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I'm proud to announce RobO's Quick campaign (ROQC) version 1

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That's not the only one. I'll clean it up.

And there's another cosmetic error: The demotion/promotion comment in the Favor sheet uses the old rank table. You can correct that one yourself in the Tables1 sheet from M51 and down.

So, expect a cosmetic cleanup 1.01e as soon as I get the time. It may not be there before tomorrow. It's cosmetic changes anyway.

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Thank you Robert .... once again a job very well done!

I will try to give some feedback on the mortar kill addition and reinforcement experience crossover as soon as I have time to play some more. By the first look of it, things are a-ok and looking good!

Robert! Your responsiveness and service minded approach shown in this thread and by the new versions popping up, serves you credit.

Thank you!

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Thanks, HawkerT, a bit of praise never hurts redface.gif

Ranks (working properly, I hope) coming up tomorrow if things go well. I have German (Army and SS), Soviet, Finnish and the standard (US) set, and you can turn the national ranks off if they confuse you (e.g. what's a Everstiluutnantti or a Ryadovoj :confused: ). I just hope I got the titles right.

Now, if only I could find time to play this thing myself ;)

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Originally posted by Mad Mac:


Now that CMAK is out, should we expect a campaign mod similar to the one for CMBB?

You're the second one to ask me that. I have plans to ask for help with that in another thread - pronanly this weekend - in the CMAK forum. I haven't got the game yet (ordered yesterday) and I could certainly use some help.

Or are you finally going to get to play for a change?
I hope so. At least until I get CMAK. Been busy with work lately too.
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Beta version 1.01e is out.

It corrects the problems in 1.01d with wrong colours on favor cells in the control sheet as well as some rank promotion stuff - all cosmetic.

There's also the addition of national ranks along with a toggle that allows you to switch them off, and the ability to always fight with your own division instead of a random nationality and division type (as another toggle - I just couldn't resist that change once I learned how to add them toggles :D )

Have fun. As before, I'll appreciate a notice if you decide to use it.

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Master or not the Excel workbook you created is a marvelous tool.

Glad you like the coversheet, it fits perfectly into the clear front cover sleeve of most 3 ring binders.

The screenshot is just from a random QB, my current core force is a platoon of Pzkw IIIe fighting their way through south USSR.

Thanks again.


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Originally posted by misery:


Did you do anything special to transfer your campaign? I've yet to move from 1.00 and was wondering if you have any tips?


It's easy if you're careful. Check this. You need to be extra careful with the block of stuff at the top of the core force sheet - I moved a few things around. Probably best to type that part in instead of copying it.

[ December 07, 2003, 02:17 AM: Message edited by: Robert Olesen ]

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it was quite simple:

1) Finish the actual game in the old excel sheet (1.00) with entering the losses, rolling the dice and clicking the arrow (saving and creating of new file in the old version).

2) Open the newer version of the excel sheet (1.01e in this case) and copy everything in there like the manual says (copy and paste special/values). Be careful with the top of the Control Sheet, because a few lines were added there in the newer version. Copy the data from the Control Sheet up to 'Step 2: Prepare the core force' included. (Edit: Type in the new lines by hand - all the possibilities are written beside the new lines) Copy all the columns content B9 to Jx in the core force sheet too. Don't forget the history sheet of your previous battles, they have to get copied too.

3) Roll the dice on the control sheet in the newer version and keep playing from there on.

Hope I have not forgotten anything now. If so, I am sure the famous Robert O. will step in and correct me :D

Robert, I had the whole weekend off, because my wife went away for a short trip. I hope you know that it is your fault that I am in big trouble on her return, because I have not done anything I was supposed to do. And I don't know if she will accept the excuse that I had to play your campaign in CM for the whole weekend.



[ December 07, 2003, 03:36 AM: Message edited by: Wassermann ]

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Originally posted by Wassermann:

Robert, I had the whole weekend off, because my wife went away for a short trip. I hope you know that it is your fault that I am in big trouble on her return, because I have not done anything I was supposed to do. And I don't know if she will accept the excuse that I had to play your campaign in CM for the whole weekend.



