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The Infantry

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Ok um, in this game vs the original CMBO.. is it just me or are the infantry a bunch of wimps? I mean they die 3-4 at a time, and the worst part is they KEEP DOING THINGS I TELL THEM NOT TOO. Like sneak off somewhere like pansys and get them selves killed. I am really really frustrated with Afrika Corps. The only thing so far that I actually like is the graphics improvment. Other than that, the tanks take 16 million hits before they are killed, the German tanks are 10x stronger. The Brits have a load of crap weapons and tanks. I am tired of playing the stupid Brits there pissin me off ...lol :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

Oh, and just like the first CMBO you dont get enough infantry ammo. In about 10-12 rounds 85% of your ammo is gone. Then your infantry units are worthless

[ May 18, 2004, 05:37 AM: Message edited by: Pvt Ryan ]

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Welcome to real life mate.

No longer will your squaddies happily run through HMG fire without blinking! No more super infantry!

You just have to learn how to use them right - I'm guessing you skipped CMBB? It was the same then.

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Try using you infantry like infantry, not super men. Advance is a good command. Cover is good. Covering fire is very good.

Try Shermans and Grants vs. PzIIIs

British gear that is very good:

6pdr ATG

3" Mortars


M5A1s or White scout cars as long range MG support.

17pdr, either as an ATG or in a tank destroyer.

Artillery - fast response and plenty of it (albeit expensive)

25pdr guns

Other useful stuff

PIATs fire from inside buildings

2" mortars are great for suppressing infantry in scattered trees/woods and for setting down impromptu smoke screens.

Valentines are the ultimate surprise weapons when armed with 6pdrs - small, fairly well armoured and with a good anti armour gun (It'll kill Tigers)

The 2pdr is poor at getting the knockout blow, but it does have good accuracy (high MV) and fair performance for its size.

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Thx very much, however I do disagree with the Brits carriers. They are garbage.

Valentines are the ultimate surprise weapons when armed with 6pdrs - small, fairly well armoured and with a good anti-armour gun (It'll kill Tigers)
Never heard of any Valentine..except for the mafia :D
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If you play in the desert, it is mostly open terrain. Guess why the DAK had so little infantry divisions? The infatry is the queen of the battlefield, but the Matilda was the queen of the desert. Infantry has to dig in to survive in the desert. Advancing is near impossible on open terrain vs a dug in defender. Just like RL.

If you want decent tanks - do not opt for cruiser tanks. They get killed quickly by the 20mm autocannon. Infantry tanks are better armored and almost indestructible with German early war equipment.

If you are so p***ed by Bitish equipment - play Germans with PzIII vs Lee/Grant or Sherman... then you'll be really p***ed.



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The carriers are garbage until you start using them well. They provide excellent mobility for guns and mortars (combined with a 3" mortar, it's a formidable weapon).

As it's fully tracked, it can go places other tractors can't.

It's also quite good as a recon vehicle. It can carry a team under armour, is proof against MG fire over about 300m, is cheap and fast.

Valentines appear sometime in '41, but don't get 6pdr guns until late '42. The best, IMHO, is the Valentine X, as this has a 6pdr and an MG.

If you think British tanks are rubbish, play against the Italians.

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the universal carrier is brilliant. i thought they were a waste of points until i started playing with them. a radio FO + UC = 4 min to a barrage almost anywhere on the map. plus they can tow the 6 pounder to the back of trees for a lovely surprise. plus they can scoot over rocky terrain. plus they as so cheap. i love em.

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"Is it just me or are the infantry a bunch of wimps? I mean they die 3-4 at a time, and the worst part is they KEEP DOING THINGS I TELL THEM NOT TOO. Like sneak off somewhere like pansys and get them selves killed. I am really really frustrated with Afrika Corps (sic)."

-General Erwin Rommel discussing the state of the Afrika Korps as he finds it in February, 1941.


[ May 18, 2004, 10:02 AM: Message edited by: GJK ]

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We all went through it when we switched from BO to BB/AK. There was much gnashing of teeth and ranting for a few months as well as questions as to whether the new versions were any fun. Most of us got over it and learned to be more delicate with our infantry, but it's still fun to go back to BO where every grunt is a Rambo once in a while.

