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Biltong's Campaign Rules

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Biltong’s Campaign Rules

Latest versions

41 South v2.3 and 42 South v1.2 – Both Updated on 5 June 2003

Player Guide v2.2

A complete walk-through of the first battle, the more difficult rules explained in some detail and lots of lovely pictures ;)

BiltAid (41 South v2.2 compliant at the moment)

SeaHawk & Sabe have automated nearly all the ‘paperwork' and made BCR accessible to the non-fanatics :rolleyes:

BCR Map Packs with over 220 maps!!

All of the above - Get it here:

SuperSulo's Site

If this is the first time you hear about BCR :confused:

BCR is a set of Campaign rules that enable you to play a series of battles from Barbarossa to Berlin.

BCR 41 & 42 South is the set of Rules covering the months June 41 to December 42 in the Army Group South Theatre of Operations.

Operation Barbarossa erupts on 22 June 1941 and you and your Battle Group storm through the Soviet ranks through the long months of summer in the steppe and the mud and rain of October. You take your men all the way to Rostov, Kharkov and the Crimea before the incredible cold of November halt you in your tracks. Then the Soviet counter attacks start.

You are the commanding officer of a company of German Mechanized Infantry and some armor that you take through the whole CMBB time frame. As you lead your company and armor into Russia most of the parameters of the battles are dictated by historically accurate data, e.g. on the 4th week of October 41 it suddenly turns bitterly cold and the German advance freezes to a halt.

You, your men and armor gain or lose experience throughout the Campaign. You start off with Regular troops, but after a year it becomes obvious that the quality of your replacements are getting worse... How your men grow in experience will depend on how they fare in each battle - how many men did they lose; did they get rattled; did they take out a MG pillbox or maybe even a tank?

You yourself, as the CO, learn and slowly gain or lose Favor with your own commanding officer. If you screw up, you lose favor... Favor that you could have used to avoid launching an Immediate Assault straight after your last battle without even getting reinforcements.

You also get a Task Force to support your Battle Group: Infantry, Support, Vehicles, Armor, Arty or Air, depending on factors such as who assaults or attack who, weather etc.

With designed scenarios you quite often have balanced forces, but with BCR you get the real thing: Sometimes you know who your opponent is; sometimes you are facing unknown odds. Sometimes you have an easy go of it - hammering low on ammo and decimated green Partisans, but later that night you might face a counter-attack from 3 companies of Guards Mech, before you had chance to get reinforcements... You have to think on your feet and learn to retreat when necessary... no more heroic defenses or assaults till the last man!!

Your men's survival is of the utmost importance... even to the extent that you'll rather lose a battle than lose too many men! The objectives still matter - you still want to win, but not at the cost and risk of decimating your men. Here realism rules for the first time.

As a learning tool this is unsurpassed.... You learn to think and act like a real commander... If you think you’ve got your tactics down pat, tongue.gif Think again. You will get into situations that you’ve never encountered before and never will with normal scenarios and QB’s.

BCR is just for yourself - the battle is between yourself and an enemy who grows stronger every year. You will have to become a better commander for you and your men to survive till the end.

If you have any questions - post in this thread and I or one of the old hands will answer you within a day or 2.



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In case you missed it in the previous thread

Update Time

BCR 41 South v2.3 and BCR 42 South v1.2

BCR 41 South v2.3

A few very small changes - mostly text/rule clarification. Hardly worth a download of you've already got v2.2.

Only slightly important change is in the Prisoner section of the Favor Sheet.

If you have been playing BCR 41 South for some time and the rules are clear ;) – Don’t bother downloading the new version. Just make the following changes to the Favor Sheet:

In v2.2 there were two asterixes next to the HQ ** - In the Prisoner’s section of the Favor Sheet with the following clarification at the bottom of the sheet:

These points are per HQ team

This has now changed. The ** has been moved to

Prisoner(s) **

Meaning: all sub-categories:

“1St / Theraft / HQ's"

are now included in the clarification and this now reads: These points are for each individual member of a HQ, squad or team.

However - for the fanatics: There are some extra Appendixes in 42 South that you might want to incorporate into 41. See 'Delayed Replacements' and 'Editor' below.

BCR 42 South v1.2

Battle Group Sheet

Armor need to inflict more casualties to get experience than in 41.