Ahem, let me make this clear once and for all :eek:

I take full responsibility for making ROQC, but not for your decisions and actions based on acquiring ROQC. :D

But I'm happy to hear that I have succeeded in my goals: Making an enjoyable and playable campaign ;)

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Awesome rules set! It destroyed my weekend. I have a quibble though.

I got stuck with a battle in December 41, where i (as the Germans) was ordered to hold against a Soviet assault on the southern front. This was a small map, open woods, rural; the Soviets had +75% handicap, and a combined arms force. I was defending with an infantry force of just two platoons, 2 guns, and some MGs and mortars, with just 40% ammo load (though I spent favor to increase it to 60%). This was a small battle, about 500 points, because my core force is just a Gebirgsjager platoon with some supporting weapons.

Now, we held out for 22 turns (25+ variable) against a Soviet juggernaut of over a dozen AFVs, including a T-34 and a KV-1, as well as supporting infantry and artillery. It was only at the very end, when my CO with a great morale bonus was routed, that my resistance collapsed. I inflicted a lot of casualties, especially considering how much I was outgunned.

But despite the fact that my green/regular forces literally fought to the last man against overwhelming opposition, or almost, I got demoted and lost a lot of favor. This just didn't seem fair. Was this a fluke or was it a correct outcome in your opinion?

Thanks again for all your hard work.


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That's a tough one. And you're not the first to mention it. I think I understand where you're coming from.

I'm inclined to let it stay as it is. Let me explain:

The force unbalance is used to model difficulty. I wish there was a better way of modelling difficulty, but I haven't found any. It you can't handle the difficulty, then perhaps demotion is in order.

The demands from your superior officer don't always have to be reasonable.

Even though I strive for perfection, there's always a balance btw. that and simplicity.

But I'm open for discussion on the issue.

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Well, my Panzer Company is finaly upgraded; new PZ-IVG's (early)! It's may 1942 and finaly i have a decent chance to knock out those pesky KV's and T34 ;) Took me 12 battles, a promotion and another one on the way (+2). Saved 600+ favor from which i spended 512 to pay the new stuff. Just ugraded to the new sheet (1.01e) so can't say yet how it "feels". Set my difficulty on "normal" and the rank as OBerleutnant. Battle 13; no single Pz. on the horizon *sigh* (infantry only enemy). When you have the equipment they don't show up! :D

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Originally posted by Robert Olesen:


That's a tough one. And you're not the first to mention it. I think I understand where you're coming from.

I'm inclined to let it stay as it is. Let me explain:

The force unbalance is used to model difficulty. I wish there was a better way of modelling difficulty, but I haven't found any. It you can't handle the difficulty, then perhaps demotion is in order.

The demands from your superior officer don't always have to be reasonable.

Even though I strive for perfection, there's always a balance btw. that and simplicity.

But I'm open for discussion on the issue.


I understand where you're coming from. I don't mind being thrown into an "impossible" situation - that gives the rules some bite and realism. What concerns me is the way in which the rules handle the outcome after the fact. It's not unreasonable of my "CO" to tell me to hold a piece of ground against great odds. But it does seem peevish of him :mad: to tell me I sucked when, to put it immodestly :rolleyes: , I honestly don't see how a better outcome could have been achieved.

Here's the thing: the force specifier in the QB for the Soviets was random. It turned out to be a heavily armored force (with lots of everything else as well), against which I had a miniscule infantry force and no tanks, defending in open terrain etc. etc. Now it seems plausible for the "CO" to say after the battle, "Wow, that was a stronger force than anticipated, no wonder you got wiped out," and adjust favor accordingly, especially when one considers that the casualties I inflicted meant that the Soviets weren't going any further that day.

In looking back, the only option available to me to preserve my force was to have abandoned the field before annihilation. Some units did rout and retreat off the map, but there was no general retreat order. I would balance this outcome against other outcomes I've had defending against the AI where I've done extremely well in less unfavorable circumstances, because the AI generally does poorly on offense. The system currently handles it by penalizing heavily in the first instance, and rewarding heavily in the second. I wonder if a more balanced approach wouldn't work better, in which you don't get too severely penalized for extreme "no-win" situations, and don't get excessive reward for easy wins.

I think that more extreme rewards/penalities are appropriate where the player is attacking, because the outcome depends less on the AI's eptitude and force handicap.

Just a thought. Thanks again for the great rules.

thor skov

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