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Biltong's Campaign Rules

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Ok, tracking the HQ bonus sounds interesting but what to you do at the start. Will each HQ start with NO bonus and work from there or should we keep what is in the initial setup and work upward. I think the problem with keeping the initial bonuses is that soon all HQ will have +2 in each area. Maybe only the Co HQ should start with some bonuses and the Plts have to work from nothing.

On a totally other subject I have been working on a Visual J++ program that is about 85% Bilton compatable and will allow you to track experience of induvidual soldier. You also get 30% of all casualties back as "light wounded" within 30 days of their being wounded. I am still testing it and it will change a lot so I make no guarantees about future compatablity. It can be downloaded at


Try it out and let me know what you think. It also goes to the end of the 1942 rules, supports vehicles, Soviet, American and Commonwealth (for CMBO) and Panzer or Recon Units.

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Where to start with HQ abilities: good question.

For my campaign, I rolled a dice for each ability on each HQ: 1-6 gave no bonus for that ability, 7-9 gave +1 and 10 gave +2. In theory, that would give you about +2 in total bonuses for each HQ. As it turned out, I rolled pretty poorly and started with my Co HQ with +2 command, my MG platoon HQ with +2 morale, one squad with +1 morale and the other two squads with nothing. I must say though, that +2 command on my CO HQ has been very handy....

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Could someone possibly give me - or point me to -a step by step explanation of how to work with the editor to keep my HQ's ?

I just can't figure it out.

Several problems I've encountered :

* What about flag placement when you generate the battle map in the editor ?

* Purchase points seem to be different when buying within a QB or buying in the editor. Do you buy in the editor or in the actual battle ?

* I read something about an 'ammo bug' when you use the editor. What does this mean ?

* What are the standard sizes for small, medium, large,... maps ?

Thanks in advance.

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Ok Sgt what I do is get all the battle parameters first. Then I load the editor. I use the same battle "nextbattle" every time so my troops are there already. I make whatever changes I need to the experience of the troops if it went up from the last battle. Then I generate a random map. I redraw the setup zones based on what the actual battle is going to be. I think the zones are set for a meeting engagement so if you are attacking you need to give the enemy much more room.

*I then move the objective flags so that they make sense based on the terrain.

*You need to remimber how many points your troop cost in the editor and suptract this from your total when you import them since they are not counted my the QB.

*I think the ammo bug was fixed with 1.03 but it was your troops you put on the map did not have the ammo level set in the QB generator.

*Sorry I don't know that one.

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I would recommend that if you are using the editor to set up your battles that you use the map packs to provide the maps and flag placements. This means that you have to re-enter your troops each time to set up each scenario, but the maps are really good and provide more tacticaly challenges.

Also, if you are fighting on one of those maps and roll up a counterattack or immediate attack/assault, if there is enough room left on the map you can re-use the map for teh next battle. All you have to do is adjust the deployment zones to suit the result of the last battle, and shift the flags a bit to make them appropriate to the next battle, and off you go. Provides a good feeling of continuity from one battle to the next.

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I find to easy, that after our panzer is taken out (KO, Burning), we get a new one -if all crew members survived - in no time. So, I will use a reparing/replacement rule. Maybe it will be too hard, I don't know, it will be turning out.

So, the rule is (after KO):

-Throw the 10 sided die-

1941. jun-sept: 1-6, you got a new one, if over 6, than nothing

oct-nov: 1-5, you got a new one

dec-jan: 1-4, you got a new one

1942. febr-apr: 1-5, you got a new one

maj-...: 1-6, you got a new one

-at burning: maybe minus 1 point on this rule (1D10 -1)

-if you haven't got back your panzer, you throw after each battle again, first time with 1 plus point (1D10 + 1), after 2 battles with 2 plus point...but it goes not over 9 -> if you throw 10, than the repair crew is a band of green mechanic, or they don't love you smile.gif .

