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MasterGoodale's International House O' Waffles, Ale and Maggots

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Let's see what Babelfish can do to mtw's post. :D :mad:

En a materias más importantes, como la semana en dolor de PBEM. Traído le por Preperation H que ayuda al sooth a su fondo dolorido después de conseguirlo golpeado con el pie en varias ocasiones.

AssMonkey#1 está ocultando. Estoy haciendo furtivamente. En cayó algún 75s su posición pero ninguna idea qué lo hizo. El clavar.

Dave H me ha enviado vuelta porque el nong está leyendo una cierta cosa tonta llamada un "libro". ¿Pozo su libro lanza, arroja, lanza o arroja TNT? ¿cEl POZO ÉL? GUSANO

Keke y yo estamos tropezando alrededor de Knieber Dam. So uno dimos a muchacho exploradores los armas de la secundario-ma'quina.

El teddy era sobre todo inútil este fin de semana y no también muchas vueltas para mí este fin de semana.

MasterGoodale es tan molesto en email como él está en este hilo de rosca. Nunca téngame visto una lunk-cabeza tan necia en mi vida entera. Y él es perdidoso por supuesto.

Snarker no es tan malo perdidoso como él hizo el último ir-redondo. Pero sigue siendo temprano así que tendré que ver cómo el malo él está en el extremo.

Mi odio para Soddball continúa tan bien como nuestro juego.

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Axe2121 My e-mail is acting a bit funny so I sent the file again. My 56K didn't like dowlaods a 200MB OFP MOD and sending a 500K turn at the same time.

"Vot, manolga "pwnage" Ga-Vas."

*Here, a large amount of "pwnage" for you.*

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Originally posted by mike_the_wino:

Teddy was mostly useless this weekend and not too many turns for me this weekend.

Maggot, you're almost making me feel guilty for my weekend of beer, barbecues, golf, paddling pools and badminton (as an international man of mystery I have to try my hand at many things) ... if it wasn't for the fact I took a little time out to ensure there was a turn waiting for you in your inbox :mad:

MasterGoodale is obviously too busy pulling his plonker to click "play" and watch the latest movie in our 3,000pt Axis attack :mad:

Dave H is a couple of hundred pages ahead of me in the latest trial of endurance that J K Rowling has inflicted on the literary world. If only unoriginal, badly written drivel was always so handsomely rewarded, as contributers to this "thread" we'd all be able to give up the day jobs. Still, the most recent installment of the boy wizard's adventures do help pass the time while I'm waiting for you maggots to get your acts together, and I will be very upset if my fellow Cheery Waffler reveals the ending :mad:

Axe2121 is maintaining radio silence after I shipped him a scenario for our AAR. He is, of course, a maggot.


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Originally posted by Edward Windsor:

Axe2121 is maintaining radio silence after I shipped him a scenario for our AAR. He is, of course, a maggot.

Eh? Your spy skills are slipping, dear Edward. No such transmission received. Understandable, what with all the jolity of William's birthday and all.

Please send it again. In morse this time, to jasonballantyne@sympatico.ca, if you please.


Jas :mad: n

Edited to add: Battle updates later today. Busy, busy. Big story -- the mayor of Essa Township, in our coverage area, has been arrested for attempted obstruction of justice for allegedly threatening a witness in a jury trial.

Big story in and of itself. Even bigger in the fact said mayor was the deputy mayor up until last year. He had taken over for the former mayor when he resigned for -- wait for it -- being charged with beating his wife.

This is of course Essa, with a proud tradition in politics, including two rival politicians and their families settling their differences on election night a few years ago outside the arena in ways most decidely undemocratic (read, baseball bats). :rolleyes:

[ June 23, 2003, 07:19 AM: Message edited by: Axe2121 ]

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Originally posted by Axe2121:

Eh? Your spy skills are slipping, dear Edward. No such transmission received. Understandable, what with all the jolity of William's birthday and all.

Please send it again. In morse this time, to jasonballantyne@sympatico.ca, if you please.


Jas :mad: n

:mad: :mad: :mad:

I sent it to the hotmail address in your profile, Scoop. I'm too busy fishing olives out of my vodka martinis to go hunting down email accounts.

