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You Will Not Be Able To Stay Home, Brother. The Peng Challenge Will Not Be Televised

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Ah, yes, the 'Rules', I suppose.

Well, right now I'm not after being interested in 'The Rules'.

No, I"m after making a completely horrible and hubristic 'Power Play'.

I'm after restarting the Thread...again. I am not accepting of Squire 37mm's decision to restart the Thread.

Why? Call it vanity (cue 'Tim the Enchanter. Or rather 'Time, the Disenchanter'). This morning, I suffered a Diminishment of Self In the Universe. I suffered a 'depiphany', as a friend of mine has characterized it.

I realized that I was 'old, foolish, and useless', as it were (cue 'Tim the Enchanter caparisoned as a Hare Krishna with a tambourine'. Well, actually, one of those strange little 'prayer drums' that you beat by rotating them rapidly and causing the pellet on a string to flick back and forth).

We have had 'Squires' before that began a Thread out of turn, and gone with it. All 'right thinking folk' will support 37mm's effort.

So, I ask Squire 37mm to yield to me the next Thread.

steely, if somewhat watery-eyed gaze

I await the verdict of my peers.

Not since the 'Meeks Apostasy' have I attempted such a thing.

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A travesty for sure, was it not so long ago when you yourself were asking for me to complete a quest (at least that’s what I think you were saying)... as such I polished by boots, combed my hair, put on my best rags, I even wore a tie (though Boo had to do the knot for me) and went out into the world saying to myself "I'm gonna make them proud"...

I blew up some armoured cars, knocked out some AT guns, charged headlong into a trench, hurled more HE than a god has right to and yet still I felt I hadn’t done enough.

Then I saw that the cesspool needed restarting and I knew what I had to do… did I fail to follow the rules to the exact letter of the law? Perhaps I did but I truly and righteously believed that only the anally retentive Justicar would care…

In the end my thread was crushed by the very one who had founded my personal quest…

A travesty for sure

[ November 19, 2004, 06:35 AM: Message edited by: 37mm ]

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Bah, I say to you all! Bah! And Bah yet again! And not to appear too redundant, Bah even a fourth time!

What a mincing gaggle of giglets you all are!

Other than being a bit ahead of it's time, there was absolutely nothing wrong with the first thread started by my Squire, 37mm! It was far, far better than many begun by Kaniggets of late! It was not something merely phoned in, but had been written with deep feeling and with love, yes I said LOVE, of all things Pengish!

I blame Shaw for his waffling on issues such as this, his short-sightedness, his myopism in the face of new things and his Frenchified wind surfing!

I also blame him for causing me to use more exlamation points than Tim the Depantser!

I hereby vow to oppose The Justicar in all that he says and does! I will fight to reverse his decisions wherever possible and will become his antithesis, nay even his Anti-Justicar, nay!

I shall become...

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I agree with Roo Badly. In fact, I refuse to even post in this thread at all. While I am not posting in here, I would also mention that Seanachai is a weinie. I liked that last thread and well, that is enough to say.

Having agreed with Roo Badly, I will now play by the railroad tracks and try to get a decent settlement from the whole deal.

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I'm afraid I concur.

The other thread was much more enjoyable.

I'd rather a Squire have started the thread than a maudlin gnome with a inferiority complex braying for attention and waving his pantaloons for all to see.

It's so unseemly.

Having said that, I believe I shall now go have a couple of Monster Thick Burgers and wait for my arteries to harden.

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Originally posted by Moraine Sedai:

I'm afraid I concur.

The other thread was much more enjoyable.

I'd rather a Squire have started the thread than a maudlin gnome with a inferiority complex braying for attention and waving his pantaloons for all to see.

It's so unseemly.

Having said that, I believe I shall now go have a couple of Monster Thick Burgers and wait for my arteries to harden.

It is always a good thing when seanachai has his pants - to hand - so to speak. Makes it easier for the arresting officer.


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Originally posted by 37mm:

Reinstate the thread! Reinstate the thread!

Freedom for the ‘House of Morse'!

Down with the oppressors!!!

Get back in your box! Shouldn't you be counting Boo-Legs, or sumfink!

The only freedom for you is from pain as you pass out.

<font size=+4>*BooT*</font>


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Originally posted by Seanachai:

This morning, I suffered a Diminishment of Self In the Universe. I suffered a 'depiphany', as a friend of mine has characterized it.

I realized that I was 'old, foolish, and useless', as it were

Just now?
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Get back in your box! Shouldn't you be counting Boo-Legs, or sumfink!