Well, there is one little problem: in Biltaid, you will get the automatic 1 xp, but with this we still can survive smile.gif

[ June 22, 2003, 11:26 AM: Message edited by: uhu ]

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Burned tanks are not returned to service. This is due to the heat of the fire changing the propertys in the steel of the hull and making it much softer. Also all insalation on the wiring is melted so no electrical wire are usable. All rubber inside and out is gone ect ect. If the ammo or fuel explodes then the whole thing is finished anyway. In "Death Traps" Cooper (I think that was his name) states that many tanks could be returned to service with 48 hours after recovery. So one important factor was if the vehicle in an area you still controlled at the end of the game or was it in enemy held territory or no mans land.

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I assume uhu's "-1 for buring tank" modifier is meant to represent the fact you don't reuse a burnt-out one (whereas if it is just plain KO it might be repairable).

Anyway, Biltong already has a rule like this - take a look in BCR South '42, Appendix D. As it says, if you are keen you can port this into BCR 41 without modification (and I have, and have been missing two of my tanks for the last four battles.... smile.gif )

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And now to something completely different...

Nov '41, week 4, day 6. Veteran to crack force. Blizzard, extremely cold. Initial casualty parameter at 50 %. No significant losses, but a perfect 10 die roll to decide for the next battle. Happy christmas! Co HQ crack.

Dec '41, week 4, day 6. Initial casualty parameter at 50 %. No significant losses. Ratio for kills after battle: 52%. Did I mention the weather? Blizzard, extremely cold, of course.

Dec '41, week 4, day 7. Initial casualty parameter at 50 %. No significant losses. Ratio for kills after battle: 49%. Did I mention the weather? Extremely cold, Blizzard - what else.

Jan '42, week 2, day 6. Initial casualty parameter at 50 %. No significant losses. Ratio for kills after battle: 53%. Did I mention the weather? Extremely cold, Blizzard - what else.

Jan '42, week 4, day 7 Reorganized the battle group. Initial casualty parameter at 50 %. No significant losses. Ratio for kills after battle: 52%. Did I mention the weather? You bet!

Jan '42, week 4, day 7. Had to consolidate forces. 2nd plt gone, 3rd plt/3rd squad at 3 strength. Initial casualty parameter at 50 %. No significant losses. Ratio for kills after battle: 52%. Decimated. Favor lost. 2nd plt is all green, Exp of Co HQ dropped to 40something.

Feb '42, week 4, day 7. Did I mention the weather? Overcast - just cool. Initial casualties nevertheheless at 50%. Ammo at 60%, random AI forces. The support Ski Co showed up at Co HQ, 2 plt HQs, 2 squads and a MG. 26 men. Bought two more 2 MMGs and 2 LMGs - one man with an LMG arrived. Glad this ain't my core Coy. Support PzIII (short) plt with 3 tanks, the PzIVf did not make it. 8 A/Cs? Where are the other 5??

My whole core PzIII plt is there, and a Stug. Only a (core) HT made it, no truck or kübel.

Wide open farmland with moderate hills, 2km *1,7 km.

First sight: Double envelopment by AI. Left flank a dozen T34 or valentines, right flank 10 of those.

If I loose the tank battle, I'll loose a plt of grunts-they have no chance of getting out of that valley against those odds.

Thoughts about that regarding the rules:

1.) If the weather was extremely cold and blizzard, the next battle will likely have the same weather. Probability for not-extreme cold and blizzard is too low?

2.) Losing my favor if General Winter decimates my force is pretty annoying. (..."That's war") :mad: Losses in the field were below 5%. :(

3.) If my 2nd plt gets overrun, I'll get a much better plt. If there are men left in it, I'll pay with lower experience. Tempting. :D

Reading the rules, I see that from August till December, the likelihood for Large city battles is 60% or 70% (Map type parameter -5 IIRC). As every city battle takes several days, I guess 80% of all battles fought from 8/42 to 12/42 will take place in cities. A bit much? Guess I will reduce that.

But I am a masochist, so I just love it...



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Thanks Atiff, that's what I ment...(of course, burned out tanks have lower repairment % - which is exactly zero. But they can be also replaced smile.gif .)

Scarhead, nice report from your Kampfgruppe!

