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A Setup, an Angry Face, a Cheery Waffle, and a TNT-SLATHERED BOOT UP YER A$$ MAGGOT!

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Originally posted by Jim Bob


No, I don’t want to make a rod for own my back – a couple of typos and before you know it every smart arse with a keyboard is giving you a hard time ;)

Originally posted by mikey_the_whiner:

Turn out to Teddy because he is less psychotic than the rest of you.

Mmmm, you’re making me feel all kind of warm and gooey inside, Mikey, and I think I like it … are you chatting me up, you honey tongued smoothie?

All my CMBB turns are out, muppets … they’re hot, they’re fiery and they’re overflowing with TNT goodness :mad:

Chin chin,


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All of Soddball's Whooparse has been delivered to your inboxes.

Goodale!!: Where's my damn turn?

Teddy!!: Stop pretending to be asleep!!

Other hoors so irrelevant I can't remember them!!!: Bitches.

Goodale, I request that you and Axe1781203 play Inferno. Even a SuckMeister General like you has some chance of victory.

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Originally posted by Leutnant Hortlund:

Ok, 1000p QB, meeting engagement, random everything COMPUTER picks the forces.

Winner gets to decide one sentence in loosers sig line to be kept for 6 months.

You want revenge? Here is your chance.

I don't want revenge but I want a piece of that :D I'm stuck at work and I'm cranky :mad:
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ARARRARAR AR AR RA R A R ARRARRRR!!! :mad: There's so many of you maggots crawling around in here I'm stepping on you!! :mad:

WhoreLand you goat-loving dingleberry eating sheep banger! :mad: I will decide what the setup is! The computer will NOT pick my TNT! I WILL!!! :mad: What's the matter afwwaaaaid MasterGoodale has better "TNT-Picking Skills" than you??? :mad: And it will be at least 2000 points. And NO, the Sig will not stay for 6 months - it will stay for 90 days unless the loser wins it back earlier.

Take it or leave it chucker wannabe! :mad:

Soddball, I already sent Assface a setup and it didn't include INFERNO in the title ya maggot. Something tells me it's a fairytale match that Inferno thing. I'll think about pummeling somebody else with it, but this is a serious game and I intend to do some slathering.

Turns are going out over the next 60 minutes ladies so pucker up and hunker down! :mad:

God I hate you all :mad:

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Some posts by MasterGoodale

And NO, the Sig will not stay for 6 months - it will stay for 90 days unless the loser wins it back earlier.

So the Moldy-One hath spoken. All maggots that concur speak up for or against.

and this trite lil bit:

I already sent Assface a setup and it didn't include INFERNO in the title ya maggot. Something tells me it's a fairytale match that Inferno thing.

Oh, hooo-hooooo, heeee-heeeee..*snicker*.

Sure, that's exactly what it is. In fact let's make this our rematch game.

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NastyWoodballs I know I posted this like, hmmm,, a page ago so you have probably forgotten. I AM WORKING!!! And will be all weekend now. F*ing mechanical failures. :mad:

Things allowed at work:

-surfing the internet throughout the day

-drinking; beer and wine ok, scotch out (for some unknown reason)

-emailing friends and family

-posting to the thick-headed likes of you

Things NOT allowed at work:

-playing CMBB

-running around naked


-groping female employees (damnable sexaul harassment laws)

Now you see why I make the big bucks, there is a lot of responsibility here. :D

BTW, you being the giant nonce that you are, sent me 3000 FECKIN POINT PBEM. Force comp was easy but now I have to lay out your destruction in the most fiendish of ways and that takes time that I don't, and won't, have until Sunday or Monday. Happy Mother's Day, biaaaaaatch. :mad:

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Originally posted by MasterGoodale:

Take it or leave it chucker wannabe!

Well, guess what. I'll leave it.

You think this is some negotiation? No way. I've already beaten you once remember. I've got nothing to prove.