The only freedom for you is from pain as you pass out.



Look hear colonial you're clearly the one who doesn't know his place so get back to your ethanol induced coma & dream of our Queen, your Monarch or I’ll be forced to send you a set up after I've finished wiping the floor with Nidan1...
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Originally posted by 37mm:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Get back in your box! Shouldn't you be counting Boo-Legs, or sumfink!

The only freedom for you is from pain as you pass out.



Look hear colonial you're clearly the one who doesn't know his place so get back to your ethanol induced coma & dream of our Queen, your Monarch or I’ll be forced to send you a set up after I've finished wiping the floor with Nidan1... </font>
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You started a new thread just because I posted in the last one...well go ahead and lock this one now! I dare at yeeeeee!

dalem, the ears are getting all dried and crinkly. I like the smell of them.

For those of you who weren't posting in this thread 4 friggin' years ago...I played dalem and won his dog's ears which now hang cerimoniously above my mantel.

And by the way...

...you all suck. Especially that Here I Am Shoot Me guy.

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"I only ever play as Germans" I've heard that...

I've heard "I only ever play in Italy"...

I've heard "I only ever play at midday or in moderate hills or with moderate trees"...

but I've never heard "I only ever play that scenario with the Germans invincible Tigers pitted against 2 pounder armed brits"

Fine have it your way... its on the CD, right? If I remember?

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Originally posted by Noba:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by 37mm:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Get back in your box! Shouldn't you be counting Boo-Legs, or sumfink!

The only freedom for you is from pain as you pass out.



Look hear colonial you're clearly the one who doesn't know his place so get back to your ethanol induced coma & dream of our Queen, your Monarch or I’ll be forced to send you a set up after I've finished wiping the floor with Nidan1... </font>
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RULES ARE RULES AND NOTHING LESS THAN THAT! ... some might say that they're nothing MORE than that either but IT WON'T BE ME BUCKO!

Only Knights may start a new thread, it has ever been so and it shall ever BE so and I, for one, applaud Seanachai for his deed, albeit done in yet another alcohol induced haze and fueled by naught more than a hatred of all things Croda ... which is only right and proper.

Boo had you only done your duty by the lad (no, no, Prime Nochte is a whole NOTHER duty) and steered him in the proper course he'd not have a rock strewn lee shore beneath his keel now would he ... sorry, been re-reading Patrick O'Brian.

As to being in opposition to my every move, how would that be different from the normal course of events? You are a BAD LIEGE Boo and your attempt to shift blame upon your poor, long suffering Justicar is noted by all here and decried for the travesty it is.


Oh ... happy Friday nonetheless.

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

RULES ARE RULES AND NOTHING LESS THAN THAT! ... some might say that they're nothing MORE than that either but IT WON'T BE ME BUCKO!

Only Knights may start a new thread, it has ever been so and it shall ever BE so and I, for one, applaud Seanachai for his deed, albeit done in yet another alcohol induced haze and fueled by naught more than a hatred of all things Croda ... which is only right and proper.

Boo had you only done your duty by the lad (no, no, Prime Nochte is a whole NOTHER duty) and steered him in the proper course he'd not have a rock strewn lee shore beneath his keel now would he ... sorry, been re-reading Patrick O'Brian.

As to being in opposition to my every move, how would that be different from the normal course of events? You are a BAD LIEGE Boo and your attempt to shift blame upon your poor, long suffering Justicar is noted by all here and decried for the travesty it is.


Oh ... happy Friday nonetheless.

Cheese eater!!!!
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Bah, Shaw! Bah!

Boo say Bah, Shaw!

Bah! Bah! Bah!

Now word make no sense!

Like Shaw!

Gnome say, "We have had 'Squires' before that began a Thread out of turn, and gone with it. All 'right thinking folk' will support 37mm's effort", DO GNOME LIE???

(Boo now mean, more so than usual.)

Shaw pick moment, Shaw hate Boo!

(Boo now mean, more so than usual.)

Boo challenge Shaw, Blood Hamster, Boo show Shaw how it* done.

(*Not revealing what "it". Boo keep suspense high. Boo Hitchcockian. Boo say, "Down Bauhaus".)

Boo now go have light lunch, Frankenstein, Tarzan, Tonto.

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I want to target practice with 105's on Croda, and blow his inner Croda bits into his outer Croda bits. I then want to load each of those loathesome bits into it's own 105 round and fire them into a white hot volcano of hate for his gamey feckin' barrages of uncannily accurate 105 VT.

I hates Croda.

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