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My TNT chucker, my TNT chucker why hast thou forsaken me? The 99% Goodale-free Waffle

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You sicken me you pouches of skunk piss!!! I'm renovating!!! Do you expect me and Skunk Nads to brave the harsh New Hampshire winter without heat?!?! Do you!?!?! Well, DO YOU?!?!?!? :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

Have you ever tried to deal with frozen vomit and mold?!?!?!?!?


:mad: :mad: :mad:

Turns a-coming.

[ September 28, 2003, 07:54 PM: Message edited by: Axe2121 ]

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Originally posted by Soddball:

...We've got no stinking style in here, you pus monkeys. We hate everyone, especially Snarker, who got a gamey, jammy win over me like the ho he is.

Firstly, he busted up my SU-85s good and proper. I would have thought that the 45mm of armour, at a combined slope of about 95 degrees, would have been able to deflect a shell from the Tirpitz, but OH NO - a faggy, buttmunching Panzer IV with Neo from the Matrix proves that he is 'the one' and plugs three of the bastard SU-85s. Never put all your eggs in one basket. Never, ever play the Russians. They suck giant, inflatable, rubber donkey dicks with foetid pustules on the end.

Then, Snarker the gamey ho arse-raped some of my infantry with a gamey ho Wirblewind, and not even the valiant efforts of a pair of anti-tank rifles achieved anything. Bastard bastard.

No turns out for ages. You all suck. It's my fault but I shall be fair and blame all of you over-hairy twats.

I'm off on holiday tomorrow lunchtime to Corfu - 5 star hotel. It will be warm, and sunny, and gorgeous, but best of all, it will be completely devoid of spastic twatmonkeys like MasterGoodale, Jim "I trawl the docks looking for ripe jicy boys' arses" Boggs and Mike_the_Pig_Fellator.

So no turns for 2 weeks. You jippos. I hate you all, it's only a shame I have to wait for CM:AK to really slather you in hot, molten TNT. CM:BB has started to pall but I shall still finish my games...

Gamey, am I? Feh and bah!!! Your armor tactics smack of Longshanks v Wallace; nay, Monty Python v the French Castle.

Seriously, enjoy your vacation. May a thousand Corfufians pluck the hairs off your arse and weave them into a mustache and glue it upon your lip.

:mad: :mad: :mad:

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Originally posted by Snarker:

...Seriously, enjoy your vacation. May a thousand Corfufians pluck the hairs off your arse and weave them into a mustache and glue it upon your lip.

If that happens, won't he look just like almost every woman over the age of 20 on Corfu? :eek:

Actually, I was glad to see Soddball's post. Without the invisible maggot MasterGoodale, there has been a real lack of total insanity here. Snarker and Becket and Jim Boggs and mike_the_gamey do what they can, but there's always that slight thread of coherence in their posts.

Fortunately some of the Peng-uins turn up and add some comic relief with their feeble attempts to sort things out here. Will they NEVER learn? They must sacrifice millions of brain cells each time they post in the Peng thread, because the loss is getting harder and harder to hide. A mind may be a terrible thing to waste, but just tossing it into the black hole that is the MBT is inexcusable for anyone.

Quick update on the BDLRM:

Teddy is about 5 minutes from eliminating me completely. Fortunately, he only has two minutes left.

Mike is slaughtering my infantry by rolling over them with, count 'em, seven T-34s. He's so close to my cowering men he's killing whole squads in foxholes with one shot. Three more minutes of German blood and guts. GRRRR!!!!

MasterGoodale has dropped off the face of the earth again. I can't remember what he was doing in our battle, but he only has four minutes to do it in.

86smopuim is also slaughtering my infantry at close range with his T-34s. Unfortunately for him, I still have some AT guns able to shoot back for the last 5 minutes.

Mike_the_gamey_wino_squire has a couple of KVs shooting everything in sight. With the small antitank guns I have, they will probably keep at it for the remaining 7 minutes.

GrumpyBear has 11 minutes left, and seems to be getting his human wave lined up. He also keeps showing me more Soviet "tanks?".

THumpre still has 16 minutes to go. He is keeping a very low Soviet profile. I'm expecting about ten thousand conscript Russians to come running out of the woods any time now.

All of you have been great opponents. I've been keeping brief notes each turn, so I can give more details later. :D

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Originally posted by Dave H:

Mike is slaughtering my infantry by rolling over them with, count 'em, seven T-34s. He's so close to my cowering men he's killing whole squads in foxholes with one shot. Three more minutes of German blood and guts. GRRRR!!!!

Excellent - I'm glad you posted this, since you didn't manage to get me a turn over the weekend - very slack of you Dave - you should've been trying to end it quickly! :mad: :mad:

Of course I would've had 9 T34's if you hadn't shot the other 2 up with your big mean guns - dunno why you're having trouble with someone else's KV-1's - what killed my T34's wouldn't have had any trouble with them at these ranges!!

