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****ROW V (Part 5)****

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You're on, I think I can talk my Dad into doing that.

When you have some time let me know what other shots you need. You posted 6 meaning there are another 17 you must have. Or is this one of those "the more the better" deals? Also eventually I'll need to know dpi and stuff like that, but first let's let Richie finish the model.

Originally posted by Wicky:

Take some hi-res quality plan shots and I'll take a shot at skinning the model so it can deservedly fight it out on CMBB battlefields

Example JS2 mod

Photo references used for JS2:


side - close up

rear - close up

turret top

rear deck


etc. There were about 23 photos in total that served as reference for skinning the CMBB model.

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Originally posted by Elmar Bijlsma:

Finished LfB against Other Means as a ersatz Dorosh.

I managed to do reasonably well. Probably because Other Means initially kept playing like he was still up against an opponent with the tactical cunning of a particularly stupid budgie. Honestly Dorosh, what in Hades were you thinking?

My main thoughts were "why am I wasting my time playing an idiotic scenario in which I have to start playing more than halfway through, on a giant map, in which all we seem to do is shoot a bunch of stuff at each other at long range, and wait long times just for the game to crunch the numbers, when there are about a million other things I could be doing, ranging from the high end of the scale - quality time with the girlfriend, to the low end of the scale - watching the paint in my bedroom dry - all of which would be preferable to what has to be one of the most ill-considered "tournament" scenarios since that one on Crete in the first round of ROW V in which air support was "thrown in" to provide a completely random element."

I am certainly dying to see your AAR; being the tactical genius you claim to be, I am sure you turned the situation around. ;)

I hope you realize that all the set up positions were LOCKED since the game files started several dozen turns into the game, so any failure in the setup phase was not ours...

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The main PITA for me with LfB (after Mike left - boom tish) was the fact that I'd select for a waypoint, click...wait for the game to recognise it...and place it.

Seriously, what's the designer running, Big Blue?

Saying that, I really enjoyed the "feel" of the scenario rather than the actual playing. It felt like a desolate battle in a forgotten corner of Russia that only the dead would remember.

If most of the craters, the fires and other cycle eating hogs were removed it might even have been fun.

And yes, I was playing on auto-pilot before Elmar countered. But that's my fault I guess.

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Cheers Bigduke6 - The more the better as I can stitch close ups detail shots together then rescale as necessary onto the bmps.

All I need is the full resolution jpgs or RAW files if taken on a digital camera - Attention needs to be paid to lighting as to strong a flash can flatten the image and therefore not get the best natural outdoor effect.

*shameless plug* The JS2 is available at a CMMODS store near you ;)

Originally posted by Bigduke6:


You're on, I think I can talk my Dad into doing that.

When you have some time let me know what other shots you need. You posted 6 meaning there are another 17 you must have. Or is this one of those "the more the better" deals? Also eventually I'll need to know dpi and stuff like that, but first let's let Richie finish the model.

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Originally posted by Green Hornet:

Londoner and I are in the same finalist group, we finished our game together what seemed a lifetime ago.

LfB is my only remaining game... Unfortunately we still have about 20-25 turns to go. The best I can manage is a turn a day, which is what I've pretty much maintained throughout the entire tournament.

Londoner, I bet I can guess who your TV opponent is... tongue.gif

Yeah, well you don't have to guess, his opponent is me. As I explained some time ago on this message board, at the start of this round of the tournament I had a serious accident that involved me almost blinding myself and breaking fingers on my right hand. This caused a dramatic slow down in my initial turn rate. Doing my best to return a turn a day now...
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Originally posted by Other Means:

And yes, I was playing on auto-pilot before Elmar countered. But that's my fault I guess.

We both were.

We may want to revisit what a "competition" is supposed to be. If the majority are happy with the scenarios selected, that's no biggie, but my own opinion is that smaller=better.

I think the majority of ROW scens I've played have been fun and challenging (and with high production values from good designers); always amazed at the diversity of scores and the scens seem to rightly reward those most familiar with how CM works "under the hood" (whether that familiarity is based on understanding of cause, or effect, or both). And the variety of situations we've seen tend to make things pretty fun - from meeting engagements in tall mountains to the Raid on St. Nazaire to dual exits in the dark in the middle of the desert.