July 42 - Battle Group Upgrade

Your armor puts on weight ;)

Delayed Replacements - for all Non-Infantry Units

Not just armor: Now Guns & Vehicles can also be delayed.

Using the Editor to set Experience and Names for your Battle Group Units

Got tired of waiting for the patch and stuck it in.

All of the above ready and waiting here:

SuperSulo's Site

[ June 05, 2003, 05:07 PM: Message edited by: Biltong ]

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Originally posted by redwolf:

You should probably edit the Subject of the Thread to include a "Part 2" or so, so that people have a chance to assemble the threads later.

Like - me smile.gif when I have some more time.

I checked some time ago and then it was on the 8 or 9th thread already. The 1st couple of threads were short, since there were so many radical changes, but all in all there must be over 3000 posts by now. Doubt if anyone will ever read through them all again. Including myself LOL
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Originally posted by SuperSulo:

I just reached June 42, and our infantry type isn't available any more. The closest to the old one seems to be a Panzergrenadier Company (Motorized) from a Panzergrenadier Battalion (Pz)'42A. It costs 463 pts (Reg), and has the same squads as before, but the platoons no longer have any 50mm mortars, and the MG-section now is a HW-platoon, with 4 MG34's and 2 81mm mortars.

Losing those platoon-mortars is a hard blow, how will I take out those AT-guns now? 81mm mortars are slow!

There are some other company types that still has 50mm platoon-mortars, maybe I should switch to those instead? But 4 HMG's sounds nice... smile.gif

What's the official word, Biltong?

The pzgrenadier company it is, SS. In fact it should make things interesting trying to move the 81's up with your trucks.

The Jager and Normal Inf Co has got 50mm's, but I think it's time to learn how to deploy the 81mm's effectively. Esp on the assault :D

I added the following line at the bottom of Appendix B:

Note that in June 42 you will no longer be able to get your Mororized Inf Company. The company has been restructured into a PzGrenadier (motorized 42A - later:B) Company with 4 x MG's and 2 x 81mm mortars. 472 points on Regular.

As for the Fallscirmjagers - same thing happens in July. Line added:

In July you will no longer be able to purchase the Fallschirmjagers. The company has been restructured into a PzGrenadier (motorized 42A - later:B) Company with 4 x MG's and 2 x 81mm mortars. 472 points on Regular.

[ June 07, 2003, 06:54 AM: Message edited by: Biltong ]

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It costs 472 pts? I saw 463... But I think that was in the scenario editor. Didn't know there was a cost differance between infantry in QB and SE.

Hmmm now that I think about it, it must be the HMG's and 81mm that are more expensive in QB (rarity doesn't effect cost in SE).

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Help! I cannot get Biltaid (latest version) to advance beyond the next battle. Wouldn't you guess I am stuck on 13. I enter the battle results and then I cannot enter data for my infantry. I can move ahead to the tanks and then the final screen. When its all done it goes back to round 13 with the same battle but with the updated favor. Has anybody experienced this? I think I updated to the latest version of Biltaid right before this happened. Is there a problem when updating the version? Help!



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Question regarding the Kiev Battle Maps. When I load the maps (after placing my units in them in the scenario editor), the AI has been placing the bunkers and minefields to locations of its own choosing. The AI choices for placing them are questionable at best. Is this normal, or should I be padlocking them before I load the map to ensure they stay in the same spot (which would ruin the element of suprise though).

Secondly, are the pioneer and STUG guns that are tacked on considered to be part of the battlegroup? Are they subject to the same casualty & ammo modifiers as my own battlegroup?

[ June 10, 2003, 03:26 AM: Message edited by: DBaron ]

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Originally posted by DBaron:

Question regarding the Kiev Battle Maps. When I load the maps (after placing my units in them in the scenario editor), the AI has been placing the bunkers and minefields to locations of its own choosing. The AI choices for placing them are questionable at best. Is this normal, or should I be padlocking them before I load the map to ensure they stay in the same spot (which would ruin the element of suprise though).

Secondly, are the pioneer and STUG guns that are tacked on considered to be part of the battlegroup? Are they subject to the same casualty & ammo modifiers as my own battlegroup?

Well, in my case most bunkers were placed along the riverside. I had to take out almost all forward bunkers to cross October bridge. If it weren't for the 20mm autocannon "feature", it would have been impossible. Then there were bunkers a bit back on the streets, keyholing only the bridges. And then there was that one on the left most little victory flag keyholing October bridge. It was only visible from the bridge. A perfect placement.

