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The early war fanboy club

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regarding gameplay, the good thing about early war engagements is the fact that the astonishing amount of combat engineers used to be seen in h2h battles

shouldn't be de rigeur with the humble commander any more. these troops weren't trained and equipped to do the shooting on the frontline but to desttroy pillboxes, bridge rivers, lay or search for mines etc. the germans eg used them as regular infantry only in case of emergency. they were regarded as being trained specialists and thus far too valuable to waste in a everyday firefight.

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My name is Sequoia and I admit I am a early war fanboy. I admit I am powerless over my early war fanboydom and that my life is unmanageable.

Think of it. For the first time you could shoot at Norwegians and Dutchmen! How can anyone resist such a thing?

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Oh, Lordy, you've prompted me to finally register and comment. (By the way, people, thanks to all of you for the years of entertaining and educational commentary on CM*.)

Let me add my enthusiastic support to any trend toward early war scenarios. As an ex-PanzerBlitz addict (recovered, until CMBO came along) I was fascinated with the CMBO engine (what realism!) but it was the advent of CMBB that really hooked me. BT-7s! Pz Kpfw II as a serious threat on the battlefield! Oh, the excitement! It must be the fascination of the more "up close and personal" aspect of the thinner armor, smaller gun, stronger relative strength of infantry weapons that makes it so exciting for me. And the swarms of inexpensive tanks one can buy. (Maybe I'm just cheap.)

I positively drool over the prospect of having France, 1940 available in the next iteration of CM. More Spanish Civil War scenarios; oh, yes, please! A good model of Khalkhin-gol! Dare I hope for the inclusion of the Russo-Polish fighting ca. 1920? I will continue to dream.

As it has already been said: early war, a contest to the end. Late war--if you've lost your armor, game over. I love it when the ATR teams are a decisive factor! Solidarity with the revolution in early war scenarios!

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Early war? Hell yeah!

I love the early war. Nothing is more fun than a slugfest of T-26s vs. PzIIs. I am always amazed at how many holes you can punch in those things. This is about the only time the tank platoon commanders moral bonus comes into play. Mid to late -- the tank crews never freak out and panic or rout. It is funny to see tank crews drive around and do their own version of the "dance of death." Yes... it is also fun to use ATRs as a legitimate tank menace.

Here's a scenario I did featuring about 100 Russian tin cans. It's an op... but if you are not into ops, you can just play the first one or two battles. To be played as Germans. Starts off with some Pzr IIIs advancing against a storm of tin cans. Sorry -- I added some T-34s later in the op. :mad: ehehe.

Combined Arms, South to Kiev

Here is another good one I played recently (George Mc's). Not many tanks, but I remember it as a down to the wire battle. I drove a Pz II through the woods and attacked two T-26s from the side at about 30 to 40m... and lived!

TBP No. 2 Point Platoon

(These are at the proving grounds. George's might be at TSD, but mine is not.)

Anyone ever see an old Clark Gable film... set in China I guess around 1941. He sets up an ambush of a small column of Chinese tin cans on a mountain road. Being a CM junkie... I've always wondered what type of tanks they were. If it was Hollywood, they could be anyones. They didn't look familiar. Don't know the name of the flick.

Keep plugging away!

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Guest ExplodingMonkey

ATRs rock. I like using them even in mid war scenarios. Nothing makes your opponent feel the pain like an immobile kill on his only STuG from an ATR team!

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I'm currently playing (PBEM)

"Ghosts of Napoleon" which is

a 10-battle assault op set July

1941,as the Germans try to cross

the Berezina.

It is a classic Matchbox Tank

Battle...in the forest.

as the Sovs,you get the lot:

T38's, T40's, BT's of all types...

all the T-26 series...and mostly

Green and Conscript, making it

even crazier...

Turns out the Sdkfz 223 is one

of the giants of the battlefield...

Highly recommended (so far-I'm in

Battle #2).

I believe I got it from the Scenario

Depot, but I can email to anyone who

wants it.

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I not only like playing early war battles, but I take it one step further by playing something different then german versus russian all the time.

And that is playing the different axis minor countries versus the russians at least 50% of the time, throughout the war.

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Ooops! Bad wordplay on my part up above:

"In CMAK I like the looks of the early Brit stuff but I do miss not having a decent HE round."

What I mean was I miss HAVING a decent HE round. As an early Brit in CMAK I can't miss NOT having a HE round because NOT having the round is exactly what I've got!

That should clarify things ;)

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  • 3 years later...

The water jacketed U.S. .50 caliber MG, most often seen in Pearl Harbor footage, was originally conceived as a dual purpose weapon: antitank and antiaircraft. I've seen the rollout newsreel.











If you want to see a mix of the early war and mid war stuff in action, play Trappenjagd. Very hairy, and the Panzer II features prominently. Hard to hit and a nasty autocannon!

End Spoiler


John Kettler

[ June 02, 2008, 03:35 AM: Message edited by: John Kettler ]

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Originally posted by konstantine:

Bump. Looking for more early war CMBB scenario recommendations.

Over at the depot I have a number of early war, especially 1940 French vs German plus a 22 scenario campaign (1st Panzer Division)
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Welcome aboard! If you like Khalkin Gol, then I believe you'll find this of interest. I own it in printed form and found it a wonderful read. Lots of juicy CM chrome!

Nomonhan: Japanese-Soviet Tactical Combat in 1939


Offhand, I see no reason why something pretty good couldn't be done using CMBB, with the Italians as the Japanese. The squads are large, both sides (Italians and Japanese) have light mortars, weakly armored AFVs. etc.

Also, a great deal of work has already been done modding CMBB for the Spanish Civil War. Back then, a T-26 was state of the art. Even had a photoelectric gun stabilizer!


John Kettler

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John Kettler,

Thanks for the welcome! :D (What's a few years, in cyberspace?)

The link is brilliant! More good information on the Nomonhan incident than I've seen before; I bookmarked that and am devouring it in manageable bites.

I'm glad this topic was bumped back up -- I'm still most interested in early war fights, and CMBB models that better than anything else. I have seen some of the scenarios on the Spanish Civil War and am really fascinated by them.

konstantine-- once early war scenario that I thought was huge fun is "HSG AM First Clash"; I found it at the Scenario Depot II. It's armor only, Romanians vs. Russians in July, 1941. A bit simplistic, maybe; I was using it as an introductory game with a new CM player. I gave him the Russians with 100% force bonus, so he slaughtered me, but there was lots of shooting and burning tanks at the end. Very enjoyable.

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Hans --

I see your scenarios at the Depot; the ones marked SCW would be Spanish Civil War, of course. Is there any other abbreviation that would denote one of your early war scenarios? (Particularly the French vs. German)

I hate to admit that I'm too lazy to click on each scenario listing to get to the summary -- it's just that you've done so many! (Thanks, by the way, for all the work you've put into making scenarios!)

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Originally posted by Hans:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by konstantine:

Bump. Looking for more early war CMBB scenario recommendations.

Over at the depot I have a number of early war, especially 1940 French vs German plus a 22 scenario campaign (1st Panzer Division) </font>
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