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The cheery thread of MasterGoodales Angry TNT and Fury Maggots

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WHINER - You may be "Riding High" on that lucky 1000M one-shot Tiger kill on my SU-150
Well you must be GETTING HIGH if you think a turret-less with an inaccurate as F*** gun is gonna do sh*t versus der Uber-Kitties. But then again you are still using your immobile M17 to shoot at squirrels from 1600+ meters

Stupid bomber

You could have just stopped there but nooooo....

takes 8 massive bombs to kill a weasily little maggot-encrusted HT!!


I can't remember the last time I was this angry scum wad!

You obviously didn't edit this part right, let me help you out with the revised version:

"I can't remember the last time I was this [much of an] angry scum wad!"

I CAN remember when you were this much of an angry scum wad, it was Thursday of last week. Time before that was Monday, I could go on, but you see it only takes you a couple of days for you to get your lace panties in a twist.

Less posting, more gaming. MAGGOT

Teddy not only fell off the wagon, he then proceeded to knock the cart over, smash it into pieces and puke on the wreckage. Once he gets over the ill-effects of alcohol poisoning we can proceed with our game,

Now I see Soddball has risen from the muck like some filthy eel. Alas his return to posting is not accompanied by a turn. MAGGOT!!! :mad:

Haven't gotten to kill anything yet in my game with nevemind but that will soon change. :mad:

And now it would appear that I have a pending game against spanker. Gotta give the lad a chance to rest up his dove-like mitts before handing him his arse. :eek:

Gayporn Popstar is experiencing technical difficulties....the F*ING HOOOR CAN'T SEND ME A FECKIN TURN!!!! :mad: :mad: :mad:

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Originally posted by mike_the_wino:

Gayporn Popstar


Best name change -- ever!

Not bad for someone who crawled out from behind some 100-year-old moldering cask in a dank, mildew-ridden cellar. :mad:

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Please make sure you bathe fully before entering this thread Mike. You've been rolling in the Peng, haven't you?

Hey PltCmdr, just read your post about the "shooting gallery" (re. tank commanders) in the Beta patch thread. I just started playing Dora II against the AI and guess what? Not one, not two, but three tank commanders taken out by sharpshooters on the same feckin' turn!!! GRGAGRAGAAAAGAGAR!!!

It makes me so angry! :mad: :mad: :mad:

[ May 19, 2003, 06:36 PM: Message edited by: Axe2121 ]

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Originally posted by Axe2121:

Hey PltCmdr, just read your post about the "shooting gallery" (re. tank commanders) in the Beta patch thread. I just started playing Dora II against the AI and guess what? Not one, not two, but three tank commanders taken out by sharpshooters on the same feckin' turn!!! GRGAGRAGAAAAGAGAR!!!

It makes me so angry! :mad: :mad: :mad:

The good news is, they are supposed to come out with some type of fix for that in the new patch. Until then, it'll continue to be nothing but...

:mad: :mad: :mad:

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20:32 and not a turn in the in box. :mad: Slackers :mad:

Alright then, Grape crushing maggot let's chuck TNT in a 1500 pt meeting engagement, '43, you as whoever it is you want to see mutilated.

Keke you're on, since apparently everyone (where's the rematch, aaaaAAAAAAxxxxeeeeee?)

else is asleep at the wheel.

[ May 19, 2003, 08:35 PM: Message edited by: Snarker ]

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All Angry TNT has been chucked maggots! :mad: All Furious TNT has been sent to anger management counseling before I unleash it on your asses. :mad: You wouldn't want to be on the receiving end of that **** trust me rot nads. :mad: Don't worry Snarker you foul smelling piece of crap. You're gonna wish you had more than a tiger to stop me on this one puss face. The "Valley of the Slathered" (good one by the way you puss rod) will soon be your permanent home.

The rest of you can just lick my dingleberries because papa's coming with a whole can a' whooooopaaaasss!! :mad: :mad:

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Originally posted by Snarker:

Alright then, Grape crushing maggot let's chuck TNT in a 1500 pt meeting engagement, '43, you as whoever it is you want to see mutilated.

I choose the fair-haired uber-truppen of the the Fatherland versus your swarhy. genetically inferior conscripts.

News From the Front

In a battle of epic proportions, the gallant and brilliant mike the wino struck a blow against the gamey, no-turn-sending Gaylord Focker. In this all armor foray our liquor-soaked hero achieved an amazing, unprecedented, all-consuming, UN-FECKIN-BELIEVABLE VICTORY, to the tune of 83-17 :eek: Whatever victimizing I was planning for his sig line is lost to the ages (I thought I wrote it down on a a bar napkin). I will settle for being listed as his daddy for the next 90 days.

All turns will be addressed this eve.