This is your one chance to get revenge, pay back, a little bit of pride back. We all remember those buring T-34s and KV-1s in the snow MG...you want a piece of me, you send the setup and agree to the terms. If not...well, then the score will always be

LtH - MG 1-0

[ May 08, 2003, 07:23 PM: Message edited by: Leutnant Hortlund ]

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Originally posted by Leutnant Hortlund:

the score will always be LtH - MG 1-0

In other words you (Lt Hortlund) are undefeated against MGD.

The reciprocal would be that you (MrGoodale) are winless against Hortlund

Therefore, MGD (whom we shall call loser in this little analysis) wishes to both seek redress against Hortlund (whom we shall call winner) and seek to establish the groundrules for the re-match.

This would seem to deny tradition and provoke an unwarrented attempt to regain lost pride and reputation through pure chicanery rather than skill on the battlefield.

I realize that the renowned Dave H has proven that this tactic can sometimes work.

However, the rules of the duel clearly establish that the winner dictate the set-up of the re-match to the loser unless the winner waives the right.

So it has been throughout the ages.

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Originally posted by Jim Boggs:


This would seem to deny tradition and provoke an unwarrented attempt to regain lost pride and reputation through pure chicanery rather than skill on the battlefield.

I realize that the renowned Dave H has proven that this tactic can sometimes work.

However, the rules of the duel clearly establish that the winner dictate the set-up of the re-match to the loser unless the winner waives the right.

So it has been throughout the ages.

Thank you for that kind introduction.

I'd like a clarification on exactly what constitutes a win in these sig line situations. If I score a single point more than my esteemed opponent (the maggot), shouldn't that be considered a Win? It's not a loss. It's certainly not a tie. What else can you call it?

Just because the AI has a variety of results it will call a Draw, don't we always get a score in the AAR? If an NBA game ends after two overtimes with the score 143 to 142, is it a Draw? Unless that score is a tie, isn't it pretty obvious that one player earned more points (me), or gamily rigged the battle to squeeze out the deciding couple of points (Axe, mike the wino2, and other nameless foul maggots). :mad:

So do we ignore the points completely? Oh, here's another storm. Gotta go. :mad:

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Originally posted by Dave H

I'd like a clarification on exactly what constitutes a win in these sig line situations. If I score a single point more than my esteemed opponent (the maggot), shouldn't that be considered a Win? It's not a loss. It's certainly not a tie. What else can you call it?

Dave, Dave, Dave...*shakes head in disbelief*. WTF?!? RTFM, it clearly states that from a tactical situation you may have A) killed more of the enemy or B) held more victory points but that you would be unable to hold that position.

paraphrasing that bit

In TRUE sports (i.e. hockey or football (soccer to us yanks) a tie, or draw if you prefer, is acceptable. Let us use our just finished game as an example. Yes you had a higher score (54-46) but how much damage could you inflict with only 3 PzIV, 2 gun damaged, and a PzIII against my KV-1 and T-34 lining up on your hapless Krauts? And tell how 2 platoons of shocked, out of ammo German troops are going to fare against a coy of Ruskies with the remnants of another coy in support? Squat. That's what. IRL you would have withdrawn or been eliminated. Just as the brave Russians would have pulled back to lick their wounds and regroup for another day.

Going purely on numbers, the sig lines would be changing too frequently. Therefore imposing the win angle makes the difference between a win and a draw that much more important.

As the massed maggots have yet to sound off on which is the better alernative, it would seem that the debate is still open. But I have clearly and definitively stated my position.

I await the results of the un-popular vote.

As an aside, if you recall our first meeting the score was a manly, God-like, over-feckin-whelming, undenialable, arse-whooping to the tune of 79 (me) to 21(you). Whilst your "victory" (PAH!!) was 54-46. You call that a win? Having you been flying your kite in the thunderstorms again? Methinks all that electricity flying about has scrambled your circuits. How could my marvelous, all-consuming, nut-kicking be un-done by your nancy little draw? A FECKING TECHNICALITY!!!! That sh*t may fly with the IRS but not amongst the gaggle of armchair warriors that reside in here. :mad:

The wine hath spoken....gawd I need a beer. :mad:

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I don't care if you had 2 slithering little maggot larvae left and they gaggled up to the one remaining enemy maggot larvae and kicked him in the nads if the game says you win GOD DAMMIT BOY YOU WIN!! :mad: :mad:

