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MasterGoodale's International House O' Waffles, Ale and Maggots

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The scene: A house somewhere in suburban New Hampshire (if such a place truly exists) -- MasterGoodale on his death bed, mold running from every orifice, as the ants move in for the kill.

You think he would at least be kind enough to hit the surrender key before passing on.

Speaking of the afterlife, I now know what hell truly is. Playing "To The Volga" via PBEM against MasterGoodAle on a 486/66 and a 14.4K modem.

P.S. Hey Soddball, I just hit the order phase of turn 7. Just how much paint thinner did you huff when planning out the OOB?

[ June 18, 2003, 11:16 AM: Message edited by: Nippy ]

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Originally posted by Nippy:

Speaking of the afterlife, I now know what hell truly is. Playing "To The Volga" via PBEM against MasterGoodAle on a 486/66 and a 14.4K modem.

That's a joke, right? You're trying to be funny, right?

That Nippy, always the kidder. He should take his material on the road. Yuk, yuk, yuk.

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Originally posted by Edward Windsor:

At the glacial rate MG plays, I've probably got a slot for a smallish CMBB encounter if you're interested in producing an AAR. Maggot.

:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

I call.

Send away, chap. Apologies in advance for the rough treatment against your troops. You know how it is. Damn this war all to hell.


Jas :mad: n

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Originally posted by Axe2121:



Hello, this is Bo, I can't come to the phone right now because I am busy. :mad:

If this is that Axe maggot, just go away and leave me alone. I will not meet you in Ontario for a drink! :mad: :mad:

Don't bother to leave your name or number, cause frankly, Scarlet, I don't give a damn! :mad:


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Teddy's arty goes pop-pop-pop-pop whilst mine goes BOOM-BOOM. His tiny tanks go pop-pop whilst mine go snack-crackle-pop with tankers roasting in an open hatch. Maggot. :mad:

Keke may be an Uber-Finn but he is commanding Ruskies. This may work in my favor in "Knieber Dam". Soddball is the author of this abortion depicting an Axis air drop against a bunch of boy scouts camping in the woods supported by wood elves.

Snarker lost. Nice thing about it is the fact that it was painfully obvious early on so he has had plenty of time to find a scenario for a rematch. I wonder how many games I can play against him before MasterGoodale is forced to surrender? I am betting between four to six. :mad:

As noted before MasterGoodale sucks and doesn't send turns.

In an act that will live in the gamey annals of history, I have returned Dave H's sig line to him for "questionable" force choices in an all armor car duel. Fun game type and I learned which German units are better than others. Kdz 7/4 quad 20mm is a beast. Kdz 10/1 single 20mm is a biatch that gets owned by M17 quad .50 HTs.

Prinz Eugen is out and his defeat has been forestalled by his need to serve his country. His is loss will be a boost to all the beer-swilling, pork-rind-eating Americans. Not that any of them have ever heard of Finland much less possess the cabality to locate it on a map. And yes I would like to "Super Size" that can of Whoop-Ass for the young lad. :mad:

[ June 18, 2003, 03:01 PM: Message edited by: mike_the_wino ]

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Originally posted by mike_the_wino:

In an act that will live in the gamey annals of history, I have returned Dave H's sig line to him for "questionable" force choices in an all armor car duel. Fun game type and I learned which German units are better than others. Kdz 7/4 quad 20mm is a beast. Kdz 10/1 single 20mm is a biatch that gets owned by M17 quad .50 HTs.

Mike, thanks for your most excellent sig line decision. :cool: Now I'll have to take back one or two of the terrible things I've said about you. :D

I think now you owe it to all your "friends" in this thread to tell them exactly what armored cars and halftracks you selected. For the brave Allies I selected about 10 or 15 M-17s, about a dozen M-3 scout cars, and 16 Romanian ACs with 20 mm guns - I can't remember which German AC model it is. Anyway, they certainly got a nasty shock when Mike's armored cars and halftracks came into view. :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:

[ June 18, 2003, 03:23 PM: Message edited by: Dave H ]

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Well, the "self-propelled gun" you kept whining about was in fact the Kdz 7/4 and 10/1 that I previously mentioned. But the choice of a platoon of Flampanzers was a bit too gamey even for me. I guess I shouldn't be rationalizing force comp 1/2 through the second bottle of '01 Chateau wino. It doesn't have a "gun" per se. And its not like the 60m range is a killer but the armor was WAY out of line. Still, a fun game type.

