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Biltong's Campaign Rules goes 'GOLD'!!

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Originally posted by JigVictor07:

What do I do when I set up the real battle? Do I purchase only one 81 mm mortar spotter and use the rest of the points for what ever I want in that category or do I only purchase more of those same spotters?

The first one. You buy what is specified and use the rest of the points for whatever you want (in the same category)

What about the 350 point limit mentioned above? Will I just lose the remaining 200 points? What's the point of getting a lot of points for arty (550 in this case) if you can't use them all?
A couple things. First, some players use the extra points to buy on-board artillery. However, the large artillery rolls generally only apply to June/July time frame. You'll soon be well below the QB imposed limits.


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Spot on Apache!!!

Originally posted by Lt Bull:


... This might be the most tedious part of the process especially if the Force Size rolled for is extreme (ie 5000 points).


Wow! Lets start here... Points 1 - 3 above that: YES!

The Auto always selects way more than you can buy (more about that later).

If you're going to write down EVERYTHING that you get it will take you ages.

Go to view 8 and scan from bottom right and note down the individual units: FO's; armor; snipers etc... Once you get to the first CO - check what type of inf it is and note that down... Now you can bet your arse the QB will select a lot of the same stuff over and over - don't even bother counting how many companies - just keep on scanning from right to left until you strike something different - normally a pioneer company, and note that as well - if this takes more than 5 minutes you are taking too long. Your actual purchase points per category will (normally) only allow you to buy 1 or 2 PLATOONS of inf - so counting how many companies there are is a waste of time. Even in your case you had 500 points for Inf/Support That's one company and a platoon or 2 - so all you need to note is what type of campanies were generated.

As for the rest NOPE

Note 12 Generating the real Battle:

"Buy the Task Force Units generated by the Auto QB (49) with the points generated in the sections (29 to 35). You must buy as many Task Force Units as you can (within a category)."

You rolled up:

Infantry/support: 500

Vehicle: 500

Armor: 500

Arty: 3500

Plus the Battle Group: 635

TOTAL: 5653

And that is all you are allowed to spend: 5653!!

Your Battle Group at 635 Plus

500 Inf/Support: A company and a couple of platoons out of all those 35? companies generated for you - Ain't I nice to give you such a wide variety to choose from ;)

I don't know if the Auto gave you any armor - If it did: buy 500 points worth of those generated - if nothing: you are lucky and get to chose 500 points worth yourself as long as they are less than 40% rarity...

Etc etc.

The Auto generated:

1x81mm FO

3x75mm FO

4x105mm FO

+- a 1000 points worth that you have to buy first.

The rest you can choose and since you were lucky enough to get Large Arty, Rarity falls away:

So: a plane or 2; some rockets; a handful of 150mm FO's BAROOOM!!!!!! See why I'm jealous ;)

I assume you are assaulting, so with a force size of 5000 the Real Battle QB will give you far more points than you are allowed to spend (5653)... You are not allowed to spend more than you rolled up.

In the case of the arty the QB might only allow you to spend 3010 or something - tough! You lose the rest.

Go and look at Note 12 - 'Generating the Real Battle' - it's got examples and everyfink ;)

Now for some hints:

The task force is cannon fodder - You don't know these guys (ever watched Band of Brothers?) - they tend to crap in your foxholes! You send them ahead to find and suppress the enemy so that yuor Battle Group can advance safely and do the killing (to get favor and experience) ;)

So: cheap and fast infantry/scout cars etc.. Esp. as much cheap infantry as possible!

Snipers - also very handy for scouting.

If you're assaulting a town: try and get a flamethrower.

Arty: big boys for towns - and 81mm for the rest.

Yuo must also note the number of tubes that the Auto QB gives you - makes quite a difference in price.

Hope yuo get it right - ask if something's still not clear - I'm sure some of the guys appreciate your questions to clear up their own doubts ;)

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JigVictor07, yes you will lose those 200 points. With the remaining 350 you should buy (at least) one 81mm Mortar FO and then you can buy whatever you can afford in that category.

So you will only be allowed around 1578 pts (653+225+200+150+350) against the soviet 2000. Sucks, huh? smile.gif

So far that's by the rules. But rules are ment to be broken, right? ;) So if you want, you can spend those 200 pts on something else "arty-like", maybe some inf guns (not very practical in a meeting engagement) or some self propelled guns? Totally against the rules, but if you want those 200 pts... Just do it! smile.gif

Another idea (but more complex) would be to use the scenario editor. If you set up a map (or load one in), you can add 200 pts worth of arty and then import this map to your QB and choose to import the troops with the map. Then you buy your 350 pts allowed in the QB, you get your 550 pts! Sweet! smile.gif

EDIT: Oh crap, me and my slow typing... question already answered, I believe...

[ February 12, 2003, 03:27 PM: Message edited by: SuperSulo ]

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Originally posted by j0ker:

... This was the last time I use a randomly-generated map, as well. What a bunch of nonsense. I'm switching over to some decent maps.

