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Biltong's Campaign Rules - Last Lap

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Hi Peter – long time no see ;)

I finally started playing after a few months of doing only PBEM's. The rules are well laid out and aren't too confusing. I love the spreadsheet approach. The premade map approach is excellent.

Thanx smile.gif Love the maps myself… Even got back into doing one myself – due out with the update on Monday. Give it a spin next time the parameters are right

Is anyone using the Python BCR helper…?

The guy you should speak to is Andy Bass - bass-a@attbi.com he coded it and should be able to help you.

I'm going to toss an idea out that people will probably hate, but it does make things easier. I didn't like it in the original Wreck's rules and did a bit of experimentation early on when CMBB came out. One of the most annoying things in the sequence performed to get a new scenario going is having to generate a phony scenario just to get CMBB to generate AUX forces which may or may not match closely to the type of AUX forces that are supposed to be used in the upcoming battle. Why not just make a roll that maps to a rarity factor and then allow the player to freely buy whatever he wants in the 4 families of units??? Speeds things up and usually the results are more or less the same between the two systems.

Claude ‘The Scalpel’ – one of the BCR Team members have been trying to twist my arm to do exactly that. He’s been working on the rules and spreadsheet for some time and it should be nearly ready. I’ve already seen 2 versions of what he did and the last version, was basically there. Give him a mail. I’m sure he would love to hear from a like minded fellow. claudemcdaniel@cox.net ;)

Any plans to take this on into 1942??? A Stalingrad campaign might be quite interesting all on its own.

All the way… tongue.gif Through Stalingrad and all the way back to Berlin. 15 campaigns in all. 5 (years) for each front: North, South and Central. We’re already in the process of researching modifiers for 42 South. The rules are 97% there and to change the modifiers for each year/front is quite easy and fast. Just the research that takes some time, but I have a couple of guys helping me, so it shouldn’t take that long… More than likely done before you have finished 41 South ;)

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but I have a couple of guys helping me, so it shouldn’t take that long… More than likely done before you have finished 41 South
What fronts? Time Periods? Are these guys focusing on? I have access to alot of stuff regarding the period, want me to start 1943 if 1942 is being researched by a whole mob?

Just a thing with large battles in a town. What happens if you take the map in an axis assault on a town and have three more battles to fight in that large town? Going to a different map was not the general idea I felt when I hit this situation. Maybe Large Town battles' instructions will need to be made more clearer. Or it's just me. :D:rolleyes:

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Biltong/Team: I've done a spread sheet indicating what proportion of points an Axis Commander would be able to spend on the various categories IF we selecetd the Force Type as rolled up, rather than leaving it 'Unrestricted' (which of course allows us to buy what we roll up and our Battle Group AFVs). I have mailed the sheet to you all, disregard if not interesetd.

My main concern is that even with the modifiers for the Task Force we still, for instance, get to heavily out gun the Soviets one the basis of the Battle group AFVs alone where we have rolled an Infantry only force for ourselves. In fact it is only in a Combined Arms or Armour force type that the game would give us any AFVs at all!

Not sure how much of a problem it will be. I'll probably monitor the imbalance as my current campaign progresses.

I still wonder whether or not to bin the AFVs from the battle group and just have a inf coy. Or whteher to bin the various Task force rolls. I could then roll up for a number of points to spend on extras, apply modifiers as necessary (to even up the battle) and then just buy what the game will allow using the spreadsheet as a guide to ensure I don't unfairly overspend in a certain situation. I could even use another roll to allow me to spend up to 50%, 75% and 100% on the extras that the game would allow. This would probably require just as many rolls at present but would have the advantage of making Axis Forces fight an infantry battle with infantry. I just had a hard time of a night battle in fog and rain against infantry. The points I rolled allowed quite a bit of extra kit (vehicles and armour) but, with visibility down to 45m it was next to useless. 75% of the AFVs bogged en route! Ordinarily, if not constrained by Task Force parameters I'd have taken primarily infantry and forgone the rest for a couple of good spotters and a fire-prep. I doubt many commanders would have amassed the kind of battle group I was forced to for this mission.

