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Peng Challenged the World, which promptly turned it's back.


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Originally posted by Hiram Sedai:

"Don't hate the player, hate the game"

But it's much easier to just hate you.

And hate you.

And hate you some more.

And then hate you for an unspecified amount of time beyond that.

To hate you when I first rise in the morning.

To hate you when I finally hit the sack at night.

To hate you with every cell in my body.

To will the electric field that surrounds my body to spell out "I Hate Hiram" and have the "Hate" be one of those cute hearts with a diagonal slash through it.

A 21st century, digital hate with battery back up.

The kind of hate everyone can be onboard with.

This is the kind of hate I reserve for you.

It's modular.

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Originally posted by Tim The Enchanter:

Seanachai, as I know now that is what you wished to be called by; Please do not go jumping to conclusions. This brings to mind the old saying look before you leap.

You must understand that your screen name puzzled me to say the very least. I recognize the name Sean, which is Irish for Shawn, but the achai part I thought may have been an abreviation for a last name of sorts.


*ajusts glasses*

Sorry to correct you, old boy, but "Sean" is actually Irish for "John". A Seanachi by the way, is the name for a traditional Irish Storyteller.

This has been a public information announcement. Thank you for your attention.

*signed - An Irish person*

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Originally posted by Nightwatch:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Tim The Enchanter:

Seanachai, as I know now that is what you wished to be called by; Please do not go jumping to conclusions. This brings to mind the old saying look before you leap.

You must understand that your screen name puzzled me to say the very least. I recognize the name Sean, which is Irish for Shawn, but the achai part I thought may have been an abreviation for a last name of sorts.


*ajusts glasses*

Sorry to correct you, old boy, but "Sean" is actually Irish for "John". A Seanachi by the way, is the name for a traditional Irish Storyteller.

This has been a public information announcement. Thank you for your attention.

*signed - An Irish person* </font>

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Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

There I was mindin' my own business, when along came that useless wanker, Leeo.

"Oh please Berli, play a game with me."

So, I figure, what the Hell, how bad can it be kickin' Leeo's yarbles up betwixt his ears? So, I take the time (and trouble) to set up a game and send it to him. Cool so far. Set up returns, and I plot the first turn. Send that off to him.

Nothin'. Not a damned thing back. Hell, I got a turn from Seanachai while waiting. If I get another from Seanachai, I'll have to officially announce Leeo as lost at sea and presumed dead

Please? Please?. What utter crap. As God of Chaos, I demanded an all random set-up. Go figure that when Berli rolls the feckin' dice, a well formed scenario pops out. I guess something along the lines of an infinite number of monkeys with an infinite amount of time and all that....

Is it my fault Seanachai has been lost in his nosebag of meth? I, on the other hand, was briefly lost in RTW, and then briefly lost my lunch (breakfast, dinner and snacks) in the toilet for a couple of days.

I know, excuses are like asses; everyone has a Yeknodathon. Turns out tonight.

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Nightwatch eh ... Dublin I see from your profile. My great grandfather, Simon Shaw, was from County Kildare ... I know, I know, hayseed or whatever you call it in Ireland, STILL, you're Republic of Ireland and no error.

I'll make an exception in YOUR case lad and merely point out that we do require an email address in your profile if you're to continue posting here. NORMALLY I'd flay you to within an inch of your life but that stupid Ozzie that started this thread screwed up the rules AGAIN and didn't mention it.

NORMALLY that wouldn't matter since it doesn't really matter if you've read the rule or not it still applies, BUT ... you're Irish ... one must make allowances. I'd do the same for someone from Schleswig-Holstein ... my other paternal great grandfather came over from there donchaknow.

Also, since you're Irish, I won't bother telling you to sod off since you've an abundance over there and all.


Er, yes, we do have an abundance of 'sods of' Turf thanks.

Email now visible in profile. Dont say I never do anything to.. er.. for you all.

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Originally posted by Moraine Sedai:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Boo Radley:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Trivial matters here ... nothing of substance.

Save, of course, that Tim the Decanter has been proposed for Coventry ... and by Seanachai no less.

What say you lads? Will any speak FOR Tim the Decanter or shall it be Coventry for him?


rleete, the twit, said that Tim the Depantser was sent to Coventry some time ago.

I don't remember this, but then, I blew out my short term memory thirty years ago.

Who are you again? </font>

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Originally posted by Yeknodathon:

*stands in the paddock sporting a comfortable negligee*

I just wanted to say that I'm feeling rather...

[rustles the hem]

... slinky.

The image that this statement conjures up is well....***shudder***....rather horrific.
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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

By GAWD we had to pry THAT out with a crowbar didn't we ... well, no, that's not QUITE what I meant ... still ... Grog Dorosh and Yeknodathon ... what sort of abomination would that prove and would a crowbar actually be necessary?

Gee, what do you get if you cross a Canadian and a Donkey?


lemme think here...

tic, tic, tic...

still thinking....

stares at ceiling...

I got it.

A CandyAss.

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Right then, had about enough so I have.

WHEREAS, In accordance with the process set forth by ... well, ME mostly ... the SSN known as Tim the Enchanter having been proposed for Coventry and WHEREAS said proposition having been placed before the body of the Peng Challenge Thread and WHEREAS there has been no refutation or suggestion of NOT enacting such proposition then BE IT RESOLVED AND PROCLAIMED on behalf of the Olde Ones of said Peng Challenge Thread that said SSN, to wit, Tim the Enchanter, is now and shall be henceforth committed to Coventry not to be acknowledged in any way upon the pages of the Mutha Beautiful Thread for all time and eternity ... or until some slack witted foole forgets, whichever comes first.


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