Don't think about your low casualties in winter: our Kampfgruppen are the few fightning force, which are very effektive, and good - don't consider to the rest of the army ;)

...and not everbody is so good as some commanders here in the forum: my panzer are (after 13 battle) vet/reg/reg and only half of my companie will be soon veteran, so don't panic about too easy conditions smile.gif


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Originally posted by uhu:

Scarhead, nice report from your Kampfgruppe!

Don't think about your low casualties in winter: our Kampfgruppen are the few fightning force, which are very effektive, and good - don't consider to the rest of the army ;)

...and not everbody is so good as some commanders here in the forum: my panzer are (after 13 battle) vet/reg/reg and only half of my companie will be soon veteran, so don't panic about too easy conditions smile.gif


It took some 50 battles to get some crack troops - it took 10 battles to get rid of them. All crack that is left is a PzIIIj and the crew of the PzII now manning a StuG. Emergency reorganization disbanded the mortars and one squad in each plt... Now all I want is some vet reinforcements after the next battle!



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Question regarding the Bridges of Blood scenario. From the rules it states that the force size is 3000. Now including the attachments my provisional force comes to around 1761 (20% casualties). My understanding is that I am pretty much screwed and will only be allowed to buy up to the numbers I rolled up correct? All the leftover is wasted right? I have heard lots about this battle and I would rather not go into it shorthanded if I can help it.

In the rules it also states the Russians are at 60% casualties? I thought 50% was the max? Little confused on that one too.

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Originally posted by DBaron:

Question regarding the Bridges of Blood scenario. From the rules it states that the force size is 3000. Now including the attachments my provisional force comes to around 1761 (20% casualties). My understanding is that I am pretty much screwed and will only be allowed to buy up to the numbers I rolled up correct? All the leftover is wasted right? I have heard lots about this battle and I would rather not go into it shorthanded if I can help it.

In the rules it also states the Russians are at 60% casualties? I thought 50% was the max? Little confused on that one too.

Could you give some detail about your exact force and calculations? Maybe you have something wrong... Forgot the scenario-specific attachments:

IIRC, your core should be about 650 points (plus attached units), the StuG plts should be another 500- and the pioneers at about 500+, the sIGs about 100-, the 4 or 5 81mm Fos another 400 odd(before casualties). I can't see how you only get 1761 as provisional force size if the scenario specific attachments are worth about 1500 pts alone.

Plus those things you roll up. Really tough if you only get 1700+ points. I rolled 700 arty :) That really saved the stormy day.

Some tips:

I wouldn't go into this battle with to little forces. And remember you don't have to take every flag - crossing one bridge, killing enough and maybe a 2nd flag will win you that battle. So don't rush!

Make damn sure nothing big can hit you while your infantry is on the bridges, and don't go with infantry first - it will die. Probe with armor, lure his assets out by showing small portions of your force and hope he opens up. Units keyholing on the bridge usually can only be eliminated from the bridge. Do this, or smoke them off.

Pray no wreck blocks the bridge, though a single non-moving wreck should be no problem if you set up a waypoint close to it.

Then keyhole on single targets. Only after you killed anything big firing on your armor when on the bridge, load up your StuGs and any HT available with grunts, shell your intended bridgehead and any island near the bridges and race across the bridge. Pray no grunts will disembark on it, as they will block traffic. Avoid traffic jams, plan accordingly: The convoy starts well before the bridge, and it should not have to turn to enter the bridge - there will be a traffic jam (read: target!) at that turn or the convoy will be too strung out.

Just before your convoy arrives, the arty should have stopped shelling and your tanks (not Stugs!) should eliminate any survivors on you intended beachhead. Consider some smoke for your drop zone.

Once there, expand your bridgehead, but use the StuGs as transport for more infantry. Yes, riding grunts are targets - but they are fast targets, and they don't jump from StuGs at full speed. A cowering squad on the bridge is a major traffic hindrance!

