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A Setup, an Angry Face, a Cheery Waffle, and a TNT-SLATHERED BOOT UP YER A$$ MAGGOT!

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Ooooooh! TNT everywhere. Mike_the_working_stiff tried to storm a rubble-strewn flag-bearing building with crack and veteran troops while my regular and green Ruskies stormed at the same time from the opposite side.

End result?

Hey Hans! Wait! You all forgot your asses!!!GRGAGRAGRGARGARGARAG!!!!! :mad: :mad: :mad:

In other news, Bam Joggs and my troops have made first contact. Not personal contact -- just my 82 mm mortar shells of death raining down on his traurige, schwache und laughable Truppen.*

Stinker must still be recovering from his bitch-slapping at the hands of the house in Atlantic City. Some TNT will cure your ills maggot.

Paddington and I are hopefully getting things back on track after an extended sabbatical thanks to my ineptitude.

That is all.

Jas :mad: n

*sad, weak and laughable troops.

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Originally posted by Axe2121:

In other news, Bam Joggs and my troops have made first contact. Not personal contact -- just my 82 mm mortar shells of death raining down on his traurige, schwache und laughable Truppen.*

That is all.

Jas :mad: n

*sad, weak and laughable troops.

Hmmm.. must be from the turn you haven't sent.
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Originally posted by PoppinHobbit:

Do I sense some hostility here? :rolleyes:

Whats with all the yelling? Did I miss something?

What in the hell do you think you are doing posting in here with nothing but the damn rolly eyes.Get a pair and sound off Maggot :mad: This is where the cool kids hang out.We are the anti-peng *shudder*,stay away from that cess pool,junior.However,for you to trully apreciate the wonders of this glorious thread,be a man and challenge someone to a game in here.Then when you only get ONE damn PBEM turn per WEEK :mad: you will begin to understand the anger filled TNT :mad: GAAARRGGGHHHHRRRHHAGGGHGGGRRRAARRRAAHHFGGGHH


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See,Whorland(unbolded to show disrespect)is one of the pengers *shudder*,see how strange they are.I mean come on,anyone who thinks im a moron is clearly screwed up in the head :mad: :mad: Or,if you prefer,anyone who can call someone else a moron,and then refer to others as knights,and kings and crap,and talk like they're in medieval times,they are OFF THEIR ROCKERS .... DING BATS ... SMACK TARDS ...ehh,you get my point, MAGGOTS :mad: :mad:

[ May 10, 2003, 07:28 PM: Message edited by: nevermind ]

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The FURY, the MOLTEN-TNT, the :mad: :mad:


Yep right place.

So Axe2121 is boasting about somefink? I would comment the maple-syrup drinking imbecile is incapable of sending A FECKIN TURN!!

Turns out to the following maggots: Prinz Eugen, Gaywhore Pocketpool, Soddball and Teddy

I think Soddball shook Teddy's coconuts a little too hard, the lad is all rattled. Sends me a mis-numbered turn and then the lil nance has the nerve send an email what's up. I'll tell ya what's up..yer head up yer arse. Dislodge, catch up your learning to count homework and SEND ME A TURN, MAAAAAAAGGGGGOOOOTT

Any maggot still in need of a turn squeak louder.

Almost forgot:

Originally posted by nevermind

im a moron

Yep, maggot. You got that one right.

[ May 10, 2003, 06:42 PM: Message edited by: mike_the_wino ]

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Originally posted by notpossessingamind

Whino Any time...Any place Within reason
Well, maggot, anytime would have been 15 minutes ago if you had bothered to put your email addie in profile. How the feck am I going give you the arse-whooping that a numbskull like you deserves without an email addie?

Reason? Did you just say "Within reason"?!? :mad: :mad: You pustule covered, goat-scrotum what do you think you are gonna get here? Tea and biscuits? Perhaps a nice garden party? HELL NOOOO!!! You are gonna get buckets of TNT flung at that thick-skull of yours. Might knock some sense into ya. :mad:

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Originally posted by mike_the_wino:

So Axe2121 is boasting about somefink? I would comment the maple-syrup drinking imbecile is incapable of sending A FECKIN TURN!!

Grrr!!! I've sent the last turn twice now and I've received two citilink server error messages. Chuck some TNT at 'em please.

