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Massive Normandy scenario posted to the Proving Grounds

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20,000 points. 12+ square kilometer map. 100 turns. Big.

The battle represented is the 7 June 1944 clash between elements of the 12th SS and the 3rd Canadian Infantry Division north of Carpiquet Airfield. I've made it as historically correct as I can based on available sources.

As you might expect, something this big will likely need some tweaking, so if you play it please leave me some feedback over at TPG. Thanks and enjoy.

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Hmmm, perhaps my oversight in failing to actually NAME the scenario in my big announcement may have had some negative effect on the willingness of people to download it... (The name is actually part of a quote from "Panzer" Meyer's discussion of the battle in his book.)

Anyway, that said, what is it about it that strikes you as particularly insanity-induced? FYI, I'm still working on development - one thing I have yet to do is get the historical commanders' names inserted where I have them. Let the insanity continue.

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Originally posted by Bimmer:

Hmmm, perhaps my oversight in failing to actually NAME the scenario in my big announcement may have had some negative effect on the willingness of people to download it... (The name is actually part of a quote from "Panzer" Meyer's discussion of the battle in his book.)

Anyway, that said, what is it about it that strikes you as particularly insanity-induced? FYI, I'm still working on development - one thing I have yet to do is get the historical commanders' names inserted where I have them. Let the insanity continue.

Perhaps only giving us 7 hours to do so before complaining has had an adverse effect also... :D

It is summer in civilized parts of the world...not much time for 100 turn games.... tongue.gif

Although if you had given a direct link to the download page, or even just to the website, that would probably have helped your download stats too.....

What an Opportunity! download

[ June 09, 2005, 05:29 AM: Message edited by: Michael Dorosh ]

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Hi Bimmer,

I just started to play your huge scenario("15 turn"), big mess in perspective :D !

Only one question , Do you have added some "Panthers" in your scénario ? Because Panther have been near Buron at this time(5 Panther destroyed)and between Franqueville and l'Abbaye d' Ardenne (2 Panther destroyed).



[ June 09, 2005, 12:04 PM: Message edited by: patboy ]

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Originally posted by patboy:

Only one question , Do you have added some "Panthers" in your scénario ? Because Panther have been near Buron at this time(5 Panther destroyed)and between Franqueville and l'Abbaye d' Ardenne (2 Panther destroyed).

Are you sure about this? All the info I've read on this battle indicates only the II. Abteilung (Mark IVs) being involvde in the June 7th counterattack, with the Panthers of I. Abteilung not arriving until much later in the evening, and instead attacking further west in the vicinity of Bretteville L’Orgueilleuse.
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My research confirms what Kingfish posted. I Battalion (Panthers) was trapped east of the Orne waiting for fuel and did not participate in the battle. They arrived late in the evening of 7 June and were slotted into the line, along with 26th Panzergrenadier Regiment, west of Meyer's 25th PzG Regt. I found nothing to suggest the 12th SS forces involved had any armor other than the PzIVs of II Battalion.

The 12th SS continued fighting in this area for almost a month, IIRC - perhaps the Panthers to which you are referring were knocked out later on?

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Just checked TOOLS OF THE TRADE. Actually opened it up and the page I opened it to had a photo - PAC 131391 with the caption "A Sherman Vc Firefly ...of the 27th Armoured Regiment (The Sherbrooke Fusilier Regiment),....moving into action near Buron, 7-11 June 1944..."

So I reckon y'all need some Fireflies in there.

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I believe the Panthers in question were destroyed during Operation Charnwood. Michael Reynolds describes elements of von Ribbentrop's 3rd company (Panthers) counterattacking on July 8th to rescue trapped remnants of the 25th PzGr regiment, which at the time was defending the area La Bijude - Galamanche - Buron. He mentions 7 tanks being lost.

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The Panthers in question indeed did not enter the fray on the morning of the 7th. Meyer attacked with around 50 mark IV's, the Panther battalian was still behind the lines and low on fuel and could not be deployed until evening. There were however, Firefly's in the fray including a lone surviving Firefly of the Sherbrooke Fusilier at Authie that temporarily held up the German counterattack. There were also Canadian m10 tank destroyers as well as the Shermans and Stuarts.


[ June 09, 2005, 07:51 PM: Message edited by: Emar ]

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To response to all, Not I'm not sure about Panthers have been engaged in this battle, but the only thing I know and seen, is the map of this battle with some draws where it's written "Panthers" destroyed and the number. Other things, two photos show one Panther destroyed near Authie (front and back); the caption said : Near Authie, soldiers of the Regina Rifles are examining a Panther tank ; it's the n° 135 which was the one of the commander of the third section, first company SS panzer regiment 12.

Source : Album Memorial

Bataille de Normandie

Normandy invasion June 11 - August 29 1944

(page 232 photo 4 and page 236 photo 2)

Editions Heimdal




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There was two battles around this area...

The first one: June 7th (check the operation "Bloody Buron" made by beta-tester Joël Montagu for CMBO)>> No panthers

The second one : one month later = Operation Charnwood (check scenario "Operation Charnwood" for CMBO)>> panthers...

The map looks quite accurate. Good job!

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Foo - I can do one better. Check my CMAK battle, "WBRP - Charnel Wood", both versions at the SD. It covers the counter attack by the eight Panthers.

Originally posted by Xavier:

There was two battles around this area...

The second one : one month later = Operation Charnwood (check scenario "Operation Charnwood" for CMBO)>> panthers...

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