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What Slappy said. If you want some encouragement, just go back and read the first 2-3 months of CMBB threads...we all had fits about learning to use the new infantry model, which is essential the same in CMAK. It took me at least 3 months to get used to the changes, but after that I was completely sold.

One thing people haven't quite spelled out about the UC's is--don't expose them to direct fire (unless you're sure there's nothing lethal out there). They're best for scooting around behind ridges and tree clumps and such, shifting mortars, FOs, guns and MG teams into position. They're not really meant as an armored weapon. Bren carriers should be saved for infantry only targets... (Nice show about Bren Carriers recently on Mail Call.)

PzIII's are, as indicated above, almost impotent against Grants and Shermans. The Brit weapons mentioned above are good and the US army kit vs. the German weapons of early '43 can be pretty dominant. The Germans didn't bring long Stugs or many long PzIVs and just a few Tigers to NA, so for a period in late '42 through mid '43, the Allies really had the better AFVs.

Also, you can play Italy (read anywhere in North Europe, too) and get almost all of the familiar CMBO weapons, minus KTs, Pershings, Jacksons and a few other uber-cats. Actually, with scarcity and such, you get a much more balanced battlefield in Italy/CMAK than in CMBO.

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Originally posted by GJK:

"Is it just me or are the infantry a bunch of wimps? I mean they die 3-4 at a time, and the worst part is they KEEP DOING THINGS I TELL THEM NOT TOO. Like sneak off somewhere like pansys and get them selves killed. I am really really frustrated with Afrika Corps (sic)."

-General Erwin Rommel discussing the state of the Afrika Korps as he finds it in February, 1941.


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you can use your Universal Carrier to move a Firing Officer with a radio to a lot of places on the map very quickly. allied arty has great response times, so you can move the guy round to where he has LOS to where you want covered & get a barrage in a few mins. but as CombinedArms said - don't expose it to fire.

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The trick is to have the UC scoot behind a hill that has some cover on top. Disembark the FO behind the hill and have him Move-to-Contact through the cover to a good vantage point. Now he's blended into the trees and can call fire down on the Axis forces with direct observation. If he runs out of targets, move him by the same means to the next hill. The same could be done with mortar teams. Set up some powerful 3" mortars behind the hill, via UCs, and send a HQ to the top of hill to act as spotter. As somebody above suggested, guns can be moved into position by the same means....

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Sounds to me like you made the jump from CMBO to CMAK with no CMBB in between. If commanding Brit infantry is a shock to you, you would'a LOVED herding conscript Russian farmboys around in 1941! Woo Hoo! compared to Russian Human Wave tactice (yes, that was a command in CMBB) infantry in CMAK are spit-and-polish professionals.

After you get used to it CMAK is more fun to play than CMBO because winning a battle gives you more of a feeling of accomplishment.

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No, FO (Forward Observer) or FOO (Forward Observation Officer) are both acceptable, as are OP (Observation Post) and OPO (Observation Post Officer)*. I was an OP-Ack, which is different again, and a holdover from the old, old phonetic alphabet ;)



* The difference is that FOs tend to be mobile, while OPs are static. The same group of personnel could be either an FO Party or and OP Party, depending on the way they are employed. In CM terms, you might think of a 'line spotter' as being an OP, while a 'radio spotter' is an FO.

[ May 18, 2004, 06:31 PM: Message edited by: JonS ]

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Yes an HQ unit can spot for a mortar if it's within command range. If the HQ unit can see it the mortar that it's spotting for u can area fire it, but since u can only area fire it doesn't work against moving units but a 3inch mortar is rape vs. a gun or, a mortar, or an HMG :D . If u do that ur infantry isn't gonna panick that much. U could do that in CMBO too.

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A HQ (platoon, company or bataillon) can spot for mortars when the mortars are within command range of the HQ. That means your mortars can stay behind ridge, out of LOS of enemy units whily the HQ spots for them, meaning you can target your mortars everywhere your HQ has LOS to, without exposing them.

In a recent TCP/IP game I had a mortar park of 9x60mm mortars, with a HQ spotting for them.

9x60mm mortars, every team with 50-60 HE rounds... smile.gif

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