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Peng, why hast thou forsaken my challenge?

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I don't know, are the ladies allowed to visit Coventry? It's a city full of priggish outcasts, after all, maybe for their own good we should protect them.

I fester daily at the thought of you lot fighting and killing each other while I, poor, simple king that I am (Of all the 'Pool, including the crystal {Not glass, Joe, you peasant} Cess Treatment Plant #1) still have yet to play CMBB against a real, live opponent. Well, thank God February ends in a 'y' and Yom Kippur ain't anytime soon.

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Originally posted by dalem:

all my turns are out

the voices in my head shriek

quite bestial they are


Your turns have been un-outed (not that there's anything...)

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Good point <font size=-1>king</font> Meeks, I don't know that the Ladies of the CessPool have ever been designated as Official Non-Responders to Posters Sent to Coventry. However, as the intent is to ignore all such, perhaps the Ladies of the 'pool would be kind enough to refrain from responding to posts from Coventry enabled posters?

Perhaps you could make a <font size=-1>royal</font> request, as it were, for the greater good of the CessPool?

In case anyone missed it, stay tuned for an OFFICIAL notice of Coventry from the newly arisen Justicariate of the Peng Challenge Thread


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Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

[*]Do NOT address your post to Sir Boo... it makes him post (see first rule)

Why Berli, your treatment of me reminds me of those halcyon days in grade school, where you demonstrated your love by pushing the object of your affections into the nearest snowbank.

You make me blush.

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Originally posted by Leutnant Hortlund:

Update on Lt Hortlunds lovelife:

I'm about to call that girl. I'm really nervous, you know, butterflies, palms sweating..I feel like a 13yrold again...


OK. Here's some tips that will help you out with this lady of questionable tastes:

1) When you're together, talk about yourself to the exclusion of all else. If she offers an opinion, say, "Whatever." This shows that you have a strong self-concept and a dynamic personality.

3.14) When you go out to eat, ask her to pay. This shows that you are not stuck in the rut of unenlightened male dominated thinking.

23skiddoo) If you go over to her place, take along some of your dirty laundry and ask her if you can toss it in with hers. This shows that you don't have intimacy issues.

You can thank me later.

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The scene opens upon a dim, dank corrider lined with ill-fitting bricks which are slimed and covered by decades of ... uh ... slime and stuff. The corridor fades into the poorly lit distance. The corridor has water ... well, mostly water anyway, covering the floor to a depth of between 6 inches and 2 feet. Floating in the water is a used paper bathmat with the logo "The Balling Motel - Logan, Utah" (dead serious ... I HAVE one).

The camera advances, slowly and then with more speed, until the scene opens upon a larger room at the end of the corridor. The room is filled with people ... well, okay with the <font size=-1>king</font>, Knights, Squires, Serfs and Ladies of the CessPool in their formal wear. The Knights are resplendent in their maroon and lime green checked terry cloth robes whilst the Ladies have curled their hair up in the Official Orange Juice Cans of the CessPool. The <font size=-1>king</font> is actually wearing pants, a MAJOR accomplishment during his reign, though we understand that the Inquisitor General was required to assist him ... not that there's anything wrong with that.

Advancing to the front of the group is ... The Justicar of the Peng Challenge Thread. He is carrying the Staff of Office, a glittering Toilet Bowl Plunger with Genuine Fake Crystal handle. The conversation in the assembled multitude, mostly consisting of variants of "You suck" and "Oh yeah, well you REALLY suck" comes to an abrupt stop as Joe Shaw turns to the group and fixes his steely but kindly eyes upon them. A single female voice, we may never know which, sighs and says in sotto voice "Doesn't he look spiffy then?'

It is obvious that serious matters are afoot, however, as the Justicar fixes the group with a firm glance and begins his presentation.

<font size=-1>your majesty</font>, Ladies of the CessPool, Olde Ones, Seniour Knights, Junior Knights, Squires and Serfs (spelt but not bolded) of the CessPool ... I come before you today with heavy heart.

It is my sad duty to put before you the Proclamation of Coventry. This step is not taken lightly but after full consultation with the <font size=-1>king</font> and the Olde Ones and following the required twenty four hours of reflection and hearing no contrary opinions, it is hereby declared that the Outerboarder known as Bone_Vulture is and shall be considered to be ... SENT TO COVENTRY.