BTW: Many guns were in the rear, where it was much harder to call arty as I could not walk my spotters across the bridges. Eveything was riding HTs or StuGs. From turn 24 to 45, I got everything across - except FOs and onboard mortars.

No need to padlock, I was glad I had 2 2cmFlaK to help me doing the trick.



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Originally posted by SuperSulo:

Sadly, padlocking wont help. The AI moves them regardless in a QB.

And yes, the pioneers and STUG's gets the same ammo&casualties as you do. I think. smile.gif Add them during normal QB-"buying", not with the SE.

Yes and yes ;)
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Originally posted by Warren Peace:

I'm having a problem with Biltaid. It seems to work fine but won't print on OS X. Any ideas?


Indeed. If you read from Apple Java 1.4.1 Known issues the reason is there.


The Java Print Service API available in the javax.print.* packages is not functional. This is what BiltAid uses.

If not solved by Apple in the next release (Panther, OS X 10.3) then we will move to Java 2 printing API available in java.awt.print which is fully functional.

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Originally posted by Laffertytig:

this has probably been aked a thousand times. where about can you see the experience of your battle group using billaid?

In the next version ;)

Currently you may access experience on a per unit base whih is what you need to use the CMBB Editor to micromanage units experience.

[ June 11, 2003, 07:20 AM: Message edited by: Seahawk-vfa201 ]

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Originally posted by hobo:

Help! I cannot get Biltaid (latest version) to advance beyond the next battle. Wouldn't you guess I am stuck on 13. I enter the battle results and then I cannot enter data for my infantry. I can move ahead to the tanks and then the final screen. When its all done it goes back to round 13 with the same battle but with the updated favor. Has anybody experienced this? I think I updated to the latest version of Biltaid right before this happened. Is there a problem when updating the version? Help!



Nope, never seen this. you must have somehow a corrupted saved battle. COuld you try re-issuing the values from battle 12 and create a new battle 13
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Originally posted by Laffertytig:

forgive me if im missing something but what do you mean by per unit base. i thought the whole point of billaid was to take away all the paperwork but still have all the rules. whats the point in spending 10-15 minutes typing in all the after battle stats if they dont do anything.


Have you used BiltAid already? Paperwork = ZERO.

You do not need to use the paper sheets at all.

BiltAid does all the calculation based on the AAR. It asks you values, updates your BattleGroup, generates new battle (and readjust units if need), the whole enchilada.

If not BiltAid, you tried enchilada already, did you? :D

[ June 11, 2003, 04:07 PM: Message edited by: Seahawk-vfa201 ]

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Well, I only now know about Biltaid - with that it is really easy to play the Campaign!

But I have few question:

1., How are the casualties handled? I mean, there is no way, to edit the units casualty even not in the editor.

2., After the my 1st battle, I had a platoon com, which suffered 2 casualty (this means, they were 2 men left). But after the "report", I only see a 0/4 platoon in my Battle Group. Why? And how will be this work?

3., How are the experience system rules? Units, which didn't shot anybody, earned also some XP.

Maybe, somebody else asked this questions, but please help me: I'm so excited, that there is this great campaign system - I would go to the next battle smile.gif



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Originally posted by uhu:

Well, I only now know about Biltaid - with that it is really easy to play the Campaign!

But I have few question:

1., How are the casualties handled? I mean, there is no way, to edit the units casualty even not in the editor.

You either get replacements and are at 100%, or fight an immediate attack/counterattack. The latter case allows for consolidating units. If you have a unit that is totally wiped out - move it off map in turn 1.

The principle for immediate attacks/counterattacks is that you have an on-paper strength, ant the actual strength on the field, which during setup is higher than on paper, but in turn 1 should get below that:

You consolidate your units when you get no reinforcements:

Say 1st plt is 2 - 8 - 8 -7 after the first battle. You have a MG with 5 men left as attached units.

So you will have the MG to consolidate your core:

HQ is 2 + 2 (MG) = 4,

1st squad is 8 + 2(MG) = 10

2nd suqad is 8 + (1MG) + 1 from 3rd squad

3rd squad is 7 - 1 (2nd squad) is below 100% so has to leave in turn 1

Attached MG is nil that is below 50% strength, so you lose it forever

Of course you can consolidate across the whole company, but attached units are stripped of personnel and disbanded first

2., After the my 1st battle, I had a platoon com, which suffered 2 casualty (this means, they were 2 men left). But after the "report", I only see a 0/4 platoon in my Battle Group. Why? And how will be this work?