Stil...3 minutes remaining seems liek such a short time to toss steel and HE around the place - I might have to launch some infantry assaults soon for variety!! redface.gifredface.gif

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Originally posted by Mike:

Of course I would've had 9 T34's if you hadn't shot the other 2 up with your big mean guns - dunno why you're having trouble with someone else's KV-1's - what killed my T34's wouldn't have had any trouble with them at these ranges!!

Hey Mike, go back to the last thread where Dave admits to being a no-game-having hoor.

Dave you ignorant slut*, per your accusation of "gamey" force choice, shall I remind you that Axe2121 choose my forces? Kinda changes things a bit don't it? I am begining to see that your definition of "gamey" is one who is kicking your ass...in which case I am gamey as all get out. :D

*Yea, I know I have used this one before but I love the classics.

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I forgot about that human wave! Unfortunately wartime planned economy and all stalin decided in his wisdom to lower the bouncing beach ball quota...

They are now something alotted at the regimental level now as opposed to the company level as they were during the more economically solvent years of the earlier 1940's.

Seems you'll have to make due with not beach balls but bright red soviet flags waving about in your little stadium..

Oh and umm Hi Everbody!

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Originally posted by WOLFNUTTS:

ohh no ur not the most crazy guy from new hamp i am me me me me me just cause u all cant beat me . who is this nut ?? ya ive never played any of u so u cant beat me hahah ahhahha but wait mybe u want to try ??? :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:

I've no idea who you are, WOLFNUTTS, but I can tell you're going to fit in here just fine...
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Originally posted by Edward Windsor:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by WOLFNUTTS:

ohh no ur not the most crazy guy from new hamp i am me me me me me just cause u all cant beat me . who is this nut ?? ya ive never played any of u so u cant beat me hahah ahhahha but wait mybe u want to try ??? (dumb smilies removed)

I've no idea who you are, WOLFNUTTS, but I can tell you're going to fit in here just fine... </font>
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Originally posted by Edward Windsor:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by WOLFNUTTS:

ohh no ur not the most crazy guy from new hamp i am me me me me me just cause u all cant beat me . who is this nut ?? ya ive never played any of u so u cant beat me hahah ahhahha but wait mybe u want to try ??? :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:

I've no idea who you are, WOLFNUTTS, but I can tell you're going to fit in here just fine... </font>
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So I watched Stalingrad last night (those of you familiar with that movie and its length will understand why there were no turns last night). Was very pleased with the happy ending.

Turns out tonight. The clock on Goodale has started to run. If I don't have a turn from you tonight, maggot, (the last turn from you arriving last Tuesday) you've got one week before I declare a forfeit.

[ September 29, 2003, 10:08 AM: Message edited by: Becket ]

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You vile pile of puss pods!!! :mad: Do you mind if I see to it that my family doesn't freeze to death this winter??? :mad: Gee thanks I really appreciate that YOU MAGGOT FILLED CHICKEN PIES!!! :mad:

I've been up to my sullen, bloodshot eyeballs in renovations on my house you slithering ameoba bangers!! :mad: I also went away this weekend because SOME PEOPLE have TNT to make! :mad: Turns out tonight but only because I feel like being nice pus nads! :mad:

DaveH and Becky you two should be praying I DON'T send turns so that you may live a few more days!! :mad:

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Originally posted by MasterGoodale:

Some ravings about saving his family from freezing to death. All of that mold you've been growing was good for something after all, wasn't it, maggot?

DaveH and Becky you two should be praying I DON'T send turns so that you may live a few more days!! :mad:

Why would we pray for you not to send turns? That is what comes naturally to you. It would be like praying for the sun to come up tomorrow morning. What we have to pray for is that you do send a turn, because that's a miracle when it actually happens! :eek:

Mike_the_wino, we received your generous gift this morning. Becca and I thank you. I take back all the bad things I've said about you in the past. Excepting, of course, all the true ones, such as you being a gamey, cheating, alcohol-challenged maggot. :D

WOLFNUTTS, what are you, something like a MasterGoodale-lite or something? Maybe a relative or neighbor living in the mold-pits of New Hampshire? Hey, are all the presidential candidates visiting you guys yet? When's the primary, in a week or two?

Originally posted by Soddball:

Jesus, will you look at the weather in Corfu. 25 degrees, hot, sunny, and chock full of pert-breasted crumpet in bikinis.

Does anyone really think any of this is going to do him any good? Think how frustrated he'll be when he's back after torturing himself for two weeks. On the bright side, he'll drink so much he won't remember his trip anyway. :D
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Originally posted by MasterGoodale:

You vile pile of puss pods!!! :mad: Do you mind if I see to it that my family doesn't freeze to death this winter??? :mad: Gee thanks I really appreciate that YOU MAGGOT FILLED CHICKEN PIES!!! :mad:

I've been up to my sullen, bloodshot eyeballs in renovations on my house you slithering ameoba bangers!! :mad: I also went away this weekend because SOME PEOPLE have TNT to make! :mad: Turns out tonight but only because I feel like being nice pus nads! :mad:

I already told them this maggot. Sheesh. Read your thread, wouldya?

:mad: :mad:

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