Biltong - re the date. Wouldn't the wording I suggested above do it, perhaps blended with the parameters. I actually don't think it's too confusing now, it's perhaps just the use of 'additional' and similar terms that may confuse. Perhaps we need to make it clear whether players SELECT that week or day following the roll or ADD that number of weeks days. Perhaps bold and capitalise which?

[ January 12, 2003, 11:50 AM: Message edited by: Apache ]

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Quick note on "see what your Battle Group really cost":

In the rules/notes it says "use the scenario editor to see what your Battle Group actually cost" or words to that effect. The scenario editor displays the cost with no regards to rarity. I don't know if that matters or not, just wanted to make sure Biltong knows that.

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Just to test something, as an alternative to the task force points we roll up I've drawn up a rough grid indicating a certain number of points which you roll up which are then added to your core infantry company, this dispenses with AFVs being part of the (old) core and the current task force rules.

Personally, I think I would prefer to have my Force Type actually set in the QB which will then only allow me to spend points on certain categories (e.g. no armour for inf/mech). If anything, the use of the inf coy and core AFVs may be too repetitive/restrictive for my tastes. If I draw an infantry only force mix, that's what I would like to fight. It certainly makes the prospect of facing Guards Armored more daunting! :(

It would work as follows: You use the rules up to and including 27. Then, based on the Axis Force tiype you rolled up, roll again for the number of points to add to the cost of the inf coy core. E.g.:

Inf Mech C/Arms Armour

1 500 500 600 700

2 600 700 700 800

3 700 700 800 900

etc. etc.

9 1250 1500 1500 1500

10 1500 1500 1500 2000

I'm not finished working the numbers through yet, only thought this up today.

I may incorporate the MA rule into this, e.g. anything over 2000 (whatever) total qualifies as an MA and is then subject to my 'and you have got to do x, y or z' rules.

The points are added to the cost of the core inf coy (406 in my case) and the whole lot is modified if Axis Ass, Att or Pr etc.

It is then just a case of picking what you like from the reasonably historically accurate QB shopping list (benefiting from the hard work BTS did). I may use the list of proportions I sent out and perhaps apply modifier rolls to the proportionof points which, for instance, limit the spend on armour to 25% or less once we get to 43/44 etc. (Istill need to check if BTS have already done it though, I don't want to double penalise myself). I see no point in modifying for battle type, BTS have already done it. Whether a random roll for 'You can only spend 25%, 50% or 75%' of what CMBB will allow you to spend on certain catgeories will make it more interesting I'm not sure.

E.g. On an Axis Assault with a Combined Arms Force the game will allow you to spend 24% of the total points you have on armour. Using the above example you would be restricted to 6%, 12% or 18%. Not sure about that bit though.

I then plan to keep track of the various platoons of AFVs I use in much the same way as we do now. If I use the IIIs, I wheel out their scores etc. etc. (the Recon outfit is pretty darn mean!!!, I wouldn't want to face it).

The thing I like about this revised 'system' is that it allows me to use (and restricts me to) the Force type as rolled for, does not give me an unfair advantage against the Soviets (by still getting AFVs when I roll Infantry and Mech), still gives me a core (there will always be at least one rifle company, in the night scenario above it would have been a Bn!), allows flexibility to use a more realistic Battle Group and still (if the latterly described modifiers are applied) throws in a FUBAR factor. To me, it's also a LOT simpler. That IS NOT a criticism by the way. It just doesn't make my brain constantly think 'Somethin' ain't right 'ere'.

Regards all

Apache ;)

[ January 12, 2003, 01:02 PM: Message edited by: Apache ]

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Apache, "your" rules starts looking more and more like "mine". smile.gif Now you have even "overtaken" me with those "you can only use x % of what BFC allows"-rolls. Me likes! smile.gif

But regarding "we always have tank support (our Battle Group panzers), lets take those away"... If we have Pz infantry, shouldn't we have at least some panzers in support? I know, the answer is probably "no", from a historical viewpoint, but I like my panzers... smile.gif I'll see what I will do, I may remove them.

