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Riding the Range with Peng, Challenged by the Whispering Wind

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This time against that foul Australian, Mace.

Of course to suggest that HE'S foul would lead to the logical conclusion that there are SOME Australians who AREN'T foul ... well we know that's not true.

My troops quickly advanced upon and nearly have the main VL under their control, he, moving slowly, cautiously ... dare I suggest FEARFULLY has not approached closely enough to contest them. You can almost HEAR the nail biting. He's trying to track my fast moving units but they flicker in and out of sight between the trees frustrating their aim.

I have plotted my moves in such a manner that I could tell him my entire plan and he'd be able to do NOTHING about it! That's right, my preliminary plans are so watertight that he can do nothing but lose at this point. He sees it of course, but he's too stubborn to admit it and do the honorable thing and surrender.


[ October 04, 2003, 12:22 PM: Message edited by: Joe Shaw ]

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Moriarty ... why the very NAME just makes you shudder doesn't it! Has a more foul creature been admitted to the rank of Knight of the CessPool? I suggest they have not, oh sure some have TRIED but they've been found out haven't they, and relegated to the dust bin of CessPool history. But how Moriarty was able to sneak by the regulators ... it's a glitch in the system.

Our game has been going on forever and still he has yet to even DENT my Maine Lion of Resistors (I'll never get the hang of these Grog terms). He's nibbling and poking but that's the extent of it. His primary difficulty is that he seems to have brought a knife to an RPG fight (a line I used in an email ... too good to waste on the likes of Mace I've realized).


[ October 04, 2003, 12:47 PM: Message edited by: Joe Shaw ]

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Is it possible that I've made a poor judgement lads? Now I freely admit that choosing Papa Khann as Squire was an error ... I was busy and needed a Squire damnit, surely you've all been there.

But in the case of young Sir SirReal I see a dilemma (Is that what happens to the fair YK2 when she's been making pickles too long).

He has sent PBEM turns ... WITHOUT COMMENTARY! Not a sentence, not a word accompanies his turns. SILENCE ... and THIS from a Knight of the CessPool and, to my shame, a member of the Shavian House.

I've taken him to task both privately and publicly but he IGNORES my entreaties.

LAD, young Sir SirReal, do your duty lad, send a PBEM turn WITH a message. I need not be anything too massive, a simply statement of confidence in the outcome and a word of hatred for me will confirm that it's a CESSPOOLER I'm playing and not some simpering outerboarder too busy playing the game (as if THAT matters) to even correspond.

You can surely do THAT MUCH lad, that simple thing, for your old Liege? If not I fear I'll be too heartbroken to play the turns you send ... you see how it is?


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I just wanted to pop in and congratulate Seanachai on his recent usage of the word 'vulgarian' in a now-locked thread.

Are 'vulgarians' those people who refuse to eat meat, but fashion their clothes entirely out of sheep-intestine, or is it a below-the-belt female body-part? I can never remember...

(Interestingly, Seanachai seems to meet ALL those requirements, congratulations!)

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Nidan, Noba, OGSF, Hiram & Seanachai. You all owe me moves. Let's get cracking, girls.

Oh, and Joe? I've found that the only way to make Sirreal write something in PBEMs is to ask him direct questions, like, "Why do you suck so bad at CM?", or "I don't know why everyone thinks Swedes are inbred, gap-toothed evolutionary dead ends...do you?". That usually elicits a response.

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Originally posted by YK2:

Cabron66 is full of bobba, and if he doesn't stop bobba around and talking bobba then I will kick him in the bobba... So there.


That must be some heavy grade bubble-wrap. It drowned out part of what you were saying.

It might just answer Nidans question however.

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Mace:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

p.s. I'm off to Colorado this next week. Grand Junction followed by Colorado Springs.

Good to hear you're still keeping one step ahead of the law.

Mace </font>

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Originally posted by Jim Boggs:

There is much that goes on behind the scenes, that even the Olde Ones are unaware.

Pretty much everything smack dab right in front of them too.

(Never known such an assortment of pig-ignorant, low-grade quarter-wits in my entire life and I work in advertising, so I know all about stupid people.)

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Originally posted by Boo Radley:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Jim Boggs:

There is much that goes on behind the scenes, that even the Olde Ones are unaware.

Pretty much everything smack dab right in front of them too.

(Never known such an assortment of pig-ignorant, low-grade quarter-wits in my entire life and I work in advertising, so I know all about stupid people.) </font>

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Boo Radley:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Jim Boggs:

There is much that goes on behind the scenes, that even the Olde Ones are unaware.

Pretty much everything smack dab right in front of them too.

(Never known such an assortment of pig-ignorant, low-grade quarter-wits in my entire life and I work in advertising, so I know all about stupid people.) </font>

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Calling Seanachai and trying to get him out of his drunken stupor on a Saturday night is FRUITLESS. It doesn't matter if you're driving by his exit or not.

Rum is a far better companion than the lot of you.

Except for the Ladies of course.

Did I mention the rum?

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Originally posted by YK2:

Cabron66 is full of bobba, and if he doesn't stop bobba around and talking bobba then I will kick him in the bobba... So there.

Have a glass of wine Emma....you will feel much better about Cabron66 after that....or.......you will still kick him in the bobba....


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Originally posted by Leeo:

The following mooks owe me turns;

Elvis, Boo, Seanachai, Lars, Moriarty, Nidan1, MrSpkr, Noba, Hiram, OGSF...

I'm sure there are others that owe me turns, or setups, or sumfink, but they just don't know it.

C'mon, SNAP TOO people!

Would you pour me another Cuban Breeze, Gretchen?
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