A murmur ran through the group ... luckily Mace, with his experience in capturing wild creatures, was able to grab it and put it away ... for later as he said.

From this day forward until or unless specifically altered by decree, NO Lady, Olde One, Knight, Squire or Serf of the CessPool shall respond in any way to any of the posts made within this The One The True CessPool by the Outerboarder known as Bone_Vulture.

So let it be written, so let it be done.

The crowd, suitable cowed, walk from the room. As they leave, a single voice is heard ... "Yeah, well you Suck like ... like ... uh ..."


[ February 11, 2003, 01:14 PM: Message edited by: Joe Shaw ]

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Originally posted by MrSpkr:

Sigh. A day late and a dollar short. We covered this yesterday.

Par for the Justicar.


You loser, no wonder the office of the Inquisitor General is also known as the office of the Incredulous General. You really ARE simple aren't you.

The previous declaration was an UNOFFICIAL, OUTLAW, SPONTANEOUS Declaration of Coventry. Now that I'm OFFICIALLY the Justicar of the Peng Challenge Thread again for the first time it has the OFFICIAL weight of law behind it.

You know the "Law" don't you ... it's what you pretend to practice in your sad, miserable excuse for a real life.

Pick up your jaw man, you'll trip over it.


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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

**snip** lots of important and otherwise sucky stuff

Wow someone really does stuff in here, an official proclamation to be proud of....or maybe to read later in the John. Will the official Iluminata scribe all of this down on watermarked Cesspool parchment?

[ February 11, 2003, 01:25 PM: Message edited by: Nidan1 ]

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

You loser, no wonder the office of the Inquisitor General is also known as the office of the Incredulous General. You really ARE simple aren't you.

The previous declaration was an UNOFFICIAL, OUTLAW, SPONTANEOUS Declaration of Coventry. Now that I'm OFFICIALLY the Justicar of the Peng Challenge Thread again for the first time it has the OFFICIAL weight of law behind it.

You know the "Law" don't you ... it's what you pretend to practice in your sad, miserable excuse for a real life.

Pick up your jaw man, you'll trip over it.


Law? What law? We live in anarcho-nihilist commune. The law is what the majority decide it to be on any given day -- and pretty much everyone decided yesterday to stop responding to this bonemarrow chap with the exception of the fair YK2, who, being a Lady of the Pool can do as she bloody well pleases and you.

When is the last time you did anything other than blow hot air? Are you the one out here screening potential Serfs through the fine creations of Ker Dessel*? Are you the one sifting out the chaff? Are you the one who keeps leaving his smelly shoes next to my mailbox? Well, are you?


*Ker Dessel - when you want to play CM in the WORST way . . .

[ February 11, 2003, 01:32 PM: Message edited by: MrSpkr ]

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Originally posted by MrSpkr:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

You loser, no wonder the office of the Inquisitor General is also known as the office of the Incredulous General. You really ARE simple aren't you.

The previous declaration was an UNOFFICIAL, OUTLAW, SPONTANEOUS Declaration of Coventry. Now that I'm OFFICIALLY the Justicar of the Peng Challenge Thread again for the first time it has the OFFICIAL weight of law behind it.

You know the "Law" don't you ... it's what you pretend to practice in your sad, miserable excuse for a real life.

Pick up your jaw man, you'll trip over it.


Law? What law? We live in anarcho-nihilist commune. The law is what the majority decide it to be on any given day -- and pretty much everyone decided yesterday to stop responding to this bonemarrow chap with the exception of the fair YK2, who, being a Lady of the Pool can do as she bloody well pleases and you.

When is the last time you did anything other than blow hot air? Are you the one out here screening potential Serfs through the fine creations of Ker Dessel*? Are you the one sifting out the chaff? Are you the one who keeps leaving his smelly shoes next to my mailbox? Well, are you?


*Ker Dessel - when you want to play CM in the WORST way . . . </font>

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

When you give an SSN a game ... even a Ker Dessel* game, you are, ipso factoid and de rigorous, inviting them INTO the CessPool! What part of SOD OFFFFF! do you NOT understand? We don't WANT them around, we want them to leave. But you're so desperate to get a game that you'll play SSNs. It's really quite sad.