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Originally posted by SuperSulo:

Quick note on "see what your Battle Group really cost":

In the rules/notes it says "use the scenario editor to see what your Battle Group actually cost" or words to that effect. The scenario editor displays the cost with no regards to rarity. I don't know if that matters or not, just wanted to make sure Biltong knows that.

Hi SS,

I didn't know that. Do you mean we should use the QB instead of the SE?

Apache/H Buff

Been busy with family - will get to you guys t'morrow night - 2am here :eek: off to bed



[ January 12, 2003, 06:46 PM: Message edited by: Biltong ]

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Biltong, I'm not sure what I'm saying... smile.gif Using the QB values will lead to higher cost/more russians. You decide. smile.gif

On a slight different note, I think it would be great if you could have "variable rarity" for attached/task force units. With "standard", you tend to get the same units over and over again.

But to have "variable rarity", we have to lose the "Auto QB" and buy all the stuff ourselves, since there is no way of finding out how much a unit cost after the battle has started. But I think you were going to drop the Auto QB anyway? Or did I just dream that? smile.gif

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I like the panzers too, just not when I have rolled an Infantry or Mech only battle. I will send you the latest version of BCR + add-ons that I use. Just for my own purposes I have totally overhauled the Axis Force rule(s). When I get time I'll tidy it all up into a neat package but I'm far too busy on the research right now and, as it's just for me (unless anyone else wants it), there's no rush.

I use the rules almost 'as is' until I get to Axis Force, I even use them up to the point where you start to pick the Task Force. I have however dispensed entirely with the concept of a core infantry company (as we know it) and their 'variety' AFVs. Instead I use Batallion strength for my campaign and I 'OWN', and am resposible for, all of it! smile.gif

Basically I've moved up to brigade level command (I own the Tank Bn too) :D

You will see I actually plan to use two Batallions (not together mind, I choose which one I want to battle with each time I play). One is SS and the other is Heer. They sort of run in parallel throughout. Being at Battallion strength they also get nearly all of the goodies that go with them, tanks, recon companies, AA, AT, Arty, even trucks. There may be the odd unit I will use that is not listed but I will class that as 'seconded', there aren't many I don't account for mind. I will perhaps account for a HEAVY penalty to favour if I loose seconded units, with what I have available it will be rare I need them!

The SS Bn is armoured (and, being SS, the panzers available match them on a platoon basis, i.e. one platoon of tanks per platoon of infantry). The Heer outfit gets assault guns, not tanks (in the main, only Pz divisions fought regularly with tanks AFAIK), and towed arty/AT etc instead of SP. Adds to the variety. I'm fairly busy now just ensuring I get the balance of kit right in each. I am also busy on the list I mentioned before re AFV dispersal (so I am not tempted to list the two medium tank companies in 1941 as having all IVs for instance).

I stress that the kit listed is the kit that is AVAILABLE for me to draw on dependant on what the rules and my Force limiters allow. Having dispensed with the core inf coy I added 400-500 to each figure in the battle size table i originally sent. This ir perhaps wrong and I need to re-do, it will end up in 1,000 point minimums in the main. I will probably set a core battle value (500 points) and roll for points to add, as I originally did, but separating more of the values by 200 or so. If I am playing with my SS and get a daylight assault with I might take 50% of the panzers, 2 infantry companies, 2 assault guns, some recon, a pioneer platoon and arty. On the defence I might use mainly infantry, AT, AA etc.

This way though you REALLY care about ALL of your kit, not just a core coy. I am looking at using easy replacement rolls for tanks etc too. E.g. if a tank get KO you roll to see whether it takes 2, 5, 7, 10, or 15 battles before you get a new one. More you get killed, less you have, maybe for some time :(

I am also looking at simplifying (out of need) the experience calculations we use. It will be heavily based on what we use now but, if I have a Bn of infantry and company of tanks to roll for, plus the other goodies, it will take an age. Having played the rules a lot gives us a good feel for whether the platoon should go up or down a point or more. It will be very much guess-timate I suspect.

I can keep you posted if u like (and anyone else that's interested).

