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Take a Peng Challenge and call me in the morning


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Originally posted by Lars:

I have returned.

And so appropriate for this thread, I've brought back a nasty bug from Mexico.

***cough, cough....sniff...and spits a big wad of phlegm....***

C'mere Boo, give me a kiss...

I thought there were laws against importing insects from foreign countries...why werent you detained at customs, why werent you body cavity searched?

No wonder the terrorists are winning.

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Originally posted by dalem:

Congratulations, Grog Dorosh - you have arrived.

Dorosh, consider the fact that 'you're arrived in Dalem's bathroom'.

Not even the upstairs bathroom. You've 'arrived' in the downstairs bathroom. I've seen them both. Stalin wouldn't have sent people to Dalem's basement bathroom.

At this point, Grog Dorosh, I can't imagine that you're doing anything short of contemplating taking your own life. Published in 1993, and here, in 2005, you're being read in Dalem's basement bathroom.

I will be there for you, Michael. I don't think it's right that the body be found by a member of the family.

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Originally posted by Nidan1:

...why werent you detained at customs, why werent you body cavity searched?

No wonder the terrorists are winning.

Umm...Lars is always detained by Customs, and he always gets the body cavity search. He requests it in advance, the way some people contact the airlines in order to get the 'kosher meal' option.

But yes, your final statement is correct. No wonder the terrorists are winning.

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Speaking of security, whilst sitting in the Cancun airport waiting to get on the flight to the US, they had random baggage checks of all passengers. Took forever to get through the line.

Meanwhile, right next to us was a line of Canucks getting on the CanAir flight to Toronto or some other frozen third world hellhole.

You guessed it, no baggage checks for them. The wankers were on their flight in minutes.

WTF? They're flying over the US for the next 2,000 miles. I demand that the Canucks get to share the love of a big, intrusive government too! Just think, if a terrorist had managed to sneak a bomb on board, we would have had contraband Cuban cigars and cheap Mezcal raining down all over Nebraska or somfink.

The horror, the horror...

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I’m on my third day in a row of waking up between 3:30 AM and 5:00 AM and being unable to get back to sleep. Probably because I went to bed so damn early. What this means is, I’m up about and doing things at @5:30 AM lately, which feels unnatural when you’re not about to simply go to bed, rather than waking up. So, I’m in bed, exhausted, by 10 or 11 PM or so, and awake by 5 AM. I don’t know how normal people live like this. It makes me want to take my own life. You feel dirty getting out of bed and having a glass of wine or beer at 6 AM, whereas I never thought twice about doing so when I hadn’t yet been to bed.

Right now, I’m simply pretending I’m French. Help me, Boo.

It has done wonders for my turn sending rate, though.

People would have had a turn yesterday at this time, but I had to go to the Children’s Museum with my friend Small Emma. We had an exhausting day, in which she taught me a new game, which I shall characterize as ‘Kiss the Big-Headed Bunny’. In this game, my 19 month old friend holds out a small, soft toy cartoon rabbit whose head is easily twice the size of the rest of its body. I think her mom, Jen, said it was ‘Japanese’, for reasons insufficiently explored. I then kiss the bunny on its immense, overly-large and unnatural head. Small Emma then pulls the bunny back, and laughs and giggles hysterically, making a face you’d expect from one of Batman’s nemeses. Repeat this pattern for something on the order of 45 minutes while her Mom and I are knocking back cocktails on a Monday afternoon and watching ‘Hell Boy’ on DVD.

Ultimately I think that what was going on is this: Small Emma says to herself: If you kiss the huge-headed bunny, you’re a complete idjit and tosser. Here! Here’s the grotesquely large headed bunny! Kiss it! Kiss it! Ahahahahahaha! Seanachai kissed the bunny! He’s a complete fool! Here! Kiss the bunny again! Good God, he did it again! Even the snot-covered halfwit kid at daycare that eats things off the floor won’t kiss the bunny more than once! Whatever is in that glass that Mom gave him must be lowering his intelligence to a level lower than dog droppings! Kiss the bunny again! Sweet Jesus in a stroller, he kissed it again! I’m not even sure I can still laugh in the face of stupidity like this...yes I can! Ahahahahahaha! I love Uncle Seanachai. What a tool...

