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My TNT chucker, my TNT chucker why hast thou forsaken me? The 99% Goodale-free Waffle

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Originally posted by mike_the_wino:

I know some you spend waaaaayyy too much time on the internet so I want to know if there is an online resource for unit availability? If so, where is it?

I eagerly await your answer, maggots.

Out of respect for what you may have once been, I will walk away from this, oh too easy set-up.

There are others who will not share my compassion.

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Originally posted by Axe2121:

I had an MRI scheduled two months ago — it's still not for another six months!

What was my point again? Oh yeah — you all suck!! :mad: :mad: :mad:

Socialized medicine. Crap!!! 8 months! Got my MRI the same day I saw the doctor. Hope it's nothing serious. Not because we care, mind your non turn sending hide, but because it prevents you from editing CMAK double time, amigo. CMAK, election. Election, CMAK. What on God's green earth is wrong with your priorities, you non TNT chucking,non CMAK editing, election covering maggot! :mad: :mad:

:mad: :mad: - for good measure. :D

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Originally posted by Axe2121:

I won a tactical victory over 7878789789okaysnookims . Lots o' TNT and such.

It gets four out of five :mad: s

For those that care, I blew my wad, Axe didn't, therefor he won. Kinda like naked twister, who ever blows there wad first loses. :mad: :mad: :mad:

I hate u axe. I really do. :mad:

Speaking of h :mad: te, when is who ever the fleck it is going to finish the scenario "Smope-v-Axe: The Next Generation" going to be done?

I can't wait to give you fresh molten TNT enema.

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Originally posted by Stalin's Organ:

Hey 86 (how appropriate - you sure need to get smart!!) - what's your e-mail addy??

If u were smart, which apparently you are not, you would quickly realise 86smopuiM, flipped horizontally and then verticaly spells Windows98.

Coincidentally, it is also the name of the deamon in H-E-double hockey sticks who awaits to torture BGates soul for eternity.

He look a little like this: dae_up3.gif

There are several other daemons that reside in the same Bolgia. There names are 56smopuiM, uniualliW smopuiM,0002 smopuiM,and the meanest most evil mother flocker in the bunch dX smopuiM.

Now are u going to challenge me for Sigs or not?

[ October 03, 2003, 04:26 AM: Message edited by: 86smopuim ]

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An update on Smope -v- "Master" Goodale:

His attack was so pathetic and lame that I was forced to leave my fortifications and pursue him to get within TNT chucking range.

Oh yeah, I captured a squad. I don't want them, so I keep moving them back to his side, but like a bad case of the clap they refuse to go away.

[ October 03, 2003, 04:35 AM: Message edited by: 86smopuim ]

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Originally posted by mike_the_wino:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Becket:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by mike_the_wino:

I want to know if there is an online resource for unit availability? If so, where is it?

Missing Soddball already, nancy? </font>
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Axe2121 which scenario of mine dd you and smope play? I forget. And if you would both email me your honest thoughts on the scenario I would appreciate it. Looks like I spawned two pretty good abominations this time ("Blood and Scones" and "Of Tigers and Men"). I'll probably post them at the Depot once it's fixed. :mad: :mad: :mad:

And Smope you smelly crusty gonorhea pod I'm gonna slather you good one of these days and you won't be happy when I do it! :mad: :mad:

Becky took a good old fashioned beating last night from the GrandMaster TNT Chucker himself. He should be honored to have been granted such a privilege. Wouldn't you agree Becky? HHHRRRRMMMMM??? :mad: :mad:

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Originally posted by MasterGoodale:

Axe2121 which scenario of mine did you and smope play? I forget. And if you would both email me your honest thoughts I would appreciate it.

Good grief man! Blood and Scones, Blood and Scones, Blood and Scones!!!

That mold has really rotted what's left of your built-for-flint-chipping brain, hasn't it?

And thanks for asking for my honest thoughts. I don't have to e-mail them though as I'm happy to share with the group.

My thoughts are: You suck, stink and are a stupid head. :mad: :mad: :mad:

You probably look like this:


I'll send you some feedback later tonight you syphilitic monkey.

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Originally posted by MasterGoodale:

"Those who live in stupid houses should not cast intelligence insults". . .or something like that, maggot. :mad: I can't even see the picture you knuckle-dragger. :mad:

Hit refresh. Or right click on the picture box and copy and paste the address from properties. Be warned though -- it ain't pretty as Jim can attest to.
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Originally posted by MasterGoodale:

Oh and I'm not just beating Dave like a rented mule, I'm banging him like a pimped out sheep in a cotton mill on Friday night. :mad: :mad: :mad:

I'm afraid I wouldn't know anything about that, so I'll have to rely on an expert like MasterGoodale for an opinion. Though I can't imagine what a maggot really knows about pimps, sheep, cotton mills, and Friday nights. Probably just as much as it knows about anything else. tongue.gif
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Goodale you mary, my tanks outnumber yours, I've annihilated an entire company of your infantry, all the flags are either disputed or under my control, and points are in my favor.

However, I do applaud your new tactic of waiting 8 days before sending turns. We've exchanged all of 3 files in four weeks now, and yes, you blew up a tank in the last one. Let me just say for the record it's really bad form to send a "HAHA" email when you wait 8 days to return a turn.. :mad: :mad: :mad:

I'm putting you on notice, maggot. From here to the end of the game, if you exceed more than thirty days of delay, you forfeit.


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