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Best CM opponent

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Not most skilled, just the best qualities of your favorite opponent (PBEM or TCP, although I never play TCP).

Mine are:

1) always allows rematch if winner--this is crucial IMO.

2) Semi-prompt with file return, gives updates if not.

3) gives running commentary of battle, and is not terribly afriad of giving some minor detail away (such as unit quality, i.e. reg. or vet.) in order to comment upon effectiveness of tactics, his or mine.

4) is gracious in defeat (this doesn't apply to me too often, LOL).

5) has a sense of humor.

Am I forgetting any variables?

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I personally don't find #1 very important. I just don't see the point with having a rematch - why? Of course they can play another game, but why call it as a rematch? It's not like there'd be any money or a reputation on stake.

Important is also the politeness to suggest ceasefire if it looks like the opponent has been soundly beaten and the situation is not very interesting for him (e.g. only has routed Russian riflemen left out of ammo and being pursued by Königstigers), or the stamina to continue if has no prospects for victory but the opponent is having a good time. I.e. considering the enjoyment of not only self but the other too.

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And I don't like #3 much, but that's just me. I like complete FOW until the end of the game.

I will add one, more of a negative than a positive one but

6) Doesn't include spoilers in his email comments

I like watching the movie first - I don't mind one or two comments, but PLEASE make them AFTER we've both seen the movie for that turn.

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Originally posted by Michael Dorosh:

6) Doesn't include spoilers in his email comments

I like watching the movie first - I don't mind one or two comments, but PLEASE make them AFTER we've both seen the movie for that turn.

yeah, i've been ready to ask a few opponents not to do this...but then i decided to just read the mail after seeing the turn.

quick turnaround, good people, willing to lose* = prefect opponent.

* may not get the chance.

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3) gives running commentary of battle, and is not terribly afriad of giving some minor detail away (such as unit quality, i.e. reg. or vet.) in order to comment upon effectiveness of tactics, his or mine.

Originally posted by Michael Dorosh:

And I don't like #3 much, but that's just me. I like complete FOW until the end of the game.

I will add one, more of a negative than a positive one but

6) Doesn't include spoilers in his email comments

I like watching the movie first - I don't mind one or two comments, but PLEASE make them AFTER we've both seen the movie for that turn.

I find this a dilemma all the time. On the one hand its a lot more fun having an exchange of words with the real person you're playing with, on the other hand "spoilers" are in fact usually just part of psych warfare, and it's not really clear whether that's appropriate.

I guess a considerate opponent (the best sort) will figure that out with you, either by asking, or judging your response.

For example, with one opponent I sent my usual comment at the beginning of the game about how I was feeling about it (scared, as it happened) and he responded with some comment about "ah, psych warefare", which I read to mean "please don't keep that up, it bores me"... so I stopped, and we continued in relative silence.


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I'd say it really depends of your opponent for #3.

If you really feel the urge of commenting about a most spectacular scene, do as on the forum, with something like SPOILER ALERT ***** or simply go for "read this after watching the movie"

I would be more laconic with new opponents, not knowing how they enjoy the game. Those who are after victory at all cost will not react the same as some people who just like to create a good clean tactical challenge and, while obviously trying to win it, will be happy nonetheless even in defeat. (You guess it, I've been often in the later smile.gif ).

The best player is a good/challenging player who respect victory or defeat and enjoy learning from both.

Sense of humour. Definitely.


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My thoughts on #3 are that the receiver should believe the intel received at their own risk. I have on many occasions not been very....how should I say it...forthcoming. Much more so with people I play often than with relative strangers. I have been known to "give away" a piece of real information in and conversation and then when the person I'm playing finds out what I said was true the next time might be complete smoke. Or make a true statement that doesn't really give the true picture. For instance "I can't believe all I started with was one platoon"...leaving out my turn one reinforcements of a full battalion.

Peng and I have been playing so many war games for so many years against each other that I don't believe a word he says. I assume everything he says is a lie. The operation we're playing now he advised me to attack a position of his that I was going to attack anyway. He told me to attack it because it was undefended. I attacked as I had planned and took it easily...He laughed saying "I can't believe you attacked there!!!". Later in the same battle he told me the same thing about a different location that I wasn't planning on attacking and I didn't. The point being I take all email/instant message information with a grain of salt.

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In regards to #3, it depends who I am playing. If I am playing a newbie I will give commentary as we go as a way to help them learn how to play better and understand tactics. If they make a glaring mistake I'll point it out to them and give them pointers on what to do instead.

A current opponent of mine(who isn't a newbie) put a PaK40 in a location that completely halted the advance of my AFVs. Until I was able to KO it I wasn't really able to move forward and it cost me several turns. I mentioned that he had slowed up my advance and complimented him on a good placement of the gun because he slowed me down enough I'm not sure I'll be able to take the flags. So another way I'll use #3 is to compliment someone on something I really feel deserves recognition because it was a damn good move. But if I know an opponent doesn't want to hear any of this I will of course keep my info to myself.

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Originally posted by Elvis:

Peng and I have been playing so many war games for so many years against each other that I don't believe a word he says. I assume everything he says is a lie. The operation we're playing now he advised me to attack a position of his that I was going to attack anyway. He told me to attack it because it was undefended. I attacked as I had planned and took it easily...He laughed saying "I can't believe you attacked there!!!". Later in the same battle he told me the same thing about a different location that I wasn't planning on attacking and I didn't. The point being I take all email/instant message information with a grain of salt.

I have to agree that Peng is certainly a good email opponent as well as a liar and a whore too. And luckily email can not transmit odors.

He does have some spiffy comments on the game and other matters and generally will be talked out of quitting and when he wins after quitting and restarting several times, gloats as like the rotten hairy spud that he aspires to be. And he sounds like a good dad too.

PS I told him that I will reverse some armor off the board to even things up. Hopefully he will believe it.

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Let's not turn this into a Peng Thread eh?

Everything that has been said about me is true. All of it. Every word. Even if it contradicts something that someone else said. Really.

Mr Tittles is a worthy opponent. He is more tactically sound than I am and gives me pointers mid-game, which helps me to be better.

Elvis knows not to trust anything I say with good reason as I am liar liar pants on fire.

Dorosh should be flogged for his opinions whether they align with my own or not. He should be flogged for simply being. How I hate him.

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