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'Evil Men Have No Songs.' How is it That the Peng Challenge is Filled With Song?

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Originally posted by dalem:

99 bottles of beer on the wall, 99 bottles of beer

Take one down, pass it around - 98 bottles of beer on the wall!

98 bottles of beer on the wall, 98 bottles of beer

Take one down, pass it around, 97 bottles of beer on the wall!




You barely drink beer at all, you rum sodden puddle of yak puke. You ought to at least be doing songs from the Islands...
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And now, for our Queen (honoured more in the breach than in the observance), another lovely song from the man with the smokey New England voice...

Well, I can't turn around and I can't go back

when the snows come down here in Cadillac

And it's so many miles up to Marquette

And the night is coming but it hasn't fallen yet

I know you need me but you just forget

I wish you loved me

I wish you did

Everybody warned me, 'Look out, kid.'

Watch the waitress lean against the Fridgedaire

The only past I've got is written down somewhere

She argues with the cook and I agree

I'm just sitting at the counter dreaming of Italy

and counting all my friends who claim they don't know me...

Nothing lasts

though I wish it did

Everybody warned me, 'Look out, kid.'

In the railroad flats, they talk in tongues

And nobody breathes till his song is sung

You can look around, but there's nothing here to steal

Take a look in the mirror, tell me how I feel

Coughing up blood in a Motel 6

thinking this time, it's for real

I wish you knew me like the desk clerk did

when he tried to warn me, 'Look out, kid.'

This morning got stolen by the paper boy

as the wind blew in from Illinois

I just stayed in bed and waited for the chambermaid

Thinking maybe I could talk her into a trade

My job for hers as long as we both get paid

I wish you heard me

I wish you did

When she tried to warn me, 'Look out, kid.'

In the rolling snow each town's the same

And I can get called by a hundred names

And I ain't seen you since I can't remember when

But I've got a French postcard and a German pen

Finally send you all the words to "You Win Again"

so you can sing it

just like Hank did

Hey, sign right here and look out kid.

Everybody Warned Me

-Bill Morrissey

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(to the tune of Tom Petty's "Free Fallin'", and in Ahnold's voice)

Total Recallin'

I've been dreaming

Of going to Mars

Where mutants drive plastic cars

So I go there, you know the rest

The best part is the girl with three breasts

Total Re-!


Total Reeeeeeee-!


So I'm on Mars

And I meet Quay-To

And I pull this big metallic thing out of my nose

It makes me scream and shout

And move my big, robotic head all about

Total Re-!


See you at the party Victor

Total Reeeeeeeecallin'!


Total Recallin'

Total Recallin'

One more time fellas



I'm going to start bawlin'

I'm so sad I can't screw Sharon Stone

And McKauley Culkin is left Home all Alone


Total Re-!

Total Recallin'!


- The Dead Alewives

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Am I the ONLY one who cares?


Nope... I care...

I care enough to stop by this thread almost every day unless I'm out of town.. (which is no more than your good self)...

I may not post everyday and there have been times when I have totally ignored the thread and went in search of pastures new..

But.. but... I've never been able to do it!

I cannae leave the mutha of all threads... I keep coming back..and I'll be damned if the title goes to 37mm ... sheesh, can you imagine?

Noooooooo way Joe, you can't do it..

He's much too bossy as it is, and has been on a mission to take over the MBT since he began posting.. I mean.. look... he still thinks Peng favours him... *rolleyes*


I hate to do this but I have no choice...

As Queen of the MBT and DAME YK2 Lady of The Pool I vote that Lady Moraine be given the title..

Although if she's given the chance and chooses to accept then she must promise to stop using MY stilleto heels to hit people over the head with...

Now time for a sing song.....

You are the sunshine of my life

That’s why I’ll always be around,

You are the apple of my eye,

Forever you’ll stay in my heart

I feel like this is the beginning,

Though I’ve loved you for a million years,

And if I thought our love was ending,

I’d find myself drowning in my own tears.