:mad: :mad: :mad:

You'll have to wait until tomorrow now - I'm "on a mission" tonight.

Teddy :D

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Originally posted by Axe2121:

... Big story -- the mayor of Essa Township, in our coverage area, has been arrested for attempted obstruction of justice for allegedly threatening a witness in a jury trial.

Big story in and of itself. Even bigger in the fact said mayor was the deputy mayor up until last year. He had taken over for the former mayor when he resigned for -- wait for it -- being charged with beating his wife.

This is of course Essa, with a proud tradition in politics, including two rival politicians and their families settling their differences on election night a few years ago outside the arena in ways most decidely undemocratic (read, baseball bats). :rolleyes:

I'm insanely jealous. Our local politics in Jeffersonville has the same kind of "colorful" characters. For example, our current mayor campaigned for office accompanied by his wife of 20 years or so. After he was elected, it came to light that they had divorced years before and neither had bothered to mention that fact. As mayor he quickly proceeded to marry the city attorney, tripling the family's income from the city. :rolleyes:

Soon afterwards, he was sued by his former wife and children. Seems the family had joint ownership of a construction company. He sold the business without informing them, and without splitting the proceeds with them. I believe they settled out of court. :rolleyes:

He had a reputation for asking city council members to leave their meetings to meet him in the parking lot out back. One city council member in particular so irritated the mayor that he made a threat about using an AK-47 on him. Fortunately things never came to that. Sadly, for some reason the mayor was defeated in the primary earlier this year. Afterwards on television he basically bawled out the city residents for not reelecting him, and said now he could make some real money. :rolleyes::rolleyes:

Earth to mike_the_wino: I don't owe you a turn because we are not playing right now. Remember - you won Car Wars 95-5 in a demonstration of the uselessness of armored cars and machine gun-armed halftracks versus tanks. It was the pinnacle of your gaminess. Well, so far anyway. :D

Teddy, I won't give away the ending of the book. I'll allow you to read every single page for yourself. It's obvious that you are enjoying it. Have a good time at William's birthday bash? :D

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Originally posted by DaveH:

Just wanted to briefly report to you illiterates that I am currently up to page 527 of the new Harry Potter novel. Only about 350 pages left!

Originally posted by HRH Edward Windsor:

Dave H is a couple of hundred pages ahead of me in the latest trial of endurance that J K Rowling has inflicted on the literary world

ARGH! Noooo, don't let Potter infiltrate the Waffle zone, is no place safe?! :mad: :mad: :mad: I'm surrounded by all things Potter all day at work (coding the computer game). This is one of my places to get away from it! tongue.gif

In other news I've actually had some time to finish wading my way thru the manual and get a few games in, thought I would start gentle by doing some infantry stuff with Hill 312. Initially got mugged but am learning from my mistakes, soon I'll be chucking TNT like a good 'un (hopefully!) Than I can take DaveH up on his challenge and I'm sure I'll get slaughtered even if we play a small encounter and he takes it easy on me.

In other news Teddy, I see that if that guy who raided young Wills party had been packing more than a bad wig you may well have been crowned King as you were the only member of your family not present. Were you by any chance down in your bunker sending out turns to this rabble?

Oh yeah, have some more :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: for good measure!

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Originally posted by Dave H:

Have a good time at William's birthday bash? :D

By all accounts it was a splendid evening ... until comedy terrorist Soddball staged his little stunt. :mad: :mad: :mad:

Thank goodness security ejected him before he could start his Le Petomane act...


[ June 23, 2003, 11:11 AM: Message edited by: Edward Windsor ]

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Originally posted by Crow:

In other news Teddy, I see that if that guy who raided young Wills party had been packing more than a bad wig you may well have been crowned King as you were the only member of your family not present. Were you by any chance down in your bunker sending out turns to this rabble?

