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NOWT Tournament - The End !

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Due to personal circumstances and a losing position, i am conceding defeat to SteveS in my game. Thank you Steve for a good game, i think the best man won, and thank you Lou for the organisation, a job that does not get the recognition it deserves. Good luck Steve in the future rounds, i like to think i lost to the tournament winner smile.gif

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and thankyou PJ for being a very gracious opponent, if showing a misplaced optimism about my future chances smile.gif

Interesting game and interesting map. The Axis needed to capture the main flag very early with sufficient strength to adequately dominate the approaches from the Russian side which had very little cover for any infantry movement. You went for it, but unfortunately I had a clear line of fire for most of my support weapons, and it cost you dearly in vehicles. Once I got my infantry up the hill it was always going to be very difficult for you. On balance I think you drew the short end of the straw as far as the map was concerned.

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The first semi-final is ready to roll...

Wesreidau Vs SteveS

...... In an email Steve said he's happy for Wesreidau to take get the choice of side etc .... (and do the setup).


Settings for the Semi's:

Date: Sept 44

Region: North

Time: Dusk

Weather: Cool/Overcast

Turns: 27 (variable)

Battle: QB

Points: 1500

Map: Medium

Type: Town

Trees: Heavy

Hills: Modest

Force selection: 10% Casualties


Armour / Infantry

Quality = MEDIUM


Armour / Infantry

Quality = HIGH


Take your pick - German equipment or Russian Quality !!!

If anybody has any real objections to these setting let me know as soon as possible ... once the first Semi is running they stand !


Hopefully we'll get the second Semi up and running shortly ..... Good luck everybody !

Edited to add the casualty setting !

[ August 20, 2003, 06:39 AM: Message edited by: Lou2000 ]

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  • 4 weeks later...

OK gents, I've been away from the boards for a while due to a few real world issues, but now I want to get the NOWT Semi's rolling and move towards the final.

Hopefully we'll get this all wrapped up and find our winner before everybody dives into CMAK.

CSM HOllis Vs Br Byte

OK I need the results from this game so that one of you can move to the second of the Semi's (against Justin).


Are you still out there and ready, willing and able to fight once we get your opponent lined up ?

Wesreidau Vs SteveS

Can you confirm this Semi-final is up and running OK .... you've got loads of time, just after an update !

Any interest in a similar tournament for CMAK .....NOWT players get first refusal !

Depending on the interest level I may try to work out a slightly different format - maybe try develop the 'team' part a bit more.

I'd want to start it fairly soon after the CMAK release ..... so we have to 'learn' the new units/terrain etc whilst playing the matches

Could be a North African Fun Fest - NAFF tournament :D

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Just to let you know that Firefly and I are still grinding each other into the powdery snow in our ‘those who finished 2nd in the 1st round’ match. There may well be a ‘phone call to the NGC (NOWT Gamey Commission) on this one though as I am currently attempting to hold 2 flags with one Stug!

Count me in for any CMAK tourney and a thumbs-up for an expansion of the team aspect. Ideas for consideration or binning:

Teams rather than individuals go through to the next round (you’d need more than 4 teams I guess).Trust a 1st round loser to think of this one. :D

Each match is divided into four 7 or 8 turn sections (if there are 4 per team) and each player plays one section of each of the 4 matches being played against the opposing team and on each swap to the next game comes up against a different member of the opposition. Does that make sense?????????????

Both these ideas seemed like real winners when I thought of them in the bath the other night.

Thanks for organising NOWT.

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Holien .....I'll reserve you a place ......but only becuase there's nothing worse than seeing a grown man throw a tantrum :D

Nestor .... I like the idea of the whole team going through ... I'll have to have a think about how it could work ... and ideas just email them over. And I'll keep you a spot open for the CMAK one (if we ever get this one finnished !)

SteveS .... Thanks for the update, good to know we have actually got a semi up and running.

Mr Byte / CSM Hollis / Justin5471 .... Can you get in touch. Need to know the result from the Mr Byte/CSM Hollis game and if Justin is still out there waiting !!



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Hi, Lou

just to let you know CSM Hollis won our little encounter (minor victory 60% - 40%)I'm not infront of my PC at the moment (well the real one if you know what I mean) but i will get the result in detail to you tommorrow though I'm supprised CSM hasn't let you know yet?

still well played him it turned out to be a dull affair in the end with no armor left and a lot of open ground to cover...

oh well always NOWT II ;)

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Originally posted by Dr. Juzzy:

Hello, yes, I'm still waiting. I've just got back into CMBB (sort off) after a long time awaywith RL issues.