My conception of "tournament" play comes from earlier CM efforts - Super Ted's "tournament of the stars" comes to mind, where we got mirrored maps to play on, and selected forces by purchase. Also SL tournament scenarios - these tended to be company size (the optimum force size for CM also) and were played very quickly, say half a dozen turns or so.

There are perils in any chosen system. The former was in force purchases being totally inappropriate for terrain, and of course special rules preventing vastly uneven equipment matchups (Panther and King Tiger vs. Stuarts and halftracks). The latter facing the peril one bad turn would ruin a player's entire game, and much of the contest might be said to have been luck.

I think mostly ROW has gotten things "right". The most fun I had was chasing Tiger's (Holien's?) around clumps of trees with Shermans and managing to bag a couple (though totally ignoring the necessity to capture flags, like, 80km or somefink downmap).

There have been some interesting twists, though; as fun as St. Nazaire was, much was dependent on where you placed your landing craft and how many boats got sunk straight away - had little to do with skill, that's luck. The same with the Crete scen in the initial round of ROW V in which air support was included.

I think a trend towards smaller, company-size actions might be welcome if only to insure that the games actually get finished. I don't think tournament players need to be lured in with exotic scenarios, maps, locales, situations, forces, etc. They're already the hardcore CM players. They want a decent competition and they want to finish the games. Most of all, they want to think, and have each move be something to puzzle over. Drama and suspense. And perhaps shying away from armour; the vagaries of armour penetration and the inequities of equipment between nations might suggest we do so.

I can understand the desire to include hopeless (read: unbalanced) battles simply because it increases fog of war - and some briliant (or lucky) players manage to pull off a win at a Kobayashi Maru. But, if this were a vote, I'd rather see some 20 or 30 turn scenarios on medium maps with fixed forces (no random elements) and multiple options. Moltke's Bridge provided multiple outcomes (I would have never guessed a major victory possible by the Russians, but some managed it in style), sure, but a lot was based on how much attention the Russian paid to his back door - and his only real option in the scenario was what order to send his men crashing across the bridge.

These aren't complaints, just suggestions. Oh, and perhaps a web form for reporting games; I still haven't managed to get an email through to Kingfish reporting my St. Nazaire game.

Oh, and smaller games would be easier to complete AARs for, if those continue to be a requirement.

Might be fun to move away from the computer-defined victory conditions only, and base victory on other stuff; like counting only "Men OK" rather than all victory points, which you could still NABLA-ize. For example if the Germans start out with 200 men, if he had 180 men OK at game end, his score would be 90, the Russian score would be 10. Russian losses would be irrelevant and you'd have a much different kind of battle, even with idential terrain and forces, than if you were playing with standard VC.

[ November 21, 2005, 09:09 AM: Message edited by: Michael Dorosh ]

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While I value your input, and welcome it at any time, I don't think you need to worry about the scenarios for the ROW V finals suddenly becoming the norm. For one thing, this is most likely the last ROW using the CM1 engine. It was because of this that I decided to expand the parameters and allow scenarios that would have normally been too large or lengthy. Consider this a one time blip on the radar.

Now, could we have tweaked them down to more manageable levels? Sure, but that is looking at it with 20:20 hindsight. At the time I decided to keep them as is, thinking that the quality (as in the case of TV) or novelty (SN & LfB) might offset any problems with size and number of turns.

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Originally posted by Other Means:

TV was one of the best scenarios I've ever played and the other two were decent goes. Thanks for giving us them.

Despite the size TV was very good; seemed reasonably balanced and I think both sides had a lot of choices to make. I felt my playing was very close and some of the battles on the map came down to the final turn - always a plus. I also realize it is impossible to design a scenario where this will always happen - too many variables to ensure that.

The St.Nazaire one was also quite good from my perspective but still a lot came down to initial placement of the attacker.

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Originally posted by Panzertwat (FGM):

Yeah, well you don't have to guess, his opponent is me. As I explained some time ago on this message board, at the start of this round of the tournament I had a serious accident that involved me almost blinding myself and breaking fingers on my right hand. This caused a dramatic slow down in my initial turn rate. Doing my best to return a turn a day now...