Don't use biltaid. Pen and brain are faster than the keyboard, as I don't have to ALT-TAB.

3., How are the experience system rules? Units, which didn't shot anybody, earned also some XP.

Yes. Units get 1 point for just being there. (if they break, abandon equipment or flee, they loose points. If they have causalties, they usually lose points.)

I suggest you try to figure out most of the rules and then use Biltaid. This way you know what you should avoid and what to do to get a better core.



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Originally posted by Laffertytig:

so where do i see my unit experience levels and how do i imput this info into CM2?

The Readme of BiltAid (within the distribution) should explain that. Anyway, the main panel has at the bottom a split-bar. If you click on it and use it to split the window BiltAid reveals the current status of your Battle Group and attached units.

In CMBB you enter the experience level for every unit in the Editor for your units (where you may also set the ammo level and names, if you want to keep the same names in every battle).

As a general comment: if you know the rules then what BiltAid does will not be a mistery. It simply performs the calculations for you per the rules.

Casualties are takein into account by the rules (hence by BiltAid) to compute experience of the team after the battle. Then the team is fully replenished unless there has been an immediate counetrattack or an emergency reorganization. In that case rules (hence BiltAid) say that you have to reorganize troops so to have fully manned teams. This way some team will have 0 men left (you have not received replacements) hence their number will be 0 men.

This units are to be marched off the map at turn one in order to incur into the moral penalty.

BiltAid is no replacement to *knowing* the rules and *knowing* what should happen, it is a replacement to carrying out all calculations and do the BattleGroup bookkeeping.

In my case - but I am experienced - it takes me less than 5 minutes from the end of a battle to get ready for the next one. I use BiltAid on the laptop so I quickly go in the AAR map through all my units, enter battle results, advance the battle in BiltAid, and generate the next battle parameters.

Then I load the map, buy my Battle Group, modify my units experience in the Editor and start the new battle.

If you like paper and pen and don't mind the time spent there you might disregard BiltAid. If what interests you is fighting the next battle as quickly as possible, knowing that rules computations are carried out for you go with the BiltAid but - again - know the rules first.

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OK. I've been checking this thing on and off for a long time. I got started on a campaign a couple of times but got discouraged by the enormous amounts of time you spend doing the admin. Plus I had a sneaking suspicion that I wasn't playing it correctly anyway, particularly the calculations for the auxiliary force were giving me trouble.

BiltAid wasn't an option at first because my computer skills are below kindergarten level and installing Java and such made me break out in a cold sweat. But whaddaya know, I've gone and got it running !

But whaddaya know, I'm still confused about the auxiliaries. At the bottom of the battle page BiltAid neatly prints the points you can spend. Can you pick freely from all available units ?

Or do you still have to do the dummy battle business ? Is this over and above the points total of your Kampfgruppe ? What if that already consumes all available points in a certain category ?

What is the relevance of the division type mentioned for the Axis ? Is this the one to be used for the auxiliaries ? In the dummy battle ?

In short, there are still a lot of questions once you have that battle sheet in front of you. The only manual I could find deals with the pen-and-paper version of BCR.

If any of you can help to finally get a clueless old fart playing with these rules it would be greatly appreciated.

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Thank you Scarhead for the quick help! (oder: Danke schön, Joachim! smile.gif )

It's always great, that people get answers so fast.

Althrough, I have some other questions smile.gif :

(Sorry, Seahawk-vfa201, I cannot understand the complete ruleset, I understand the words, but the puzzles don't go in one :( )

So, maybe will somebody nice and help me again. Please! smile.gif

1., How exactly works the unit-buying?

My 2nd battle (immediately assault), the core point was 800. I could spend 125p for Inf, 40p for Veh, 125p for Armor and 400p for Artillery. BUT: the force and division type was infantry! So, as I understand, I can't buy any vehicles and armor. Other theme: in this case, at the fake-battle, the AI only bought 2 artillery spotters for less, than 200p.

At the real battle I bought than, what I could take from the list, but there were several hundred points left. Was this ok?

2., I don't get this attached unit thing :( Could somebody clear me, how does this work? Is it also handled in Biltaid?



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