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ROW III - The Boots & Tracks CMBB Tourney (Part 2)

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Hey guys, this is the first I've heard of this - hang tight, we'll figure this out. Give us a day or two to figure out what all and how much happened.

My team worked hard on those scenarios and we're not going to just toss the tourney if we can help it - my instinct is to find some way to drive on anyway. This is a tournament series that has seen hundreds of games go off without a hitch yet with shared passwords among as many as 72 people at a time; I am therefore inclined to believe that it can survive a FOW breach, although we may need to make a few adjustments.

So give us a few days and we'll figure this out. Too much work has gone into it by too many people to just torpedo the whole thing. We'll figure it out and continue the mission.


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My view is that the breach is very minor and has only occured with respect to long time and honourable players. I certainly don't have any problem with the situation and hope it can be resolved succesfully so that the tournament can continue.

BTW, H... I seem to have raised my enthusiasm levels to a point where I should be in a position to send you a setup for the Grinch battle by tonight. smile.gif


Jim R.

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Treeburst155, Kingfish, ScottB, et al,

As Spanish Bombs did, I too will offer my withdrawal if that is what it takes to keep the tournament going for everyone else. I sincerely hope it doesn't come down to that as I know that neither he nor I would compromise the tourney and everyone's hard work in any way. Hopefully everyone can trust us and take us at our word. I would hate to be thought of as a cheater or ruin my integrity for future tournaments.



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Originally posted by Lord Dragon:

Treeburst155, Kingfish, ScottB, et al,

As Spanish Bombs did, I too will offer my withdrawal if that is what it takes to keep the tournament going for everyone else. I sincerely hope it doesn't come down to that as I know that neither he nor I would compromise the tourney and everyone's hard work in any way. Hopefully everyone can trust us and take us at our word. I would hate to be thought of as a cheater or ruin my integrity for future tournaments.



Hey! None of that noble garbage! You think it will be EASY for me to find another co-author of our joint AAR/sing-a-long project?

Tosser! Your punishment is to REMAIN in the tournament.


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Knowing the scenario as it is, I'd vote to carry on. The two tourney players who recieved the file are vets of ROW, and I feel ok taking them at thier word that they have not breached FOW concerning those scenarios. Since Rune didn't mention who the other two who got scenario discs were, I can't comment on if I could vouch for thier integrety, but as long as they agree to not release any info on those files, then I think the damage is pretty minimal at the moment. If on the other hand, the others that got the file post any type of spoiler info on the board or other site, then I would have a problem continuing, since the info would be wide out in the open. But since that doesn't appear to be the case, at the moment, I would say carry on.

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Originally posted by Lord Dragon:

Treeburst155, Kingfish, ScottB, et al,

As Spanish Bombs did, I too will offer my withdrawal if that is what it takes to keep the tournament going for everyone else. I sincerely hope it doesn't come down to that as I know that neither he nor I would compromise the tourney and everyone's hard work in any way. Hopefully everyone can trust us and take us at our word. I would hate to be thought of as a cheater or ruin my integrity for future tournaments.




To LD and Spanish Bombs.. I don't think anyone here would either question your integrity or want you to exit the tourney. Let's keep all this in perspective. It was an unfortunate accident that could happen to anyone. So let's press on and save our ill thoughts for those who win the wine!

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What is this I'm reading!?!

Spanish Bombs, don't You even try to withdraw from the tournament, we have a battle to finish! My section (1-1 aka "support group of the Wrecked"), I believe, consists of honest people who don't compromise the FOW no matter what! So I say let's go on and finish our games. To err is human, so let's not make too big deal out of it.

Treeburst155, I totally understand Your frustration, but I ask that You too would go on with this. We all have invested too much to this to let this interfere us. Pretty please with gunpowder on top?

Winecape, If You decide not to sponsor this tourney and I win, I demand at least to get my name to Your forum signature! ;)

So let's go on, I want to spank the Yanks :D


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Well this is very bad news. First of all I want to thank Treeburst155 for his effort and it is a shame that it ends like this.

Second I noticed a few weeks ago that I had one of the scenarios that we are playing in this tourney.

I thought about 2 things.

If I tell the community about this the whole tourney will be frustrated and it will end just the way it is now.

The other thing I thought was just to delete the file and pray that I was one of the very less guys who received the file.

I have chosen to do the last thing.

To keep the tourney rolling I will resign and ask Treebust155 understand the difficult situation I was in and maybe others.

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my story is basically the same as Jaws´.

Some have mentioned that they know their opponents and that they have proven to be honorable and trustworthy in previous tourneys.

Unfortunately I´m a newbie, I don´t have much of a history to prove I´m a honorable player. So far I´ve only completed three PBEMs outside of ROW III (against ParaBellum, Grog Dorosh and Kanonier Reichmann).

I have informed Treeburst155 and my opponent immediately AFTER the official cancellation for the same reasons as Jaws. I should have stepped forward earlier but there were some (not related to cheating) reasons for me not to do so. A considerable amount of these reasons has to do with the fact that although I´ve been watching the forums for a lenghty amount of time before I registered I´m still new to the community. As it turns out not steppoing up earlier was a mistake.

