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A Setup, an Angry Face, a Cheery Waffle, and a TNT-SLATHERED BOOT UP YER A$$ MAGGOT!

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Originally posted by Brigadier:

... you boys are a bunch of LOONS... now get in there and FIGHT!! GGGGHHRR RRRRHHHRR :mad: :mad: :mad:

..this coming from an Aussie git. :rolleyes:

Why not join the cozy padded wall climes we call home?

I'm still looking for someone to play me in Soddball's Inferno.

What say you?

Grrr! Too early to yell yet.

Jas :mad: n

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Hey Axe you maggot I thought I sent you a 2000 point setup not a 3000 point? :mad: Oh well, the more TNT to chuck the merrier (for me). :mad:

Hortlund, let me know if your wussy ass is prepared to compromise on our rematch. Otherwise screw ya. :mad:

Hortlund?? Who's Hortlund? I don't remember being beaten by a Lt. Hortlund? :mad:

Oh, it must have been that one time fluke that happened months ago. No biggie. My Victories ahve extinguished that fire. :mad:

You're all a vile pile of maggot droppings! :mad:

DaveH is afraid of MasterGoodale. He says he needs a few days to setup his furious defense but I think he's just hoping one of us dies first so he doesn't have to fight me. A AR AR R AAR A AAAARARARRRRRR!!! :mad:

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Back from Atlantic City, where the Eeeevil Dealer™ continually flung hot, angry aces to compliment the endless TNT slathered royalty in her hand.

'You're killing me!', says I with eyes rolling and head shaking. 'It's my job', the she-devil from Tropicana stifles the maniacal laugh behind the sadistic, amused eyes. 'And you do it soooo well', I groan, splitting aces only to get a maggot encrusted three and another moldy ace that I can't split. The demon's hand of thirfeckinteen goes "whap, whap" to twenty one...

GrrrgrrgAAAAAAARRRRGHH!!!!!!!!!! :mad: :mad:

I'm back, lighter in the wallet and slinging hot lead your way, maggots.

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Originally posted by MasterGoodale:

Hortlund, let me know if your wussy ass is prepared to compromise on our rematch. Otherwise screw ya.

Well, screw me then... it's take it or leave it.

As I said, I have no problem leaving the score at 1-0.

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Just remember Lt., ONE win is not an overall victory. We lost some battles in WWII, but we still won the war. :mad:

It's the same reason sports teams play each other more than once and basketball playoffs consist of seven games and tennis matches consist of several sets :mad:

In the meantime I'll rack of some victories and fill your cmbb slot with Alpha Centauri. :mad:

Maggot. :mad:

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Okay, as long as we're talking Sig Lines here, may I point out that according to Soddball's sig, that Mike the Wino is his wife.

On the other hand, Mike the Wino's sig says that Soddball is his daddy?

Now I'm not from Texas or Oklahoma or any such place as that, but somehow this smacks of serious inbreeding issues.


Is Mike the Wino both the wife and daughter of Soddball?

If this is correct then it would really clarify a great deal about this thread.

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HA HA HA HA HA HA!!!!! :D I can't stand it!! I can't breathe! :D Let me start over.


Okay, you want the AI's decision whether there is a winner or loser to be final. That's okay with me. Normally I wouldn't care what any or all of you thought (and I use the word loosely), but I guess I'm just in a good mood because it's Friday. :D

Sorry all of you couldn't be here last night. If you've never had the pleasure of hearing civil defense sirens going off because of a tornado warning, you've really missed out on one of life's little pleasures. Last night would have been a perfect time to get all of you maggots out on the golf course. GRRRR!!! :mad: :mad:

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Originally posted by Jim Boggs:

Okay, as long as we're talking Sig Lines here, may I point out that according to Soddball's sig, that Mike the Wino is his wife.

On the other hand, Mike the Wino's sig says that Soddball is his daddy?

Now I'm not from Texas or Oklahoma or any such place as that, but somehow this smacks of serious inbreeding issues.


Is Mike the Wino both the wife and daughter of Soddball?

If this is correct then it would really clarify a great deal about this thread.

