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CMAK brand New Interface. It's READY !


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Originally posted by Other Means:

If I can offer suggestions without sounding ungrateful...?

Quite the contrary. It is, in fact, the only way to get better. smile.gif . Now, let's see.

Could you please tone down the "theatre" colour for Italy in the summer? It kind of overpowers the rest of the interface.
I had the same feeling at some point about this pic, most of all when playing on a rainy day... I decided to keep it because it looks just like a postcard, but I can look at it to see if there are other interesting options (like B&W pics ?).

Also, in case you haven't noticed, you can get an alternate image for these in the option pack. You will get back to the original map. See above first post, second image.

The other thing is when you roll over the ground & sky thumbnail the panel shown overwrites the LED's which is a bit jarring. Not sure if you can change that.
You can't. This part is in fact made of two files that disappear when you roll the pointer over it. Not much flexibility here. No fixes. I could have made the overall frame more consistent with this effect, but as it didn't bothered me at all...

I'm also getting a red LED for clear sky - is that right?
It depends. Since it is an orange (I assume it is what you meant by 'red', but it also depend on some settings on your monitor) led, it is right, but it should be OFF. I suggest you load a map via the editor with fog or rain. You will see what it looks like when the led is ON. The lowest ON setting is a spark that theorically cannot be mistaken for the OFF setting.

When you're done looking at that and seeing the various light effects, I'd like your opinion on the results. Just to make sure it's working as planned. smile.gif

Cheers. Thanks for your comments.

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Tarkus, I've got to warn you - I'm an Information Architect. I deal with UI designers all day.

We design websites and as websites have no universally agreed rules you've got to establish a style & make it consistent all the way through to make an intuitive experience.

So - I'm going to note a few things I saw but it's all my opinion & you've actually done a brilliant job. All these are very minor:

From the initial menu screen. It has the "The Hitler line" panel. However the panel stays on the next screen which makes no sense. Perhaps overlay the panel on the center picture which gets replaced?

You develop a nice button scheme. This seems to be

Grey - not selected

Olive - selected

Yellow - rollover

Red - click

this is all good and works as the yellow brings the eye to the mouse & the red has a nice drama. However there's a few places where the convention is broken. One that comes to mind is choosing "single player" etc where the non-selected buttons are yellow. This doesn't work as the eye is drawn to what isn't selected. Another instance is when you're choosing your units the non-selected buttons are yellow.

Also, on the QB map choice page the "load from file" button is yellow. This not only breaks the convention but the button is *too* different from the yes/no buttons. I know what you were trying to do but the functionality is still related. IMHO it would be better with a button obeying the style convention but being a different shape. This suggests a similar but different function.

On the map screen the map move/height change buttons have yellow when clicked. Also, the quit button has a yellow background.

If you've going to use yellow as the rollover you shouldn't use the same to imply a warning.

The background of the panels where leadership abilities would display are red. So when there are no abilities it looks like a warning. Most troops of course don't have leadership to fill them.

I can't take a screenshot which includes the mod, how odd is that? But the LED for fog is a definite orange.

The rest of the things I noted are personal preferences & as such should be ignored.

The border to the windows was too thick for me.

The background colour of the "loading" window was a maroon which doesn't go with the rest - not sure it can be changed?

The scenario selection screen scenario separators was too thick, which makes the window too crowded.

Please don't take this critique as negative - I love the mod & I'm never going back.


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Originally posted by Other Means:

Tarkus, I've got to warn you - I'm an Information Architect. I deal with UI designers all day.

Eheh. Although I am no professionnal, when you put your work before the public eye, you assume what the public eye has to say about it, especially when its comments are based on professional experience. It all good sport to me. So let's review all this together shall we ?

make it consistent all the way through to make an intuitive experience.
To this, I can only but agree. This is the cardinal rule I tried to apply but, and this is no excuse, one critical part of the creative process, IMO, was missing: I could not count on a second eye such as yours to point out those points BEFORE release, and at some points, there are things you simply no longer see. After 800+ files to be modified, I got tired a bit. ;)

But I'll sure give you a call when I get back to it. smile.gif

From the initial menu screen. It has the "The Hitler line" panel. However the panel stays on the next screen which makes no sense. Perhaps overlay the panel on the center picture which gets replaced?
To be perfectly honest, I saw that, but I could not resign myself to put the title panel on the painting itself. I felt (perhaps wrongfully) it was like breaking it or something, you know ? Maybe I could find a more subtle way of showing the title though.

You develop a nice button scheme. [...] However there's a few places where the convention is broken. One that comes to mind is choosing "single player" etc where the non-selected buttons are yellow. This doesn't work as the eye is drawn to what isn't selected. Another instance is when you're choosing your units the non-selected buttons are yellow.

Ooops. [EDIT: there IS an issue there, but it is now fixed. The DO pack has been updated, or you can download a patch as well, here.

Also, the button scheme is at variance at some point because sometimes there are only two bmps that swap instead of four, so some options aren't always in. Yet I readily agree that there are most probably places where I threw consistency out of the window.

Also, on the QB map choice page the "load from file" button is yellow. This not only breaks the convention but the button is *too* different from the yes/no buttons. I know what you were trying to do but the functionality is still related. IMHO it would be better with a button obeying the style convention but being a different shape. This suggests a similar but different function.
This can be arranged in a matter of seconds though. But as I saw it, it was more as an additional, special option that required some prior planning, so I made it very different. (and I was too happy to fit it on the backpanel...)

On the map screen the map move/height change buttons have yellow when clicked. Also, the quit button has a yellow background.
You talk about the camera controls? Because on that point, I conciously decided to design it on its own. (In fact, this was the first thing to be designed).