I´ll be withdrawing from the official tourney as well. I´m a bit worried because I believe I´m doing a way better job in the scenario in question then what my overall performance might look like in the end. So this is probably smelling a bit fishy to people who don´t know me and can´t judge if I´m trustworthy or not.

My opponent has agreed to carry on in the game in question. I´d be grateful if I was allowed to finish my games and submit AARs in which I´ve invested many days of work already.

I hope my ROW and PBEM partners will still be willing to accept me as a trustworthy player.


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Well, I can certainly vouch for Matthias (Noloff) that in my game against him (PBEM) he conducted himself in a first rate manner and his general demeanor through discussions via email has always been above reproach IMHO. To give an indication of his character he devoted a large amount of his time to translate an original German WWII manuscrict into English for Greg Dorosh with no reward other than the thanks he received. To me, this speaks volumes for the man.


Jim R.

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Again my apologies. Jaws got the scenario to test way back before the tourney was started and I didn't knwo he was in it. Holien and Noloff got it as a thank you of all my packs, but once realized they were in tourneys, deleted the file. The scenario in question is Rearguard action...the solution is simple, drop that scenario from the tourney, no one quits and the tourney moves on. I will see if Jeff or WWB can whip up a replacement scenario if that is the route you want to take. I have been exceedingly careful since that point, not sending out files unless I ask if they are in a tourney. However, I will not make any more tourney scenarios and will be contacting Scott to take me off the B&T team, since I do not want to cause any bad reflection on them due to an honest error on my part. As I said, for my atonement, I added the DVD set of Band of Brothers, but won't purchase it until there is a winner in case it goes overseas. {Are American DVDs the same as European ones?)

Again apologies...


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It would seem that the tourney should continue and if there is enough discontent with the players the scenario should be pulled.

I am happy either way.

As long as I get to stay in the tourney and it continues.

Rune you are a gent and no-one thinks bad of you (IMO, as I can not speak for the whole world).


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I hate to remind people, but getting the enemy OOB and setup by other means is easy anyway. If somebody wants to cheat he doesn't have to rely on luck and he will not step forward in this thread and discuss it.

Can we please go on shooting each other up?

As for "Rear Guard Action", I worked on my setup for 2.5 months and now that? smile.gif

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Andreas, what are you doing in here....


Fancy submitting one of your scenarios...

Give us something to pull out our hair? Perhaps a small German attack on a hill?


Right must bugger off as I have to do some work...



P.s. Cpl until this is decided you can guess my set-up will be on hold.

[ January 27, 2003, 08:01 AM: Message edited by: Holien ]

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Once again I think all should calm down, this is not something that cannot be fixed or overcome. If I or wwb needed to insert another scenario we would be happy to do so.

Rune!!! You had better not resign from B&T!!!! Forget that crap now!! This was an honest mistake, S^$# Happens, we will fix it and drive on down the road.

At B&T we will do whatever needs to be done to keep this tourney going.

Mike (TB), we can fix this. You put too much time, energy and effort to throw it away because of an unintentional mistake. We will all work together to fix it and there is no way it will ever happen again. It will be a good learning experience for us all.

Jeff Weatherspoon

** Edited for spelling errors

[ January 27, 2003, 08:06 AM: Message edited by: jwxspoon ]

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Originally posted by rune:

{Are American DVDs the same as European ones?)

There is no technical difference like PAL/NTSC, but the industry in all its wisdom decided to code most DVDs to play only on players sold in the "zone" - US (1) or Europe (2).

If encoded, the back of the package will show a globe symbol with a "1" or "2" on it. TV series are often not encoded.

Most DVD players are easily patchable or have secret remote control sequences to switch, though. Personally I prefer to buy the German DVD versions because they have German language on them (in addition to english) for no extra cost.

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Originally posted by rune:

... However, I will not make any more tourney scenarios and will be contacting Scott to take me off the B&T team, since I do not want to cause any bad reflection on them due to an honest error on my part...


it seems the tank got immobilized but hasn´t brewn up.

Please, do not stop to provide tourney scenarios and do not quit B&T. If you´d really do this I think the loss for the community would be one of the few real damages the whole unfortunate affair might be causing.

I can imagine the frustration on behalf of Treeburst155 and others who run the tourney, and there´s going to be some extra-work, assuming they determine a way how ROW III can continue. I think I can also imagine that currently you probably feel like a total ******* (whatever).

But what you announce is simply too much! A mistake was made and it will never happen again. It´s too late to change it now but I think everybody understands that such things happen in real live. I want to see ROW IV and I believe that a couple of your scenarios should be part of it simply because they are fantastic and positively contribute to the excellent standards of the whole event.



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The set in the Tin has a 1 on it...so here is what I will do. I will wait until someone wins it then order it amazon.com for the correct region and have it shipped to you. Redwolf, if you win, you can get the German version that way.

You might not have to drop Rearguard action, as those involved deleted the scenario except one who tested an earlier version long before the tourney started. However, if you want to drop it, it is an option.

Again, all i can do is offer apologies, make up by adding the dvd set, and insure it won't happen again. I think I have taken steps to do all this.


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