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AAR - Axis Attack QB vs AI

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This is supposed to be my first AAR; i hope i get the screenshots right. I don't have much time right now, so i'll be brief.

I'm playing a QB on a map downloaded from the internet. The setting is June 1941, combined arms, German attack, AI +10% points.

My forces are as follows:

-Rifle Company

-Recon platoon

-2x s.MG34 HMG

-1x GrW 34 81mm mortar

-1x PSW 222 platoon

-3x Pz IIc

-1x "Big Bertha" 150mm IG + Truck

-2x leIG 75mm + 2x Kübelwagen

-1x 81mm FO

-1x 105mm FO

The forces will be divided into groups Sperber 1 and 2 (each two inf platoons), Bussard 1 and 2 (each one FO, one leIG, one s.MG. Bussard 1 gets the GrW 34, Bussard 2 the Big Bertha), and Falke (PSW and Pz II)

This is the map:


Much of OD's excellent maps are like this: Lots of open plain for AFV combat, and, along the flanks, trees to cover the infantry. These maps are available in the "ODmappack".

My plan: The infantry will advance from both flanks and take the VLs with support from the Bussard groups. Falke platoon will join in as soon as the infantry is close enough to the enemy positions to take out possible ATGs immediately.

This picture shows Sperber 2 marching:


All units move out as planned. Nothing is yet heard or seen from the enemy. OG Wilberg, steering his Kübelwagen along the steppe, suddenly hears a bang:


The first germans to draw real fire are OG Lederer and his HMG team of Bussard 1 group. Approaching a rocky ridge, they hear the crack of rifle fire in the distance. Bullets hit the ground and force the men into cover where they quickly prepare their MG for fire.


OG Liebling, commanding Bussard 1's leIG, has already moved into position. He can see the HMG team taking cover and looks out for enemy positions. His binoculars enable him to quickly spot some enemy infantry, and he orders his men to open fire on them.


Thanks to their magical ability of Borg spotting, Lederer's HMG team members localize the enemy short after Liebling and join in.

The russian infantrymen thus decide it is better to keep their heads down.


Meanwhile, both Sperber groups have ventured far into the forest and approach the enemy positions. Suddenly, a member of Uffz Steinbauer's group (Sperber 2, southern approach) steps onto a landmine:


(I must go now, i'll continue later. Does anyone know whether the imageshack guys have problems with pictures showing swastikas?)

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Yes, that is correct. (German birds of prey, Sperber=sparrowhawk etc)

Only seconds after the first man stepped on a landmine, a similar event occurs among the soldiers of Sperber 1: As Lt Nerbul's platoon HQ makes its way through the undergrowth, a rifleman triggers a booby trap. The wounded are being taken care of and the minefields are marked.

This is the situation as of turn 16:


A minute later, Big Bertha has been moved into her final position. The men are preparing for fire.


This is my plan for the actual assault:


Sperber groups are to assault the victory flags. From previous engagements, they already know that the Russians are staunch close-quarters fighters and camouflage specialists. Thus, the attacked area will be shelled in advance, then the infantry will move in, with supporting fire from the Bussard group. The shelling will be moved inwards - towards the VLs - to prevent friendly fire casualties.

Falke is moving out as soon as the shelling starts:


Meanwhile the infantry have reached their attack positions. After half a minute of artillery fire, the whistle signal is heard- the attack commences.

Sperber 1 on the assault:


Very soon, the situation gets hot.


Despite the heavy shelling, the Russians fight bravely.


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But soon, the defenders facing Sperber 1 break, almost deaf by the incoming shells and overwhelmed by the German infantry.

The situation at the southern approach route is different: The terrain offers better cover, and the advancing germans of Sperber 2 are ambushed. Uffz Kahl's group loses three riflemen in intense close quarters fighting.


That's the situation shortly after the initial assault:


Lieutenant Lonn of Sperber 2 has spotted a tank, which he identifies as a BT-7. Furthermore, a gun has opened fire on the leading PSW of Falke, but is soon silenced by Big Bertha.

The constant shelling is too much for them: Russian soldiers fleeing the area of Sperber 1's assault.


Lt. Lonn of Sperber 2 orders his men to grab their grenade bundles and attack the BT-7, which is distracted- it's facing the opposite direction, firing on Sperber 1 infantrymen. Lt. Lonn also spots a tankette, which is as well assaulted.


Dammit. ImageShack doesn't provide the images in their original size, and the text can hardly be read. Sorry for that.

Meanwhile, Sperber 1 have completely taken their objective.


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Obeying Lt. Lonn's order, OG Harzer grabs his grenade bundle, leaves the squad with some other riflemen and runs towards the tanks. Normally, he stays with his squad - he knows squad splitting is gamey - but this is a special situation.

As he comes closer to the tank, he realizes this one is different from any BT-7 or T-26 he has seen before:


Shocked by the bang of the tank gun, which is very different from the BT-7's, he drops his grenade bundle!

Meanwhile, Big Bertha spells doom:


Her shells make the earth tremble.


The situation so far:


The enemy infantry is fleeing the field. The only resistance left is the T-34; the tankette remains inactive and reverses in panic. Falke's PSWs spot it and open fire.

Meanwhile, OG Harzer found his grenade bundle. He throws it with striking accuracy.


The grenade bundle bounces off the outer hull, lands next to the tracks and explodes. The left track is ripped off.


The tank crew realize they are immobilized and surrounded. Soon, they bail out.


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With this last source of resistance gone, the battle is won - the Russians surrender.


Hauptmann Werner orders his men to report. This assault might gain him the german cross in gold, as he hopes.


The famous last word goes to Uffz Großpietsch, a Pz II tank commander:


Well, he sais it all. I didn't expect the battle to be that easy- the AI had a bonus after all. If i do an AAR again, i'll try a scenario which might prove a better challenge. I'm an early war fanboy, any suggestions (~1000-1500 pts.) are welcome.

The outcome:


EDIT: Some pictures got lost and i had to re-upload them at ImageShack. Strange.

[ May 03, 2005, 02:07 AM: Message edited by: Krautman ]

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Originally posted by BigDog944:

I love reading AARs. Yours was a nice mix of what happened in the game with a fantasy element of the soldiers talking.

I did not invent that. If you like AARs, you should take a look at this one:


It's by WarHawk, the holy Godfather of AAR writing. Mine is nothing compared to his.

Then there's another by RawRecruit. If WarHawk is the holy Godfather, RawRecruit is his legitimate son:


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