BCR Map Packs at your service :D

Clarification needed: so one of my core platoons got nailed by what looked like rockets and lost a bunch of troops, enough for me to have to move some others and deplete a squad - in the next battle, I'm to take this corresponding squad and move them off the map in Turn 1, is that correct?

Yes sir

I don't get to replenish until I can achieve Attachments that equate to the number of troops to replenish (10)? Is this correct?

No sir:

1) The next time you have Normal Replacements all your casualties including 'depleted' squads get replacements

Note 17 Emergency Reorganization:

"The Squads/Tanks etc that are moved off the map will be replenished with the next Normal Replacements (58) and rejoin the Campaign."

2) In this case where you are busy with an Emergency Reorganisation...

If you had any attached units you would have used them 1st to replace any of your Battle Group guys

Note 15: Attached Units: "Use Attached Units first as replacements for Emergency Reorganization"

3) Even your Attached Units get replacements during Normal Replacements. However, if you used up a whole Attached Unit to replace some casualties during an Emergency Reorg... They are GONE... That's why Attached Units don't last too long... They get used up as replacements :(

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Jeez - you have to be fast here!!


Please ignore the anarchistic comments by the other BCR Team members :mad:

BCR is strictly Historically Accurate!!

Just a note on the historical accuracy of 'losing arty points' because of the QB limitations. This is historically quite accurate. When promised arty doesn't arrive (you are not allowed to buy them) it simply means:

Don't ever feel up your CO's wife at the company dinner!! :mad:

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Love the v2.0 Biltong's Campaign Rules and the maps. I just finished downloading the new CMBB 1.02 patch and am about to start the campaign all over again. Played through 4th week of September with CMBB 1.01. Am having a blast. The maps are fantastic and I like the auto parameters Excel spreadsheet.

Thanks Biltong and the other members of the BCR team.

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Originally posted by kenm:

Love the v2.0 Biltong's Campaign Rules and the maps. I just finished downloading the new CMBB 1.02 patch and am about to start the campaign all over again. Played through 4th week of September with CMBB 1.01. Am having a blast. The maps are fantastic and I like the auto parameters Excel spreadsheet.

Thanks Biltong and the other members of the BCR team.

Thanx Kenm,

Love to hear this. :D

I only got to July - don't have enough time, but I think I'm going to do the same: Start again - esp since the ammo bug has been fixed tongue.gif

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Just peeped in at SS's site to check the visitor #: 420+

Apache, I see the Battalion download is also clicking merrily along ;)

Glad SS offered to host it.

BCR is expanding far better than I hoped for... Max's Auto, the Map Expansion Packs, and now your effort.

Wonder how many variants/expansions there will be next year this time?

Great work Apache!! Guys, if you wanna fight like a Man! Try Apache's Bigger Better Battles :D

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Oh - I'm going to keep a low profile for 3 - 4 days. Want to give 42 a good bash. One of the guys are already (a week ago?) in the 2nd week of December and I promised myself I'll have 42 ready before he gets there. tongue.gif

SS/Apache/Aaron et al - will you guys help the new BCRioters and please don't tell them to use King Tigers in 41 :cool:

Thanx Guys

Later :D

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New map pack is spot on. Some real killers in there.

Patch is excellent too!!! I must admit I did can using the ammo restriction. Don't see why I should suffer with 80% ammo when the Soviets got 100% whatever. Now it's different mind. :D

I just bundled a zip of both sets of rules to 17 people. Not sure why I got e-request's, probably picked up off CMHQ and missed the SS post. Not to worry. More the merrier.

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Biltong, I'll keep my eye open for newbie questions, no problem... I'll even answer "by the book", maybe with just some anarcistic tendensis. ;)

I must admit I "cheated" too with my ammo in v1.1, and always gave myself 100% ammo. But I always rolled to see what I should have got, and so far it has almost always been 100%. But now I'm in late september, with the winter just around the corner with all what that means, more for the soviets and less for me... that's typical.

Oh and I'm getting my ass kicked in my current game... city fighting with me with Armor mix and the Soviets inf only mech division, axis attack with allied +25% handicap. I might pull off a victory, but it will cost me dearly... already most of my squads have taken casualties and some as many as 4. I hope I get good replacements...

Another thing, if you're still here Biltong, v1.2 has this new Force Mix setting, "all armor" or something like that. Maybe we should include that one too?

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To BCR Guys Question?

I don't have Excel on my pc. Can I use the

PDF pages? copy the pdf pages? Like the

Parameters sheets?

I don't understand how you generate two QB

and use one?

I have read players guide it just seems over my

head :confused:

But I will keep reading it in my spare time smile.gif


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Will run on Windows and Mac.

Biltaid not only does all the tedious calculations and generates authentic Biltong battles with a single click,

the patented Biltaid General© will actually pop by your command post for beer and bratwurst and will explain where

the hell in Russia you are and the whole point behind your next battle in plain English!

Perform well and he'll send shiny medals for your boys which you can distribute in post-battle ceremonies.