You are the sunshine of my life,

That’s why I’ll always stay around,

You are the apple of my eye,

Forever you’ll stay in my heart,

You must have known that I was lonely,

Because you came to my rescue,

And I know that this must be heaven,

How could so much love be inside of you?

You are the sunshine of my life, yeah,

That’s why I’ll always stay around,

You are the apple of my eye,

Forever you’ll stay in my heart.

Stevie Wonder

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Originally posted by Moraine Sedai:

[QB] If that *DWEEB* 37mm is left in charge in your stead, Fowl Joe, you will rue the day!

*Shakes head*

Lady Moraine a moment please....

*Lowers voice to a whisper*

How many times have I advised you on how to handle Joe!! He's the Justicar of the MBT and in being so deserves at least a modicum of respect from us ladies.. yeah yeah... I hear what you are saying, but at the end of the day, he treats myself and the other ladies of the pool with the utmost respect... eh? what's that you say... yeah there was the time when he kept rooting through my lingerie, but I just gave him his very own little pile of underwear and a new set of drawers and he was happy... doesn't take much eh? .. anyway... where was I... oh yeah... if you play your cards right and be a little more gentle with Joe then this new title could be yours... and just think what that would bring..yesssssssss yesssssssss my preciousssssss one more step towards complete female domination in the MBT...................................eh , what....*cough*

Ohhh sorry, dunno what came over me then... *smooths down royal gown* ahem.. yes... now think on Moraine kick 37mm in the fork as often as you like but when it comes to the Justicar then you must.. MUST....

Eh... who's there?

Moraine .. we shall continue this later... come to my chambers before midnight I have a suggestion....

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

Also, I like canadian bacon.


This statement has caused my estimation of you to plummet (it was somewhere near the third floor, Notions and Kitchen Utensils, I believe, but now the car has hurtled down past the Mezzanine and Ground Floor, through the Parking Deck, Basement, Sub-Basement and Outer Environs of Hades, shoppers screaming as the car speeds faster and faster, downwards, ever downwards...)

What was I talking about? I hate it when a metaphor goes careening out of control like a Wild Mouse at a cheap carny, cotton candy being whipped from the clutching hands of sugary smeared toddlers... hmm? Oh... right.

Canadian bacon, is it? That falsely labeled porcine product? The cholesterol producing tasty treat that I intend to reveal for the falsity that it is?

Be not surprised if you see me in your markets, your grocery and convenience stores, lurching from aisle to aisle, shouting in my best Chuck Heston voice, "Canadian bacon... is... HAM!!!"

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Canadian bacon. Never could get the stuff to fry up right.

I propose we give Lady Moraine a scepter for her new duties. Would come in handy for bashing the idjits that wander in.

Harold on a stick would fill the bill nicely.

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Seanachai said in part ... okay in very small part considering the size of his post: But that's not what I came to talk to you about. No, I came here to end the tyranny and terror of the Justicar.

That's right! It's time! It's time that the Olde Ones finally step in and put an end to this pointless, elitist, endlessly pointlessly elitist, endless...

At which point, of course, his mind began it's usual walkabout down untrodden paths.

So, Seanachai ... WHAT?


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Ahh I know where you are coming from Moraine as I've "put up" with a fair amount of that myself..


The most regretted posts I have made online are the ones written when I was suffering from the dreaded PMS/T... I've read some of those posts later and thought...

*eek* was that me !!!!!

*Ashamed look*

If you ever want to chat I'm on AIM most days/nights at some point or other...

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As soon as I figure out what's up with the monitor display (it's farged and we don't know why yet, lol! but I ran Norton AV just to check and it *did* find a "trojan", sooo...), I'll have Hiram pull up the old AIM and see if you are about.

Right now, I'm posting in and between running virii checks and spysweeps and all kinds of goodies trying to figure out why the monitor display fragged out this morning.

In a way, it's kinda cool...it's waaaay too wide, and there's 3" of blackness at the bottom.

I feel like I'm posting from down a tunnel.

Hey...what's that bright light down there?

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Originally posted by Moraine Sedai:

Hey...what's that bright light down there?

