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It Don't Mean a Thing if it Ain't Got That Peng -- Challenge, that is . . .


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Originally posted by Michael Emrys:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Moraine Sedai:

hmmm...I wonder why someone would find the need to count the LEGS on thousands of fruit flies.

Just count the fruit flies and multiply by six.

But then, suppose one or more of them were an amputee? That would throw the whole count off. No, I think it best that young whazzitsname keep at the job until it is completed. Then perhaps he should start over just to be sure of the sum. Yes, I think that would be prudent.

Michael </font>

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Originally posted by stikkypixie:

Oh my god! He's everywhere!!

Please do not do that again. When I clicked on that link, I had to spend the next five minutes clicking on cookies to make them go away. Then I had to make all the pop-up windows go away. Then I had to edit my preferences to delete all the cookies that had slipped by me in spite of my best efforts. Then, when I was done with that, there was nothing interesting on that page. This is very annoying. I may hunt you down and kill you. Slowly.



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My next house is going to be a log cabin.

Never have to remodel a log cabin.

Or at least, when you do, you get to do it with a chainsaw, which, at this point, would suit my mood just fine.


Lars, how hard can it be to pull the other half up and put it on blocks?

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Originally posted by Michael Emrys:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by stikkypixie:

Oh my god! He's everywhere!!

Please do not do that again. When I clicked on that link, I had to spend the next five minutes clicking on cookies to make them go away. Then I had to make all the pop-up windows go away. Then I had to edit my preferences to delete all the cookies that had slipped by me in spite of my best efforts. Then, when I was done with that, there was nothing interesting on that page. This is very annoying. I may hunt you down and kill you. Slowly.


Michael </font>

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Originally posted by Michael Emrys:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Boo Radley:

There'll be a little something extra in your pay envelope this week.

My advice is to open the envelope, hold it up to your nose, and inhale deeply. Knowing Boo as I do, it will no doubt be anthrax spores.

Michael </font>

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Originally posted by Boo Radley:

Yeah, and that's the last time I get drunk and party with a bunch of frisky laundressess...laundress...women who do laundry.

Boo, as a general rule you can't assume that women who carry bags of clothes around are laundresses. This is especially true if the bags are plastic garbage sacks they wheel around in grocery carts.


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Originally posted by rleete:

Not me; I'm a leftie. Left handed, that is. Politically, I make old Adolf look like a liberal pussie.

With the singular difference that Hitler was actually able to gain and keep power, and you're lucky to manage to urinate without help.

Originally posted by 37mm:

it includes more leather than rleete has in his basement/dungeon

Nonsense. Rleete is, as they say, a 'pillar of the community'. In his case, this means that he's rather like a bit of facade whose only purpose is to appear solid and bear up dead weight, although for all practical purposes he's probably ornamental and serves no actual purpose at all.

Besides which, I doubt that Roger's wife would allow him to have a basement filled with such stuff. He keeps it in a private locker in the basement of the local lodge he belongs to.

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Originally posted by 37mm:

37mm enters the stage resplendent is his new ‘squire’ uniform… its all shiny & buttony, got nice golden lappets, accessorised with a chest full of metals* , it includes more leather than rleete has in his basement/dungeon and I also have a riding crop which I can use to hit inferior sorts like… well pretty much anyone.

Everyone not only realises they should be nice & respectful to such an ascendant individual but they are actually awed by such obvious brilliance, many call out… “He is the messiah!”

I've changed my mind. Instead of a Squire, let's make him a potted plant.

The sort that is rather scraggly, and sits unobtrusively in a rather too large and rather deep pot in one corner, which, at any party that a British football fan is invited to, will be resoundingly thrown-up into at 2 AM.

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Stikkypixie, I like the cut of your jib already. I knew there was something about you that warranted attention...no, no not the pink jumpsuit and platfrom shoes, something else entirely.

When I sort through it, I'll let you know...for the time being just keep annoying Emrys .

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by 37mm:

37mm enters the stage resplendent is his new ‘squire’ uniform… its all shiny & buttony, got nice golden lappets, accessorised with a chest full of metals* , it includes more leather than rleete has in his basement/dungeon and I also have a riding crop which I can use to hit inferior sorts like… well pretty much anyone.

Everyone not only realises they should be nice & respectful to such an ascendant individual but they are actually awed by such obvious brilliance, many call out… “He is the messiah!”

I've changed my mind. Instead of a Squire, let's make him a potted plant.

The sort that is rather scraggly, and sits unobtrusively in a rather too large and rather deep pot in one corner.</font>

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Originally posted by Noba:

And if we make it a really big pot, we can put you on one side to give us something to take pot-shots at !!



Presidential Election cancelled.