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

What a tool..

Why would you make friends with a 19 month old in the first place?

Theory one...You need to establish new relationships with people who have the same level of mental development as yourself.

Theory two...You are using your relationship with the 19 month old to get more familiar with her mother...for reasons that cannot be mentioned in a family oriented thread.

Theory three...You are just a tool.

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Originally posted by Nidan1:

Why would you make friends with a 19 month old in the first place?

Small Emma is much more amusing than you lot of wanks. And her level of repartee is better.

The other day, she was taking toys off the table and dropping them on the floor, and then exclaiming 'Oh, no! Oh, no!' as each one fell to the floor.

Her mother finally said 'Emma, it's not an 'oh, no!' when you do it on purpose, and keep doing it!'

Emma quietly picked up another toy (a large, colourful, magnet backed 'T', as a I remember), smiled at us both, waited a moment, and then dropped it onto the floor. She then said 'Oh, no!'

That's fecking genius, compared to most of your remarks, Nidan! Where's my bloody turn, you door-knob greaser?!

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Originally posted by Lars:

Did you ever consider that Small Emma has been rubbing the Big Headed Bunny in the snot covered halfwit's face?

Bwahahahaha! Kiss it again you tool!

Actually, I'm almost certain of this. The huge-headed bunny had a slightly salty, but rather unpleasant taste. Man, when she gets old enough to type, she's going to be the greatest contributor to this Thread since Mark IV!
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Originally posted by Michael Dorosh:

Royalty Cheque? The bastards at Avalon Hill still owe me 200 dollars for that one.

I also didn't pick the title :mad:

Perhaps, Michael, if I was to send you photos of Dalem's basement bathroom, you'd like me to steady your hand while you put the barrel of the 9mm in your mouth? No?

Well, no one can say I didn't try.

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Originally posted by Michael Dorosh:

The bastards at Avalon Hill still owe me 200 dollars for that one.

Perhaps we could help? A concerted, organized, and relentless email campaign of chatty, casual, off-the-cuff exchanges by members of the Peng Challenge Thread?

Christ, I can't imagine any publisher who wouldn't pay far more than that to avoid continual contamination.

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Originally posted by Michael Dorosh:

Forget it - they went out of business years ago.

Bring me the head of Rex Martin on a platter.

Chased silver with a Celtic knot-work pattern, or hammered brass in the Arab style?

And who in the hell is Rex Martin? Not that it matters. A head is a head, and a psychotic bequest is a psychotic bequest.

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

I’m on my third day in a row of waking up between 3:30 AM and 5:00 AM...and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on SNIPPED! because I am a generous and affable person.


Originally, I was going to say that I can't believe you just cut and pasted your E-mail to me into the MBT, but then I realized it's completely believable.

And on more than one level.

You're a lazy, indolent wretch, who "phones it in at every opportunity". A wasted wastrel with all the vitality of a three-toed sloth who's been road kill for several days.

Also, your ego is so unbelievable immense that you, sitting in your hovel, surrounded by the effluvia of your sordid existance, giggle and hug yourself whenever you think you've written anything witty and decide that such profound genius is too lofty, too Olympian to be shown to only one person. I imagine also, in your fevered imagination that you aren't just posting it in the Mutha of All Beautiful Threads". It is my contention that you see it written in burning letters etched across an azure sky, flanked by Thrones, Dominions and Cherubim. Words so huge that they make the opening expositionary type of the original Star Wars look like the fine print in one of MrSpkr's crooked contracts.

Have you ever thought seriously of commiting yourself? If not, why not start now?

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Nidan1:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Seanachai:

That's fecking genius, compared to most of your remarks, Nidan! Where's my bloody turn, you door-knob greaser?!

Turn??...what bloody turn??? OH! NO! </font>
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