Some tips from the Feldjäger department:

You have at least 3 Coy HQs. One at your jump-off point if you can't send a complete plt with the transport, one close to the bridge with the biggest command and morale bonus just in case any grunts panic there and block it. One on the beachhead - if any plt HQ did not make it or if the plt advanced and stragglers follow later.

Shuttle Service will work better if you can use two separate bridges, one for each direction. Only the first wave might use both in one way. If one is blocked by wrecks, this is the one for the empty shuttles.

Read: October bridge is promising...

Some more tips:

If you ave enough smoke, you might try to move your grunts across in full smoke, ignoring the shullte service. I had strong winds, smoke lasts 30secs.

If the enemy ammo slevel is low, it won't fire with MGs or inf on distant tagets.

You can try to let enemy guns run out of ammo...



[ June 30, 2003, 05:47 AM: Message edited by: Scarhead ]

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I don't have my sheets with me, so this is off the top of my head, but it comes to something like this.

673 Core

250 Attachments

200 Infantry

80 Vehicle

125 Armor

80 Arty

(I got low rolls, and only added the +3 for axis assualt :( )

The battlegroup comes to around 1400

The attachments are something like

~1300 (2 engineer companies)

~500 (2 stug B platoons)

~500 (odd assortment of arty)

~50 (2 150mm guns)

total em up you get 3750 for ppt. Modified for casualties (20%) and battle type I get

3750 * (1-.2)/1.72 = 1744 which rounds up to 2000 for the force size.

1000 less then what the rules state my force size should be. True when you go into the game it gives me something like 6000, but thats based off the 3000 I put in, not my actual 2000. Hence my dilemma. Was this the discrepency intended, or my bad luck, or bad math?

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Originally posted by DBaron:

I don't have my sheets with me, so this is off the top of my head, but it comes to something like this.

673 Core

250 Attachments

200 Infantry

80 Vehicle

125 Armor

80 Arty

(I got low rolls, and only added the +3 for axis assualt :( )

The battlegroup comes to around 1400

The attachments are something like

~1300 (2 engineer companies)

~500 (2 stug B platoons)

~500 (odd assortment of arty)

~50 (2 150mm guns)

total em up you get 3750 for ppt. Modified for casualties (20%) and battle type I get

3750 * (1-.2)/1.72 = 1744 which rounds up to 2000 for the force size.

1000 less then what the rules state my force size should be. True when you go into the game it gives me something like 6000, but thats based off the 3000 I put in, not my actual 2000. Hence my dilemma. Was this the discrepency intended, or my bad luck, or bad math?

Bad luck :D

Wasn't the casualties and ammo settings fixed for the battle?

I never calculated what I had total, but those 700 arty came in handy. IIRC inf was spent on a few MGs and 2 20mm FlaK (me gamey bastard) - maneuver element is plentiful. Tanks were a IIIj and two IIc (~200 pts), vehicles were 2 252/1 and 2 A/Cs, so again about 200. That looks like 1300 pts total vs your 480.

Better spend lots of favor on a +3 modifier for each component. That would even up some things. I was pretty glad with what I bought, and in the end I had lots of armor and infantry left, but would have needed some more arty, HTs and MGs. During the shuttle phase, however, I needed every AFV I had.

From hindsight I can tell you that those 40 favor you pay will not matter afterwards :D:D

And yet I considered not to cross the bridges - the score in my long range firefight was high, as I exchanged lots of guns and bunkers for an AC zipping across the riverside drive. IIRC I had achieved a draw at that time.



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Hi Guys

I've got a problem. I've got 4 kids (5, 7, 9 and 11) and I need to spend more and more time with them as they grow older: homework; school activities and “quality time” (mostly playing computer games – :D ) - So I feel I'm starting to neglect BCR. Someone else should be able to do a better job.

Don't one of you guys want to take it over?

It will be a pity if BCR just stagnates. There’s quite a number of guys who are using it and Biltaid has definitely opened it up to a wider audience.

If you have the time and inclination - please e-mail me and give me some idea why you think you’ll be the right one to handle it ;)

How long have you been playing BCR? Do you have access to historical sources? Scenario design experience? etc.