I think it's very obvious that mike_the_wino/mike the wino2 has some serious identity issues. Something like Norman Bates, I expect. tongue.gif:D

[ May 09, 2003, 11:34 AM: Message edited by: Dave H ]

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That being said; Axe2121 once our furious battle has concluded I will be gracious enough to match my wits with your feeble intellect in a game of "Inferno" in a lame-ass attempt, by you, to regain your sig.

Home last night for less than 2 hours before sleepy-time. Between feeding myself, washing the wine out of my hair and other nonsense not a spare moment for CMBB. :mad: :mad:

Glad to see Jim-dandy Bogg-boy is arbiter of this whole conundrum...at least he is, occasionally, capable of breathing with his mouth closed. Unlike the rest of you un-evolved, knuckle-dragging throwbacks. :mad:

[ May 09, 2003, 11:40 AM: Message edited by: mike_the_wino ]

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Lt. Whoreland, I propose the following compromise - take it or be a pussy: :mad:

QB - we choose units

2000 pts

Allied Assault

Dry, mid-day, warm, summer 1942

90 day sig loss to loser (unless another ematch takes place to win it back)

Moderate hills and moderate tree coverage

Combined arms

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Lt. Whoreland, I propose the following compromise - take it or be a pussy (like all Lt.s I have ever known): :mad:

QB - we choose units :mad:

2000 pts :mad:

Allied Assault :mad:

Dry, mid-day, warm, summer 1942

90 day sig loss to loser (unless another ematch takes place to win it back)

Moderate hills and moderate tree coverage

Combined arms

small map - 30 turns variable

I know I know. . .you're a pussy. It's ok. My list of bitches will soon overshadow your measily forgotten victory (on a crappy winter map where my one and only big tank got bogged on dry flat ground and I had the not-so-easy task of killing two Tigers and a bunch of panzers as well as 2 large AT guns) :mad:

But that's ok, if you need to claim a play-test scenario victory I understand. All newbies do that.


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Guest konrad
Originally posted by MasterGoodale:


MasterGoddale ,I thought we agree I become one of yours bitches

(not that is something wrong with terror at all)

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Originally posted by Edward Windsor:

Tornadoes? Lightning strikes? Have you got your own personal microclimate or is the government conducting strange experiments in Southern Indiana? I think we should be told.


That's forrinors for you. All forrin and stuff. Even their weather isn't proper weather like we get over here in England, where the history comes from.
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Originally posted by MasterGoodale:

I propose the following compromise - take it or be a pussy (like all Lt.s I have ever known):

For the third time. This is not open for debate, you either accept my conditions or not. Apparently you do not accept the conditions.

Fine. Like I said, I dont have anything to prove.

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Originally posted by Leutnant Hortlund:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Soddball:

Who plays Allies?

You..if you want to dance. I had quite a bit of luck in our last battle, and you've deserved a rematch if you want.

Same conditions as I offered MG. </font>

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If you don't like my thread maggot(s) then get the hell out!! :mad:

This is between me and Lt. Hortlund so go slather yourself up with some of my home brew TNT and sit near a campfire maggot lips!! :mad:

And for whomever said the "winner" gets to choose the rematch scenario parameters you are sadly mistaken! :mad: Not in my world maggots! :mad:

It would be great if we got to choose all of the conditions in our life wouldn't it!!?? :mad:

It's just a sign of a pussy :mad:

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You mean like this pussy?

Originally posted by MasterGoodale:

I will decide what the setup is! The computer will NOT pick my TNT! I WILL!!! :mad: What's the matter afwwaaaaid MasterGoodale has better "TNT-Picking Skills" than you??? :mad: And it will be at least 2000 points. And NO, the Sig will not stay for 6 months - it will stay for 90 days unless the loser wins it back earlier.

[ May 09, 2003, 01:11 PM: Message edited by: Jim Boggs ]

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I'm challenging him there maggot!! :mad: How is that like a pussy? Why should the computer pick the forces BogBoy?? And I will NEVER surrender my sig for 6 months because of 1 win. That's ludicrous :mad:

Send me a setup so you can eat my TNT or "SHUT UP!!!!" :mad: :mad:

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