[ January 13, 2003, 02:42 PM: Message edited by: Apache ]

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Originally posted by History Buff:

What fronts? Time Periods? Are these guys focusing on? I have access to alot of stuff regarding the period, want me to start 1943 if 1942 is being researched by a whole mob?

Just a thing with large battles in a town. What happens if you take the map in an axis assault on a town and have three more battles to fight in that large town? Going to a different map was not the general idea I felt when I hit this situation. Maybe Large Town battles' instructions will need to be made more clearer. Or it's just me. :D:rolleyes:

We're working on 42 South now - that's next. Just three of us, so you're most welcome to jump in. I'm still looking for confirmation of weather modifiers for 42.

When did: rain/mud; 1st real cold (-10deg); snow; blizzards; Thaw/mud start & end (or end & start) for the South?

No it's not just you :rolleyes: Large Town/City battles are on the list to be looked at next. I think the best way will be to have predesigned maps for various cities, but obviously this will take some time. The QB's Large Town's realy suck, but we'll just have to use it in the meanwhile.

We first got a pile of maps (over 120 by now) for general battles... The specialised maps such as cities & river crossings are coming in now. Manstein has just finished his first City range - due out tonight/t'morrow - watch the board ;)


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LOL - I would love to see what your rules will look like in a years time. tongue.gif

As for getting rid of the Task Force QB :rolleyes:

Not yet...

The only reason I'm hanging onto the extra QB is to 'force' players to play varied units and not to fall into a rut of choosing the same units over and over again when the choice is theirs.

As for getting rid of rarity: the exception roll is there to cater for that... The rest of the time BCR sticks to history ;)

But you're not the first to mention this...

The Scalpel has been onto me with a fully designed set of rules where you roll up specific units in each category ... I liked this for it still introduced a random, but historically based, factor in the choice of units, but the actual time saving vs. the increase in length of the rules swayed me to stay with what we had.

I find that generating the QB takes me no time at all. You have to fill in the parameters in any case. Then I go to view 8 or 9 click from bottom right to get the FO's; armor and exceptional items. Once you hit the first company CO you can basically ignore the rest... If it takes me 5 minutes it's a lot.

On the other hand - I keep on hearing (more and more lately) that the complexity & length of the rules put players off when they first download it and they never even try it. I'm really loath to add anything to the rules unless it's of exceptional worth.

Enjoy the experimentation and carry on posting what you're up to - it will give other guys ideas and introduce them to the notion that changing BCR to your own tastes is not frowned upon


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Apache, thanks!, I will have a look at it once I get some time (prolly tomorrow). Sounds interesting and not for the weak hearted. smile.gif

Biltong, I don't have a problem with the Auto QB per se, it's just I can't use variable rarity with it. And as for varity in units, I actually think the Auto QB with standard varity leads to less unit-varity for the player than variable rarity with player-purchase. The AI never buys any of the more rare stuff, afaik.

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SuperS - No problem. Sent v1.2 to you today (copied to Biltong too). Like I say, I still have to tidy up a LOT. I want to wait until we get the very last version of the BCR 41 before I tidy that according to my use, I use everything except the portion that relates to Battle group and Task Force.

I thing the rules are good as they are, I just like the batallion size forces I now own and like the historical aspect of picking what a real commander would have picked for the type of mission in hand. That is why I chose SS and Heer, the former being much better off for equipment, especially the tanks and S/P TDs and Arty and the latter relying more on different versions of Stug/Stuh for assault/TD purposes and towed guns. V1.2 has been tidied quite a lot over v1.1, Batallion mixes are still not finisehd though (amongst other things).

BTW - I'm not in any way suggesting that what I'm doing should be considered as amendments to current rules. I merely post this and copy you the rules to keep you, and others interested in developments using a slightly more historical perspective, up to speed with what I'm working on.

