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A couple of ?'s - Please -

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First of all, I am new to this board and would like to thank you all for the enlightening and entertaining discussions I have been reading over the past few weeks.

I have found out alot of usefull information, and I am sure that there is plenty more to gather.

So to my points: (As this seems the easiest way to start)

1. Got a few uniform packs, but the never show up in my game. After visiting MDorosh's site I see that the game has multiple sets of german uniforms, so it would appear that I need to DL all or most of them. (To allow the new ones to be seen regardless of year or scenario) Correct?

Likewise, some of the sets have winter uniforms in the initial zip, but then I see winter uni's zip files too for some of the sets. What do I do in this case? Which are the most current versions, or are they alternatives.

2. Terrain: I DL'd a terrain mod by DD that comes in two zips, but doesn't give any photo or what not. What is it's story, and how is it?

Likewise, I DL's Gunslingers True Color mod 4, that I found in another thread. it is huge 251 megs. What is that one all about? I must have missed the ealier thread.

I have decided I really like JUJU's and Tanks A Lot's work, especially the terrain and buildings, but the tree in particular are a b it confusing, can anyone shed a little light on the differences and when to use them (Do I have to swap them out each time depending on the season?)

3. Vehicles: I like the Dunkle Grey mods that GM has available for CMMOS, but I am not really sold on the software yet. (No offense) On my monitor 1600x1200 the Svinirik (Spelling) icons are way off the edge of the screen,etc.

Too, many of the mods I am currently most interested in are not compatible. So how does one go about selecting? Do you need to choose a mod for each and every vehicle that you wish to alter? Who provides sets of similarly painted and kitted vehicles, vehicles, etc.

That ought to get the ball rolling, I wll update this thread as I run into other questions.

Thanks to all who reply, and to those who make this possible BFC, the modders, and the webmasters and forum moderators. You guys have certainly made this game come alive and have cost me every available free hour since I obtained this awesome game.

MFOS - Mouth Full of Spiders


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Originally posted by MFOS:

I have decided I really like JUJU's and Tanks A Lot's work, especially the terrain and buildings, but the tree in particular are a b it confusing, can anyone shed a little light on the differences and when to use them (Do I have to swap them out each time depending on the season?)

MFOS - Mouth Full of Spiders


Thanks. Glad you like my work. smile.gif

My two tree mods replace all the trees used in the game. You don't need to swap anything out, they know when to show up.

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Originally posted by MFOS:

3. Vehicles: I like the Dunkle Grey mods that GM has available for CMMOS, but I am not really sold on the software yet. (No offense) On my monitor 1600x1200 the Svinirik (Spelling) icons are way off the edge of the screen,etc.

you easily (though tediously) de-cmmos all mods by renaming each file. Just delete everything but the numbers in the filename (i.e. 32143_www.bmp becomes 32143.bmp).

(I use dos batch files to rename them all in one swoop)

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Hello. (Wow ... Nice to meet ya)

Uhmm ... I have 8 tree mods by you. You mention 2.

Fall scattered tree and tree bases (2)

CMBB tree (1)

summer scattered tree and bases(2)

winter scattered trees and bases (2)

Winter trees (1)

If the 2 you are talking about are the CMBB tree and Winter Trees ... do I need the bases also or are they imncluded.

Where the others primarily for BO?

Thanks and sorry to be a pest. I am just very curious.

MFOS - Mouth Full of spiders

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Originally posted by MFOS:

Hello. (Wow ... Nice to meet ya)

Uhmm ... I have 8 tree mods by you. You mention 2.

Fall scattered tree and tree bases (2)

CMBB tree (1)

summer scattered tree and bases(2)

winter scattered trees and bases (2)

Winter trees (1)

If the 2 you are talking about are the CMBB tree and Winter Trees ... do I need the bases also or are they imncluded.

Where the others primarily for BO?

Thanks and sorry to be a pest. I am just very curious.

MFOS - Mouth Full of spiders

Sorry I wasn't clear. (modding does that to me sometimes).

I did mean CMBB trees and Winter Trees are the actual trees. All the tree bases and scattered tree mods are the ground underneath the trees. They are not included with the tree mods, but you've already downloaded them separately. You don't have to use them all together. Use whatever ones you like. They were designed for CMBB, but some of them will work in CMBO. Hope that helps.

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Hello and thank you for the reply.

Any chance you could send me the batch file?

That sounds really usefull.

I was considering trying to do a "find and replace" type of thing, but that might be a little tricky.

MFOS - Mouth Full of Spiders


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