MikeTheWhiner is right, as much as I hate to admit it :mad:

But worry not my maggoty little puss sacks you will both suffer crushing, unquestionable defeats to MasterGoodale! :mad:


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Oh, its only Dave H, hmmmm, something not right.....WTF?!?! MAAAAAAAAAAGGGGGGOOOOOOOOOT, WHO GAVE YOU THE WITLESS NOTION THAT YOUR SIG LINE COULD BE CHANGED? :mad: I demand restoration of your sig, no, an update, yes, an update. :mad: You sig line will now read:

"Only a gamey pansy gets a cool sig like this".


"Knowing to quit when you are ahead is damn sight better than I could muster."

Yes, that will satisfy me until you can gather enough juevos to challenge AND win, none of your half-arsed, limp-wristed, sackless, goat-shagging draw sh*t. :mad:

Just because my kind-hearted, helluva-nice-guy, drunk-off-his-arse alter ego gave you a pass, that don't mean crap to me.


[ May 08, 2003, 09:27 PM: Message edited by: mike the wino2 ]

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Good God.

And I beheld when I had opened the first e-mail, and, lo, there was a great earthquake; and the sun became black as sackcloth of hair, and the moon became as blood;

And the stars of heaven fell unto the earth, even as a fig tree casteth her untimely figs, and she is shaken of a mighty wind.

And the heaven departed as a scroll when it is rolled together; and every mountain and island were moved out of their places.

And the kinds of the earth, and the great men, and the rich men, and the chief captains, and the mighty men, and every bondman, and every free man, hid themselves in the dens and in the rocks of the mountains;

And MasterGoodale sent a 3,000-point setup.

Jas :mad: n

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Wow, all tired out now. It's like I was channeling the unholy, evil spirit of some ancient daemon or sumfink.

What really makes me happy is A) people agree with me, and B) it pains them. That's a win/ win in my book.

( editted to add: Personally Dave I like the "knowing when to quit when you are ahead" one. :D Or shoulds I russle up the tidbit about you asking for mike_the_wino2 for sig line verification?)

[ May 08, 2003, 10:29 PM: Message edited by: mike_the_wino ]

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My dear Wino

The final score of your game with Dave H is:


As a result of your tangled bit of skullduggery, the sig line in question was placed by someone other than your current self.

As the kindly MrGoodale has pointed out, your other identity has not responded to Dave H's challenge and the time limit on the sig line has expired.

Now if you two want to really resolve this friendly dispute, then:


[edit-Only this time, agree on the victory conditions before starting.]

[ May 08, 2003, 11:40 PM: Message edited by: Jim Boggs ]

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Originally posted by Soddball:

Teddy!!: Stop pretending to be asleep!!

I'm desperately trying to catch up on a little shut-eye, but this thread is giving me nightmares. Hopefully your men can expect another mortar-delivered package of TNT this evening...

Much as it pains me to agree with anyone who has a multiple personality disorder, I feel the Mikeys are correct in their analysis of the situation - surely we don't want snivelling "points" victories; we want glorious, heroic, do-or-die efforts with burning wrecks, smouldering ruins and tragic human sacrifice?

Apocalyptic Teddy

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For what it's worth - and that's an awful lot - I agree with Teddy and Boxing Helena-theWino.

Points victories suck goat.

I propose that a victory is only a victory if you get the word 'victory' in the final scory panel.

If it says 54/46 DRAW then that, in my mighty and shiny opinion with moistened soles, smacks not of victory but of suckage, and it seems most unfair to lose a sig primarily because of your opponent's suckage.

Sigs are too valuable to be lost to mere draws. Sigs have honour, they have power, they have elan, they say something vital about who we are and what we believe in. To have some evil abomination in one's sig simply because of a draw is profoundly wrong.

I am also going to campaign for the return of the Sig length to 500 characters instead of the weasely 256 it is now. I had to trim all of my favourite links out of my Sig to fit my humiliating defeats in. :mad: redface.gif :mad:

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