GRGARGARGAR!!!! :mad: :mad: :mad:

Jas :mad: n

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Alright. I've just come from the relativity thread on the general forum. :mad:

Physics is cool, but as they say man cannot live on bread alone. I need some molten TNT to make mine a balanced, healthy diet. :mad:

WHO'S UP FOR A MATCH!?! :mad: :mad: :mad:

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Originally posted by mike_the_wino:

I think Soddball shook Teddy's coconuts a little too hard, the lad is all rattled. Sends me a mis-numbered turn and then the lil nance has the nerve send an email what's up. I'll tell ya what's up..yer head up yer arse. Dislodge, catch up your learning to count homework and SEND ME A TURN, MAAAAAAAGGGGGOOOOTT

Actually Soddball has a firm but very gentle touch. Everything was fine and dandy when it left Blighty - must be something to do with the time zones or the fact I'm playing a muppet :mad:

Just batted one back ... so put down the meths, get the popcorn, watch the movie, plan your turn and send it.

Toodle pip,


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Originally posted by Shosties4th:

Alright. I've just come from the relativity thread on the general forum. :mad:

Physics is cool, but as they say man cannot live on bread alone. I need some molten TNT to make mine a balanced, healthy diet. :mad:

WHO'S UP FOR A MATCH!?! :mad: :mad: :mad:

Oh! Oh! Oh! Me! Me! Me!

Finally someone to play Soddball's Inferno. Everyone else got to have fun except me. If you're agreeable, I'll send you the setup. If not, maybe you could recommend a good dressmaker for Snarker, Mike_the_wino, Jim Boggs and MasterGoodale.

Grrrrr and growl and so on. :mad: :mad:

Jas :mad: n

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Hey Keke, how's your noggin this morning? What are the bars like in Finland?

I would imagine you all drink turpentine and gasoline and the dance floor is covered with broken glass just to make things interesting. And if average Finns are tough, I can just imagine the bouncers! :eek: :D

Jas :mad: n

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Originally posted by Dave H:

I'll get my turns out.

You mean like on a bi-monthly basis? Being Mike_the_Wino's wife does not qualify you for a Mother's Day exemption.



No wonder it's so Noisy in here, the level of frustration in getting turns is:

:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

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A happy Mothers' Day to all of yours.

With, of course, the exception of MasterGoodale. We all know he was spawned from the fires of hell and, as such, has no mother.

Oh, and Mike_the_wino may be the result of the union of a goat and a three-toed sloth. So far, DNA tests are inconclusive.

Jas :mad: n

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Originally posted by Keke:

The true identity of nevermind has been revealed:



Ok.....?Granted he is a creepy and sometimes evil man,but is it really all that bad to be me..err him? :D :mad: :mad: I would ask your troops opinions,but they just keep running away :(tongue.gif:D

[ May 11, 2003, 11:35 AM: Message edited by: nevermind ]

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Originally posted by Axe2121

Grrr!!! I've sent the last turn twice now and I've received two citilink server error messages.

Problem solved. Internet settings were clicked on for "Block all incoming messages from mindless, nitwit Canucks, hopped up on Molson and Mary Jane." This shouldn't expose my comp too much risk as the Mary Jane makes you incapable of PLANNING, much less executing, an attack against home computer.

nevermind just sent an email in a piss-poor attempt to start a PBEM. The sackless,sheep-shagger sent me a list of things he didn't want. WTF?!?!? :mad: First he wants "reason" and now conditions. :mad:

Green troops and TNT

I will not chuck TNT

nope, never will me.

I will not chuck it in the fog

nor with tanks that will bog.

I will not chuck it with green Rooskies

nor with those silly Italian floozies.

I will not chuck TNT

nope, never will me.

I will not chuck TNT at night,

that is all too creepy and fills me with fright.

I will not chuck TNT in the snow,

any game with that is a no-go.

I will not chuck TNT

nope, never will me.

Ok, I am done channelling Dr. Seus. Island in the Sun is a fun little bit of daylight for neverhadaspine. Get ready, maggot. :mad:

[ May 11, 2003, 12:24 PM: Message edited by: mike_the_wino ]

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channelling Dr. Seus
I can see i have my work cut out for me :rolleyes:

I will not chuck TNT
I would hope not!Hell i only have one thing capable of actually chucking TNT,what kinnda gay ass scenario is this Whino (MAGGOT )?Its like it was made by some no turn sending,goat porn collecting,smacktard or something :mad: :mad:
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Ass2121 what a load of crap. You have to pose as a CANADIAN to view the site. What is going on in the mad-land to the north? Do they have a respectable, sane-for-the-rest-of-the-world mirror site? I feel so dirty, I posed as a Canuck for what? They don't even let you BUY beer online.

I must go shower now, a moose whizzed on my shoe. Well, it was either a moose or Miss Otawa...it was really dark in there.

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