That was just horrible. And the annoying little face at the bottom didn't help matters.

Keep it up and you might just find yourself some morning, waking up with a horrible headache, your mouth tasting like Grendel's underpants (I know, so far nothing's out of the ordinary), duct tape residue around your wrists and ankles (still normal), but as you look around, you see all your worldy possesions (both shoeboxes!) along with yourself are residing under a sign that proclaims:

Welcome To Tasmania!

Yes, you've finally become even too annoying for Australia.

And they said it could never happen.

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Originally posted by stikkypixie:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Moraine Sedai:

hmmm...I wonder why someone would find the need to count the LEGS on thousands of fruit flies.

Just count the fruit flies and multiply by six.


Some people are just soooo daft.

By the way...I've got a dozen or so drowned ones you can add to your collection there if you'd like.

I don't think this is wise, the lad is still overcome with excitement and the challenge of multiplying might be just too much. </font>
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Originally posted by Seanachai:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by rleete:

Not me; I'm a leftie. Left handed, that is. Politically, I make old Adolf look like a liberal pussie.

With the singular difference that Hitler was actually able to gain and keep power, and you're lucky to manage to urinate without help.</font>
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Originally posted by 37mm:

The reason I wouldn’t multiply by six is partly for the reason that Michael said (except I don’t think a 4 or 5 legged fruit fly counts as an ‘amputee’ par say) and partly because the flies might have more than six legs.

I anticipated that possibility. But since I am ever moved by compassion and a grand generosity of spirit (as behooves visiting royalty), and being concerned that you might strain your little mind if too many terms were added to the equation, I omitted to mention the part about the extra legs (which no doubt are the consequence of you clumsily spilling some of that dreadful stuff you drink into their cage or whatever it is you keep them in).

You also misspelled 'per'.


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Originally posted by Seanachai:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by 37mm:

37mm enters the stage resplendent is his new ‘squire’ uniform… its all shiny & buttony, got nice golden lappets, accessorised with a chest full of metals* , it includes more leather than rleete has in his basement/dungeon and I also have a riding crop which I can use to hit inferior sorts like… well pretty much anyone.

Everyone not only realises they should be nice & respectful to such an ascendant individual but they are actually awed by such obvious brilliance, many call out… “He is the messiah!”

I've changed my mind. Instead of a Squire, let's make him a potted plant.

The sort that is rather scraggly, and sits unobtrusively in a rather too large and rather deep pot in one corner, which, at any party that a British football fan is invited to, will be resoundingly thrown-up into at 2 AM. </font>

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

Dalem, Lars, when are we going to finish that game? You know, I don't think Italy is going to win it...

I don't know. Where the heck is the crazed Frenchman? I thought he was coming in this week.
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Originally posted by Michael Emrys:

Please do not do that again. When I clicked on that link, I had to spend the next five minutes clicking on cookies to make them go away. Then I had to make all the pop-up windows go away. Then I had to edit my preferences to delete all the cookies that had slipped by me in spite of my best efforts. Then, when I was done with that, there was nothing interesting on that page. This is very annoying. I may hunt you down and kill you. Slowly.



Hi there friend Michael Emrys, welcome to this wonderful invention also known as the world wide web. I hope you enjoy your visit as much i enjoy reading 37mm incoherent whining about my supposed gaminess/unwillingness to attack. Pull that finger out of your nose lad it's disgusting. Try to understand ( 37mm not you friend Michael) with your inferior brain that not all of us like to see our tanks turn into little bonfires after the first turn.

Back to you friend Michael, as Nidan1 is my teacherguy and I his squire, I have to listen to his senile self (who owns me a turn, but what else is new), so i will have to cause you more inconveniece. I'll try to come up with something creative, something different to spice up your life a bit. In the mean time you'll just have to wait.

We'll be seeing each other soon friend Michael,

Take care.

Friend stikkypixie

[ November 09, 2004, 01:13 PM: Message edited by: stikkypixie ]

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Main Entry: per se

Pronunciation: p&r-'sA, "per-; p&r-'sE

Function: adverb

Etymology: Latin, by, of, or in itself

1 : inherently, strictly, or by operation of statute, constitutional provision or doctrine, or case law <the transaction was illegal per se> —see also negligence per se at NEGLIGENCE nuisance per se at NUISANCE

2 : without proof of special damages or reference to extrinsic circumstances <defamatory statements that were actionable per se> —compare PER QUOD

I hate to say it but Emrys is correct. In line with the context of your babblings the proper useage would have been per se . There is no usage in the English language, which I believe, you, 37mmare a native speaker of, for par se . Thus and correctly Grog Emrys is within his bounds to point out the error.

Now go to your Liege, and request somew menial tasks to perform.

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