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Originally posted by mike_the_wino:

Well, the "self-propelled gun" you kept whining about was in fact the Kdz 7/4 and 10/1 that I previously mentioned. But the choice of a platoon of Flampanzers was a bit too gamey even for me. I guess I shouldn't be rationalizing force comp 1/2 through the second bottle of '01 Chateau wino. It doesn't have a "gun" per se. And its not like the 60m range is a killer but the armor was WAY out of line. Still, a fun game type.

I should have known wine was involved in this. Fun game is right. I've never seen so many crews running around. Every turn I lose another 5 or 6 vehicles. And do we care? NOOOOOooooo!!!!


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I'm still alive you festering gaggle of ant droppings!! GAGRARGGRGRGRGRGRGRGRRRRRRR!! :mad: Thought you lucked out and I died!? fat chance maggots! :mad: Turns out tonight even if it means strangling the wife skunk nads!! :mad:


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Originally posted by mike_the_wino:

In an act that will live in the gamey annals of history, I have returned Dave H's sig line to him for "questionable" force choices in an all armor car duel.

WTF?!?!?! :mad:

After my spirited, imaginative — nay — brilliant defense of your gaminess?? As your legal counsel I must advise you strenuously against this move.

Jas :mad: n

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Originally posted by MasterGoodale:


Like the cream, I float to the top. And you are not slated to win our game big boy. The best you will do is a lame-arse, limp-wristed, rodent-humping draw you slack-jawed, inbred, mouth-breather. :mad: Less filler and more thriller, Nancy. :mad:
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Sorry Axe2121 your fees preclude me from consulting you, although I will still insult you at will. Like I said, I think that the Flamepanzers were a bit too gamey even for me. Granted I beat Dave H like a rented mule.....AGAIN. But never let it be said that I cheat. Use gamey as hell tactics...yes. Use every concievable trick to beat my opponents...yes. But even I have limits, as blurred as my vision at 1am on a Saturday night but still limits. :mad:

More importantly, it should only take me a game to get back the hapless bureaucrat. :mad:

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Originally posted by MasterGoodale:

Turns out tonight even if it means strangling the wife skunk nads!!

"wife skunk nads"?

Does your wife have skunk nads or do you have skunk nads as your wife? :confused:

More importantly, SEND ME THE FECKING TURN YOU MAGGOT!!! :mad: :mad: :mad:

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Originally posted by MasterGoodale:


I wish to fit in neither with you...or your wife.

I just want you to return a turn so's I can finish whipping your yankee butt with my "gamey tactics".

Your sig is mine...soon.

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Originally posted by MasterGoodale:


Since me, mtw, and Wallybob are beating you senseless, I wonder who are your other 9 opponents...
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Originally posted by Keke:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by MasterGoodale:


Since me, mtw, and Wallybob are beating you senseless, I wonder who are your other 9 opponents... </font>
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Originally posted by Soddball:

I'm one of his opponents, but well, halleluiah, lordy be, I don't have a frigging turn from Goodale.

Do me a favour and put yourself out my misery. Ship me the surrender file. If you want, I'll agree a cease-fire. Just, for god's sakes, end the game. ANYTHING!!!

And this is where the plot becomes apparent to all...

Obviously if you can bore lenakonrad into not sending files you have mounted a brilliant campaign. For the love of all that is holy, lenakonrad was a turn sending fool the likes of which not witnessed since Becket(not bolded cuz he is a forfeiting, too-busy-IRL maggot). In fact, there may not even BE a lenakonrad. It could be a terminal in the monkey exhibit at the LA Zoo. God knows, his tactics reflected a bit more..."primitive" intellect. Add to that he is a member of some un-mentionable other thread and theory grows more plausible.

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