*Looks down towards the bright light*

Why lookie here.... it's the bottom of the Cesspool and.. wait... someone is waving and shouting..

*screws her eyes up for a closer look*

Ack never mind, it's only Soddy he must have took a wrong turning on a late night back from the boozer....

He he.... Would it be really *wicked* if I empty the trash can now?

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Originally posted by **YK2**:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Moraine Sedai:

Hey...what's that bright light down there?

*Looks down towards the bright light*

Why lookie here.... it's the bottom of the Cesspool and.. wait... someone is waving and shouting..

*screws her eyes up for a closer look*

Ack never mind, it's only Soddy he must have took a wrong turning on a late night back from the boozer....

He he.... Would it be really *wicked* if I empty the trash can now? </font>

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Hatred update

5.30pm Monday evening to 11.30pm Wednesday evening… One great seething ocean of hate. Oh sure I did ‘other’ things; I slept a little, I ate a fair bit, I drank adequately & I gathered some results but essentially they were mere distractions from my true purpose which is to love Peng & hate all unsaved folk.

V42below has been vexing me… the lily livered, ‘please don’t shout at me 37mm’, stool sniffer (and I’m not talking about the carpentry kind) has seemingly been ‘rejuvenated’ by my insults. He now writes a few things that are almost interesting… only the things about me of course

The Dear Lady Morraine has been vexing me… why can’t I have my turn?

The Dearest Lady Y2K has been vexing me… “and has been on a mission to take over the MBT since he began posting

Take over?

I’ve been sent by Peng to save us all & keep the Cesspool as it should be*… a malign & festering sore seeping putrid hatred & rage.

Every post I write, every word I utter, every thought I form is fated to bring us ALL (yes even rleete) closer to the ‘golden age'…


...I’m also a Knight of the House of (sigh) JDMorse (sigh) & my secular responsibilities prompted me to offer my service to the Justicar (despite our religious differences) if this is now deemed to be trying to ‘take over’ then I’m greatly saddened.

*shakes head solemnly as if the whole world has gone mad*

The Justicar has been vexing me… why are you so surprised that Seanachai STILL wants to end your tyranny? Did he not try to install a benign & loved King years ago?

Lars has been vexing me… Harold (spelt but not bolded) has been washed in the Blessed Holy Water of Peng (which reminds me, O' great & lurking lord you’re late on delivery… if this keeps up I’ll have to supply my own Holy Water!) he can not possibly serve as a scepter

*alternatively I’ve been sent to herald in the coming apocalypso and to punish you all for not hating Canadians enough but I try not to mention that possibility…

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Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Ales Dvorak:

Hey Joe...

where you goin’ with that gun of your hand

Hey joe, I said where you goin’ with that gun in your hand, oh

I’m goin’ down to shoot my old lady

You know I caught her messin’ ’round with another man

Yeah, I’m goin’ down to shoot my old lady

You know I caught her messin’ ’round with another man

Huh! and that ain’t cool

Huh hey hoe, I heard you shot your mamma down

You shot her down now

Hey joe, I heard you shot your lady down

You shot her down in the groud yeah!


Yes, I did, I shot her

You know I caught her messin’ round messin’ round town

Huh, yes I did I shot her

You know I caught my old lady messin’ ’round town

And I gave her the gun

And I shot her


Shoot her one more time again baby!


Oh dig it

Oh alright

Hey joe,

Where you gonna run to now where you gonna go

Hey joe, I said

Where you gonna run to now where you gonna go

I’m goin’ way down south

Way down to mexico way


I’m goin’ way down south

Way down where I can be free

Ain’t no one gonna find me

Ain’t no hang-man gonna

He ain’t gonna put a rope around me

You better believe it right now

I gotta go now

Hey, joe

You better run on down

Goodbye everybody

Hey hey joe </font>

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

Not as much as wolverines, but then, who could?

Gulo gulo?( Fot its size, the Wolverine is probably one of the smallest and most powerful top-of-the-food-chain predator. It makes a Tasmanian Devil look like a sissy.)

Doggie? Nope.

You & Berli & Nietzsche....hmmmm...also..



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