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Newbie lookin' for PBEM luv

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Ok. I am new. That much should be obvious.


But I have been following this series for a while, tried my hand at the store bought CM2:B2B and finally broke down and bought CM3:Afrika Corps.

Compared to the knowledge shown in these forums I am new but not completely green but I am looking to learn how to be better - and to better understand the many aspects of tactical warefare presented in these games and forums.

So I am looking for my first PBEM game - and I am looking for opponents who are willing to explain what I did wrong and what I did right in our engagements so that hopefully I can get better.

Could anyone point me in the right direction for my quest?

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You can either venture into the forgotten-by-God Peng thread, where you'll be thrashed, dissed, made fun of, ridiculed, patronized, beaten with a sackful of doorknobs, ordered to follow stupid rules and whatnots, to finally not have a game at all (or a game with Lars, which is quite the same, really).

Or there's the Cheery Waffle thread, where they mostly talk about TNT.

It's a matter of choosing between pest and cholera, truth be told.

*** realizes something ***

HEY ! HEY ! I'm not the last SSN anymore ! Champagne !

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Originally posted by Fridge:

You guys (gals?) in the Peng and Cherry Waffle threads scare me :)

Hey, don't be scared off!! It is true that the Peng denizens (also known as <font size=1>penguins</font size=1>) will most certainly treat you like a hairball vomited out on the Thanksgiving turkey. So stay away from those ne'er-do-wells. They have issues! tongue.giftongue.gif

On the other hand, the Cheery Waffle thread is open to all who seek to play CM for fun, not to prove their "tactical superiority". There are plenty of CM ladders for those misguided souls. Anyone looking for a PBEM would do well to check in the Waffle thread - there's always someone ready to start a new game. You may get a Canadian or an uber-Finn, but those are the chances you take. :D:D:D

Fridge, you being yet another Canadian will feel right at home. :D

[ June 08, 2004, 10:58 AM: Message edited by: Dave H ]

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Yeah, the Waffle thread, (also known as the <small>goddam</small> Thread) is ok, if you like playing CM with a bunch of guys who seem to spend an inordinate amount of time discussing maggots, mold and TNT.

Not your conversational heavyweights, if you know what I mean.

But that's Ok, I guess...

Every school of thought needs it remedial class, I suppose.

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Originally posted by Boo Radley:

Every school of thought needs it remedial class, I suppose.

Fridge, talk about hearing it straight from the horse's mouth! It appears this verbose <font size=1>penguin</font size=1> could use remedial classes in English. Boo, what happened to all of your steaming manure about Midwest solidarity, you Buckeye maggot!! tongue.gif:D:D
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Thanks for asking this question.

Two years of playing CM and reading posts and I had no idea the Peng thread or Cherry Waffle thread had anything to do with finding Opponents. It just seemed like a bunch of inarticulate, ESL dudes without jobs, who had all kinds of time on their hands to write a bunch of nonsense, wasting that precious resource which could have been used for playing CM.

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Fridge, do not listen to this WilBur person. It is obvious that he must be in some kind of "creative-artistic field".

You know the type. They measure the greatness of their work by the amount of bong water they produce.

I know not what the urchins in the Wiffle thread do other than fling fecal matter at each other...oh, and lose at CM quite a bit.

They're very good at losing...and flinging it seems.

On the other hand, the Mutha Beautiful Thread is the true thread of champions, where men stand tall (other than the Gnome) and the Ladies are mild and fair (unless you cross them, then they'll chew you up and not even bother to spit out the bones).

I hope this helps.

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Fridge it's really quite simple ... as are most of the Gawdawful thread denizens.

They will accept ... ANYONE.

As Groucho Marx once said, "I don't care to belong to a club that accepts people like me as members." And that's difference lad, we in the Peng Challenge Thread will NOT accept you as a member. Well, not until or unless you prove yourself worthy. Nor do we have any particular desire to recruit you or anyone. If someone should CHOOSE to drop in ... they'd best be prepared for the outcome.

A group that will accept ANYBODY is made up of NOBODIES.


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(there he goes again... Don't mind him, really, he's just a clockwork of some kind, mindlessly repeating what he was brainwashed/programmed to say. Kick'im in the nadgers for all you're worth, tell him to sod the feck off, and you'll be right as rain.)

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Originally posted by Fridge:

So what is the difference between the two groups - besides the banter that is?

* hoping the question does not offend one's grog-religion sensibilities) *

Simple - the Peng is a more or less rigid society - SSNs (scum sucking newbies), serfs, squires, knights, and a queen. The <font size=1>penguins</font size=1> start each new thread with their rules. If you're looking for formal structure and people who want to tell you what to do, the Peng is your place.

The Cheery Waffle thread has no rules, and no structure. Personally I appreciate the anarchy. Oh yes, in the Cheery Waffle thread we use as many of these :mad: :eek: tongue.gif;)redface.gif:(:rolleyes: as possible. Some <font size=1>penguins</font size=1> don't care for them.

[ June 08, 2004, 03:17 PM: Message edited by: Dave H ]

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Originally posted by Dave H:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Fridge:

So what is the difference between the two groups - besides the banter that is?

* hoping the question does not offend one's grog-religion sensibilities) *

Simple - the Peng is a more or less rigid society - SSNs (scum sucking newbies), serfs, squires, knights, and a queen. The <font size=1>penguins</font size=1> start each new thread with their rules. If you're looking for formal structure and people who want to tell you what to do, the Peng is your place.

The Cheery Waffle thread has no rules, and no structure. Personally I appreciate the anarchy. Oh yes, in the Cheery Waffle thread we use as many of these :mad: :eek: tongue.gif;)redface.gif:(:rolleyes: as possible. Some <font size=1>penguins</font size=1> don't care for them. </font>

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Originally posted by willbell:

Joe Shaw,

The quote is "I wouldn't want to join a club that would have me as a member"

...{snipped} ...

Willbell, there are actually several versions of this floating around:

I don't care to belong to a club that accepts people like me as members.

I don't want to belong to any club that would have me as a member.


I would never belong to a group that would accept someone like me as a member.

I suspect that, like any great line, he used it more than once.


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Originally posted by willbell:

So the quote I gave you is precisely how I remember it.

And the quote I gave you is precisely how it's QUOTED on the FOUR WEBSITES I PROVIDED AS SOURCE DOCUMENTS ... so there. tongue.gif

Besides everyone knows about your memory.


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