[ January 14, 2003, 01:16 PM: Message edited by: Apache ]

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BCR Update v1.6

This is the last update before we announce the Beta phase as complete and launch version 2.0. No date penciled in yet – The Scalpel has the unenviable task of writing the Walkthrough and this is going to take some time. It will be done when it’s done ;)

Most important changes since v1.5:

1. Arty/Air changed so that when you get Air you can also get Arty.

2. Replacement Formula changed so that replacements don’t decrease the units’ experience excessively.

3. Larger Battles catered for.

4. Experience gain for certain units if they cause specified numbers of casualties. See the Battle Group Sheet.

5. To help some players through the winter. A new rule: Winter & Decimated x 3 – skip one month.

6. And a hell of a lot of language/clarification/logic/humor? changes thanx to The Scalpel tongue.gif

Update & Unresolved Issues v1.6

Only one item left :cool:

Create rules to cater for specific battles, e.g.: City, River Crossing etc. These rules are dependent on a series of maps being created, so this might take some time. More than likely only be implemented as updates to ver. 2.

Next: Research 42 South!!

BCR Map Expansion List v1.6 & Map Pack 4

120+ Maps now available!

Get it here:


Download and enjoy


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Originally posted by Apache:

... I just like the batallion size forces I now own and like the historical aspect of picking what a real commander would have picked for the type of mission in hand. That is why I chose SS and Heer, the former being much better off for equipment, especially the tanks and S/P TDs and Arty and the latter relying more on different versions of Stug/Stuh for assault/TD purposes and towed guns. V1.2 has been tidied quite a lot over v1.1, Batallion mixes are still not finisehd though (amongst other things).

BTW - I'm not in any way suggesting that what I'm doing should be considered as amendments to current rules. I merely post this and copy you the rules to keep you, and others interested in developments using a slightly more historical perspective, up to speed with what I'm working on.

Very impressive Apache smile.gif

Guys if you like larger battles, then this is worth looking at.

Great work Apache!


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Originally posted by SuperSulo:

...as for varity in units, I actually think the Auto QB with standard varity leads to less unit-varity for the player than variable rarity with player-purchase. The AI never buys any of the more rare stuff, afaik.

I hope not, but I think you're right :(
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I just started the ROWIII tourney, so haven't played the Camp. in a couple of weeks. Before that I was playing 2 to 3 campaign battles a night. Trying to stick to the core rules and not all the forum mods. With this update thought I might have to start up a new one.

Really I just wanted to say, WOW. This is exactly what CM needed to take it over the top as one of the greatest Social life killers of all time. (is that a good thing? I think so, but then again everyone says I am a little sick in the head :rolleyes: )

Please keep up the great work.

Claude, I was thinking about writing a first battle walk through also. If you want some help just email me, I would love to help.

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I'm right in an armor meeting engagement in a Large Town smile.gif , when I saw something that I didn't think was possible... The AI had bought an airplane for itself! I don't know why, but I thought it NEVER did that. Was quite a shock when I heard its engine. Only lost an a/c and half an tankhunter team though.

Something else:

I've played 12 battles in my campaign, middle of september, and now all my squads, one plt HQ, all tanks, both mg's and the CO are veteran. That sounds ok by me, I've had some tough battles. No way near being crack though. So I think the experience gaining is ok so far. smile.gif

(Granted, I play a slightly different campaign, but I don't think my experience gaining is that far off Biltong's "vanila rules".)

[ January 15, 2003, 01:44 PM: Message edited by: SuperSulo ]

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Originally posted by SuperSulo:

I'm right in an armor meeting engagement in a Large Town smile.gif , when I saw something that I didn't think was possible... The AI had bought an airplane for itself! I don't know why, but I thought it NEVER did that. Was quite a shock when I heard its engine. Only lost an a/c and half an tankhunter team though.

Something else:

I've played 12 battles in my campaign, middle of september, and now all my squads, one plt HQ, all tanks, both mg's and the CO are veteran. That sounds ok by me, I've had some tough battles. No way near being crack though. So I think the experience gaining is ok so far. smile.gif

(Granted, I play a slightly different campaign, but I don't think my experience gaining is that far off Biltong's "vanila rules".)

Realy good news S smile.gif Not the plane - the exp. tongue.gif
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I'm at battle nine and things haven't been going well. I started with a Green Infantry Company and a platoon of StugIIIBs. On my second battle, two turns from the end of the game, I had two full platoons and my last movable tank ready to assault the VL that I've been softening up for the last 10 turns or so. Of course, that was the moment that my air support decides to act and, in their wisdom, they decide to drop their 1000 lb bombs on my last tank. Only four men out of 90 walked away from that one. On the next battle, one of my StugIIIs decides to fire canister right though my own guys. He killed 12 Germans and -no- Soviets.