I’ll wait a week or so for replies, choose someone (if there’s more than one) and send all the material that I've accumulated over... You might be able to use some of it.

You’ll want to know: How much effort and Time goes into BCR?

Lately I've spent very little time on BCR.

Maintenance = zero - the rules have settled down - no errors for months now.

Support +- 30 minutes every 2nd day. I leave the newbie questions to be answered by the other guys and just check that they don't give the wrong info and write a letter of thanx every now and then :rolleyes:

Updates to expand the rules into a new year:

+- 16 hours to check all the weather/terrain/main battle etc modifiers that will influence the parameters for the year to come. It will be some time (3 or 4 months - if ever?) before the 1st player gets close to 43.

Once you have the parameters for 43 you still have to do the June 43 unit upgrade, but that is quite fast +- 3 hours?

With each upgrade I also introduce a new appendix or two containing the best suggestions I've received to make the rules more comprehensive, such as the delayed replacement rule. This takes +- an hour or two.

The largest job is the Battle packs, such as Stalingrad - this is many weeks of work, but you don't have to do it. Ideally this should be farmed out and with the Kiev battle pack/map making suggestions you have an example to work from.

So +- 2 hours on support per week and a once off 16 hour stint spread over months to do the parameters for a new year.

Not too much time and quite interesting to do – esp. the research for the battle packs.

I won't just chuck the stuff at you and disappear. I'm not going anywhere tongue.gif So if you need help/advice etc - I'll be there.

Hope someone has enough time.

Thanx to everyone who has contributed through the months to get BCR where it is today.

It’s been fun smile.gif


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Sorry to hear that Biltong, not that it came as a big surprise. ;)

I can't take over the responsability for BCR, for two reasons:

a) I have ZERO knowledge of the russian front (or any other front for that matter), and no books of course.

B) I haven't played for a while, been caught up in two other games that steals all my time... :( Hearts of Iron and Neverwinter Nights.

I can continue hosting the files, np. The URL will probably change soon, if my switch of ISP works out well.

Enjoy your family-time, Biltong, I'm sure both you AND your family has earned it. smile.gif

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Originally posted by SuperSulo:

Sorry to hear that Biltong, not that it came as a big surprise. ;)


Thanx Super - You've been an invaluable help and support through the long months.

Joachim aka Scarhead has already offered his help. I'll make a final descicion by next week-end and hand over.

Hmmm - I better go and look at those games you're playing ;)

Go well Super :D

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But what is with Seahawk???

Seahawk, "are" you still here, or are you maybe on holyday?

I knowless, because I wrote for you a question, wrote for you a mail, but no answer received.

Maybe someone else can help on this:

Biltaid works also in another year of the war?

I made a probe, custom campaign, bougth some units, but there were several causes, why the campaign hasn't started:

1., I wrote several battles in -> End of '41 Campaign

2., (No battles before) -> when I hit the advance button, the program simply quits.

Is it a known issue, or the problem is in my machine? (otherways the program works fine)



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And now for something a little different....

I've been playing BCR for a while (30 battles or so) and wanted to try the Soviets out, so.... I've adapted the basic BCR '41 South v2.3 into a Soviet BCR campaign. Of course, this is not for the faint-hearted; taking on the might of the Wehrmacht in 1941 with nothing but a bunch Conscripts and T-26's is not easy (more like a trial of survival!).

Anyway, I haven't done much except alter the tables and dice modifiers to suit a Soviet-played game (although I have added a section about getting cut off and fighting as Partisans for a few battles before making your way back to friendly territory).

BCR contains a large amount of information, so there is bound to be stuff I have missed, or inconsistencies I haven't come across, but if anyone wants to give it a try then post here or drop me a line (email addy in my profile).

I will do my best to fix up any errors, etc, reported here as they come up (and as my free time allows) and generally provide some support.

(NOTE PLEASE: I don't have the depth of knowledge of many other people involved in BCR so I'm open to suggestions in all things.)


Andrew Tiffany

[ July 13, 2003, 02:43 AM: Message edited by: atiff ]

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