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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×

Peng to the left of me, Peng to the right of me, Challenge in front of me...

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With great panache and tactical incompetence, I have managed to lose yet another tilt in a long string of contests.

This time it was Noba who took advantage of a scenario designed by Satan to prove once again that three-man tank crews (even though British) fair better than two-man tank crews (Italian ... gahhhhh!!).

Final score: 91-9.

Maybe it was that final suicidal charge across open ground that did in the spaghetti slurpers under my abysmal command.

I know it wasn't me.

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Originally posted by Moriarty:

With great panache and tactical incompetence, I have managed to lose yet another tilt in a long string of contests.

This time it was Noba who took advantage of a scenario designed by Satan to prove once again that three-man tank crews (even though British) fair better than two-man tank crews (Italian ... gahhhhh!!).

Final score: 91-9.

Maybe it was that final suicidal charge across open ground that did in the spaghetti slurpers under my abysmal command.

I know it wasn't me.

Unless you somehow manage to conjure up some kind of huge mutant-robot-with-lasers-in-their-eyes reinforcements, I foresee a similar end to our little escapade.
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Yet another tumbleweed drifts past

Time Joe was back, it's much too quiet in here...

It's also time fiefdom was up again....


On a brighter note... I have my copy of WoW, but my comp is ****e so I can't play yet.. I am awaiting a nice new Dell though...nothing fancy but it has a 17inch flat monitor and will be up to spec...

Ohhhhhhhhh I'm a happy bunny!!!

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Originally posted by stikkypixie:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Seanachai:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by **YK2**:

Ohhhhhhhhh I'm a happy bunny!!!

And we know what happens to small, fuzzy, defenceless bunnies, don't we? </font>
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I see that some baseless lies have been spread on this Thread about my recent trip to Chicagoland.

While in Chicagoland, I watched over small children, did good works and served as a blessing unto all man and womankind.

People came forward to touch me, to clasp my hand, or even just touch the fringe of my garments. A glowing aura of goodness and peace shone all around me. I was a light in that dark place.

Now that I have returned to Minnesota, I don't know what will become of them all. I fear greatly for the souls of both Bauhaus and Moriarity. At heart they are good men, but without me there as an example I fear that they may stray into unrighteous paths.

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Originally posted by Boo Radley:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Seanachai:

People came forward to touch me, to clasp my hand, or even just touch the fringe of my garments.

Your garments have fringes?

My. How... special. </font>

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Originally posted by NG cavscout:

Ungrateful little gnome...

Did I mention that NG Cavscout was one of Nature's nobleman, and treated me to a fine tex-mex breakfast, as well as filling me up with coffee and allowing me to meet his youngest daughter, who was quite sweet and unbelievably cute?

It did slow down my arrival somewhat in Illinois, as he insisted I accompany him on his 'gratuity' route, and keep the car running while he picked up his 'gratuity envelopes' from various merchants and small businessmen...

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