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Is Anyone working on Hi-Res Buildings?

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We still don't have a complete set of buildings. The small building mods are really nice - fine even, *except for the propoganda posters* (could someone try these without those posters?). Just a personal take on it. But we still have no large building hi-res mods. Is anyone working on this or, if not, would someone undertake modding these buildings? They're the only terrain mod we're really lacking for now.

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Originally posted by Agua:

would someone undertake modding these buildings?

Heck, I would. If it weren't for the fact that I know from experience I'd be looking at six weeks hard work (and I do mean hard work) for just the three tall buildings. Minimum. I actually started one a couple months back, but didn't like what I had so I dumped the WIP.

I'm suffering from CM burnout at the moment, but who knows, I might get bored this summer and maybe do one at a time. No promises, though.

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Juju would be the man to go to for super-duper buildings alright. Otherwise I suspect we haven't seen many building mods because the CMBB buildings already look so cool!

Since the default building are so pretty the only reason to redo the CMBB art is to go for an entirely different 'feel' (like the modders famously did in CMBO), and that means ALL the buildings would have to be tackled for consistency sake, and they'd have to at least look as good as the originals when done. Easy to do in CMBO but a high hurdle to cross in CMBB.

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Originally posted by MikeyD:

the only reason to redo the CMBB art is to go for an entirely different 'feel' and that means ALL the buildings would have to be tackled for consistency sake, and they'd have to at least look as good as the originals when done.

Thanks Mike! But don't you forget Ed's building magic, eh. smile.gif

Concerning the quote above; that's about the reason I only did the 'single' buildings so far.

Still, everytime this building mod thingy comes up I do feel this itch that seems to need scratching...

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Originally posted by jwxspoon:

IIRC the current large buildings we have came from actual photos taken by a beta tester while on a trip in Russia.... these were WW2 era buildings of typical architecture.

I may be totally off base but I seem to remember that.


I remember Dan saying that the models were developed from photographs of period buildings in areas comprising the former USSR.

I'm not suggesting creating some different types of buildings, but compare the stock peasant shacks with the ones available over at the mod database - the results are fantastic.

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Posted by Commisar: I would really like to see a "Germany" or "Berlin" conversion so that the buildings looks more Western European/German. Seeing a peasant hut or a Eastern Orthodox church in May, 1945 in a battle in Germany just doesn't fit."

Good idea. That would be a great CMMOS mod.

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  • 2 months later...
Originally posted by Juju:

Still, everytime this building mod thingy comes up I do feel this itch that seems to need scratching...

Okay, Agua , itch update. smile.gif

I've started scratching the itch a couple of weeks ago, and things are going really well. I have the firm basics for two out of three tall heavy buildings, about which I'm very happy. The third one still in the planning phase.

Object for this 'tall heavy building mod' is to end up with a set of buildings that would feel right at home in Berlin, or any large German city, for that matter. This is working out quite well, too (they should make you happy, Commissar).

I figure I'll need another 10 days to get the summer versions done. Adding snow shouldn't be long, but the damaged versions may take a bit of work.

I may post a preview after I've at least semi-finished the three summer versions.

[ July 11, 2003, 04:48 PM: Message edited by: Juju ]

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