Let the Reich down and...welll...."your services are no longer required" <click> may be the last things you hear.

Coming soon to a computer near you (ETA - beta version 2-3 weeks, screenshots in a few days).

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Well guys... I think I figured it out sorta and I had a great first battle for June 22nd!

I was wondering if you could add extra experience to a unit for a ridiculous amount of kills? My PZIV E got 50 infantry casualties! lol

Anyways it all rolled up into a night battle, cool weather, meeting engagement, gentle hills, clear weather, rural with tree cover. ME with Soviets as mountain infantry, medium quality, unfit, 50% casualties, and 60% ammo. Inf mix =D

I rolled up combined arms mix, Germ, inf division type, low quality =(, fit, no casualties, full ammo...

then I ended up rolling 0 Infantry, =(, 0 vehicles =(, 150 armor... 150 arty, no large battle... so I got a 300 provisional force size and rounded it up to 700 (ok so far?)

Battle ended in total victory

Axis 143 ok, 5 casualties, 1 dead.

Allied 112 ok, 219 casualties, 67 dead, 4 mortars gone =D =D

34 favor total! yay CO is gonna be kissing my ass!

now I just gotta figure out replacements and the stuff about attached units and I think Ill be ready to roll......


would anyone like to see the three screenshots I took? After battle screen, final battle positions, and my Darth Vader PZ IV? hehe

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Originally posted by SuperSulo:

JigVictor07, yes you will lose those 200 points. With the remaining 350 you should buy (at least) one 81mm Mortar FO and then you can buy whatever you can afford in that category.

So you will only be allowed around 1578 pts (653+225+200+150+350) against the soviet 2000. Sucks, huh? smile.gif

So far that's by the rules. But rules are ment to be broken, right? ;) So if you want, you can spend those 200 pts on something else "arty-like", maybe some inf guns (not very practical in a meeting engagement) or some self propelled guns? Totally against the rules, but if you want those 200 pts... Just do it! smile.gif

Another idea (but more complex) would be to use the scenario editor. If you set up a map (or load one in), you can add 200 pts worth of arty and then import this map to your QB and choose to import the troops with the map. Then you buy your 350 pts allowed in the QB, you get your 550 pts! Sweet! smile.gif

EDIT: Oh crap, me and my slow typing... question already answered, I believe...

Thanks! (My previous thanks was for the dice program that now works. Slow typing from me also smile.gif )

I may try that last option where you use the scenario editor. I don't know, but maybe one could do so that the "extra" arty worth 200 points enters the battle as a reinforcement with a certain chance (50% perhaps or maybe I roll the dice again :D ), so it wouldn't be automatically available...?

I don't have the CMBB with me right now at work and I haven't used the scenario editor very much, so I don't know if that's even possible...

[ February 13, 2003, 05:25 AM: Message edited by: JigVictor07 ]

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BCR Apache Variant (BCRAV)

I just sent the 'Gold' version to Super S for him to host. Many thanks SS.

I had mailed out a lot of copies and, what with the DLs from the site as well, I thought the least I could do was finish it off so it was as near as damn it as finished as BCR v2.0. Initially it was only meant for me so apologies if it was a bit 'tatty' until now.

As before, this variant allows players to use either Heer Infantry or SS Arm Pz Grn (Pz) UP TO battalion level in their campaign. The SS are of course supported with a full tank battalion and a platoon of Tigers. You have ownership of all the resources the battalion might enjoy and select the appropriate units for you mission. You will not get to take all the forces each time you play so the battles remain manageable. QB settings in BCRAV range from 500 to 3000 with around the 1000 - 1250 being the norm.

Some of the calculations have been made easier to allow players to cope with the greater number of units you have.

Some features of v2.0 are:

1) Rules amended to allow for (optional) 'pure armour' battles (courtesy of patch 1.02)

2) Game length die rolls specific to map sizes (30 - 40 for small; 34 - 52 med; 40 - 60 Large and 46 - 64 Huge).

3) Optional rule covering use of TRPs on defence together with artillery usage rules (courtesy of JasonC) allowing more historic use.

4) Revised Parameter Sheet

5) Complete logic check of rules and accompanying notes.

6) Also includes CMBB tank and AFV availability (amended version of Mike8g).

Bo - new version in the mail to you.


[ February 13, 2003, 05:48 AM: Message edited by: Apache ]

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Originally posted by Lane:

To BCR Guys Question?

I don't have Excel on my pc. Can I use the

PDF pages? copy the pdf pages? Like the

Parameters sheets?

I don't understand how you generate two QB

and use one?

I have read players guide it just seems over my

head :confused:

But I will keep reading it in my spare time smile.gif


You can print the pdf pages just like the excel version. I believe there is also an Excel viewer available for download somewhere, but I don't have a link.

The first QB is just to generate a "shopping list" of what units you are allowed to choose from in the real QB. So you don't play the first QB, and you don't buy all units from the first QB in the "real" QB.

If you use the player guide and do it one step at a time it should become clear(er). smile.gif

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