Tsk, tsk, Joe, so short sided. Yelling at these attention seeking, Ritalin-deprived, ****e-flinging orangutans does nothing but bring them back for more and give them something to boast about in the Outerboards ("Heh, yeah, I got those Peng guys to waste four pages of that ****e yelling at me! I r007z!")

Destroying the spirit of those already here is so much better. It gives them little to boast about and makes them disinclined to return.

Sort of like giving a kid a chocolate covered caterpillar at Halloween. Not only will he stay away, he'll warn his friends, too.


[ February 11, 2003, 01:54 PM: Message edited by: MrSpkr ]

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Originally posted by Gaylord Focker:

I have captured Panzer Leader , he is frozen safely in carbonite, and i have even hung christmas lights on him to make him look more presentable.

See? See? Wit! Humor! Imagery!

I think that, whatever Gaylord Focker is right now in the annals of the MBT, he should be one higher.

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Originally posted by dalem:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Gaylord Focker:

I have captured Panzer Leader , he is frozen safely in carbonite, and i have even hung christmas lights on him to make him look more presentable.

See? See? Wit! Humor! Imagery!

I think that, whatever Gaylord Focker is right now in the annals of the MBT, he should be one higher. </font>

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Originally posted by Gaylord Focker:

I have captured the rogue Panzer Leader , and have him frozen in carobnite, instead of simply disintegrating him.

This is his original post in the previous, closed thread, I guess before the twit realized we had moved. Whatever level he is is now I recommend one lower.

[ February 11, 2003, 02:44 PM: Message edited by: Nidan1 ]

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Originally posted by dalem:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Gaylord Focker:

I have captured Panzer Leader , he is frozen safely in carbonite, and i have even hung christmas lights on him to make him look more presentable.

See? See? Wit! Humor! Imagery!


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I'm not caught, in fact I cannot be caught! You see I am ephemeral, I've slipped this mortal coil, and now I dance and leap among the threads like that hot chick in Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon leaps across the roofs of buildings.

(Extended aside: OK they are both pretty durn hot, the older lady for her charm and wisdom-tempered elegance, and the younger for her rebellious, rakish abilities,l but in this case, I firmly mean the younger one (the tiger?) since I myself am rakish and rebellious, while lacking in charm)

So Gaylord, you can ruffle the skirts of all the oil whores in the world (meant in the best possible light) but I will always be one skirt ahead of you.

I am still fighting for the Outlaw Justicar even if the O.J. did forsake his own righteousness in order to bed down with corruption and villany. Meeks' power may be great, but like all gibbering behemoths, he too will be brought down.

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Ooops.. ain't that just like me!!!!

Although I read through the last poor excuse for a thread it didn't really register that you had actually sent "Mr up his own" off to Coventry.

Apologies to King Meeks, to Sir Joe the only true Justicar and also to MrSpkr for my ignorance.

Tis now noted.........

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by dalem:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Gaylord Focker:

I have captured Panzer Leader , he is frozen safely in carbonite, and i have even hung christmas lights on him to make him look more presentable.

See? See? Wit! Humor! Imagery!

I think that, whatever Gaylord Focker is right now in the annals of the MBT, he should be one higher. </font>

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Originally posted by YK2:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by dalem:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Gaylord Focker:

I have captured Panzer Leader , he is frozen safely in carbonite, and i have even hung christmas lights on him to make him look more presentable.

See? See? Wit! Humor! Imagery!

I think that, whatever Gaylord Focker is right now in the annals of the MBT, he should be one higher. </font>

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Originally posted by Panzer Leader:

, and now I dance and leap!

So Gaylord, I will always be one skirt.

I am still fighting for corruption and villany. Meeks' power may be great, blah blah blah, fill in boring and idle threats here....

Ok that does it, i'm not going to catch this one again until i equip myself with some industrial ear muffs, and flame retardent cloths.

It apears Panzer Leader has so much....festivity that he melted away his carbonite prison.

[ February 11, 2003, 05:03 PM: Message edited by: Gaylord Focker ]

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