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My TNT chucker, my TNT chucker why hast thou forsaken me? The 99% Goodale-free Waffle

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"Is it your turn?"

"I don't know, I thought it was your turn."

"Could be. I thought I sent you a turn though."

"Hmmm, I'll check. In the meantime why don't we both send turns?"

"Sounds good. I'll check if you sent a turn while I'm sending my turn."

Dunderpates. :mad: :mad:

PBEM Helper already, woudja?!? :mad: :mad:

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Originally posted by Axe2121:

PBEM Helper already, woudja?!? :mad: :mad:

:mad: :mad: :mad:

I've tried, believe me I've tried, but none of these maggots (well, Davey or Mikey) will take the plunge :D

I have the latest version, and even a shortcut residing on my desktop. According to PBEM Helper the status of Teddy_BDLRM is "wait". But now I'm wondering if I entered Dave's email address correctly when I set it up. But I'm also wondering why if I didn't, nothing's bounced back. So this leads me to wonder if ntl might be at fault, because in the last week I've had people complaining mails have been arriving twice. But I wonder if this can really be the root of all my problems, because it is - in effect - the complete opposite of the problem I'm having with Dave, who has not received a jot for many days. But most of all, I'm wondering why life is so damn complicated :mad: :mad:

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Originally posted by MasterGoodale:

What a filthy bunch of pus postules!



You slacker!!! :mad:

Get off your fat New England Ass and start posting in this Thread again! This nancy-boy two or three posts a Thread is a disgrace to TNT chuckers everywhere. When you don't post we get overrun by Boos & Bards & Maces. They used to tremble with fear and horror at the very thought of posting in this Thread. Now they come waltzing in swishing their petticoats like this Thread is big joke or something. :mad:

I blame YOU!!! :mad: :mad:


MAGGOT!!!! :mad: :mad: :mad:

Oh, by the way, Of Tigers and men is turning into a complete rout of the Russians.

Hehehh!!!! :D

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I guess MasterGoodale won't read this for a week or so now that he has made his obligatory lame-ass excuse for a post but, for what it's worth, his Blood Scones scenario — apart from the revolting title — is a great one.

I won a tactical victory over 7878789789okaysnookims . Lots o' TNT and such.

It gets four out of five :mad: s

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That's what I thought! When MasterGoodale - Jewel Crowned, Diamond-Studded GrandMaster TNT CHucker makes a battle he aint just blowing pus you vile flasks of skunk jizz!! :mad: :mad:

Jizm Hog I thought you said you didn't have enough TNT to beat the Krauts in that one!!?? Whiney little maggot! :mad: I am, however, surprised that you have "ROUTED" the brave Russians in that one. What the hell happened!??? :mad:


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Originally posted by MasterGoodale:

Jizm Hog I thought you said you didn't have enough TNT to beat the Krauts in that one!!?? Whiney little maggot! :mad: I am, however, surprised that you have "ROUTED" the brave Russians in that one. What the hell happened!??? :mad:

Goodale you puss sack from a pussturing boill on the buttt of a bufffalo. Your less than descriptive briefing led me to believe I was to face 2,000 points of angry Russians with only three Tiger tanks!. Given the indestructable nature of the beast, there was a concern that there would be more targets than ammo. As far as the rout let's just say my reinforcements were properly positioned to greet his piecemeal advance. I will also add that he didn't feel like bridging any of his advances, if you get my drift. ;)


4 :mad: out of 5- one point off for less than adequate briefing. You should get MrSpkr to edit them for ya. There was someone else doing some editing as well, but his name escapes me at the moment.

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Dear Goodwhale:

The "two week to forfeit" clock is running. Right now it's at one week.

Gamey Updates

Axe is beating me like a DaveH in a scenario from the CD that was probably made by ruin. I hope to take vengeance on him in the second game we're running, but he's clearly afraid of that happening, and thus refuses to send turns for it.

Jim Boggs learned that yes, the Sherman can kill the PIVF2 from 1300m. Now, the hunt begins.

Abbott is sneaky. He conceals a lot of his forces and then brings them up later. Where, in the case of his T-34s, they promptly get blown up by infantry. :D

mike_the_wino is a no good gamey lout. We aren't playing a PBEM right now, I just wanted to say that.

Snarker is getting beaten within an inch of his life at Prokorovka. What else is new?

P.S.: I third the stuff about PBEM helper. If you aren't using it, one must assume you only have the intellect that god, in his mercy, gave a Goodwhale.

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Originally posted by Becket:

Axe is beating me like a DaveH in a scenario from the CD that was probably made by ruin. I hope to take vengeance on him in the second game we're running, but he's clearly afraid of that happening, and thus refuses to send turns for it.

:mad: :mad:

I sent one this morning, you non-TNT chucking fool! Your inbox is now as full as your head is empty. :mad: :mad:

Now I'm really going to enjoy the first scenario. Where's my canister shot? :mad:

[ October 02, 2003, 03:59 PM: Message edited by: Axe2121 ]

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Originally posted by Becket:

mike_the_wino is a no good gamey lout. We aren't playing a PBEM right now, I just wanted to say that.

I am playing the gamey bastiche in a PBEM and must concur with Becket on this point.

As I have heard many times:

To know the wino is to hate the wino.


a wino by any other name is still a gamey, puss-fillled, blathering, ammo-wasting, sot

Note to the aforementioned wino

We are now 25 turns into our 50+ turn match. You have been firing your artillery since turn #1. In your infinite tactical wisdom you sent me an e-mail with your last turn bragging about this fact and then mentioning that:

on the other hand your (meaning me) guys haven't hardly fired at all.

Gee, I wonder what I'm gonna do with all this stored up TNT?

Oh and a question-If a certain gamey wino uses up all his ammo, while I still have boatloads, will the stupid automatic ceasefire kick in? That would really suck! :mad:


I was under the impression that you wished to wait until the Red Sox were eliminated from the playoffs before taking on a new game. I am currently working on a QB set-up for Dave

that will match PzIII's against Valentines and Matildas.

Ya wanna piece o' that??

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Originally posted by Axe2121:

Okay — it's your funeral. :mad: :mad:

Well in that case I will offer you the option of a QB featuring PzIVF2's vs Sherman M4A2's.

This will be similar to the one Becket is currently losing.

Take your pick, British, American, or German. Name your tank and I will send tonight.

Oh, and like Snarker I have dial-up and it hasn't slowed the flow of TNT one byte! :mad: :mad: :mad:

Maggot!!!! :mad: :mad:

[ October 02, 2003, 04:32 PM: Message edited by: Jim Boggs ]

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:mad: :mad:

At least we turfed the Conservative government here in Ontario. Massive Liberal majority!

Eight years of slash and burn policies was quite enough thank you. I had an MRI scheduled two months ago — it's still not for another six months!

What was my point again? Oh yeah — you all suck!! :mad: :mad: :mad:

[ October 02, 2003, 10:12 PM: Message edited by: Axe2121 ]

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Originally posted by Axe2121:

:mad: :mad:

At least we turfed the Conservative government here in Ontario. Massive Liberal majority!

Eight years of slash and burn policies was quite enough thank you. I had an MRI scheduled two months ago — it's still not for another six months!

What was my point again? Oh yeah — you all suck!! :mad: :mad: :mad:

Shouldn't you be sending turns instead of whining like Soddball on vacation without his Viagra? :mad:

Maggot!! :mad: :mad:

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