you a place to come and make your own new, shiny world. And devil the drop we've seen of righteous tribute since.

Can't remember the last time I came home and found a bottle of the good stuff, lovingly packed in a 'tosser proof' container waiting for me on the doorstep.

Originally posted by Elijah Meeks:

At least dear Emma's here, even though she doesn't like me (SHE NEVER LIKED ME!!) but at least she's here...

No one likes you, Meeks. But I can give you the nod of respectful hatred without feeling the need to cuddle, afterwards.

Originally posted by Elijah Meeks:

Makes me sick. Makes me want to post guards. Soft. You've all grown soft, and thorny

Sometimes, 'tis true, the whole place needs a good slap with a wet flannel. Glad to see you posting in a fulsome, expanded style.

I used to post at length. But then I discovered, through emails and online chats, that even the buggers that I thought of as intelligent, well-spoken and well read, admitted that if I posted anything beyond a short paragraph in short, easy-to-understand words, they simply skipped it.

Apparently the sort of intelligence that can deal with flights of fancy, language and the glory of the human spirit has almost completely fecking died out. I blame the neo-cons.

Originally posted by Elijah Meeks:

I see you've gone back to rules. Hmmm, makes me want to say it OGSF-style... Ach! Ah say ye've gun bach ta rrr-ules! I don't like them, not one bit, though I do like the occasional sea-bee who doesn't know who I am (I'm the Tooth Fairy, dearie, I'm the Easter Bunny and Jiminy Cricket and the cardinal-himself all rolled into one. I'm your friend, you see, your only and dearest and not at all crazy as any flora infested with rodentia, no ma'am), they amuse me. Not enough, though--tell them to dance.

Get a grip, Elijah. Rules are for 'the little people'...
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Originally posted by Seanachai:

You miserable little bastard...

Without me, you'd be swinging on the vines, contemplating Intelligent Design and wondering when, oh when, Lord, it'd be your turn. I didn't have to gift the Pool with another step in evolution, you sorry sot, I could've made the frickin' Cheery Waffle thread walk on two legs if I'd wanted. But there was no Cheery Waffle thread back when I felt munificent, no, so it was either your homage to beats (or leaks, or whatever) or some grogfest between Andreas and JasonCrawdad and, frankly, if I'd given one of those things life it would've wiped all of us out, by now. The MBT wouldn'ta made it past 1250 without me. ME!!

And what're you wafflers doing looking at this?! No, that doesn't mean a thousand, kajillion tons of TNT and a buncha angry, stoopid faces is even a microscopic invertebrate in comparison to the glorious and all-encompassing Cesspool. I'm just saying that if I'd spent an ounce of my crystalline potency on your sorry excuse for a tailgate, I coulda made ya more than several thousand pages about late-model Nash Ramblers and sore kittens.

Okay, so maybe you had something to do with it. Okay, I'll grant you and your lot'll always be the Olde Ones and that you'll always meet at some firepit in some misbegotten corner of some derilect property in some red state. But. BUT! But, without me, you'da just been talking about that bloodless Gaius Geier and his silly antics with some hapless noob. Remember, without me, no Croda and without Croda, I tell you, the world stops spinning. So, yeah, you deserve a bottle a booze, but I'll be damned if I'm the one sending it. You get that earless one to buy your liquor, I don't contribute to the delinquincy of gnomes.

Originally posted by Seanahoochie:

I used to post at length. But then I discovered, through emails and online chats, that even the buggers that I thought of as intelligent, well-spoken and well read, admitted that if I posted anything beyond a short paragraph in short, easy-to-understand words, they simply skipped it.

Oh you sad slave to the polls. (Hmmm, sad Slav to the Poles?) Eight lessons to be learned for all you lot:

1. Never listen to nobody. Unless, UNLESS, they've got feminine charms (SIT DOWN BAUHAUS!) and being a slimy sprite ain't one of 'em.

2. Never, ever chat with any Pooler. I did it once, ONCE, and I ended up with Hiram running around like a lunatic, YK2 making noises about the Pelopernesian and PawBrooooom pawn-tificating about the glory of Napoleon.

Originally posted by That Guy:

Rules are for 'the little people'...

Oh. Quite right--carry on.
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