Didn't get an invite ... Chuck and Wills are still sulking after the St Andrew's fiasco :(


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I suspect Teddy has seen the opening scenes of the classic John Goodman movie "King Ralph" and purposely avoids family gatherings. He's waiting for lightning to strike, as it were. I wonder if he used the same contractor as Dick Cheney to provide his "undisclosed secret location". :D

Anyone know for how long Prinz Eugen was called up? I figured it would be a weekend or something, but he's been gone a long time. He's probably lost somewhere in Lapland, living off reindeer meat and longing for the warmth of some molten TNT. :D

Paddington also seems to have disappeared for good. Our first game was lost in the conversion to 1.03, and the set-up I sent to him afterwards hasn't drawn any kind of response. So Paddington, if you're out there somewhere, our game is a non-starter. GRRRR!!! :mad:

Keke, are you thinning the herd of uber-Finns? Suddenly you seem to be the only one left in Cheery Waffle Land. Were you concerned that one of these guys would actually lose a PBEM and shatter the aura of Finn invincibility? :eek:

Crow, good to hear from you again. Sorry to bring up a subject that hits uncomfortably close to work for you. :D

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*mumbles to self*

Herm. Buncha lousy maggots.

*Looks up*

Oh, hello there. I'm Troy McClure. You may remember me from such battles as "Dave H — Where there's smoke, there's T-26s" and "Mike_the_Wino: Tales of a reprobate."


Keke is playing hide and seek with his armored cars as my brave recon forces push forward in The Beginning of the End. I never thought I'd see the day when a Stuart would be a valuable deterrent against movement. Keke must be feeling a little backed up.

Dave H's Hungarians and my Romanians have taken to throwing rocks at each other. The rocks have proved to be more effective than the bullets.

Nippy and I continue to chuck TNT with wild abandon in Cheery Waffle. He keeps chiding me for my lack of tactics. I would argue my choices are right in keeping with a scenario with this wacky a force mix.

Snarker and I are reaching the end of Inferno. I would hate to have to write an AAR for that nightmare. I can't remember having so much fun playing CMBB.

MasterGoodwrench is experiencing technical difficulties. He can't seem to keep his pixeltruppen alive. I'm sure he'll straighten it out soon.

Mike_the_Wino is hoping by boring me to death I won't notice his troops when they finally make an appearance. Death would be preferable to this waiting.

Shosties4th is still lost somewhere in the matrix we refer to as the "real world."

Prinz Eugen has obviously decided to enlist for a 10-year hitch to spend more time in the great outdoors blowing up stuff. He has also fallen in love with a reindeer. Here's to their long-time happiness and joy.

Roger that.

Over and out.

Jas :mad: n

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Crow, good to hear from you again.
Oh I'm still here, lurking and spectating the TNT flying back and forth! Might actually join in one day! :D

Sorry to bring up a subject that hits uncomfortably close to work for you.
Ahh I'm just teasing, the boy Potters not all that bad. ;) We've actually had the lad who plays Harry in the movies visit the office a few times, he loves it in here...!

Edited to add :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: just to keep you all happy!

[ June 23, 2003, 12:13 PM: Message edited by: Crow ]

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Originally posted by Dave H

Earth to mike_the_wino: I don't owe you a turn because we are not playing right now.
Damn. You are smarter than you look, or play...or government tests would indicate. I was hoping to fill the viod between turns from MasterGoodale. You know that time, what do they call it? Oh yea...FECKIN SUMMER. Let me know if you feel like an operation. Something small like 15 battles, 40 turns each. We should still finish before MG loses his next battle.

Originally posted by Axe2121

Mike_the_Wino is hoping by boring me to death I won't notice his troops when they finally make an appearance. Death would be preferable to this waiting.

Wait for it, my pretty. Soon you will have both...the long wait and the death. And its not like I can see diddly squat either. What are those...super-secret, mole troops you got?

All this Harry Potter crap has me yearning for a trip to Vancouver for "Harry Potthead and the Chamber of Reefer". Sounds like a pleasant way to spend a week in August. Hopefully, all the Canadians will be on vacation and out of town. Nasty buggers.

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Nippy and I continue to chuck TNT with wild abandon in Cheery Waffle. He keeps chiding me for my lack of tactics. I would argue my choices are right in keeping with a scenario with this wacky a force mix.