My last battles were a Meeting Engagement where I decimated some low quality infantry. Next came an immediate attack (no problem, my Aux units covered me). That battle didn't go so well so next comes a Allied Counterattack. I was down three full squads when the replacement roll comes up Green!

Still, it seems that I've destroyed the entire production run of BA-6s. They're everywhere. No real tanks as of yet. Its July 4th, 1941.

I'm using the Editor method. I've not switch to Variable rarity instead of the two-stage Quick Battle. I only buy the NO CHANGE (and maybe a few +10%) things. Also, when a HQ unit gains an experience level, I purchase a new platoon and look at the platoon leaders skills. If he has more than the one I own, I'll randomly roll to increase his skill (I delete the new platoon, its just a randomizer). Also, if the company commander bites it, I will replace him with the First platoon's LT. Using the Scenario Editor allows me to keep the same names on the units. This really helps get the "feel" of commanding individuals. I know that Lt Edelstien's third platoon is capable of any task (thanks to his high Combat and Stealth ratings) or that Stug commander Penner's gunner hits the first time every time. I was glad when Robbe's squad finally made Regular so he didn't have to Run when everyone else was Assaulting ;)


[ January 15, 2003, 06:10 PM: Message edited by: Aaron ]

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I have started collecting parameters for the Campaign ‘42 South’ and I need some generalized information re weather from 1 Jan 1942 to 31 Dec 1942 on the ‘South’ front.

If you have any info, it would be much appreciated. Even if your info is vague or unsubstantiated it could still be used to ‘confirm’ other vague info. :rolleyes:

If you know of any internet-sources, please let me know as well. I’ve spent days going through battle reports, but the weather info is very sketchy.

I need to know when:

Blizzards come to an end

Extreme cold (-20 deg C) came to an end

Snowfalls ended

Snow melted and started causing transport problems

Snow slush dried up

Rains started

Mud started

Mud dried up

Extremely hot weather started

Hot weather ended

Snow started

Extreme cold started

Blizzards started

Much appreciated.


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Sounds like you have a great Campaign going there Aaron. Loved your trials and tribulations AAR :D .... send some more.
When it rains it pours ...

I got Partisans Attacking me at night followed by a Partisan Counter Attack in the rain. It was a slaughter. 1318 russians wounded, 382 killed and 207 captured. All for the cost of 8 german wounded and three killed (most from my attached recon platoon running into a MG on a flanking mission). Those partisans didn't stand a chance. The only way they could have won is if they more guys than I had bullets. The Stug's Canister rounds proved to be clouds of death. Each of the three Stuges had at least 100 kills. After those easy victories, I've got four veteran squads plus two veteran tanks.

I've been doing some numerical analysis on the experience rules. Assuming a squad get +2 XP each battle (average) and only suffers one casualty every other battle (unlikely) and gets Veteran replacements every time (very unlikely), his max experience will be 54. Well below that needed to be Crack. If, by some miracle, the squad can consistantly muster +3 EXP each battle, they will Max out at 73 points but this is extremely unlikely. If the squad getting same +3 each battle are stuck with Regular replacements their max EXP drops to 64. I'm thinking of a couple things. One is allowing a squad to suck up 1 or 2 casualties with no loss is EXP (enough veterans to get the newbie up to speed and keep him from getting them killed). Another would be a roll for each casualty and on a 1-2 he's only lightly wounded and is back in action for the next battle. On a 3-4 he'll be back in one week (not sure how to keep track of that). Or, lastly, each squad keeps track of the highest EXP score it ever had and if its current EXP is lower it gets a +1 exp bonus each battle. The Max EXP value is reset if ever the squad gets Eliminated or if disolved due to Emergency Replacements.

Finally, how are you planning on handling the changes to the Infantry Company's organization that happened in '42?


[ January 17, 2003, 04:37 PM: Message edited by: Aaron ]

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