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Originally posted by mike_the_wino:

News From the Front

In a battle of epic proportions, the gallant and brilliant mike the wino struck a blow against the gamey, no-turn-sending Gaylord Focker. In this all armor foray our liquor-soaked hero achieved an amazing, unprecedented, all-consuming, UN-FECKIN-BELIEVABLE VICTORY, to the tune of 83-17 :eek:

Congratulations to Gaylord, upholding the "honor" of the MBT in fine style! :D

Who is this "gallant and brilliant" mike the wino of whom you speak so highly? The only mike the wino I have had the evil misfortune to meet is more of a "gamey and drunk" kind of person. Are you sure that you and Gaylord were playing the same game? tongue.gif Did you make it clear that his armor was allowed to actually shoot at yours? Or did you pull out one of those scenarios where his armor was all trapped in the woods away from the VLs?

Originally posted by MasterGoodale (the maggot):

If there's one thing this brood has learned about MasterGoodale it is that my turns are angry and they come at a furious rate!

I had to get away from the computer after reading some of MasterGoodale's posts about how fast he gets turns out. I was afraid my tears of laughter would rust out the keyboard.

MasterGoodale, are you sure about that winning percentage in your sig? Have you really only played seven games? You're showing four wins and three losses. I know you've lost to ParaBellum, Lt. Hortlund, Headshot, and me. Is there anything else you'd like to tell us? Hmmmm? ;)

Turns are coming in slowly right now, so if there's anybody looking to play a small QB or scenario, let me know. I can't take any more of these 3,000 point battles, they're too much like work. GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGRRRR!!! :mad: (Those are mine and my pet fury maggot MasterGoodale's Gs)

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My drawn out battle with Hansson has ended in...a draw. The finishing pic however is a hoot. All his infantry huddled around the main flag while a MG carrier, two T-70s, and over a platoon worth of infantry circles around them.

My new game with PlatCmdr and my lack of knowledge about German OOBs has lead me to the discovery of the following things:

1. Soviet Pioneer Plattons come with one HQ unit and 4 squads. German Pioneer Platoons come with one HQ unit 4 light squads, 3 even weaker squads with no LMG support, and 3 uber-useless flamethorwer teams that cost just as much as an MG34 HMG.

2. Soviet rifle squads usually have 2 or 3 more men and an extra SMG per squad than the Germans. Soviet rifle squads also don't have the 50mm mortar rammed down their throat. (See next for more details)

3. Soviet 50mm mortar range 800m. German 50mm mortar range 500m. And the German model has half the ammo load (30 vs 60 rounds).

4. Russians get SMG squads. And they are dirt cheap. Joy.

Oh yes, this is going to get interesting very quickly.

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Maggots ! Maggots everywhere ! Again I'm venturing into the dark, smelly and moldy lair of MasterO'MoldAndAnts. May God have mercy on my poor soul. :(


I have now relocated back at ma's , and am ready to dish out punishment in the form of never-ending hot, mentally unstable stream of freaked out TNT !!! :mad: Let's see...

Snailer , my new mail address exclusively - for the time being - for you is mikko.toivanen@saunis.net. The rest of you maggots will keep sending to the usual address.

Originally posted by Keke Rosberg:

Prinze Eunuch, as soon as my comp's virus protection works properly, your setup is warmly wellcomed.

That is good news my compatriot. Any wishes about the setup that I may ignore ? :mad: QB ? Scenario ? What size etc ?

Originally posted by Inane H:

Hey maggots, I'm BACK!!!!

Good god, so you are. What made you disappear in the first place ? I sure could use that information now... Nah, glad to have you back ! smile.gif :mad: GRRRRRRRR !!! How are those tank crew of yours coping along ? Wishing they'd never started fighting for a lost cause are they ? :mad:

Originally posted by mike_the_wonderboy:

Prinz Eugen and Soddball either you turds owe me turns or I owe you turns, which is it?

Glancing at my inbox it seems it is you. You ol' drunkard you. :mad:

Axe1212, that poor sod Snotball sent you the battle yet has she ? :mad:

Shotsies99th seems impressed by my cunning moves. Not to worry. Your men won't suffer. Much.

No turns out yet, but I'll try to create them during the course of the day.

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Originally posted by Prinz Eugen:

...that poor sod Snotball sent you the battle yet has she ? :mad:

Naw, he's gone all MasterGoodale or sumfink on us.

As soon as he does, you'll be the first to know maggot. :mad:

Snarker. Since I'm such a swell guy, being Canadian and all, I'll let you pick the conditions for our rematch unless you're too busy still picking up the shattered pieces of your life.

My only request is that it be kept at 1,000 points or less. I have two 3,000 point behemoths going on right now -- that is if playing Moldygumdrop counts as a game. I think by definition he has to actually send turns for it to count. :mad: :mad:

That is all.

Jas :mad: n

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Originally posted by Axe2121:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Prinz Eugen:

...that poor sod Snotball sent you the battle yet has she ? :mad:

Naw, he's gone all MasterGoodale or sumfink on us.

As soon as he does, you'll be the first to know maggot. :mad:

Jas :mad: n </font>

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