Any news on the developmwent of the tourney?

I'm trying to get in touch with CSM Hollis, so you can both start your next battle. If I cant get in touch with him then it looks like you'll be in the final.



On second thoughts if I cant get in touch with CMS Hollis then there is no reason why Mr Byte shouldnt go through into the Semi's.

Mr Byte are you able to take CSM's place if we cant get in touch with him ??

I have tired CSM's last known email address with no reply and done a search but he doesnt seem to have posted on the forum for a couple of months. I'll give it a couple more days.


The other Semi-Final has just got up and running.

And I know some of the 'Also ran' battles are still progressing and there seems to be some interest for a similar CMAK event.

[ September 20, 2003, 06:09 AM: Message edited by: Lou2000 ]

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CSM Hollis >>> Please get in touch regarding the next round. If I haven't heard anything by Wednesday (24 Sept) then I'll be moving Mr Byte into the vacant slot in the Semi-final.

I'll have to do this as I've not had replies to emails or seen any posts from CSM for a couple of months

Mr Byte / Dr Juzzy >>> Standby to go using these setting ...........

Settings for the Semi's:

Date: Sept 44

Region: North

Time: Dusk

Weather: Cool/Overcast

Turns: 27 (variable)

Battle: QB Meeting Engagement

Points: 1500

Map: Medium

Type: Town

Trees: Heavy

Hills: Modest

Force selection: 10% Casualties


Armour / Infantry

Quality = MEDIUM


Armour / Infantry

Quality = HIGH


Take your pick - German equipment or Russian troop Quality !!!

Dr Juzzy You get your pick of sides and do the setup. So you have a couple of days to work on your setup before you find out who you'll be up against !


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Aaaarrgggghhh, sorry everyone got my head stuck up my arse recently & forgot all about this.

Lou don't know if you need the full results for last round but I was a 60%/40% winner, 825/542 on points. In what was unfortunately a non too dynamic battle due to the sparsity of cover. I believe there was only 27 KIA total.

Anyway I thank you all for your patience & hope I can make amends with my swift gameplay, though did I mention I have a baby due in 2 weeks....

Just emailed Dr Juzzy so hopefully we'll get sorted soon. Oh please don't throw anything but I've also realised my email address on my profile was incorrect, though its right now(sorry).

[ September 22, 2003, 04:03 PM: Message edited by: CSM Hollis ]

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Originally posted by CSM Hollis:

Aaaarrgggghhh, sorry everyone got my head stuck up my arse recently & forgot all about this.

Lou don't know if you need the full results for last round but I was a 60%/40% winner, 825/542 on points. In what was unfortunately a non too dynamic battle due to the sparsity of cover. I believe there was only 27 KIA total.

Anyway I thank you all for your patience & hope I can make amends with my swift gameplay, though did I mention I have a baby due in 2 weeks....


OK, CSM- First off ..... I'd like to wish you both lots of good luck with the forthcoming birth.

( get some sleep in now, whilst you can :D )

Glad your back with us .... if/when you are ready then the second Semi can get going .... see previous post for the settigs.

I'll have to check previous scores when I get home from work .... but I think its still Dr Juzzy for the setup ... I'll confirm it later.

(unless you just want to go with it).

Also a big thanks or Mr Byte for standing by to play and also for helping get in touch ..... but I guess you now join those of us who tried and failed ;) Still there is always the CMAK tournament (If I get enough interest).

Dr Juzzy ...... you'll still have to fight for that place in the final ;)


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Actually my mistake .... CSM Hollis gets the honour of doing the setup with his 845 points over Dr Juzzy's last game score of 631.

CSM it's over to you ..... take your pick and way you both go !

Can one of you post here ... or email me once the setups have been exchanged and the game is running ... just so I know the state of the current games.

As for a CMAK tournament ...... it looks like there is going to be some interest, so I'll probably run one once we get enough people with the game.

All NOWT players will be offered a place .... plus a few others (relax Holien you're in ;) ) and I'll post/email for other player to join.

I'll also be looking for some input on how to expand the 'Team' element of the tournament, any ideas send me an email.

But that wont be happening until....

A) The NOWT final is complete

B) CMAK gets released :rolleyes:


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