Yes, I know you had that serious accident. My apologies if you're still on the mend and your accident is still preventing you from getting to your turns. I assumed you were "back on your feet" so to speak from some of the emails we've exchanged. I may have misunderstood. If so, my sincerest apologies.
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Interesting discussion to date about the scenario's. Despite my earlier "whinge" about LfB I really didn't mind the size of it and the starting situation ones finds oneself in when 50 turns have already expired certainly makes for a very interesting challenge. It was a case of simply doing the best you can with what you've got and in the case of the Russians, trying to hold on with outclassed and often poorly positioned forces. In the end I enjoyed the challenge.

I agree with Michael however that St. Nazaire was a bit of a pot luck scenario where if the Germans happened to place their initial few defenders in the right places they could wreak absolute havoc on the vulnerable British elite infantry as they struggled to make the beaches. In my case I happened to be so lucky so it devolved into a hunt the enemy down style of battle which I'm sure was no fun from my opponents point of view after he lost a large portion of his infantry while they were still stuck in boats & unable to fight back.

Tiger Valley on the other hand was an absolute classic with all sorts of possibilities open to both attacker & defender.


Jim R.

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One of the great things about ROW has been the innovation in scenario design. Nothing short of spectacular. And where there's innovation, occasionally there's going to be ones that don't quite work. The idea of a pre-started scenario ws fantastic in Wolf. It just didn't quite work in LfB. The pain of all those wreteched dead units clutterinig up the screen, and the pre-positioned setup wasn't offset by anything truly new in terms of scenario situation. Rather than feeling the desparation of the Wold commander trying to defend after that awful shock, LfB just engendered (as Michael described) a feeling of hopelessness. Might be realistic, but unfortunately not fun.


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Originally posted by Green Hornet:

Yes, I know you had that serious accident. My apologies if you're still on the mend and your accident is still preventing you from getting to your turns. I assumed you were "back on your feet" so to speak from some of the emails we've exchanged. I may have misunderstood. If so, my sincerest apologies.

No need to apologise, I know how frustrating it is to be on the wrong end of a slow turn rate. I'm almost firing on all cylinders again, so we should get our game finished - it'd be a shame to deny you the win :eek:
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This is a temporary update on games completed. Once I get access to the finalists page (yes, I forgot my password) I will update that as well.

St. Nazaire

Green Hornet - Londoner

Sividosi - Walpurgis Nacht

Steve McClaire - Platehead

Steve S - Stoneage

Dangerous Dave - Ankulin

GAJ - Big Duke 6

Kanonier Reichmann - Big Dog

The Enigma - Frenchy

Elmar Biljsma - Melnibone

DieselTaylor - Stikkypixie

John Bertles - Sandy

Other means - Grimthane

12/16 - 75%

Still waiting on:

Victor Charlie vs PanzerTwat (finalist)

Flenser vs Malakovski

JohnO vs mPisi

sripe vs Michael Dorosh (Mike, please send the score to either Spanish Bombs, Richie or Ace Pilot. They'll forward it to me)

Tiger Valley

Green Hornet - Victor Charlie

Walpurgis Nacht - TlKillerich

Sivdosi - Steve McClaire

Holien - Steve S

Ankulin - Big Duke 6

GAJ - Dangerous Dave

Big Dog - Frenchy

The Enigma - Kanonier Reichmann

Melnibone - mPisi

John Bertles - Diesel Taylor

Michael Dorosh - Grimthane

Sripe - Other means

12/16 - 75%

Still waiting on:

Panzertwat - Londoner (finalist)

Malakovsi - Stoneage

JohnO - Elmar

Stikkypixie - Sandy

Loaded for Bear

Steve McClaire - Walpurgis nacht

Big Duke 6 - Dangerous Dave

Ankulin - ded

BigDog - The Enigma

Frenchy - Kanonier Reichmann

mPisi - Elmar

Sandy - Diesel Taylor

Other means - Elmar

9/16 - 56%

Still waiting on:

Londoner - Victor Charlie (finalist)

Panzertwat - Green Hornet (finalist)

Tlkillerich - Sivodsi

Stoneage vs Flenser

Malakovski vs Steve S

Melnibone - John O

Grimthane - Sripe

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