If you've going to use yellow as the rollover you shouldn't use the same to imply a warning.
I understand. But as I said, to me offgame and ingame interface are two different enough places to allow such a difference. I aimed at consistency within those two places and related the two somehow, but not to the extent of being systematic. One of the critique I had for the Dark Steel project was that it was too shiny and futuristic, so I left the red out in CMAK as being to "obvious", exept for the "go" button.

The background of the panels where leadership abilities would display are red. So when there are no abilities it looks like a warning. Most troops of course don't have leadership to fill them.
These emplacements should be black unless the unit is out of control. If you can get a screenshot of this I'd be grateful.

I made it to look as one piece of metal but sometimes HQ bonus appears, sometimes HQ controls. I haven't found a way to be consistent on this part.

The border to the windows was too thick for me.
Could you be more specific ? The windows with the maroon filling ?

The background colour of the "loading" window was a maroon which doesn't go with the rest - not sure it can be changed?

The scenario selection screen scenario separators was too thick, which makes the window too crowded.

The maroon thing is hard coded unfortunately. I did note it in the loooong readme file though.

The scenario separator thing, I agree. I could review this part as well. I am not totally satisfied with the flags either, but at some point, I decided to let it go.

* * *

Good to have your insight on this. I am quite content of the work, but I really agree with you, it ain't perfect. I may look into this in the future and come up with some corrections. For the moment, I'll play a little smile.gif


[ February 12, 2005, 05:52 AM: Message edited by: Tarkus ]

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Tarkus - I'm tired & going to bed. I'll give your points proper responses tomorrow. First though, can I point out one of the things I love about it? The gun details really do it for me. You can notice & read it so much better than the original. It's already given me more insight into my units.

Oh yeah and the unit portraits.

OK that's 2 but I said I was tired.

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One of the first to download it, it took me a while to kick it's tires. And very nice tires they are. VERY sweet mod.

But when kicking the tires I heard something hiss. Sorry. :(

The .30 cal flexible (as found on Stuarts) is depicted with a MG34. Fix or do somefink! ;)


the German MGs seem to have their ammo drum on the wrong side unless it's that dual drum thingie but I don't think they are. But that's putting salt on all the snails as we say here in NL.

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Originally posted by Elmar Bijlsma:


The .30 cal flexible (as found on Stuarts) is depicted with a MG34. Fix or do somefink![...]

You are discovering the niceties of bmp swap. For some reasons there are some places where the file used isn't in line with the rest of the sofware. The "consistency" rule Other Means is refering to.

In this case, the Mg usually used by allied vehicle is the one I made with a .30 cal mg. But you got the exception. My choice was then either to design mgs that ressemble nothing (and thus would fit anywhere) for this exception, of to leave it. I did the later, but forgot to put this in the readme file. I recall there is an italian vehicle that has the same problem, but using the .30 cal.

About the ammo drum, your right, it is inverted, as is the Breda magazine IIRC. But as you, I thought I saw a dual ammo drum somewhere (AA setup?) and kept it like this. Now an MG grog will drop by any minute to tell us exactly how it is. smile.gif Showing the weapon on the other side is not possible because of the number on the bottom right of the weapon rack, and the drum so easily identify the MG34 that I decided to leave it as is.

I'll look for a fix though.


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OK. I've made a patch. Its available here.

It fixes the generic button in the choose game type screen (which was a goof on my part), remove the wrong-side ammo drum on the MG34 in the weapon rack and include a new button for the "load from file" map-importing button. The DO main pack has been updated.

The other issues, I'm afraid I can't correct. Hope this help.



[ February 12, 2005, 05:54 AM: Message edited by: Tarkus ]

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That's brilliant. I wish I could get our designers to work so fast.

MrUltraUIPicky would still say that the on state of the "infantry/support/armour/arty" buttons should be olive. But not me, I think it does a good job.

I have seen a dual drum MG34 but I'm not sure how it'd work unless 1 drum was just storage, like taping your mags together.

Cheers Tarkus - you've added a lot to the community.

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Originally posted by Other Means:

MrUltraUIPicky would still say that the on state of the "infantry/support/armour/arty" buttons should be olive. But not me, I think it does a good job.

I think I just clicked on this and actually understand what you are saying just now. Made a new button set and updated the patch (now 1.1).

You were certainly right for the olivness required on state of the "infantry/support/armour/arty", but those buttons are the same used for the "choose game type screen", and there, I think the glassy look was better. I'll let you have a look. That should do it now. I hope.

One thing for sure, you certainly didn't rob that job. And next time I do this, you mark my word, you are my tester. There is no escaping this. :D


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Other Means, I second the wow from Tarkus.

Tarkus, I installed the mod. As much as I don't like the camera arrows, I like the rest enough to use it. Big thanks.

I used McMMM and installed it to my Vietnam version. My VN flag, ui, map, start bar, Axis portrait mods worked fine. Of course my gunrack mods are on wood. I'll have to work on that.

There is a "ready" in green that shows with broken and routed, maybe some other less than normal condition.

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I'm not wild about the arrows either (to me, it looks like some sort of alien cuniform script, or sumfink), but the rest is fantabulous.

Oh, except that I modded the Italy map to show Italy and France. Actually, I just resized ... gah, can't remember the designers name, and can't get into CMMODS :( Anyway, I used the one with the highlighted oval, and resized it into the window.

Good stuff Tarkus. Many thanks.

[ August 09, 2005, 07:12 PM: Message edited by: JonS ]

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