Delusion is such a sad, sad, thing. Lets see:

2 Dead Brummbars

3 Dead HTs

1 Damaged PZIII FT

And I've yet to lose a single tank. Yeah, let's blame the force mix. Rare units always make me charge tanks into dense forests without infantry support. :rolleyes:

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Originally posted by mike_the_wino:

All this Harry Potter crap has me yearning for a trip to Vancouver for "Harry Potthead and the Chamber of Reefer". Sounds like a pleasant way to spend a week in August. Hopefully, all the Canadians will be on vacation and out of town. Nasty buggers.

Why don't you come to Quebec City Sept. 15-19? That's when Paula and I are on our honeymoon.

We can chuck TNT at each other on the Plains of Abraham.

Or at the snooty French waiters.

Or both.

Jas :mad: n

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I realize trying to reason with people from Canada and Alaska is like trying to explain something to particularly dense walruses, but here goes anyway:

Would you guys PLEASE quit posting information about the Cheery Waffle scenario here? Pretty please? With sugar on top?

Anybody who hasn't tried it yet will have it spoiled if you keep talking about it. I've already seen units mentioned here which I haven't seen yet, and they're my units!! Teddy and I are trying to keep our units hidden, which doesn't really help much if we can read the unit mix here in this thread. If you have to talk about your exploits, how about starting a thread in the scenario forum. Please??? :rolleyes:

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Originally posted by Dave H:

Would you guys PLEASE quit posting information about the Cheery Waffle scenario here? Pretty please? With sugar on top?

I'd like to second that emotion, especially as we're obviously playing at a slower pace ... knowing what horrors await doesn't make it any easier to plan the next move - I'm on tactical overload as it is, without having to choose my doom.

Although I'm really going to have to pay more attention to what you maggots post - until Dave pointed it out, it had completely passed me by you were talking about Cheery Waffle.


Edited to add: Did Axe really just ask mike_the_wino to come on his honeymoon?!?!?! :eek:

[ June 23, 2003, 02:00 PM: Message edited by: Edward Windsor ]

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Originally posted by Dave H:

Keke, are you thinning the herd of uber-Finns? Suddenly you seem to be the only one left in Cheery Waffle Land. Were you concerned that one of these guys would actually lose a PBEM and shatter the aura of Finn invincibility? :eek:

How much did it cost you to get Teddy to find this information? Your silence is my reward in our rematch! :mad:
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Originally posted by Axe2121:

Keke is playing hide and seek with his armored cars as my brave recon forces push forward in The Beginning of the End. I never thought I'd see the day when a Stuart would be a valuable deterrent against movement. Keke must be feeling a little backed up.

This is so anal comment about our battle that I better left it untouched. When your enemy is doing something totally stupid, don't interfere with it, you know. :D :mad:
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Originally posted by Edward Windsor:

Edited to add: Did Axe really just ask mike_the_wino to come on his honeymoon?!?!?! :eek:

Puh-lease. :rolleyes:

Paula and I have been living together for the last four years.

Plus, we need a luggage monkey.

Jas :mad: n

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My, my, the monkeys are swinging with wild abandon today in their cage.

Originally posted by Axe2121

Why don't you come to Quebec City Sept. 15-19? That's when Paula and I are on our honeymoon.

We can chuck TNT at each other on the Plains of Abraham.

Or at the snooty French waiters.

Or both.

Jas n

As much as I would enjoy being the guy that shouts out when they ask if anyone objects to the wedding, vacación es verboten during September, October and early November. By which time I am feeling more beat than Snarker. Take me through the end of the year to return my BAC to normal levels.

Speaking of Sparker where has that little monkey run off to?

Originally posted by Dave H

Would you guys PLEASE quit posting information about the Cheery Waffle scenario here? Pretty please? With sugar on top?

I vote to let Dave H and Teddy pummel each other without any outside intervention.

Originally posted by Spymaster Teddy

Edited to add: Did Axe really just ask mike_the_wino to come on his honeymoon?!?!?!
Why not? After my impending crushing defeat of the maggot is complete he will be my wife. :mad:
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