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MasterGoodale's Mystery WWII Photo Thread (Pics Posted!)

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I appologize for the pictures being so big. I didn't scan them and don't have a scanner, but I'm getting one very soon. Once I have a scanner I will rescan all of them and find a resolution that creates a higher definition, but smaller picture from the original. This is all I have scanned so far because I am using a friends scanner during my lunch hour at work when I can. I hope to buy one within 2 weeks. Then I can scan all 40 or so in and if I can find a place to host them I will. I only have 10MB of space on the web.

If you can identify the people in the new pictures please help me out! Thanks!

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Originally posted by MasterGoodale:

I appologize for the pictures being so big. I didn't scan them and don't have a scanner, but I'm getting one very soon. Once I have a scanner I will rescan all of them and find a resolution that creates a higher definition, but smaller picture from the original. This is all I have scanned so far because I am using a friends scanner during my lunch hour at work when I can. I hope to buy one within 2 weeks. Then I can scan all 40 or so in and if I can find a place to host them I will. I only have 10MB of space on the web.

If you can identify the people in the new pictures please help me out! Thanks!

Goodale, do not attempt to scan the pictures for internet purposes. If you do so, you will just end up with files good only for web posting. You never want to end up having to try and make a small image larger, so start big and then work you're way down for the purpose intended. If you want to print them, then they would need to be 300dpi at the size you want, but 300dpi is far higher res than can be viewed on the Internet, so why post a file that big? Keep that big, high res original for printing and make yourself some smaller (dimensions and resolution) copies for the forum. Here's how:

Keep scanning them big. You want high quality files to work with. I would suggest having them AT LEAST 8 in. on the long side at 300 dpi.

Save the original scans in a low-compression file type (either photoshop or tiff format is best).

For web purposes, you should take your big, high-quality scans and reduce them to a smaller, lower resolution jpeg file. Something with a file size of 500k or less is best. I can only imagine the bandwidth you are using posting these monsters.

If you have any sort of image editing software on your comp (your comp probably came with something pre-installed) you should be able to open the high-quality scans, reduce their size (actual dimensions) and resolution(dpi), and save new jpeg copies for posting on the web. Just remember not to save over the original scans.

p.s. Remember to go back and convert the ones you have already posted. If you keep posting 1.5mb files, Battlefront.com (and dial-up users!) may get a bit upset, and you're 10mb will be gone in no time (if it's not already).

[ January 31, 2003, 11:05 PM: Message edited by: akdavis ]

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ernst rohm was the leader of the brownshirts or sa. they were wiped out in the night of the long knives or something - and replaced by the ss.


the photos you've posted so far look like they're mostly if not all brownshirts (earlier-era nazis)... but that is probably just my perception... someone with greater knowledge can clue you in...

after seeing some other photos of rohm on the web, the guy in the background of the first picture is probably not rohm after all... he sure looks starry-eyed though...

[ January 31, 2003, 10:53 PM: Message edited by: manchildstein II ]

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You will most probably get Photoshop LE with the scanner. You can do plenty with that.

What scanner did you decide on? I have the Epson 1640, photo edition-you can scan negatives up tp 4x5" on it and prints a s large as 9x12. It has been upgraded now to the 2450 photo scanner. It's less than $400, and worth every penny. I regularly make 30-50mb scans, and print them on an Epson printer, and they look as good as prints I make in the darkroom quite often.

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Originally posted by MasterGoodale:

I haven't even looked at scanners yet, but everyone says Epson are the best so I will get a Epson. I can't wait! :mad:

Goodale, when you get your scanner set-up, follow the directions I posted above in making your scans. It'll save you some time re-scanning everytime you want to do something with them.
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You know, it occurs to me that if all these are photographs of SA "golden phesants" then the photographer was likely in the SA and possibly even a high-up SA officer. In any case the film contained photos of SA officers in close up and candid situations. These would not be the sort of photos one would have likely wanted to display in Nazi germany after the SA liquidation.

If this is the case, it would certainly explain why the owner of the camera never chose to have the film developed (assuming that part of the story is accurate, of course). Quite the interesting mystery I'd say.

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Originally posted by MasterGoodale:

So can ANYONE identify the people in the group picture (the last one posted)?

Not other wise except as the banal faces of evil. In some ways, such pictures are even scarier than the traditional historical photos. It's like Hank Hill (King of the Hill - American TV show a la The Simpsons) stnading along the backyard fence having a beer and smoke with his buddies
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Try as I might, I can't.

Been using this website, which has pictures from most of the political leaders back then. But I can't find no matches.

One thing I agree, though, it looks like early SA.

***EDIT*** on a second look, the guy behind Hitler in the first picture this page, and the guy in the front of the last picture look similar.

[ February 02, 2003, 12:49 PM: Message edited by: RSColonel_131st ]

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Interesting thread and I have followed it with some interest. The guy who looks like Stalin I suspect is actually LW air ace Adolf Galland doing what he did second-best - being a medja luvvy . He was a superstar in his day, much in demand for meet-the-people -and-keep-morale-up events, of which this could be one.

Do all the pictures seem to be of an event, or of the same town? If so, one possible explanation is of a rally, or Nazi event held in someone's hometown. He goes along, takes happy snaps and has a great time, probably because he was HJ and gets front-row seats. Maybe he was called up the next day - but he goes off to the war without having the photos developed and never comes back. Camera lies with grieving parents for the next few years until your gramps finds it.

I hope I can see more of these.


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This is an interesting series indeed. A few observations at this point:

1) We've got a lot of uber-grogs on this board but nobody has so far said--"Oh, I've seen that picture before." There's at least a fighting chance that these photos are unique, though that needs more investigation.

2) While Hitler is instantly recognizable, and seems at least in some pics rather young, none of the other guys has yet received a definite ID. This seems to me to support somebody's theory, above, that we're dealing with a Nazi rally or rallies in some other city or cities which Hitler "graced" with his presence.

3) They might have been taken by a local photographer who was also a local Nazi insider (he's very up close and personal with Hitler and the others).

4) What makes these shots so interesting is that they're candids.

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Although I am not an expert, I would have to agree that these pictures do have a unique quality to them. Specifically, they do not look like mass-produced professional prints as was speculated earlier.

I would not be surprised if these turn out to be early nazi era although this is more of a hunch than anything.

Very interesting.


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Wild guess here but th elast 3 pics in this posting look to me like this are before or just when the nazis were in power...the reason? well despite it are b/w pics it looks to me like they nazis are all dressed in the SA uniform.... Once the nazis were in power (if I remember well after 1933) slowly the SA was becoming less importanted and the SS with the more "military" kind of uniforms got in the picture. Also the military were suddenly in the picture as being the party in power the nazis "governed" the military top. So in general the earlier the pics from Hitler &co the more SA uniform will be a lot seen, the later the pics the more SS and Wehrmacht uniforms will be seen. (Note: after 1933 a lot of people were still in the SA, but they were not more a "political power", so hitler &co didn't really bothered any more much about those masses dressed up in the brwon shirts on a personal basis like in this pics.)



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